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  1. Hi there, I was at my parents house for a week and started to get a little bored. The computer there can't manage graphical software or games and I didn't have any of my unity projects to continue working there. So I started a new one! with the sole purpose of finishing it in a weekend I kind of achieved my goal... by the end of the weekend it was playable. Horrible but playable. I did some polishing up when I got back home and I think it's starting to become interesting. If anyone wants to test play, go ahead and let me know what you think PLAY ORBITROLL Control the ship with wasd or arrow keys, by applying torque to rotate and thrust. The objective is usually to get the ship to the green area with the exception of levels 3 and 4, where you'll see a couple of jagged circles. In level 3 you're supposed to put the ship in orbit between these markers and in level 4 you're supposed to put the "satellite" (the cube attached to the ship) in orbit and then land the ship in the green area. Oh! release the satellite by pressing space bar! The green bar is the fuel level, the small upper horizontal slider controls the time (so you can speed up or pause occasionally) and the small slider below zooms the camera. Things to be added: - Better GUI, that also shows the objectives and other information. - Losing conditions - Score system - tutorial - better visuals and sound (level 2 is almost looking decent)
  2. After a while I wanted to play the dark mod again, I am happy to see the community is still active. I once again got the `black screen' on startup, and I solved it the same way. The get the feeling of the game again I wanted to play the Training Mission, but I got the message on post title. Exploring the source code a little I got the game seek that executable using g_Global.GetDarkmodPath() / "tdmlauncher.linux", and according to the log 'Darkmod directory is /opt/doom3/darkmod/'; so it seems a little strange as the resulting path seems correct. I read about in the wiki, but my dmargs.txt contains only comments (or so I think, it contains only lines starting with #). What can I try? Thanks etb
  3. Hi-spec laptop coming back from repair today! Goodbye to stuttering/slideshow FM gameplay! And hello to Dishonored & Mirror's Edge! Woot!

