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  1. Finally got it, thanks! I think when I played it two years ago I must have given up halfway. Must say this was very fun overall: Mapping and a few other things could have used improvements, but the story and dynamic was very nice. I take it the cutscenes are pre-recorded video? Didn't realize you can play those mid-FM, interesting in case I ever need to! For some reason though the video lagged a lot... wonder if we should open an investigation in another thread for any such bug.
  2. So v3.4 has all the stuff from v3.2 & v3.3 Once I install v3.4 and activate it, I don't need the others and can delete them. OR, I can simply inactivate them but keep them, while activating v3.4 to give it a trial run. If, for whatever reason, I want to inactivate v3.4 and return to any of the earlier versions, it's a simple matter of swapping. That's how I'm understanding this.
  3. Strange: I thought I finished this FM long ago but it seems not. I saw there's a part two so I decided to play it again and refresh myself. For some reason thought I'm completely stuck.
  4. I just found this thread on ttlg listing Immersive Sims: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151176
  5. Recently revisiting the forums after a longer period of time I wanted to check the unread content. I don't know if I am doing this wrong since.. ever... but on mobile (visiting the unread content page on my smartphone) you have to click on that tiny speech bubble to go to the most recent post in a thread. If you don't click correctly you'll hit the headline and end up at post 1 in the beginning of the thread. It's terrible on mobile, since not only the speech bubble is really small and was to miss. But also the thread headline is just millimeters away from it so you go right to the first post that was ever made instead of the most recent ones. Am I doing it wrong? I just want to go through u read content a d the to the newest post from that topic.
  6. A@datiswous Ah yeah, well sorry, I was quiet busy and only visiting discord. First time here on the forums since months now I think.. Thank you for the subtitles. I encourage everyone who is interested in using them to download it from here as I'm not sure when I'll be able to implement them myself into the mission. Again, thank you for your work.
  7. A reminder: Was playing with graphics settings again and r_shadowMapCullFront seems to give me an extra 10 FPS! Is there still a reason why it wouldn't be on by default for everyone? r_shadowMapAlphaTested doesn't seem to have any performance impact for me. Was it needed to get shadows from surfaces with alpha channels, like having trees with leafs cast shadows? Then again those don't work since I think they're still "noshadows" by default... wonder if alpha materials could be given a special mode to support shadow with it.
  8. Hope I'm not being too off-topic for this thread, but I was playing a lovely new FM and something I saw reminded me of another reason why I hate MSAA apart from bad performance: It doesn't even always do the job right, including (but not limited to) to fixing pixel-sharp patterns on textures. Zoomed in for a close look and to catch a good example, see at full res. Seems to be the bumpmap in this case. Possibly caused by the texture being so high-res it surpasses the screen resolution so there's no blurring any more? I set MSAA to 4x and it didn't affect it. Which makes sense since I'm sure it only handles geometry and has no concept of textures. It would further be great if we had an alternative form of AA, which weren't just cheaper than MSAA but also handled sharp pixels on textures including alpha edges alongside geometry edges: Right now I think we have no fix to that grain.
  9. @datiswous, I suspect this is possible if rather tedious for signs or 1-page broadsheets. You could arrange that the frob calls a script, and the script causes the player/narrator to say a custom .ogg file. That file would be just silence, of the same length as the desired subtitle duration for the translated text (or at least within 5 seconds of it, then using the duration extension methods). Alternatively, the narrator could actually "read aloud" the text. The complexity of the .gui for books is rather daunting, but maybe you could tie into page-turning events. I don't think you'd want to recommend this approach for general book translation throughout an FM. If for no other reason, making the .ogg files would be a pain. Also, it doesn't seem to me to extend to more than one subtitle language. I could imagine that, with engine changes, books could be made into first-class speakers (i.e., as if AIs), so you could optionally hear as well as read a book, and in any event see the subtitle in any language of the player's choice for which a translation is available.
  10. Ok I got it working. The reason is that it's explained wrong in the wiki. The wiki example says this: subtitles fm_briefing { verbosity story srt "fromVideo video/briefing/briefing.mp4" "video/briefing/briefing.srt" } and But it should actually state the video briefing material, instead of briefing video file. Correct? It must be, because now it works correctly, also in The hare in the snare.
  11. Simple reason to avoid local shadowing parallel light of any kind: And this is fully within one area. When walls, areas and portals appear, things get worse.
