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Beta Testing 2.07


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Hmm, does the engine generate world-space normals in any way? All the models use tangent space normalmaps, otherwise you wouldn't be able to place them in the map at your will.

All of this happens on GPU.

The old ARB shaders operated on tangent-space vectors, however the new GLSL code transforms them into world in fragment shader and uses them.

Normally, this is not something to worry about.


float R2f = clamp(localL.z * 4.0, 0.0, 1.0);
Had a hard time parsing why there would be much change from the previous SVN commit?...

but that line appears to be the key to adjusting this behavior in the current interaction.fs

I've been tinkering with 3.0 or 4.0 at the end of the line.

This change was introduced because TDM 2.05 worked that way: it clamped this value to [0, 1].

It was done by Rebb in 2012. No idea why.

I guess unclamping it has a potential of overbrightening some zones, but no idea how critical it is.

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The behavior was reverted to how 2.05 looked.

Please compare with 2.05 look and report if there is any difference.


It's definitely different from 2.05. The smoothing of the models is not being represented properly.

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Ok, if my eyes properly see the difference on the pipe, than the problem is due to different interpolation of directions.

I guess I made a few mistakes :o


Anyway, I would be glad to see a bold example of the problem to be sure that I fix it completely.

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Finally happened again. Here's the log from Arena.

Please also provide your config file (darkmod.cfg).

Also could you explain what exactly you did before crash? Was it immediately after a fresh start of TDM?


UPDATE: I tried stupidly to fresh-start Arena mission 100 times, got no crash.

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Ok, if my eyes properly see the difference on the pipe, than the problem is due to different interpolation of directions.

I guess I made a few mistakes :o

Fixed in svn rev 15565.

I have tested your fix and can confirm that it works. Here are two comparison screenshots and one similar to the one posted by Judith.




SVN rev 15565


Bottle, SVN rev 15565


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Please also provide your config file (darkmod.cfg).

Also could you explain what exactly you did before crash? Was it immediately after a fresh start of TDM?


UPDATE: I tried stupidly to fresh-start Arena mission 100 times, got no crash.

Config file:



bind "ENTER" "_impulse51"

bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu"

bind "SPACE" "_moveup"

bind "-" "_impulse50"

bind "0" "_impulse10"

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bind "9" "_impulse9"

bind "=" "_impulse49"

bind "[" "_impulse48"

bind "\" "_mlook"

bind "]" "_impulse47"

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bind "l" "inventory_use '#str_02395'"

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bind "z" "inventory_use '#str_02396'"

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bind "F7" "_impulse22"

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bind "MOUSE1" "_attack"

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bind "MWHEELDOWN" "_impulse14"

bind "MWHEELUP" "_impulse15"

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seta r_cinematic_log "0"

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seta mod_validSkins "skins/characters/player/marine_mp;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_green;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_blue;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_red;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_yellow"

seta g_mapCycle "mapcycle"

seta g_voteFlags "0"

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seta pm_stepvol_crouch_run "4"

seta pm_stepvol_crouch_walk "-2"

seta pm_stepvol_creep "-5"

seta pm_stepvol_run "8"

seta pm_stepvol_walk "0"

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seta tdm_hud_opacity "0.7"

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seta tdm_bounce_sound_max_vel "400"

seta tdm_throw_max_vel "900"

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seta tdm_throw_min "600"

seta tdm_phys_show_momentum "0"

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seta tdm_ai_hearing_challenging "1.0"

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seta tdm_ai_hearing "2"

seta tdm_ai_vision_hardcore "1.5"

seta tdm_ai_vision_challenging "1.2"

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seta tdm_ai_vision_nearly_blind "0.2"

seta tdm_ai_vision "2"

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seta tdm_melee_max_particles "10"

seta tdm_melee_forbid_auto_parry "0"

seta tdm_melee_auto_parry "0"

seta tdm_melee_invert_parry "0"

seta tdm_melee_invert_attack "0"

seta tdm_melee_mouse_thresh_ "0"

seta tdm_dragged_item_highlight "1"

seta tdm_drag_encumber_max "0.4"

seta tdm_drag_encumber_maxmass "55"

seta tdm_drag_encumber_minmass "10"

seta tdm_drag_jump_masslimit "20"

seta tdm_drag_af_free "0"

seta tdm_drag_af_ground_timer "800"

seta tdm_drag_damping_af "0.4"

seta tdm_drag_damping "0.0"

seta tdm_drag_stuck_dist "38.0"

seta tdm_drag_force_max "100000"

seta tdm_drag_limit_force "1"

seta tdm_collision_damage_scale_horiz "0.5"

seta tdm_collision_damage_scale_vert "1"

seta tdm_frobhelper_ignore_size "40.0"

seta tdm_frobhelper_fadeout_duration "500"

seta tdm_frobhelper_fadein_duration "1500"

seta tdm_frobhelper_fadein_delay "500"

seta tdm_frobhelper_alpha "1.0"

seta tdm_frobhelper_active "0"

seta tdm_frob_fadetime "100"

