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Fan Mission: The Alchemist by Sotha & Fidcal(2010/06/01)


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I'd appreciate a clear clue on how to get

into the locked room upstairs in the mansion. I've roped up and smashed the window to get in. There is combination lock thingy. Is this how to get in? Have looked for books etc that can be moved i.e in the library , must have missed a lever somewhere.

Thanks for your help folks !

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Hint: There is a clear clue in

one of the noble's bedrooms.


Push: Search

around upstairs in the library


Total Spoiler:

Pull the lever at the far side of the far bookcase upstairs in the library then frob the picture above.


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Hint: There is a clear clue in

one of the noble's bedrooms.


Push: Search

around upstairs in the library


Total Spoiler:

Pull the lever at the far side of the far bookcase upstairs in the library then frob the picture above.




Thank you !

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Thiefette: Hint:

Plates are 35. It's doubtful you'd have missed just one out of the pile of plates in the dining room so my guess is an old plate in full view but might not be recognized as loot. You might have grabbed something nearby and not seen this. If interested see next spoiler.



Where it's NOT:

NOT in Vaydeth's mansion but elsewhere.




Evidence in city watch captain's office



I've looked and looked and looked some more.



I have the captain's journal which referred to pieces of silver - I thought this was perhaps the small bag on the desk? As for the plate you mentioned I did find one along side the gold statue on the table, was there another one? Somewhere?


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No - that was it. So it sounds like it's not one thing value 35 but two or more. Let me think of some hard to find stuff (though I don't know values.)



There's a purse upstairs in the old man's house.


Maybe a ring got knocked out of sight in the jeweller's?


Painting in inventor's place.


Bottle in kitchen.



There's a remote possibility of some 'broken' loot left from when Sotha worked on it. Lots of stuff got broken before Dark Mod was released because of development changes. But I think someone said they found all the loot so hopefully not.


As a last resort try the cheat: In the console enter tdm_show_loot. It might only show as a tiny white dot on the far side of the city. Hopefully it will give you a rough clue so you can head the that area but still find it yourself.

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No - that was it. So it sounds like it's not one thing value 35 but two or more. Let me think of some hard to find stuff (though I don't know values.)



There's a purse upstairs in the old man's house.


Maybe a ring got knocked out of sight in the jeweller's?


Painting in inventor's place.


Bottle in kitchen.



There's a remote possibility of some 'broken' loot left from when Sotha worked on it. Lots of stuff got broken before Dark Mod was released because of development changes. But I think someone said they found all the loot so hopefully not.


As a last resort try the cheat: In the console enter tdm_show_loot. It might only show as a tiny white dot on the far side of the city. Hopefully it will give you a rough clue so you can head the that area but still find it yourself.


Thanks for your help. Will give it another look.

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 Hello Fidcal,


First - Thanks for the mission, Heart of the lone Salvation is my favourite one, and this one retain the same level of quality :)



i have a question




Where is the  tourmaline gem?  I can´t find it anywhere, accoridng to notes, Vaydeth hidden it somwhere so it probably isn´t in that ceremony hall anymore, right (if ceremony hall being that hall with instruments - violin, flute and misplaced stair)? But I coudn´t find it in his lair. Thanks in advance. All the other objectives (so far) are done.


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Glad you're enjoying it Tarhiel.

No, there are several references to the tourmaline as being 'down there' and 'behind the combination lock' and 'Add the green tourmaline as catalyst before pouring in the holy healing potion' so he needs the tourmaline for that ritual. It is hid in there somewhere at hand for when he needs it.

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Glad you're enjoying it Tarhiel.

No, there are several references to the tourmaline as being 'down there' and 'behind the combination lock' and 'Add the green tourmaline as catalyst before pouring in the holy healing potion' so he needs the tourmaline for that ritual. It is hid in there somewhere at hand for when he needs it.






