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  1. Sign out of TDM forums, close browser, re-open later, "Huh...I'm still signed in?"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bikerdude


      Its a cookie thats keeping you logged in.

    3. Sotha


      Another visitor! Stay a while; stay forever!

    4. Tarhiel


      We´re like a Shalebridge Cradle: what comes in must never leave :)

  2. Hey guys, anybody like to do a bit of lounging around and general multiplayer stuff on Steam? I know we are all mostly on different time zones but I figured it'd be fun to do some fun bits online.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Epifire


      We seriously need a pinned page with all this info crammed in there or something. I didn't realize anyone actually ran with the whole chatroom thing after we talked about it.

    3. Epifire


      Do you have a link to this, "Biker-room"?

    4. Xarg


      For anyone else curious, https://discord.gg/0pXtSX7AX7mBRin6 should be valid for 24 hours from now.

  3. The Black Parade is coming! http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146501 Woo-hoo!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. demagogue


      I suppose making a campaign as an individual and building for Thief Gold go hand & hand. You need to be pretty obsessed to do either. XD

    3. Epifire


      I'm just very happy to see how much work still goes on with the original Thief games. Good mods = long life after release!

    4. lowenz
    1. SeriousToni


      What? The mysterious saviour is back to make our Thief lives happier again after such a long absence? I can't believe it's true! Wow thanks so much!

    2. demagogue


      He's like our own Game of Thones mystery crow that leads us to secret treasures.

    3. SeriousToni


      Or to an old tree with lots of zombies around.. xD

  4. Is it just me or does the TDM Forums favicon look whack?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SeriousToni


      Yes I was annoyed by that, too!

    3. Epifire


      Glad I wasn't the only one noticing that.

    4. Bikerdude


      Will drop Taaaki a message.

  5. Hi all, me again Now that I've learned how to take screenies on DM (thanks to Aluminumhaste) I wanted to post one that I took but I got an error saying that the image ext that I used was not allowed in these forums, It was .jpg so I changed it to .png and I got the same error again. They're on Photobucket.
  6. Hi, I need to know what the code is to use Spoiler Tags. I am using my tablet and I don't have the options to use anything, like spoiler tags, quote tags, text changes etc. Thanks
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      It's exclusive to games that almost guarantee loss if one player leaves.

    3. OrbWeaver


      Cooperative multiplayer games are fine. It's just the competitive ones that are the problem. Either you get let down by random team-mates, or you're the one letting them down and you get abuse.

    4. Bikerdude


      +1 on coop games, as I recently only discovered this type of gameplay in Dying Light.

