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Testers and reviewers wanted: BFG-style vertex cache


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I also don't see shadow maps for alpha materials, but i assume that is caused by material keywords like noshadow, backSided, DECAL_MACRO and twosided that disables shadow casting.


Also that shadow mapping softness at the distance is because duzenko implemented "Contact Hardening" shadows, the closer to the object, the shadow is, the harder it gets! :D sounds dirty ;p

Edited by HMart
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The most recent SVN (executable and shaders):

---------- R_ReloadGLSLPrograms_f -----------
interaction VF
ambientInteraction VF
stencilShadow VF
shadowMap VGWARNING:shaderCompileFromFile(glprogs/shadowMap.gs) validation

FWARNING:shaderCompileFromFile(glprogs/shadowMap.fs) validation
0:7(1): error: #version 150 required for using interface blocks
0:7(1): error: interface blocks with an instance name are not allowed in GLSL 1
.30 (GLSL 1.50 or GLSL ES 3.00 required)

oldStage VF
depthAlpha VF
fog VF
blend VF
cubeMap VF

Can you try using a core profile GL context? It allows a more recent GLSL version on Intel (on my system).

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The most recent SVN (executable and shaders):

---------- R_ReloadGLSLPrograms_f -----------
interaction VF
ambientInteraction VF
stencilShadow VF
shadowMap VGWARNING:shaderCompileFromFile(glprogs/shadowMap.gs) validation

FWARNING:shaderCompileFromFile(glprogs/shadowMap.fs) validation
0:7(1): error: #version 150 required for using interface blocks
0:7(1): error: interface blocks with an instance name are not allowed in GLSL 1
.30 (GLSL 1.50 or GLSL ES 3.00 required)

oldStage VF
depthAlpha VF
fog VF
blend VF
cubeMap VF

Can you try using a core profile GL context? It allows a more recent GLSL version on Intel (on my system).

Regret not in TDM 2.07.

Try forcing r_useGLSL 1 in game console.

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Update 12 is here:




* A new texture atlas system for Shadow Maps significantly improves resolution management and LOD

* Improved Softening for Shadow Maps

* Almost all shadow acne has been solved and the remaining artifacts are very minimal.



Note: The softening has improved to the point that you can lower r_softShadowsQuality to 14 or lower and still

have very smooth shadow transitions in most cases.

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Update 12 is here:




* A new texture atlas system for Shadow Maps significantly improves resolution management and LOD

* Improved Softening for Shadow Maps

* Almost all shadow acne has been solved and the remaining artifacts are very minimal.



Note: The softening has improved to the point that you can lower r_softShadowsQuality to 14 or lower and still

have very smooth shadow transitions in most cases.

Give us the values! :D


r_shadows 2

r_softShadowsQuality *****

r_softShadowsRadius *****

r_shadowMapSize *****

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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Give us the values! :D


r_shadows 2

r_softShadowsQuality *****

r_softShadowsRadius *****

r_shadowMapSize *****


r_shadows 2

r_softShadowsQuality 14 or 16

r_softShadowsRadius 6

r_shadowMapSize 1024 or 1440

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Performance JUMP!


r_softShadowsQuality 16

r_softShadowsRadius 6

r_shadowMapSize 1024


SoftStencil: 48 FPS

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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VideoRAM increased and CPU usage too.

But a nice jump of 7-8 FPS in that scene! (15%)

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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2.06 has hybrid vanilla and BFG code, with mostly vanilla code and dhewm changes.


2.07 will move closer to BFG.


We are picking and choosing the features we like from various Doom 3 (and BFG) branches and integrating them

along with our own code design changes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update 14 is here:











Some major upheaval and improvement took place since the last update.


Soft Shadows now use a substantially improved PCSS calculation courtesy of stgatilov


Also, there is always a minimum amount of softening as a way to obscure aliasing artifacts

at the low resolution bounds of the shadow map.


In short, shadows are more physically correct, better looking, and almost all aliasing artifacts are



Also, tentative work has been done to setup per light-entity light center size attributes so different lights can have different amounts of softening.


For the shadow map softness, the slider will no longer work as the override is now a negative number.


Recommended settings:


r_shadows = 2

r_testARBProgram = 1

r_softShadowsRadius = -0.65 or 1

r_shadowMapSize = 1024 or 1440

r_softShadowsQuality = 24 or greater


Note: You can even go lower on the Shadow Map size due to the new minimum shadow softening feature. Give it a try.

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Awesome final result! NOW there are no more contact artifacts!




Beautiful tomb-shadowed relic projecting its own shadow on the tomb @the end :D


(Do shadows are clustered-calculated or per-object/mesh?)

Edited by lowenz
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Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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The ones you posted above.


r_shadows = 2

r_testARBProgram = 1

r_softShadowsRadius = -0.65

r_shadowMapSize = 1024

r_softShadowsQuality = 24



r_softShadowsRadius is a negative number?


Btw i installed duzenko latest volumetric test shaders and exe and shadow maps started working...

Edited by HMart
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I don't know how to do that. Do i just delete the shaders folder?



is where cache data is supposed to reside, from a little googling. Similar path for nvidia

but it's under AppData\local\Temp\Nvidia...

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is where cache data is supposed to reside, from a little googling. Similar path for nvidia

but it's under AppData\local\Temp\Nvidia...


Not only!


There's AppData\local\Nvidia\GLCACHE too

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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