  4. This is my last review for the game. If you've been counting it's the fourth time i've reviewed this game hoping it would change for the better. I've been following Flagship before they were even that. Same goes for Hellgate: London. Played beta, demo, and release. Bought the collector's edition and am a Founder's subscriber (150$) I will cover everything I can, as short as I can. The collector's edition is a good deal for 60 dollars. You get a well made making of hellgate london dvd. Very nice concept and class art with slideshows/music. All the trailers as well and a nice box. A map of the game as well in case you're lost. Also the comic book is great. I will break down the game into five parts. Gameplay, graphics, storyline, customer service, and community. The gameplay is great because with the random generated levels you never see the exact same layout all the time. However this game is all about warehouses, sewers, streets, basically a slum filled game. Flagship released the game too early and it shows. However it grows on you and later acts bring fresh new areas. The skills though is something that should be redone. Unfortunately the devs have said they don't plan on redoing them. Also hardcore mode is not soloable all the way and you need to grind to survive with certain classes. To top it off the developers have said this is working as intended. A group beat the last boses in over 6 hours though but who the heck wants to fight a boss for that long. The bugs that were at launch are still there. Suffice to say though some of them have been fixed with the latest patch. I have not crashed but my settings are on medium instead of high. Memory leak bug is still out there and being worked on. However the Flagship staff is severely inexperienced at it shows greatly. Graphics are great and direct x 10 has some nice effects like smoke, dynamic lightning, blurriness while turning etc. Problem is you need a powerhouse rig to run the game at this setting. The game is not optmized as well as it should be. It still looks nice on medium though. Havok physics add to the atmosphere and you can use the environment to dispatch enemies quickly. Slice barrels, blow up co 2 cartridges etc and stuff goes boom. There is never a dull moment in hellgate: london. The storyline is decent at best due to it being complicated for no good reason. With the CGI you get some very nice scenes but there just aren't that many. Most of them are a book and you hear one of the characters talking. The other CGI was no doubt done by Blur Studios. It's possible Flagship did the end CGI but I doubt it. I was happy how the game ended though and it leaves it open for continued addition to the storyline. Now on to the customer service. It is in one word totally lackluster. If you call the number you can immediately tell they've outsourced it. Yes it's an Indian lady at the other end. This is bad because half the time they do not understand what you're trying to say. Secondly if they wouldn't have outsourced it they you would at least have some people in the states that understand your frustrations with the game. For all I know someone half across the world couldn't give a rat's ass that my game keeps crashing. Besides that when you e-mail them many of their replies are automated. Also numerous times have there been typos. This is so unprofessional it's insane. Also you CANNOT get a refund through them for your subscriptions. Lets just say I'm going to be disputing my Lifetime's Subscription with my credit card company. Reason being they just pulled a bait and switch. They advertised 24 character slots for subscribers only. Instead of giving people without a subscription 10 they went ahead and gave em the 24 for free. That's right completely free. Which means those that paid for subscription just got baited and switched. You still get to use items that non subscribers don't use but half the time they are more combersome than you think. Imagine having a Warhammer Online event where you pick up your enemies ears, arms, and make recipes. Problem is you can only find ears and hardly any arms. Also you seem to be finding so many recipe's that they clog up your inventory. Sure you could destroy them but that's not the point. Also you have this one recipe you can't get rid of cuz you crossed into nightmare mode. So you're forced to literally exploit the engine to get rid of the stupid item clogging your inventory. How would you feel? I'll tell you how I feel. I feel like I could make a better game with a pencil and paper. No kidding here folks the content is usually rushed and not well though out. Tack in the customer service and well you get the idea... Moving on we have the lovely welcoming heart warming community. NOT! If you thought the World of Warcraft forums were bad, hah! At least you got mods there. Half the time in the Hellgate London forums they got without any mods. Also the forums are restricted to those who own the game. Which means those that don't won't know how bad it can get. The community is torn and here is why. From day 1 there was NO mention of subscription. This came out about 3 months before launch. 3-6 months at the most. It was like a slap in the face. It was as if Diablo never existed. For 10 years Diablo 2 has been free to play on battle.net and so has every other Blizzard game. This was the ultimate knife in the back, the ultimate betrayal, and I was stupid enough to fork down 150$ for it. Which I will get getting back in a week or two. In conclusion Hellgate: London was supposed to have been so much more. Bill Roper instilled faith in his followers. He is a great man but when it comes down to management Flagship failed and failed hard. Their inexperienced developers released the game when it wasn't time to. The game needed honestly about 6-12 months more to be polished. In the making of DVD bill says and I quote "Flagship studios was founded with the concept to make great games." Well Hellgate: London is a great game but it that does not make it a good one. There is no doubt Flagship will learn an immonumental amount of from their mistakes. That does not mean they won't commit them again. There is communication between the community but instead of giving people refunds they totally change the subject on you when you contact them. Also they really seem not to care as much as they should. To conclude Hellgate: London is a game that was not executed well. I think they should of stayed 2D as Mythos their 2D game is much better some day. If you're interested in this game you should definately Ebay it but don't pay full price. I think 1up.com summed it up best. This game deserves a 4.0 out of 10. I'll definately be getting my money back for Founder's offer. I just feel hurt that a company could do this. Especially with Bill Roper being one of the men in charge. Honestly I feel like he should be ashamed of himself to release a game like this. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it. It's all the other little things that compound to one big heart ache. Hellgate: London can burn in hell. (Definately quote me on that!) -Pros- Nice gameplay and graphics. Some good parts to the storyline and CG movies. Nice moddable weapons and looting system. Cons It don't work right all the time. Confusing storyline. Subscription based system segregates community. Customer service which is 1/10th that of Blizzard's Inexperienced development team Rushed buggy game. -Conclusion- Hellgate: London can burn in hell. /cry
  5. http://www.phoronix....item&px=MTExMjU To be honest, what is the point? There already are lots of free and open arena-style games. I have no business telling those folks how to spend their time, but it would be nicer for the gaming community if these guys made a Doom 3 based game because we've seen so many Q3 clones already... and a D3-based game could help TDM go stand-alone. Is it worth pleeding our case to these folks? We could say "hey look, we already have lots of usable assets in a "new" engine, and if you help us go stand-alone, you could use the assets to do something cool and unique like making a medieval deathmatch game with swords and the like."
  6. I have doom 3 in 1.3.1. I downloaded the non-updater installation for the dark mod, It extracted smoothly, I used the updater, then I started up doom 3, chose the dark mod in the mods launcher and wham... Runtime error crash... How do I get this mod to work. I also tried the dark mod launcher but it just launches doom3 ordinarily, I also tried the "+set fs_game_base darkmod" after-the-target-method but no, it obviously didn't work, same error is evident. Windows XP SP3 is my operating system. I can run doom 3 fine.
  7. From the bethblog site: << We have just released ‘The Awakening’- the first in a three-part Dishonored webisode series entitled ‘The Tales from Dunwall’. These engrossing prequels, scored by Daniel Licht (Dexter) and narrated by Chloe Grace Moretz (Kick Ass), gives you a first-hand glimpse into Dishonored’s shadowy whaling world of Dunwall, where plague is rampant and the city is in disarray and on the verge of dystopia. Concepted by Rokkan and developed by Psyop, each episode was predominantly produced by hand. Each frame was a fully rendered style frame, which was then enhanced with 3D elements to add to the painterly atmosphere, dimension and depth of each shot. >> Here is the first webpisode: Really not bad! It reminds me the thief videos mission briefing. Waiting for the game :-D
  8. Announcement: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=8900 Please post any comments, bug notices, etc in this thread. If you have any issues with the new forums, please try to refresh/remove your Internet browser cache. Thanks ~m2
  9. Gecko's new texture pack looks cool in game:

    1. STiFU


      I'd say some things look nice, but some things really don't!! :) It's still great though Thief can do HD textures now...

    2. Bikerdude


      I think for te most part he has a good eye for what matches the old textures, I did notice a bunch of miss-alignments and such, but I imagine these will get ironed out in testing.

    3. New Horizon

      New Horizon

      Some of them do act as phenomenal replacements, but others are so drastically different that they make for a completely different feeling. Still, very nice.


  10. Someone's got a hint how to easily make big game recorded videos (avi) smaller?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. knymed


      handbrake 0.9.8

    3. Obsttorte


      got Super from chip.de

      as far as I remember its a rather plain interface without any advertisement

      I don't know if its changed in the newer versions

    4. 7upMan


      I recommend FormatFactory. It has a very user-friendly interface and can convert every format into every format. Just try it out.

  11. Dearth:http://thiefmissions.com/search.cgi?sort=release&search=+game=dm#m

  12. DarkRadiant segfaults when I place info_player_start for my custom game based on Doom 3 engine and choose entity class for it (or if I try creating an entity). Bug report http://bugs.angua.at/view.php?id=3188
  13. I've never really played any stealth game other than Thief (and Chronicles of Riddick) and I'd like to pick up something to relax with over the summer (and that might stimulate some TDM ideas). Of the stealth games out there, which one do you think would most appeal to a Thief/TDM fan like myself (who likes the combo of stealth and historical/fantasy)? I was thinking something in the Assassin's Creed series, perhaps?
  14. Got banned from a game server for "using aimbot/wallhack", even though I NEVER have. It underscores the fact these anti-cheat systems are worthless.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. demagogue


      The coolest recent MP games IMO have been Left 4 Dead (that name always reminds me of Baddcog's FM lol) &

      NeoTokyo (HL2

      mod), which is like a cyberpunk counterstrike that sadly doesn't have players anymore. I like MP IL-2 too. Yeah they're fun, just this one thing that can be annoying.

    3. demagogue


      Also of course if you haven't played T2 FMs coop style you really ought to. It really adds to an FM to play it with a friend.

    4. lost_soul


      but against bots, you never get the thrill of chasing them all the way across the level while they frantically try to get away from you. :) I've actually seen some servers where "chasing" is against the rules.