  7. I'm wondering if anyone ever checks new posts in the Fan Missions Forums? I've posted 4 questions asking for help for 4 different missions that I can't finish because I"m stuck, and I don't get any help. I posted a question this morning so I don't expect an answer right away for that one. Its frustrating because I would like to finish them. I've read through the posts for each mission and I'm not getting anything from them. If there's someone who could help me I'd really appreciate it. Thanks I guess I'm spoiled from the TTLG forums.
  8. Hello. I have started to work on multiplayer and I'm looking for contributions. After some tweaking now you can set up a server or connect to one. Here's an overview: -I've added a few placeholder GUIs and a Join Game button for the host. I think I can't do much more than that since I don't have the original GUI assets from Doom3 -The player will be able to respawn after death by clicking attack, just like in Doom3. The fadeout effect is quicker than the single player one. Maybe the player should stay in spectate for 10-30 seconds. -Commented out the part about player skins, since I don't need it right now. -Event_GetEntity: if the entity you want to get in a script is named 'player1', the function will redirect you to gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer() -Added back the si_pure cvar for the server/client checksum check: if the cvar is set to 0, players will be able to connect even if their installations don't match. -I haven't worked on the objectives. /Commented out the objectives part. I'm not sure what the server is supposed to do after someone completes all the objectives. Restart the map? Change map and force the client to install another mission, then restart the game and reconnect? -Frob highlighting is done client-side, you can pick up objects but I couldn't get grabbing/lifting to work. -Various band-aid fixes. Here's a list of things that need to be fixed: -Weapons (clientside). They work only for the server host, and I can't quite figure out how the client is supposed to change weapon, since the SelectWeapon function is reserved for the host. -Inventory (clientside) -Flashbombs and flashmines don't spawn in the right place when used. -Lightgem.The AI are blind. -Chat GUI and other GUIs. -Third person animations. People can't see when I'm attacking because the player's torso is stiff. Does the player's worldmodel support the existing NPC animations? If so, most of the work is already done. In any case, we'll need a mantling animation, which could benefit single-player guards too. -Speaking of mantling, client mantling is buggy. The camera animation runs at double the normal speed, and the player is not left hanging on ledges, so the clients often land back where they started unless they keep jumping. -A new server message which tells all players when an objective has been completed. -The player's head is bugged when another client connects. Right now there's not much you can do, besides hosting a jumping/tap-dancing competition or roaming together around a map (without AIs). You can use 'say <message>' to chat. Here's the code. I have included only the files I've changed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/16j3mlkwprthsin/multiplayertest.zip?dl=0 I have also included an executable and DLL for windows in the zip. I recommend you to back up your old ones, because the new ones were compiled with vs2013 which has a few weird bugs. This was based off the latest official source(2.03). Maybe we could set up a branch, or add this directly to the main branch. Thanks to SteveL for some tips. IMPORTANT: the client's installed FM must be the same as the server's, otherwise the client will keep trying to restart the game endlessly trying to find it.
  9. Hi guys, through the "cheats" topic I got the idea, that it would be quite useful, if there were tags for missions (the post was about removing the killing restriction in some missions to suit the prefered play style). I don't know how easy or difficult this is, but with them, it would be quite convenient to pick missions with playstyles, environment, etc one does want to use. This could also be expanded to other mission properties. I remember a discussion about climbable drains, handles on doors, that cannot be picked and other things the map author chooses for himself. That way these things would be clearer and as I said before, it is easier to choose missions with playstyles that suit oneself. What do think?
    1. nbohr1more


      I've got a little drool thing going on now... Sperry is one of those authors.

    2. Bikerdude


      Exactly..!! He is the one who inspired the Like's of Melan and Skacky!

  10. Google mobile is on the forums online user lists (in addition to google)... never seen that before

    1. nbohr1more


      He's a pretty cool guy. You ask him to find stuff and he'll usually turn up the goods. A little nosy though...

  11. I'm sure the idea has occurred in someone's mind before, and it's certainly made me curious: Has a multiplayer mode ever been considered? Obviously I'm not talking about DeathMatch, and players using bows and swords to frag each other and score... there are enough FPS projects designed for that purpose. I'm thinking of multiple players partaking in the same mission on a server. The most obvious way is a coop mod, where any player can join the mission and play it as usual (no attacking each other). When a player completes an objective, the objective is marked as completed for everyone. Players can form groups and go for different objectives to complete the mission faster. I believe this would automatically work for all existing missions. An alternative mode, which is what I think would make the effort worth it, are players being able to join different sides: When entering the server, each player is asked what role they wish to play. Each role changes where the player spawns, what objectives they have, and who their enemies and allies are (among both players and AI). For example, a mission can contain the two roles "thief" and "guard": Players who join the thief team spawn outside of a house which they must enter and rob, and will be attacked by both guard AI's and guard players. Players who join the guard team instead will spawn in the house and be friends with guard AI's, while their objective is to find and kill all players in the thief team. I imagine this would require greater coding and refractoring some existing mechanics though. Obviously there would be limitations and concerns to playing online. The most obvious is that saving and loading would no longer be possible, and once a player is dead they must be turned into a floating spectator. Another issue is that unlike FPS games, TDM would be more prone to trolling in an online environment. For example, if there's an objective which requires you to not kill someone, a troublemaker can do so and end the game for all players. Some players might also feel like killing everyone in sight, making others who prefer stealth feel that the game is being ruined.
  12. Personally I think this is the worst idea ever. The Reason forums has LOADS of info and knowledge, built up through years and years. I'm really sad to see it go away, and I can't understand why they've made this decision. https://www.propellerheads.se/forum/showthread.php?p=1579099#poststop
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