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Fan Mission: The Alchemist by Sotha & Fidcal(2010/06/01)


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Most missions that are part of a Series will have their Series identification in the last column of the Fan Mission Wiki:




This series has 4 missions thus far:


Thief's Den


The Chalice of Kings


The Heart of Lone Salvation


The Alchemist


To my knowledge, the stories of each mission are self-contained enough where they do not require each other for back-story (etc).

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  • 2 years later...

This was a cool mission. The level design is a little annoying at times and figuring out how to get to the bedroom was a little less obvious than it probably should have been, but overall this was quite enjoyable; I'll be sure to play the rest of this series. My biggest complaint is that there are very few notes to read, and many of the notes that are in the level are incomplete. Sentences get cut off mid-page and at the end of openings, which I assume means there actually is more, but for some reason the page-turning functionality is bugged. I also feel there was a huge wasted opportunity with the city sections. The jewellery store, city watch station and alchemist were all good, but I would have liked a little more to do (a la Thief: Deadly Shadows - but obviously not quite as exploratory as that), otherwise this section feels a little redundant to me. It also strikes me as odd that the city watch guards run everywhere, seeing as they are merely "on alert". Still, a quality FM.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just started and there is a problem

First thing I noticed was that the archer was missing from the roof at the start then I found him - note that this picture has been lightened a lot to make it clearer. I didn't no clip to get there just moved off the castellated wall


Edited by Oldjim
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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Excuse me while I go change my underwear

hiding a zombie in a cupboard is NOT nice ... pretty damn cool though


Fortunately lessons learned years ago mitigated the impending heart attack



1 - If at all possible do not stand in front of a door you are about to open, get out of the line of sight just in case

2 - If it looks like it might be a trap, it probably is

3 - FM makers like to add little surprises, just for a laugh and a giggle ... and a coronary



Oh one minor thing

Cantrell ? the guy if the extremely uncomfortable cell, him, well I opened the cell and picked him up, dumped him somewhere on the floor and noticed there was a scroll stuck in his boot, was I supposed to be able to read this because try as I might I couldn't get the scroll to frob, the body would frob but not the scroll



And I just found this is part of a series so I need to go play the other bits before coming back to this one :D


Nice mission, highly enjoyable


Just started and there is a problem

First thing I noticed was that the archer was missing from the roof at the start then I found him - note that this picture has been lightened a lot to make it clearer. I didn't no clip to get there just moved off the castellated wall

Yeah I heard the archer but couldn't see him so I went exploring and found him in the same place



He succumbed to my BJ nicely :ph34r:


Edited by esme
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  • 11 months later...

I managed to play through this today (after finally beating Heart of lone Salvation), and it is a fine mission.


There are a few things I have to notice after reading this thread though:



- Not being allowed to kill the alchemist, the zombies and the spider? That hurt a lot.

- The city watch is useless against zombies (not the authors fault, but after the big fight I tried to lure the last zombie to the city watch - it wasted ALL of them alone. i even tried bringing it down to its last bit of life (that I wasn't allowed to take myself - and even then they couldn't kill it, the Zombie just wouldn't get hit.)






- The hint for the secret entrance was a bit hard, because I was searching for a cupboard with the entrance in it.

- The secret in the cupboard made me again regret playing on expert. But it was great at first.

- A few guards would get stuck in varíous geometry. (Upside slopes at the sife of streets, and between a streelamp and a house.

- I suppose Thiefs Den 5 and 6 that were mentioned here (long ago) were dropped?

- I delivered justice anyway, The guards had to cut down most of the zombies, and the alchemist and his fleshkeeper I stuffed into the cell, locked it and dropped the thief with his note outside. (Sadly there was no more space for the guard captain and the innkeeper)

Then I locked the big door with the lever again, and reset the combination. They can starve now, and if that doesn' work someone searching there will to the honors because of all the dead guards and city watch.



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  • 3 months later...

Ive not been reading this thread, what needs doing..?

