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Skybox leaks on 0.125


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There is a minimum brush size below which there are leaks. Probably some technical reason but there it is; it's a doom3 thing. This will also cause internal leaks between portal areas.


Big thick walls are recommended anyway. I'm using 32 in my current one; 16 is probably OK; 8 is a bit thin for general use.

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Big thick walls are recommended anyway. I'm using 32 in my current one; 16 is probably OK; 8 is a bit thin for general use.


Huh? Really?

I've always used grid 8 for basic geometry building. Never had leak problems.


I've never used larger grid.


In glenham I had outside sounds leaking inside the tower if the walls were thinner than 8 units. The problem came from grid 8 walls, which were dragged diagonally. And then the wall thickness gets smaller of course.

When I increased the thickness to 8 it worked properly again.


On 0.125 it leaked how is that possible?


Never ever use so small grid for basic geometry building. Never!

Build with 8 grid or higher. Use the smaller grid only for fine object model placement.


-The mapper's best friend.

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I'm not saying 8 causes leaks just that for general use (ie, non-leak issues) it is safer to go big. For instance it gives more room for trim adjustments, light leaks, etc. and you can sometimes frob right through a wall if it is thin enough. Plus old stone buildings are just not going to be that thin. 8 is manageable though.

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I have never understood why some people use the smallest grid sizes for the largest brushwork, and as a result, have to agonize over getting things lined up perfectly. That is why there is a grid. By using a large grid, everything is always perfectly lined up to the grid. Making large brushes? Use a larger grid size and there is no guesswork or double-checking for itty-bitty 0.125 size leaks.


Maybe I've used autoCAD too much or something, because I think it's good to let the giant computer do the perfect calculations by itself, and let me do the design.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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I have never understood why some people use the smallest grid sizes for the largest brushwork, and as a result, have to agonize over getting things lined up perfectly.


I think people use small grids because that way they feel that they get exactly what they want. I mean the brush does not change form in 'quantums' but arbitrarily. Of course it is a bad tactic since it results in terrible amount of problems.


But it is human and understandable if people have no previous experience with CADish thingies, I think. Imagine a painter who is confined to only restricted movements with their brush.:P


-The mapper's best friend.

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I use the small grid all the time to cut out gems and position stuff, and i just draw a untextered skybox everytime for testing, i never noticed that it leakes trough thin brushes...

Map is comming together nicely and faster then i thought realy cool stuff just you wait.

Edited by Garreth

Taf you, you taffin taffer

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It's not that the small grids don't snap right, it's that the spaces are so small you have to zoom all the way in to see the gap between lines so it's easy to get 2 large brushes 0.125 grid spaces apart.


At grid 16 they either touch, overlap or are 8 units apart. 8 units is easy to see without tons of zooming in.

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