  15. Sorry about starting a whole new topic on this but I don't see a general error reporting thread. Anyway, installed darkmod just fine. Doom3 is the latest version 1.3. (I clicked updates and it said I was already up to date). Running Windows XP, NVidia GeForce 7900 GTX. Doom3 works for me but when I launch the Darkmod, I see the logo for a couple of seconds then an error window pops up: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library This program has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Anyone had this problem yet? Any ideas? I soooo want to play TDM it hurts. Especially looking forward to Fidcal's mission.
  16. Im running Ubuntu 9.10. I followed the installation instructions and got this error: joe@blackbox:~/.doom3/darkmod$ sudo ./tdm_update.linux Compress::Raw::Zlib object version 2.024 does not match bootstrap parameter 2.020 at /usr/lib/perl5/Compress/Raw/Zlib.pm line 97. Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Compress/Zlib.pm line 12. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Compress/Zlib.pm line 12. Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Archive/Zip.pm line 24. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Archive/Zip.pm line 24. Compilation failed in require at -e line 359. Any idea how I can fix this?
  17. I get a bluescreen crash when I run TDM. This happened after I ran tdm_update. I checked the FAQ about this, the only thing that seemed close to what I had was this I tried that an no dice. I tired deleting tdm_events.script and recovering it via SVN, nothing. If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate it. This is irritating Guess I'll have to resort to using my laptop. for now.
  18. I've just completed the upgrade from IPB 2.2.x to 2.3.6, the newest official release of IPB. This was done to stay ahead on the IPB version 3 that is currently in the beta stages. Please post any comments, bug notices, etc in this thread. PS: If you have any issues with the new forums, please try to refresh/remove your Internet browser cache. Thanks, ~m2
  19. Had to smile yesterday re-watching The Incredibles movie. Just got to a scene in the parlor (lounge, living room) and noticed the ceiling was floorboards aligned in the wrong direction. That is, they were aligned in the same direction as the support joists below so in RL the floorboards between are unsupported. Even Pixar can get it wrong. I'm having problems with my PVR but if I can burn this to DVD I'll post a screenie.
  20. I don't know if it's known or not. When I try to erase a fm form my disk it doesn't work and game crashes. All darkmod files are up to date.
  21. My semester finally wrapped up, time to take a look at TDM. I just installed it using the updater, and now, trying to run it, i get this error message: (this is actually the error message I get trying to run Doom 3, the error message I get trying to run TDM is much less helpful. It simply says something about runtime errors forcing it to close in an unusual way) any thoughts? error message: Wrong Game DLL API version DOOM 1.3.1302 win-x86 May 12 2005 10:40:52 2653 MHz Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & HTT 2784 MB System Memory 512 MB Video Memory Winsock Initialized Found interface: {106FD2C8-8429-430E-BD2D-21A46EE53595} NVIDIA nForce 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet - Found interface: {42E2E516-86F3-4737-A094-92A6AAED9B57} Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter - NULL netmask - skipped Found interface: {8843D4C9-00D5-498A-8381-C169E3875D86} Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) - NULL netmask - skipped Sys_InitNetworking: adding loopback interface doom using MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 for SIMD processing enabled Flush-To-Zero mode enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode ------ Initializing File System ------ Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\game00.pk4 with checksum 0xf07eb555 Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\pak000.pk4 with checksum 0x28d208f1 Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\pak001.pk4 with checksum 0x40244be0 Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\pak002.pk4 with checksum 0xc51ecdcd Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\pak003.pk4 with checksum 0xcd79d028 Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\pak004.pk4 with checksum 0x765e4f8b Current search path: C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3/base C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\pak004.pk4 (5137 files) C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\pak003.pk4 (4676 files) C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\pak002.pk4 (6120 files) C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\pak001.pk4 (8972 files) C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\pak000.pk4 (2698 files) C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\game00.pk4 (2 files) game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0 Addon pk4s: file system initialized. -------------------------------------- ----- Initializing Decls ----- ------------------------------ ------- Initializing renderSystem -------- using ARB renderSystem renderSystem initialized. -------------------------------------- 4966 strings read from strings/english.lang Couldn't open journal files execing editor.cfg execing default.cfg couldn't exec DoomConfig.cfg couldn't exec autoexec.cfg 4966 strings read from strings/english.lang ----- Initializing Sound System ------ sound system initialized. -------------------------------------- ----- R_InitOpenGL ----- Initializing OpenGL subsystem ...registered window class ...registered fake window class ...initializing QGL ...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded ...calling CDS: ok ...created window @ 0,0 (640x480) Initializing OpenGL driver ...getting DC: succeeded ...PIXELFORMAT 10 selected ...creating GL context: succeeded ...making context current: succeeded ------- Input Initialization ------- Initializing DirectInput... mouse: DirectInput initialized. keyboard: DirectInput initialized. ------------------------------------ sound: STEREO ...using GL_ARB_multitexture ...using GL_ARB_texture_env_combine ...using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map ...using GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 ...using GL_ARB_texture_env_add ...using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two ...using GL_ARB_texture_compression ...using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc ...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000 ...using GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias X..GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette not found ...using GL_EXT_texture3D ...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap ...using GL_NV_register_combiners ...using GL_EXT_stencil_two_side X..GL_ATI_fragment_shader not found X..GL_ATI_text_fragment_shader not found ...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object ...using GL_ARB_vertex_program ...using GL_ARB_fragment_program ...using EXT_depth_bounds_test ---------- R_NV20_Init ---------- --------------------------------- ----------- R200_Init ----------- Not available. ---------- R_ARB2_Init ---------- Available. --------------------------------- ----- R_ReloadARBPrograms ----- glprogs/test.vfp glprogs/test.vfp glprogs/interaction.vfp glprogs/interaction.vfp glprogs/bumpyEnvironment.vfp glprogs/bumpyEnvironment.vfp glprogs/ambientLight.vfp glprogs/ambientLight.vfp glprogs/shadow.vp glprogs/R200_interaction.vp glprogs/nv20_bumpAndLight.vp glprogs/nv20_diffuseColor.vp glprogs/nv20_specularColor.vp glprogs/nv20_diffuseAndSpecularColor.vp glprogs/environment.vfp glprogs/environment.vfp glprogs/arbVP_glasswarp.txt: File not found glprogs/arbFP_glasswarp.txt: File not found ------------------------------- using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory using ARB2 renderSystem found DLL in pak file: C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\game00.pk4/gamex86.dll copy gamex86.dll to C:\Program Files\Games\Doom 3\base\gamex86.dll 3 22 640 480 Regenerated world, staticAllocCount = 0. Shutting down sound hardware idRenderSystem::Shutdown() Shutting down OpenGL subsystem ...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success ...deleting GL context: success ...releasing DC: success ...destroying window ...shutting down QGL ...unloading OpenGL DLL wrong game DLL API version
  22. Hi all Looking for some helkp with this as there is nothing in the FAQ's about this one. Upon launching TDM using the launcher, after 5-10 seconds I get a Runtime Error!, dialog within a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library window. Program: D:\Doom3\DOOM3.exe, This application has requested that the program terminate in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. I have Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 runtimes installed, I've uninstalled these and reinstalled again and no difference. Any advice would be appreciated. DXDiag report below. Many thanks KD Edit : DXDiag report removed
    1. _Atti_