Nothing, as I just finished it yesterday with TDM 2.03 :)! Another fantastic mission, although it starts a little bit slow in a not so detailed town area, the mansion and the basement area were cool. I liked the bit with the destroyable window, but had some hard time because you can destroy it with arrows but not the sword. If it's possible this should be fixed! And I had some really funny situation in the end: I had sneaked inside the mansion, blackjacked everyone there and come down to the basement with all the undead. As I hadn't wasted any fire arrows, water arrows, mines and potions yet, I decided to go for the kill! I got the Alchemist with fire arrows and the others with holy water arrows while moving up the stairs, which alerted the gate guard (unless it was scripted) who ended up in a fight at the combination lock door with the last zombie. So I went down, got the potion and the turmalin and when I came up, I killed the zombie to see that he had killed about three or four guards in the time I was below :)! Of course the way back was easy then...

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  • 2 years later...

Wondering what the intended means to


take the alchemist down is, I managed to knock him out but I'm just not seeing anything otherwise.

As well, I seem to have run into a bug in which I can't ingest the holy healing potion?


Will be posting the bug in the beta thread.


There's also a large "boop" noise when I break glass.


Lastly, are there any bonus objectives?



Are we seriously intended to leave the alchemist and his smuggling operation for someone else to deal with?



Edited by V-Man339

I like to record difficult stealth games, and right now you wonderful people are the only ones delivering on that front.

Click here for the crappy channel where that happens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't use an integral quest item in TD4: Alchemist



Upon rebooting the mission I had 00:00:00 time and -1 saves.

This doesn't seem as important as any of the other issues I've run into, but I still feel as though it's worth mention if there's a symptom in that of what I'm encountering.




This noise happened previously during "Heart of Lone Salvation" when I rested the holy healing potion on... anything.

I assumed it was due to Fidcal not assigning a sound to the item's physics but this is apparently an issue elsewhere?


This also happens upon breaking the glass in "The Alchemist", as well as when I open the secret underwater door.



Copy pasting these here from the beta test thread because as of the moment this is absolutely murdering my ability to finish this mission on video in the perfectionist manner I'm hoping to.





You need to take some damage before you can use it, it's basically a health potion & you can't use it if you have perfect health


This worked on the first issue, thanks!

Edited by V-Man339

I like to record difficult stealth games, and right now you wonderful people are the only ones delivering on that front.

Click here for the crappy channel where that happens.

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Thanks to esme for making this mission possible to record with his helpful hint.

This mission evoked similar feelings to Phantom Pain, I can see the rough edges of it's developmental history and I love the concept, making the few visible signs of it's history all the more annoying.

All in all, better than the first Thief's Den, equal to the second, a step down from the third.



I will solve all you create and touch, Sotha.


Your beautiful machinations will not be forgotten, Fidcal, and neither shall your touch.

Feel free to come back some day, I'll be waiting.

I like to record difficult stealth games, and right now you wonderful people are the only ones delivering on that front.

Click here for the crappy channel where that happens.

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Thanks to esme for making this mission possible to record with his helpful hint.

You're welcome but I'm pretty sure I got that from this thread so someone else deserves the thanks




DUH! it's the first post

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  • 2 months later...

I was not allowed to kill the zombies. Is that a bug? I understand I'm a thief not a murderer, but these are ghouls.



I had no idea what to do with the zombie in the closet. If I killed him I lost the game. I ended up frobbing the note through the wall of the cabinet.


Also, I finished the game but I never figured out what the lever in the bedroom did. What was it for?



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  • 4 years later...
  • 5 months later...

2023 here, for me it works almost flawlessly in TDM 2.10, a good bit of challenge with the extra-alert AI and the unusual city design.

A couple of things that could be fixed if there's another update:


- Cantrell's note was persistently unfrobable for me.

- Basement thugs chasing me underwater 😀


And, BTW


It seems that the living and the undead are more evenly matched nowadays, so while zombies *will* fight guards there won't be a total massacre...


Edited by irisx
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  • 1 year later...

In the flooded sewers, there is a hidden entrance that leads to nothing in particular. There is no loot in there that I could find, and no objective referring to it. Just a bunch of guys (thieves) hanging around. Is there a new objective I have to find that relates to this "isolated" room ?


Never mind. I found the "other" entrance.

Edited by CountMorillonite
Confusion Solved
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