  12. Of course, it is one of the reasons for the decline of online forums, since the advent of mobile phones. Forums on a mobile are a pain in the ass, but on the other hand, for certain things there are no real alternatives to forums, social networks cannot be with their sequential threads, where it is almost impossible to retrieve answers to a question that is asked. has done days ago. For devs for internal communication, the only thing offered is a collaborative app, such as System D (not to be confused with systemd). FOSS, free and anonymous registration, access further members only by invitation, full encrypted and private. https://www.system-d.org
  13. I think that a Social Network, like Discord, or much better Mastodon, Lemmy or another from the Fediverse is fine to promote TDM or chat with the user, but not for game related or developement issues, for the reason which @thebigh mencioned, for this the Forum is insustituible.
  14. Ignoring is somewhat inadequate as you still see other members engaging in a discussion with the problematic user, and as Wellingtoncrab says such discussions displace all other content within that channel. Moderation is also imperfect as being unpleasant to engage with is not in itself banworthy, so there is nothing more to do if such people return to their old behaviour after a moderator had a talk with them, except live with it or move away. I'd be more willing to deal with it if it felt like there were more on-topic discussion, i.e. thoughts about recently played fan missions or mappers showcasing their progress, rather than a stream of consciousness about a meta topic that may or not have to do with TDM. I guess the forums already serve the desired purpose, or they just compartmentalise discussions better.
  15. I am most definitely still working on the FM. I do not plan on giving up, considering it is a personal passion project. I would assume the layout is 75% complete. I'm slightly deviating with other FM's I'm working on (Vertigo), to keep me from burning out. Unfortunatley there are days where I simply do not have the time to mess with Radiant.. (life can take wild turns).. that is simply the only reason why it is taking me a melania. I hope one day everyone can enjoy the FM as much as I enjoy creating it.
  16. I think there is no problem with noshadows parallel lights: they are well-defined in the current engine. It can be used as local light to brighten the window, as @HMart does. I hope there is no reason to have shadows in this case? The parallel and parallelSky are almost the same thing, except that parallelSky traces light beams from areas containing portalsky world surfaces, while parallel traces light beams from the area where light origin is located, which is never what you need for a global parallel light (like moonlight). There are many missions where this issue is hacked around, and all of them result in issues like double lighting if door is open, or lack of lighting in some outdoors areas. And there is no way to fix the engine to make these missions work properly --- the maps themselves are wrong. If you want to do a global parallel light, the parallelSky is surely what you want to have, and parallel is most likely not. But note that to make parallelSky work you also need to follow some rules. The issue with local parallel light is that objects outside light volume can cast shadow over objects inside light volume. This is pretty weird by itself: you move object closer to light volume, and at some point its shadow instantly turns on. The engine determines whether object intersects light volume approximately (using bounding boxes and such stuff), so whether you get shadow from an object close to light volume or not is implementation-defined. Today you have no shadow and it looks nice, tomorrow culling is changed and the scene gets unexpected shadow. So the bottom line is: Global parallel lights should use parallelSky and follow some rules. Local parallel lights should be noshadows. All the rest is not well-defined: you'll avoid a lot of trouble by avoiding it altogether.
  17. Well it's not that bad is it? I thought multiple people have finished playing it already. No reason to remove a mission that has some issues, but can still be played and finished. You can put a warning in your mission description, but let players decide if it's worth it or not. I think removal is not something anyone will be happy with. I think it would be better if you start on a new mission and with the (hopefully positive) experience that you gained, you can fix things in this mission later.
  18. First of all, ChatGPT , independent of the version, is a language model to be able to interact with the user, imitating being intelligent. It has a knowledge base that dates back to 2021 and adds what users contribute in their chats. This means, first of all, that it is not valid if you are looking for correct answers, since if it does not find the answer in its base, it has a tendency to invent it with approximations or directly with false or obsolete answers. With this, the future will not change, it will occur with AI of a different nature, on the one hand with search engines with AI, since they have access to information in real time, without needing such complex language models and for this reason, they will gradually search engines are going to add AI, not only Bing or Google, but before these there was Andisearch, like the first of all, Perplexity.ai, Phind.com and You.com. Soon there will also be DuckDuckGoAI. On the other hand, generative AI to create images videos and even aplications, music and other, like game assets or 3D models., The risk with AI came up with Auto GPT, initially a tool that seemed useful, but it can be highly dangerous, since on the one hand it has full access to the network and on the other hand it is capable of learning on its own initiative to carry out tasks that are introduced as if it were a Text2Image app out there, what was demonstrated with ChaosGPT, the result of an order introduced in Auto GPT to destroy humanity, which it immediately began to develop with extraordinary efficiency, first trying to access the missile silos nuclear weapons and to fail, luckily, trying to get followers on Twitter with a fake account that he created and where he got more than 6000 followers, hiding later, realizing the danger that can be blocked or deactivated on the network. Currently nothing is known about it, but it is still a danger not exactly to be ruled out, it can really become Skynet. AI is going to change the future, but not ChatGPT which isnt more than a nice toy.
