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Update 2nd December


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And Dram, I hate you. It seems you can model as well as map, and yours puts my work to shame! :P


Yeah, it seems everytime I start to gain a little confidence or some self satisfaction in my efforts some of his work pops up and... well... what happens after that is unpleasant, so I'll spare the details. But his stuff looks really good.

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Oh by the way Dram what particles you use around your lamps? Custom ones or standard D3?


Dram is going to be away for a month or two, so he probably won't be able to answer any questions. I'm pretty sure those are animated textures rather than particle effects though.

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This shot has a rather poor looking garden bed. Is there a limitation on vegetation in the Doom 3 engine?


No, but there's a limitation of vegetation models in our library. Want to make some?

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Oh by the way Dram what particles you use around your lamps? Custom ones or standard D3?

Those are the base TDM fire particles (not D3), but with a twist - he added a glare effect around them. Both types now exist in the current alpha release, I believe.


Is there a limitation on vegetation in the Doom 3 engine?

Heh! Of course not. :) A designer can do whatever they want, and then balance performance as needed. He could also place all individual blades of grass, but it might not run well.


Plus, what SH said. :P

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Wow Dram, those screenshots are looking gorgeous, and incredibly professional. This is inspiring new hope within me for the Dark Mod. This might actually work! :laugh:


*Edit* Actually that is a much better screenshot of the arrow models. They are looking believable and interesting.


Too bad one of your shots isn't high resolution Dram (such as http://www.mindplaces.com/darkmod/screen39.jpg) because honestly, they are gorgeous enough for desktop wallpaper) The glowing lights are perfect for thief.

Edited by Ombrenuit
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Thank you for the update :)


Man is that ever a large bow, not short bow ;). Unless he's 5'1", doesn't seem practical for a thief :unsure:


This shot has a rather poor looking garden bed. Is there a limitation on vegetation in the Doom 3 engine?


I would say; Hey large bow, where are you going with that little man :D, no honestly i think it's amazing what you have and are accomplishing and i cant wait to see the dark mod in full "swing" !!!! (which is to say that i enjoy all the progress ... just let me play.........!!!!)



Edited by MadhatteR
"Curiouser and Curiouser" cried Alice!"
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have access to the net! Going skiing in about 30 min so I have time to answer a few questions. I'm on holiday in CZ atm and I'm loving it here! Anyways:


Just to say, cheers for the update. Even as a beta mapper I don't know all the internal stuff happening in there.


And Dram, I hate you. It seems you can model as well as map, and yours puts my work to shame! :P


Thanks :blush: I'm not joking when I say I remake those rooms several times. The room with the large stairwell was redone around 8 times literally. As you can imagine I spent many hours frustrated too when something ran bad or looked ugly and in those situations you just have to either move onto something else or just give it a break. It's easy to get demoralized when something does'nt work, and very hard to push through. Believe me when I say there were sveral times when I wanted to punch my computer...VERY hard.


Oh by the way Dram what particles you use around your lamps? Custom ones or standard D3?


Custom ones. They're in the standard TDM toolset so everyone can use them.


Yeah, it seems everytime I start to gain a little confidence or some self satisfaction in my efforts some of his work pops up and... well... what happens after that is unpleasant, so I'll spare the details. But his stuff looks really good.


I got exactly the same feeling when I used to see Glee's work. It's really hard to stay motivated and continue at a good pace. I overcame the demoralization by just trying again and again and trying new things etc. I never used to like coding or scripting and always tried to avoid it. One day I jumped right into it and got the hang of it and now I can do crap like mechanical bookshelves, lights that affect inernal external lighting etc etc etc.


I know what it's like to be severely demoralized and in cases when you are just unhappy with your work it's best to either ignore what other's work looks like compared to yours (as I've found, I always feel I could do better then what I've done and that other's work is better etc) and press on, or alternatively grab a bottle of vodka and map. Either way, it's better to try and improve yourself rather then look at what other's have and get demoralized. It's hard to push on when you think your work is inferior (i get that all the time) but I usually find it feels better when it is finished and you can learn from it.


I'm just trying to help mind.


This shot has a rather poor looking garden bed. Is there a limitation on vegetation in the Doom 3 engine?


Of course you could put models for every flower and have it look omfg-type perfect, but of course it would be a slide-show, so I chose lower res as opposed to slide show.



Anyways guys, I'm going to have to go soon, in about 15min, so talk to you all later. Probably won't get access until tonight (possibly) and tomorrow I'm going to Prostejov (I'm in Brno now) and probs won't have access for a while. So good luck guys and cya later!

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Basically it doesn't even matter what your maps look like now, guys. As we all know it will still take some time 'till TDM will be released, so you guys still got lots of time to improve. :) Also it doesn't even matter too much to me what your missions look like. They should just be fun to play, that's all!! :) GL with that...

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