Thanks :)




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now I played it till the end


quite a fun but there are some things I didn't like






I couldn't kill zombies or spiders on hard difficulty, so i skipped the last part... ;(



The number-code thing didn't work


everywhere are corpses which I didn't kill


there should be a clue for the house which you have to enter via rope arrow at the 1th floor


Some gameplay things: Candles light in the WATER


and guards run after me into the water ;(







Edited by Berny
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Just flew through using the cheat and there is no broken loot - it's all there: 7682. As I said, you might have possibly knocked something small like a ring out of sight. Use tdm_show_loot to find it but you'll have to scan around - it just shows as a white cube in the distance no more than a small mark.

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Just flew through using the cheat and there is no broken loot - it's all there: 7682. As I said, you might have possibly knocked something small like a ring out of sight. Use tdm_show_loot to find it but you'll have to scan around - it just shows as a white cube in the distance no more than a small mark.


happy.gif I found it! Thanks for all your help. I like finding all the stuff.smile.gif



Using tdm_show_loot it was pinpointed to the city watch hidey hole. There was nothing visible on my screen but I leaned in and clicked anyways. To my surprise there was a big old gold plate worth 35 gold in there.


Edited by Thiefette
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Just finished . Thank you Sotha and Fidcal for a wonderfully absorbing mission . And thank you Fidcal again for your special help with the patch which got the mission working properly for me. Definitely one of my favourite missions !

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What a nice mission (at least, after releasing the patch) :D! It was real fun to explore the whole area. I liked how the sewers got me to every important point of the map. I didn't like

the zombie in the closet. You could kill someone with that kind of surprise. Honestly.


But it still puzzles me, where I should have found the combination for the door lock. I had to look up a spoiler in a German Thief-Forum to get the numbers. Even after finishing the map and noclipping the mansion (and reading the spoilers in this thread) I didn't find the right piece of paper.:unsure:

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obviously the zombie scared (?fratened?)you so much you never went in to see what he was guarding... in the closet...



Nice one :D But well, I did find that piece of paper. Make it rhyme it says, I think. But okay, I will have a look at it again. Maybe I missed something obvious.


Edit: ah, yes. I had not found the poem.

Edited by fraten
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Just played this one! :)


First of all, the size of this mission! wow! (let me spoilerize everything, just in case)



I just loved the surprise in the closet! Thief, although tense, is usually so quiet and slow and that moment was such a rush. Of course, I died! because I climbed over the bed and somehow he could still hit me.


The codelock didn't work with me (I downloaded this mission a while ago and understand it's updated) but, after figuring out the code from the rhyme in the closet, I just nocliped through the door (easier than redownloading it with my crappy connection). So it's all good.


Not a great fan of the secret passage part.. In my opinion, the lever should open the picture not make it frobable. After checking and confirming the picture as not being frobbable, it's not intuitive that a lever could have that effect, for me. I just looked at it to see if anything happened.


I could keep talking about all the things I liked or didn't like very much. But summarizing it's a really fun mission! there is a lot of attention to details in the story/universe.



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Makes a good impression to me since I played it for 30 minutes or so, but the loading bug really is a pain to me since I get caught by the guards really often. I now have to restart the mission for the fourth time because I can't load my old games :(

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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Makes a good impression to me since I played it for 30 minutes or so, but the loading bug really is a pain to me since I get caught by the guards really often. I now have to restart the mission for the fourth time because I can't load my old games :(



Have you tried Fidcal's patch in his reply to my post ( 8/6/10) ? Worked for me !

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  • 3 weeks later...

Man this sucks, I can't play :(


I just got my Darkmod folder working again, but when I go to play this mission, it won't finish loading. I get this in the console:


--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
WARNING: Door atdm_mover_door_5 is not within a valid AAS area
WARNING: Door atdm_mover_door_8 is not within a valid AAS area
WARNING: Door atdm_mover_door_6 is not within a valid AAS area
WARNING: Door atdm_mover_door_2 is not within a valid AAS area
WARNING: Door atdm_mover_door_1 is not within a valid AAS area
WARNING: Door atdm_mover_door_10 is not within a valid AAS area
ERROR: Joint 'Hips' not found for attachment position 'hip_sheath_l' on entity

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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