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Abandoned Works


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Following the discussion of the Released and Upcoming thread Fidcal and I came up with some ideas how we could save abandoned labours of love. We came up with the following for contributing and adopting unfinished work maintained in this thread:

How to contribute?

If for any reason you decide to quit working on a map, map parts, etc. please consider contributing your abandoned work to the community!

Proof of concepts and appealing results from "just playing around" alike may be interesting for other people to pick up.

To do so just send a private message to a team member (preferably a mission manager like nbohr1more) with all relevant information about your work so far (see format below) and a link where it can be downloaded. Please do not post any download links in this thread. Your work will be archived on one of the Team's TDM servers.

FM's (WIP) Name: ...
Former author(s): ...
Current author(s): (If any)
Status: (free for adoption
/ in work)
Due Date: (the next date I expect a new WIP version and progress report)
Type: (Mansion, City, Crypt, Wilderness, ...)
Theme: (Gold Heist, Horror, Story Focused, Inventors, ...)
Progress: (Geometry, Details, AI, Gameplay, ... in some rough percentage)
Informations: (anything the authors like to share about the work so far)

How to adopt?

Send a PM to a team member (ideally a mission manager).

If you have already released an FM for TDM then most likely adoption will be granted.
If you have never released an FM it'll be less likely..
If you did release FM's for Thief or a mod for any other game please send details that help us to decide.

If you're the original author you can always pick up your committed work again as long as it is still (or again) "free for adoption".

What do we expect from authors who did adopt assets?

All former authors must be given credit upon release.

You may like to use the unfinished assets the way you like: use parts in your own map or continue finishing the abandoned map.
We and the former authors have to trust anyone given responsibility of the assets of a possibly already superb unfinished map.

We all know that it sometimes happens that people cannot continue a work for various reasons (if so, please PM the team member), lose interest or in the worst case just disappear! In this case, or if we try to contact you for a status update and do not hear from you in a reasonable amount of time, we will offer the map again for adoption to someone else who might want to finish the FM.

We hope to see some great unfinished works being worked on again and completed.

So, fellow authors ... contribute your unfinished work :smile:

List of Abandoned Works 


Please check the wiki for details of abandoned work free for adoption and adopted maps: 


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"To rush is without doubt the most important enemy of joy" ~ Thieves Saying

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This is a terrific idea, and the process you've set up looks great.


I suggest making this sticky, or providing a general link to it somewhere (TDM web page->FMs?) so that anyone at any time in the future can easily find it and know what steps to follow. In the latter case, just the instructions are needed, not the entirety of this thread as it accumulates comments.



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Excellent! I'm very glad you created a structure, Fllood!


Hopefully some lovely assets will come out of the wood work now! =3

"No proposition Euclid wrote,

No formulae the text-books know,

Will turn the bullet from your coat,

Or ward the tulwar's downward blow

Strike hard who cares—shoot straight who can—

The odds are on the cheaper man."


From 'Arithmetic on the Frontier' by Rudyard Kipling

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Excellent idea!

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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Shadowhide: Would you mind deleting that, upload it again and pm fllood with the url (see first post.) FMs should be private until released. Only mappers genuinely interested in developing should see the map. Thanks. :)

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Could we get an admin to sticky this? If this takes off it could be a really useful resource that we want mappers to dip into as it grows...

"No proposition Euclid wrote,

No formulae the text-books know,

Will turn the bullet from your coat,

Or ward the tulwar's downward blow

Strike hard who cares—shoot straight who can—

The odds are on the cheaper man."


From 'Arithmetic on the Frontier' by Rudyard Kipling

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Bikerdude teamed up with Shadowhide for an updated version of Winter Harvest. WH (v1) has some technical glitches which will be dealed with in v2. It isn't abandoned or was offered as such. Glad to see that new cooperation between Biker and SH for v2 :) Edited by fllood

"To rush is without doubt the most important enemy of joy" ~ Thieves Saying

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Strangely, this topic have forced me to think twice before I totally give up and donate my works.


For the last time, I'll put effort to finish any of them(A tower, a mine and couple of city streets) in this summer. If I won't be able to do, then it'll be time to say goodbye DarkRadiant. :)

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Strangely, this topic have forced me to think twice before I totally give up and donate my works.


For the last time, I'll put effort to finish any of them(A tower, a mine and couple of city streets) in this summer. If I won't be able to do, then it'll be time to say goodbye DarkRadiant. :)


I'm especially fond of subterranean levels - so please share whether you finish it or not! Good luck in either case!

"No proposition Euclid wrote,

No formulae the text-books know,

Will turn the bullet from your coat,

Or ward the tulwar's downward blow

Strike hard who cares—shoot straight who can—

The odds are on the cheaper man."


From 'Arithmetic on the Frontier' by Rudyard Kipling

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Strangely, this topic have forced me to think twice before I totally give up and donate my works.

For the last time, I'll put effort to finish any of them...

Even better if we got you motivated trying to finish any of your hibernating maps SP! :)

"To rush is without doubt the most important enemy of joy" ~ Thieves Saying

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  • 3 weeks later...

Johannes ?? :wub:


yes...dont know who this is bikerdudes "my" johannes wink.gif. dont know if i use this for a fm in future, but i have some other started maps...i could look for them the next days


or did you mean you dont know the name and werent in my picture thread until now ?

Edited by Johannes Burock
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Johannes, you know I typo like a taffer...so whats the score with that lil map then..?


in the next days i sort all my started maps out...give some screens in my box of this one i give free...where to post / send the started ones than ?

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or did you mean you dont know the name and werent in my picture thread until now ?

*lol* :D



in the next days i sort all my started maps out...give some screens in my box of this one i give free...where to post / send the started ones than ?

Herr Burock please PM me a link to download the started stuff you want to contribute. possibly along with a few rough infos if you like (see first post). I do archive all you send on Fidcal's server as backup and put up any info you provide me in the main post of this thread.


My magic glass ball tells me Biker you sure want to have a look?! I'll forward the link/s to you as soon Johannes did send them.


Big tumbs up both to you!

Edited by fllood

"To rush is without doubt the most important enemy of joy" ~ Thieves Saying

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The starting point it's *really* awesome, it's a pity not finishing this map.


If this is your (super high) standard in TDM map editing, I can't wait for your next FM published!



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The starting point it's *really* awesome, it's a pity not finishing this map.


If this is your (super high) standard in TDM map editing, I can't wait for your next FM published!




Well, having seen his work I can tell you that it will be a very small (think "Too Late" by Nielsen) but also extremely detailed map. The amount of work Jo puts in is insane, but "Old Friends" will look better than any FM released to date. Also, it will probably still run decently on a computer that is not from the stone age.

My Eigenvalue is bigger than your Eigenvalue.

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  • 1 month later...

Hm i think i will just do this.. I have a map and was going on and off with it..but it wont get anywhere like that..Will see to this.


As i see this.. If someone picks up the map, and then maybe abandon it. This way i can even pick it up myself later?

Edited by _Atti_
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