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A link to the repository instructions (such as those on the page Tels created) is pretty standard. Here is the equivalent page in Wine:




I guess we should add some user-friendly Synaptic instructions on our page as well, for users who prefer to use the graphical tools.


Sure, I just didn't want to bother taking screenshots for Adept Manager (the KDE version) and I don't have Gnome here :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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I'll have a go at it tomorrow evening.


Spent now some time looking into compilng DR for different platforms. Virtual Box was my choice for now, but it had a few problems when I tried it at work.


* Here at home, I cannot install guest modules on my 64bit PC, which hints at that it might not work at all (still downloading the Ubuntu server edition ISO :) And using it on my laptop won't be too useful, the CPU is rather slow and I only got one Gbyte memory.

* the next thing is I wanted the resulting disk image (*.vdi) compressed and then distribute it so somebody else can run the compile, too. However, 1.3Gbyte uncompressed are shrinked to "only" 350 Mbyte with RAR, which is too big to fit on my server and too big to upload for me. (We would need to do this 6 times for 7.10, 8.04 and 8.10 in 32 and 64bit, mind you).


So after reading on the Ubuntu website I stumpled over their remark that Ubuntu 8.10 is availabel on Amazons "cloud computing" EC2 service. Which would mean you can configure a server with a mouseclicks (no up/downloading several hundred megs), just install the nec. compiler in it and the SVN down DR, then compile it and there you go.


It is not free, but it is very cheap:




mentions 0.10 $ per hour. Even if it takes an hour and we need to compile it 6 times, that means way under a dollar for a DR release. That's a steal, my hosting with pair costs almost that amount per day :)


So, does any one here have an account with Amazon or is willing to create one? :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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I'm going to prepare some instructions when I install DarkRadiant in Linux. I've completed my Ubuntu installation, though I haven't installed anything yet, so I might as well take some shots.


Isn't there a tutorial somewhere already how to add sources to Synaptic or Adept Manager? Apart from it being only a few mouse clicks, we don't need to repeat the basic documentation of basic system tools that the user will be using every day, anyway :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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So, does any one here have an account with Amazon or is willing to create one? :)


After reading this guie it appears you also must enroll in an Ubuntu beta programme. Oh well.




Btw, I think the DR compiling thread should me moved out of this thread into its own thread. Could some admin please do this? :)


Edit: See http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...st&p=174843.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Isn't there a tutorial somewhere already how to add sources to Synaptic or Adept Manager? Apart from it being only a few mouse clicks, we don't need to repeat the basic documentation of basic system tools that the user will be using every day, anyway :)


Don't underestimate the need for users to have nice instructions -- I doubt that many users will be adding new DEB lines every day, even if they know how to install software from existing repositories.

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What's the name of that spawnarg that means 'show this by default in entity inspector even though it's inherited'? This is hard to find. Tried wiki, searched the forum, searched in the list at bloodgate (how to refer to that?) I found this spawnarg with difficulty the other day/week but can't remember now. It's for use with spawnargs that you always need to set, eg, target on a path entity. But I've looked in path.def and can't see it. It would be something like "show_in_editor" "target"

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What's the name of that spawnarg that means 'show this by default in entity inspector even though it's inherited'? This is hard to find. Tried wiki, searched the forum, searched in the list at bloodgate (how to refer to that?) I found this spawnarg with difficulty the other day/week but can't remember now. It's for use with spawnargs that you always need to set, eg, target on a path entity. But I've looked in path.def and can't see it. It would be something like "show_in_editor" "target"


I believe it is called:


"editor_setKeyValue translate" "0 0.5 0"




@bloodgate: Unsure, I refer to it as "online doc", "JS GUI" etc but can't make up my mind :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Thanks - you just beat me to it. Why my memory couldn't connect is that it actually sets the value on the entity after spawning and not in the def and thereby it being shown in entity inspector is a kind of side-effect even though that is its main purpose. So it can't be called show_in_editor because it's real function is to set. This is one of those that I can't think where to categorize it in documentation. You can't look it up if you can't remember the name and you can't search for the purpose because its prime purpose is something else. Also it is unguessable. Phew! If you looked on the wiki where could you look? I started in Dark Radiant but then what? In the bloodgate list (please give it a special name for reference like the 'mega entity list' or something you can't search for it unless you already know its name. Catch 22, chicken and egg. :)


PS also surprising hardly any of these used yet. Must be tons of entities where you always have to set some spawnarg or other.

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Thanks - you just beat me to it. Why my memory couldn't connect is that it actually sets the value on the entity after spawning and not in the def and thereby it being shown in entity inspector is a kind of side-effect even though that is its main purpose. So it can't be called show_in_editor because it's real function is to set. This is one of those that I can't think where to categorize it in documentation. You can't look it up if you can't remember the name and you can't search for the purpose because its prime purpose is something else. Also it is unguessable. Phew! If you looked on the wiki where could you look? I started in Dark Radiant but then what? In the bloodgate list (please give it a special name for reference like the 'mega entity list' or something you can't search for it unless you already know its name. Catch 22, chicken and egg. :)


PS also surprising hardly any of these used yet. Must be tons of entities where you always have to set some spawnarg or other.


Actually, if you know it has something with "editor" in its name, you can search for it:


* http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/doc/#search-editor


Uncheck the box "entities" and it shows only spawnargs with "editor" in them. Of course, they are almost all not documented so that doesn't help much :(


bloodgate: How about "The TDM Online Documentation"? TTDMOD sounds silly, tho..

