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Fan Mission: Requiem by Gelo "Moonbo" Fleisher (2013/10/6)

Poll: Requiem (by Gelo "Moonbo" Fleisher)  

129 members have voted

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I don't want to repeat for the 1000th time how much this FM it's AWESOME.


So I only say: this FM is AWESOME! :P


No, really Gelo, you made my day, congratulation.

Posted (edited)

Just finished this mission!



6929 of 10275 Gold

in 3:36h (really over 5 hours because of dying lol)

on "schwer"



It was just fantastic! The great experience I made in the beginning lasted for the whole mission until the beautiful and satisfying ending. It was one of the best fanmissions I ever played. Thank you very much Moonbo for that! :)

Edited by Sodosma
Posted (edited)



Cool mission, but I can't get very far into it because I can't quickload. Each time I try to it throws me back to menu and says "couldn't load [..]\The Dark Mod\maps\requiem.script.

I checked the The Dark Mod folder and noticed that I don't have a "maps" folder to begin with. Is this related to the fact that my install is quite fresh? Could it also be because I downloaded the mod bit-by-bit as my tdmupdater/internet crapped out multiple times?





Edited by Thor

Hey Thor,


Make sure that your TDM install folder is named "darkmod". This is a bug in standalone TDM that happens if the install folder is named differently :-).

But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com


Wow... just WOW! Finished playing last night and my head's been full of it since. Superb mission. Gorgeous to look at, great music, superb control of mood, and the way the difficulty and tension build up is perfect. You even provided hugely satisfying wind-down time after the climax :) I can't believe how much work must have gone into it. Thank you!

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Been playing this the late few evenings - really enjoying it so far, there are so many places to go, although some of them are hard to get to for a nub like me :P

I understand it's *huge* from quickly browsing through this thread (without looking at too many spoilers lol), so looking forward to what is to come.


A couple of minor criticisms though:



- At the start it's hard to figure out what to do - I was stuck a long time in the church grounds, after having been inside the church and thinking there is no-where to go from there... The balconies are a distraction so I spent ages trying to get up there, since I thought it was the only way to go further.

- I did not notice the note on the panels in the church, so maybe this note can be in a more accessible location?

- I actually had to look a bit at Fen's videos to figure out what to do... they are funny videos though, so enjoyed it a lot :D

- There are some really hard climbing parts, I understand most of these are optional, but it could be clearer what to do for 'nub-friendliness' ;)

- For instance how to get into the greengrocers - although I did figure it out eventually, and I'm sure a veteran thief would get it at once.

- A couple more rope arrows would be helpful, so as to not frustrate the player too much (lots of quicksaves needed)




And a couple question;



Is there actually an easy way on to the balconies? I have got onto the high (metal) one on the right, from the boat and up, where the gas arrow is, but not the ones in the back and left. I see a treasure up there so there must be a way.


There is also a dark balcony with a door and fence on the lower right, above the water, and I can't figure out how to get there. I tried going by the metal balcony but can't get around the blocking bales.


I've spent too long trying every approach I could think of, and trying lots of rope arrow points, so happy to get some pointers.




I'm a total nub, so I guess this one will be a challenge for me :)

Edited by Shadrach





Once you get on the high metal balcony where the gas arrow was, turn around and look down towards the lower "moat" balcony. There are two empty flagpoles jutting from the building in front of them. You can run on the metal railing and jump over to the first and then mantle on to the second and then get on to that balcony with little effort.





Hey Shadrach,


Thanks for the detailed feedback, I'll keep it in mind for any future work I do. I think Lux answered your first question, for the second one about the small balcony surrounded by a fence, you actually can't get up there - but don't worry, there's no loot or anything at that particular spot :smile:.


I hope you enjoy the rest of the map!

But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com


- A couple more rope arrows would be helpful

In case you're not aware, you can re-use rope arrows: assuming you can reach it, just get close enough to highlight it and then frob it. If you have to climb the rope to reach it, just make sure you haven't got a huge drop beneath you when you frob it. :smile:


Apologies if I'm telling you something you already know.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the input guys, and yeah I know about the arrows - but they break when they don't attach so there's a lot of trial and error. Gets better with experience I guess.


And I did manage to get on the balconies:



On the left side there's some wooden poles sticking out over the door by the water, I roped up there and simply walked over to the balcony. Easy peasy.


I also found the generator room and the old crypt there, that was a great moment!




So - I guess I am not an acrobat, what does that make me? B)


I have gotten far now - been scared the sh*t out of a couple times, loving it :D




Taking out the skeletons with fire on their head was a lot of fun, running up behind to take off the crown. Very satisfying when it worked, not so when it didn't :ph34r:


Man those invisible dudes are tough to get by though... and they do take a lot of holy arrows. Guess I'll have to check if fire-arrows take them out.




Never did understand why fire-arrows kill ghosts, but hey it's helpful :)


Thanks for an awesome map.

Edited by Shadrach
Posted (edited)

Really enjoyed looking at your screenshots Shadrach :-), though I do hope the one with Markus is because of noclipping!

Edited by Moonbo

But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com

Posted (edited)

Really enjoyed looking at your screenshots Shadrach :-), though I do hope the one with Markus is because of noclipping!


Actually no :P



Walk up to the note to push it, maybe hit it with the blackjack a bit, and it moves outside the area with a bit of patience.


Then you can read it, wait and then walk up and hit him on the head (though the sword does no damage), and get the **** outta there. However, you are unable to proceed in the mission once you do it, since you can't enter the lift.



Just had to try it :laugh:

Edited by Shadrach
  • Like 1

@Shadrach, clever!


@plotzzz, thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the FM. The Darkmod actually doesn't support secrets in the traditional Thief style, so I suppose just consider anything out of the way to be a secret :-).

But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com

Posted (edited)

There's at least one that it sounds like you might have missed :smile: (some posts earlier in this thread talk about it).

Edited by Moonbo

But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com


Oh, I forgot to post a thank you to the author. Thank you, moonbo. I played this mission a few days ago and it is the best time I have had with The Dark Mod to date! It is such a masterpiece on every level. The visuals, the music, the environments and even the story. At first I thought it's pretty good, but when I got to the church area and the church-y music started playing in the background, I realised this is something special... and it only got better and better. And some more better. Surpassed my expectations roughly tenfold. Thank you, man.

  • Like 1

@AluminumHaste - ah, good to know.


@Thor - thanks :-), I'm glad you had a good time with the FM. Are you the same Thor that does reviews on the TTLG FM mega thread? If so, I've always enjoyed reading your work!

But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com

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