seta tdm_frob_width "10.0"

seta tdm_frob_distance_default "63"

seta pm_lean_toggle "0"

seta pm_lean_door_bounds_exp "8.0"

seta pm_lean_door_max "40"

seta pm_lean_door_increments "10"

seta pm_lean_to_valid_increments "25"

seta pm_lean_forward_stretch "15"

seta pm_lean_forward_height "0.4"

seta pm_lean_forward_time "400.0"

seta pm_lean_forward_angle "2"

seta pm_lean_stretch "2"

seta pm_lean_height "0.4"

seta pm_lean_time "400.0"

seta pm_lean_angle "15.0"

seta tdm_reattach_delay "100"

seta tdm_crouch_toggle_hold_time "400"

seta tdm_toggle_crouch "1"

seta tdm_footfall_sounds_movetype_specific "1"

seta pm_mantle_pullFast_msecs "450"

seta pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight "36.0"

seta pm_mantle_minflatness "0.707"

seta pm_mantle_height "0.2"

seta pm_mantle_reach "0.5"

seta pm_weightmod "1"

seta pm_push_max_mass "200"

seta pm_push_heavy_threshold "0.15"

seta pm_push_accel_time "1000"

seta pm_push_start_delay "1000"

seta pm_push_maximpulse "300"

seta pm_pushmod "0.15"

seta pm_max_swimspeed_mod "1.4"

seta pm_crouchmod "0.54"

seta pm_creepmod "0.44"

seta pm_runmod "2.12"

seta tdm_savegame_compress "1"

seta tdm_force_savegame_load "0"

seta tdm_mainmenu_confirmquit "1"

seta tdm_debug_aastype "aas32"

seta tdm_allow_http_access "1"

seta tdm_proxy_pass ""

seta tdm_proxy_user ""

seta tdm_proxy ""

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seta tdm_show_trainer_messages "1"

seta tdm_menu_music "0"

seta tdm_wideScreenMode "-1"

seta tdm_ai_show_aasfuncobstacle_state "0"

seta tdm_show_health "0"

seta tdm_ai_debug_greetings "0"

seta tdm_ai_debug_transition_barks "0"

seta tdm_ai_opt_nolipsync "0"

seta tdm_ai_opt_update_enemypos_interleave "48"

seta tdm_ai_opt_interleavethinkframes "0"

seta tdm_ai_opt_interleavethinkskipPVS "0"

seta tdm_ai_opt_interleavethinkmaxdist "0"

seta tdm_ai_opt_interleavethinkmindist "0"

seta tdm_ai_search_type "4"

seta tdm_ai_visdist_show "0.0"

seta tdm_ai_search_show "0.0"

seta tdm_showko "0"

seta tdm_showsprop_radius "0"

seta tdm_showsprop "0"

seta tdm_spr_debug "0"

seta tdm_sndprop_disable "0"

seta tdm_ai_acuity_susp "1.2"

seta tdm_ai_acuity_L5 "1.5"

seta tdm_ai_acuity_L4 "1.3"

seta tdm_ai_acuity_L3 "1.1"

seta tdm_ai_show_conversationstate "0"

seta tdm_ai_show_enemy_visibility "0"

seta tdm_ai_sight_scale "1000.0"

seta tdm_ai_sight_thresh "1.0"

seta tdm_ai_showelevator "0"

seta tdm_ai_showdoor "0"

seta tdm_ai_debug_blocked "0"

seta tdm_ai_showAASarea "0"

seta tdm_ai_showgoalpos "0"

seta tdm_ai_showdest "0"

seta tdm_ai_showalert "0"

seta tdm_ai_showtasks "0"

seta tdm_ai_showanimstate "0"

seta tdm_ai_showko "0"

seta tdm_ai_showfov "0"

seta tdm_ai_debug "0"

seta tdm_ai_bumpobject_impulse "250"

seta tdm_ai_tact "20.0"

seta tdm_ai_sight_combat_cutoff "20.0"

seta tdm_ai_sightmin "15.0"

seta tdm_ai_sightmax "40.0"

seta tdm_ai_sight_mag "1.0"

seta tdm_ai_sight_prob "0.7"

seta tdm_ai_showname "0"

seta tdm_ai_showbark "0"

seta tdm_ai_sndvol "0.0"

seta tdm_player_wait_until_ready "1"

seta com_automation_port "3879"

seta m_strafeSmooth "4"

seta m_smooth "1"

seta m_strafeScale "6.25"

seta m_yaw "0.022"

seta m_pitch "0.022"

seta sensitivityMenuOverride "0"

seta sensitivityMenu "1.0"

seta sensitivity "5"

seta in_toggleZoom "0"

seta in_toggleCrouch "0"

seta in_toggleRun "0"

seta in_alwaysRun "0"

seta in_freeLook "1"

seta in_anglespeedkey "1.5"

seta in_pitchspeed "140"

seta in_yawspeed "140"

seta gui_configServerRate "0"

seta com_maxFPS "166"

seta com_savegame_preview_format "jpg"

seta com_numQuickSaves "2"

seta com_guid ""

seta com_fixedTic "0"

seta com_preloadDemos "0"

seta com_compressDemos "1"

seta com_product_lang_ext "1"

seta logFile "2"

seta com_showFPSavg "4"

seta com_showFPS "0"

seta com_purgeAll "0"





After a few more tests I think I've pinpointed the procedure that causes it. I can get it 100% of the time like this:

Start up a mission that still has the loading error I posted before (CoS1)

Right after getting the error load up Arena

After the "Press Attack to start" screen it will crash

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Confirmed! I can reproduce this by loading up an unfixed CoS1, waiting for the error message and then loading up Arena. Here is the callstack of the crash with a Read access violation due to "this" being NULL.


