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Status Updates posted by demagogue
You all ought to check out The Black Parade over on TTLG if you have any heart for our kind of game. It's a grand tribute for the 25th anniversary of Thief TDP.
Does anyone ever actually read these status updates?
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To sum it up: Everyone under your status update (including you) reads (your) status update(s).
Yes, but I doubt everyone who reads the status update replies to it.
Also, sometimes people reply to something without having read it.
I saw that we have a YouTube page (maybe we've had it for a while & I'm just finding out), apparently automatically generated. https://gaming.youtube.com/game/UCBIJ1NKkWkp8hbiHiN5KqpQ
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*Not to say FenPhoenix Let's Plays are off-topic, just that they are not live streamed.
What exactly is it..?
There are apparently so many Let's Plays on YT that they decided to make automatically-generated homepages for every game to hold all the LPs. That's what this is in a nutshell.
I'm looking at this stairway right now waiting for my train, and all I can think is tsk tsk, messy brushwork! http://i64.tinypic.com/15y7tpd.jpg
Wanting to help out on a git project... Is it just me or is Git a lot more complicated than SVN? I don't remember this much trouble contributing to Darkmod. (Of course it doesn't help that this new project I have to build on a Linux virtual machine.)
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Haha, yeah, basically just follow directions by rote. I'm never entirely sure what I'm actually doing and crossing my fingers I'm not overwriting something, whereas on SVN you're pushing buttons that are more or less transparent about what they'll do.
I had the same problem when going from SVN for TDM, to GIT for DarkRadiant, whenever it didn't just work, I had no idea what do to. Usually just running it again would make it work.
I also dislike Git. We have to use it at work and I ever fear it most, when you manually have to merge stuff. A pain in the *** every single time
You have got to be kidding. You need an Apple device to access a news story? Don't they know the principle that information wants to be free? "This story is only available in Apple News. To view this story, open the link on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch with iOS 9 or later and Apple News."
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For me, it was living in a small golden cage.
probably a selling ploy by apple, buy us to read us.
It was the story about CERN possibly finding a new particle (which is significant because unlike the Higgs, no one was really looking for this one, so it'd bring new theory with it). It was easy to find elsewhere, but that makes Apple's closure of it even more curious. Closing sensitive Apple crap is one thing, but a public story looks like Applites are so submerged in that way of thinking they don't see how dumb that is.
Walking around, look up, and I'm at SquareEnix. Anyone think I should leave a present in their shrubbery for what they did to Thief4? The place is massive btw.
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@demagogue: What about an inscription with your "favorite" quote from T2014? I vote for "Garrett, I'm slipping! Give me the claw!!!" Or maybe "My hook is bigger than yours"
Go in and give 'em a copy of TDM?
In the last 2 days I visited an embassy aand a castle, and both had entry gates where doors were on perpendicular walls (ie, no line of sight). It was clearly for security reasons, but all I could think was, well they've obviously thought about visportalling here.
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You took photos for texturing?
Well they're Japanese styled. And while I'd love some Japanese assets for ninja themed levels, to be worthwhile we'd really need a whole asset pack--textures, models, AI--to give it justice.
All your life must be devoted to furthering TDM
show us the textures
Some dictionary awarded a 'best new words of the year' (I guess that got added this year), and one was 'ghosting'. It only took 17 years, but it's finally been made official. Now let's see if we can get taffer or lightgem.
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I'm sure it's been used as long as the word ghost has, just with different meanings. The one in OP apparently refers to ignoring someone on social media. As if social media sociology deserves the recognition. =L
I've heard people using 'ghosting' in Dayz: i) get into firefight on a public server, ii) log out, iii) log in to a quiet server, iv) move to advantageous position, v) log out and log back in to the original server to surprise the enemy from the new, better position. One of the reasons people like to play on Private shards.
I'd never heard of the social media meaning of "ghosting" before. I assumed the new definition was the usage from the Riddick movies (where it means "killing people").
Big earthquake in Tokyo today! It started with the ground dropping straight down, what felt like a foot or so straight down. I've never felt that kind of plunge before. Then a few seconds later the shaking started up.