  19. FXAA is cheap but looks awful. Supersampling AA is strictly more expensive than multisampling, no reason to use it if multisampling looks OK. Temporal AA requires major changes in the engine in order to be used, plus it kinda requires motion blur to hide its uselessness on fast camera motions. So don't expect multisampling to be replaced soon.
  20. https://www.theregister.com/2023/06/15/amazon_echo_disabled_allegation/?td=rt-3a The cloud strikes again! I.e. You can be instantly locked out of an entire ecosystem at any time for any reason, even if you have done nothing wrong at all.
  21. I'm seeing the improvement with shadow maps too, albeit I keep their quality at lowest. Indeed MSAA is still costly even so, I kept it disabled even now for that reason. Fingers crossed the next release may get shader-based Anti-Aliasing: From my tests in Tesseract / Redeclipse, FXAA / SSAA / TAA all tend to be cheaper, hope we get at least one someday.
  22. My brain is reeling with overload! First, being enthralled with your goblin roleplay, I overlooked your second link to your clockwork story. That is now even more fascinating to me. In particular, the AI's reasoning powers (eg, when it perceives and describes the allegorical element of your story) is staggering. Clearly the AI can reason intelligently. No matter that it isn't conscious and, like all software, it's merely a list of instructions & data (thought HUGE!) it can reason in an intelligent way. In that instance it was better than me! It definitely has (or can represent and function as if) an understanding of language. And I say if something looks like a spade, and be used to dig, then it's a spade, even if constructed differently. thanks, now found the sharing feature and discovered your post is publicly-readable but posting to it requires an openAI account. I added a brief message to test if you can see it. I'm sure it can be seen on the public page. But does that sync with the copy in your private version of it? For further interest, I posted a version of one of my earlier tests that might be of interest at.... https://chat.openai.com/share/36420a5f-f8d8-4eeb-939b-a1c4c017c2b3 It's a failed story fragment but I learned a lot about how to work with gpt.
  23. Thanks for clarifying. Unfortunately there's still a bug as the barrier never goes away: When I first enter the apartment the husband says "is she hurt, please put her on the bed"... I do so and the objective is completed, but after that the husband says nothing else and the barrier never goes away. I looked around the room and tried frobbing him, but nothing ever happens for some odd reason. Wonder if some triggers or signals got broken in latest dev?
  24. For some reason I thought this FM was just released, didn't realize it's 3 years old already! Just finished it at last with 5100 loot and 3 secrets found, not bad for something of this scale. I was stuck on one of the objectives but finally found it so I removed my question. This has to be the most structurally intense FM ever made: I don't think a city of quite this size and complexity was ever done for TDM in one map before, the parkour and little hidden areas are insane! This is nice albeit mentally straining as it's impossible not to miss something or properly keep track; In many cases I had to noclip to discover how to get to certain areas, reloaded and went there without cheats afterward but don't know how I could have found some areas otherwise. Easy to get lost but this is compensated by the extremely useful feature of the map highlighting where you are so you don't have to guess using signs. Ran into a few bugs. Most noteworthy is a breaking glitch that makes it impossible to continue without noclip: Other than that nothing too significant: Managed to catch a case of a door that opens too wide and goes through the railing, there was a hatch that did it too but I forgot that one. I can also confirm the black box bug... first thought it's caused by my mod to remove spiders because I have arachnophobia, they set the entity to null however so it shouldn't be a box per say.
  25. I don't recall a system for noise masking. It sounds like it'd be a good idea, but when you get into the details you realize it'd be complicated to implement. It's not only noise that that goes into it, I think. E.g., a high register can cut through even a loud but low register rumble. And it's not like the .wav file even has data on the register of what it's playing. So either you have to add meta-data (which is insane), or you have to have a system to literally check pitch on the .wav data and paramaterize it in time to know when it's going to cut through what other parameters from other sounds. For that matter, it doesn't even have the data on the loudness either, so you'd have to get that off the file too and time the peaks with the "simultaneous" moment at arbitrary places in every other sound file correctly. And then position is going to matter independently for each AI. So it's not like you can have one computation that works the same for all AI. You'd have to compute the masking level for each one, and then you get into the expense you're mentioning. I know there was a long discussion about it in the internal forums, and probably on the public subforums too, but it's been so long ago now I can't even remember the gist of them. Anyway the main issue is I don't know if you'll find a champion that wants to work on it. But if you're really curious to see how it might work, you could always try your hand at coding & implementing it. Nothing beats a good demo to test an idea in action. And there's no better way to learn how to code than a little project like that. I always encourage people to try to implement an idea they have, whether or not it may be a good idea, just because it shows the power of an open source game. We fans can try anything we want and see if it works!
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