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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@bloodgate: Unsure, I refer to it as "online doc", "JS GUI" etc but can't make up my mind :)

No, you can't call it "online doc" - that is so generic it covers the entire 49999 trillion online docs that constitutes the internet. Is it primarily a spawnarg list? How about "The Dark Mod Spawnarg Reference" for its full title and SpawnArgRef or SpawnRef or Sparf or something for short? :laugh:

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No, you can't call it "online doc" - that is so generic it covers the entire 49999 trillion online docs that constitutes the internet. Is it primarily a spawnarg list? How about "The Dark Mod Spawnarg Reference" for its full title and SpawnArgRef or SpawnRef or Sparf or something for short? :laugh:


it covers spawnargs, entities, and the files where these are defined. (Materials, skins etc. might get added at a later stage, mind you).


So basically it is a documentation for TDM and it is online. And it is, well interactive (but you can't change it, only access it).


Maybe just refer to it as "bloodgate"? I am out of ideas :P

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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After inserting my cabinet prefab I see some things renumbered but they still bind to and target the correct items. So I think all works OK but confusing in the editor. So, the front of drawer 1 is now called front 2 but it is still correctly positioned and bound to drawer 1 etc. Drawer 2 now targets FrobControl 1 - but it is targetting the correct entity - it just has a different name. I suspect this may be near impossible to control in the software. I'm inclined in cases like these, ie, prefabs, to give them each distinct names so renumbering won't matter. I think if I call them drawerA, B, C, and D and their fronts A, B, C, D and FrobControls, and handles etc. A,B,C,D then even if they are all re-numbered eg, drawer_frontB_2 I don't think it will matter as its drawer should be drawerB_2. If someone later inserts another prefab in the same mission then my guess is they will be named eg, drawerB_3 and frontB_3 so that makes more sense to me.

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Yes, that worked fine and I'll stick to that method in future in all prefabs. Rotation won't fully work no matter what combination of rotate options I set so I'll adjust those manually and produce a N, S, E, W facing version of each.





greebo: I've hit the limit on number of layers that will fit the dialog on screen and I'm less than half way through my cabinets. I can work round this for now but I think this should go on tracker if only for further thought. If it is not possible to have a scrolling button interface then maybe some sort of 'folder' option would work? What I'm thinking is that, I have say, 10 or 12 layers on each cabinet so suppose there were layers cabinet1, cabinet2, etc and then select one of those and it reveals the layers within that layer (exclusively) showing the components of that cabinet much like opening a folder in a file browser.

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You can report it, if you feel like it.


The question I ask myself is: is it truly necessary to have 10-12 layers per cabinet? How comes, one layer per brush? Is this really helping map organization?


I can see the point of having a number of layers while developing the cabinet, but will a mapper be interested in having all those for each cabinet?

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The question I ask myself is: is it truly necessary to have 10-12 layers per cabinet? How comes, one layer per brush? Is this really helping map organization?
Definitely. Absolutely. I'm using them all regularly. Unthinkable not to be able to do this now. I don't understand what you mean by 'one layer per brush'? The layers I have are eg, deskDoorsNdrawers (something like 16 brush/patch entities each times 6), deskHandles(12 or so), deskFrobControls (16 entities), deskFrobBlockers(12 to 15 entities), and so on for deskJunk, deskTop, deskCarcase and so on, then the same for each cabinet.
I can see the point of having a number of layers while developing the cabinet, but will a mapper be interested in having all those for each cabinet?
The mapper who uses these cabinets won't get the layers - they won't be included with the prefab. In fact when DR saves the layer file with the prefab it doesn't seem to work correctly. I thought that save was there in error?
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The mapper who uses these cabinets won't get the layers - they won't be included with the prefab. In fact when DR saves the layer file with the prefab it doesn't seem to work correctly. I thought that save was there in error?

Ah I see we're understanding each other. At first I thought you wanted to "ship" all these layers to the actual prefab and to the mappers.


So you're saying the layer dialog is too small. This can be remedied by redesigning the dialog, of course. There must be some listview or scrollbar implemented, but some of the functionality would have to be reorganised. Right now, the layer selection feature relies on the Layer Names being buttons, which will be changed if a listview is in use. Needs thought.

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Ah I see we're understanding each other. At first I thought you wanted to "ship" all these layers to the actual prefab and to the mappers.


So you're saying the layer dialog is too small. This can be remedied by redesigning the dialog, of course. There must be some listview or scrollbar implemented, but some of the functionality would have to be reorganised. Right now, the layer selection feature relies on the Layer Names being buttons, which will be changed if a listview is in use. Needs thought.


How about a listview who's entities are buttons?

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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Ah I see we're understanding each other. At first I thought you wanted to "ship" all these layers to the actual prefab and to the mappers.


But if the layers are not saved in the prefab, they are essentially lost. And I think they are kinda important :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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@Fidcal: In response to this issue report: http://bugs.angua.at/view.php?id=1570, I've added a mouseover help system to the entity inspector. Optionally, the user can also display hepl icons for each documented spawnarg (showing which properties are already documented):




The mouseover also works when no help icon is displayed, this is just for overview's sake.

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I don't know how many of you use multi-monitor when using DR, I do for my desktop.


Something I've noticed, if you load up TDM first, than DR, I can't move the camera. I can right click it and move the mouse around, but the camera stays still. I have to quit D3 and DR, start DR again, and than it works. I can load up darkmod after I have DR loaded, but not vice versa. Does anyone else get this problem?


My desky OS is XP 32bit.


Nvidia 8800 GT GPU






Gamers Outreach, a nonprofit that uses videogames to raise money for chairty.


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