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Let's hope they don't blame Demagogue in their angry search for the gaijin causing the earthquakes.
I got blamed for some automatic doors not working because I was stood near them all suspicious-like, just waiting for someone to come out of the shop. Japan is just worlds apart, somehow I even loved the xenophobia on the few occasions it cropped up, maybe owing to how different it was to usual racism. More defensive than aggressive, really cool. I'm envious that you get to live there!
I hope you are okay.
Get accustomed to these moments or move tot another country. Japan is lying on a earth faultline.
wow, sounds like a strange experience.
Some of us are looking for a coder for a Thief project. A guy named Tos released the sourcecode for his multiplayer version of Thief2. The catch is it's not currently compatible with New Dark. Can any of you think of any coder & Thief fan that might be interested in trying to get it to be at least compatible?
Source code & details are in this post & thread: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=124169&page=26&p=2037572&viewfull=1#post2037572
I wished for this to happen since he abandoned his own project and hoped this will becme true since New Dark came out. Sadly I can't do coding.
Good luck with this VIP (very important project
Zero Punctuation's Yahtzee reviews The Dark Mod! www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOSVGysMTzI
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I'll take this over a fake mission release thread any day
Noooo, what can I get people with now?! Shouldn't have slept in...
Oy! My ears!
I'm excited that Voxel Farm has finally released their tools to the public. http://procworld.blogspot.jp/2015/03/get-voxel-farm.html
I can't believe it's taking 8 minutes to download just the screenshots of Briarwood Cathedral, only 2.3 MB. Forget about the FM itself! Wifi in developing countries like Burma has a long way to go... =L
Messing around in my notebook and somehow a map gets drawn in. Hmmm... What could it mean?
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Too medieval for D&D!?
Medieval and visportals? Hmm? I give up. What can it mean? It could be anything... ANYTHING! ;D Good luck with the project, man!
My favorite D&D modules struck me as earlier than medieval for some reason, but I have a bad memory of the nuts and bolts. Been too long since I played.
Messing around in my notebook and somehow a map gets drawn in. Hmmm... What could it mean?
I did the political compass test and apparently belong in a Pirate Party. I wonder if being part of an open source project has influenced my politics. I do think information & people want to be free.
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I got to page 3 before I realized this test is probably put out by the administration to gauge the people's climate and future implications.
I think it's run by a university. I don't doubt statistics are collected, but since it's taken internationally I think it's more valuable to professors than any gov't.
Might even be helping somebody out with their dissertation.
I just saw a reporter Ann Lucia whose name was pronounced Loo-chee-ah. I always thought it was Loo-see-ah. So what's the proper way for Tears of St. Lucia?
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But I'd give Spring's way priority if someone asked me too. =)
I would say it, Loo-chi-a, and I'm American.
Tomato TomAto.
let's call the whole thing off
Anyone interested in categorizing our FMs by type (City, Forest, Mansion, Church, etc)? It would be a really useful list to have. See this thread: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/14846-fm-list-by-type/
Another update on ProcWorld. I love following this project. http://procworld.blogspot.com/2013/04/video-update-for-april-2013.html
I posted some photos over on TTLG of my time teaching at a Burma law school if anyone is curious. http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=141222
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Yeah a little. Burmese is a bit more square and loopy.
@Ob, my avatar is Andre Breton. We're more similar on the inside.
@Jaxa, I do. =)
Whatever that means.
I'll keep it in mind
It appears it may be possible for VoxelFarm to be used as a plugin for commercial engines (http://procworld.blogspot.com/2013/02/unity-makes-strength.html), feeding it polygons for a real-time procedural constructed Skyrim-like world (and natural LOD). Maybe Doom3 is in the cards? If so, I wonder if applications to TDM might work...
I made an Axis&Allies style map for the Cold War in Asia if anyone likes that sort of thing: http://tripleadev.1671093.n2.nabble.com/Cold-War-Asia-1948-v0-9-td6795601.html If you want to play it, you'd use the free TripleA engine: triplea.sourceforge.net/