TheDarkMod.exe!idImage::Bind() Line 1377 C++
TheDarkMod.exe!RB_GLSL_DrawInteraction(const drawInteraction_t * din=0x0464fa94) Line 152 C++
[inline Frame] TheDarkMod.exe!RB_SubmittInteraction(drawInteraction_t *) Line 526 C++
TheDarkMod.exe!RB_CreateSingleDrawInteractions(const drawSurf_s * surf=0x28ee4680) Line 776 C++
TheDarkMod.exe!RB_GLSL_CreateDrawInteractions(const drawSurf_s * surf=0x28ee4680) Line 218 C++
[inline Frame] TheDarkMod.exe!RB_GLSL_DrawLight_ShadowMap() Line 430 C++
TheDarkMod.exe!RB_GLSL_DrawInteractions_SingleLight() Line 486 C++
TheDarkMod.exe!RB_GLSL_DrawInteractions() Line 606 C++
TheDarkMod.exe!RB_STD_DrawView() Line 1213 C++
TheDarkMod.exe!RB_DrawView() Line 949 C++
TheDarkMod.exe!RB_ExecuteBackEndCommands(const emptyCommand_t * cmds=0x28ee5080) Line 904 C++
[inline Frame] TheDarkMod.exe!R_IssueRenderCommands(frameData_t * frameData=0x01f29ed0) Line 135 C++
TheDarkMod.exe!idRenderSystemLocal::EndFrame(int * frontEndMsec=0x00000000, int * backEndMsec=0x00000000) Line 615 C++
TheDarkMod.exe!idSessionLocal::UpdateScreen(bool outOfSequence=false) Line 2802 C++
TheDarkMod.exe!idCommonLocal::Frame() Line 2487 C++
TheDarkMod.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance=0x00000000, char * lpCmdLine=0x000f4a1c, int nCmdShow=10) Line 1363 C++
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These maps use huge spiders also:


arena.map fixed


solarescape1.map fixed


ravine.map FIXED! (phew)


(Would not dmap in 2.07 without the old Def!

discarded my successful dmap with old def and re-packed the original mission

with the old spider Def.)




Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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I can't find this one?


I know of an internal dev map with the name but not a released mission.


As far as I can tell, this was either not a release map or was renamed

when the mission was updated prior to my investigation?

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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OK, I can confirm that the single pass shadow map mode now works with the alphaTested materials that I use in my WIP (we were discussing how it didn't look correctly wrt to the vines on one of the tombstones in The Warrens, but I haven't gone in to check). Regarding singlepass though, I was fortunate to turn it on and check, because I found a bad interaction with shadowcaulk by chance.

r_shadows 1 (or r_shadows 2 with singlepass mode 0):


r_shadows 2 with singlepass 1:


How the scene's set up in DR:



I really don't think this is related to the noFog change. Before you rush to fixing shadowpass though, while shadowpass 0 will fix shadowcaulk, it will not fix shadow/shadow2. Here's the problem: with shadow stencils, the front faces, facing the light, don't cast shadows? I don't know if that's the right way to explain it. With shadow volumes, shadowpass on or off, they do. Here's pictures to better visualize it:


Brush textured with common/shadow2 with r_shadows 1:



Same brush with r_shadows 2:




edit: I suppose a better way to phrase it is that with r_shadows 2, the the faces of the brush cast shadow in the gap created by the brush's volume itself, which should not happen.

Edited by Spooks
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My FMs: The King of Diamonds (2016) | Visit my Mapbook thread sometimes! | Read my tutorial on Image-Based Lighting Workflows for TDM!



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shadowcaulk is how you approximate a low-poly shadow mesh when using Brush geometry to build your map.


Not everyone builds 99.9999% of their mission in Blender \ 3DSmax etc ;)

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(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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With the current build, I'm noticing that when I press Quicksave, my inventory and weapon icons are briefly replaced with what looks like rows of white text on a black background. Anyone else notice this?


edit: see video.


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With the current build, I'm noticing that when I press Quicksave, my inventory and weapon icons are briefly replaced with what looks like rows of white text on a black background. Anyone else notice this?


edit: see video.


I think that effect is even more pronounced on debug builds. I suppose we access data that has already been destructed. I'll run TDM with full page heap to see if we have any out-of-bands memory accesses.
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