      Reading this the welcome speech of the Tdm's moddb site and homepage came to mind, not that they're bad but that they could benefit from these ideas, especially the moddb one.

    2. Diego


      Yep. And I'm an asshole, apparently! lol

    3. simplen00b


      From the wording of the link, I was expecting a "let's-sneer-at-the-noobie-retards" article (which I can find quite funny if I'm in the mood) - it's actually thought-provoking, concise and funny in a self-deprecating way. Thanks for posting it.

  23. Now this is game design and editing, and what grabbed my intrest was at 4:00 -

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RPGista


      So they have smoking ads on games now, even though they know they are mostly played by early teens? Those damn guys will never give up, will they, with their little subliminal messages, they are coming back hard on films and tv series too. Cool engine by the way.

    3. Mortem Desino

      Mortem Desino

      Actually, what caught my eye was at 3:05. Texture-painting by hand. Dang cool.

    4. Bikerdude


      @MD, yeah now if we had that in DR that would be extremely cool.

  24. Ever been in a multiplayer game and had 26 frags, but if you add up the scores of your teammates, they only total four? (ignoring the guy with the negative score)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Diego


      I'm usually the guy with -2. Damn you, wall bouncing my grenades :P

    3. STiFU


      I had 137 kills and 11 death in a round of Battlefield 3 a couple of days ago. :)

    4. SeriousToni


      BF 3 sounds great, but I dislike Origin. Did someone try out the Razor-Patch? (I mean original BF3 but without Origin thanks to the patch)

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