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  1. I approached this with the idea of "speed build" in mind. Yes, my mission could have been much more complex and detailed. But it also could have taken months to build. I decided to "crank it out" and made a 3 week mission; very simple, but hopefully fun to play. It's not so much about building what you want (which can take months as SH mentioned), but rather to do what you know can be done in a short time frame. Simple architecture helps (hence a bunch of caverns/tunnels in mine), using patches which take mere minutes to set up and tweak the shape and texture. I would have loved to have done a haunted mansion, but that would likely not have been possible for me, being a DR newbie, to make in 5-6 weeks and come out how I'd prefer. I like the idea of doing speed builds from time to time, so we can see what people can make in a very short time... fun, small missions to fill the gaps between the big ones. My next mission is going to have some really cool elements in it which are already nearly perfected, but I have not even started on any city streets yet... I expect that to take me quite a while.
  2. I don't think it's nailed down yet, I'd say whatever arrangement caused the following image (in springheel's post) http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=179369 would be the one to go with, since it seems just 90 degrees off, which is what you showed in your screenshot. How many heads are there? When I changed the rig, for some reason, exporting the weight maps and re-importing them didn't seem to work this time, although it did last time. If we decide there are too many heads to change then we need some way of modifying the skeleton without having to manually weight the mesh verts back on again.
  3. Yes & No It's how Maya handles angles & orientations. When you look at a joint in Maya, the attribute editor shows Transform Attributes in the upper area of the editor & I assume that info for animation. Below that is the Joint area with "Joint Orient" values & I assume that's for the default rotations. Those are the values I had to match in order to get the copy_joint thing to work. I posted pics of the attribute editor here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=182433
  4. Hmmm. Team 1 would prefer limited tools to work with so that it aids their preference of playstyle. Team 2 doesn't want to be forced into any form of playstyle through limitation. Both of these options are available to both Team 1 and Team 2 through the toolset. Wow, isn't that neat? It's up to the FM author to decide. Yes, that means that not every fan mission will meet one teams specific desires. Boo hoo. I'm sorry if this sounds condescending folks, but this kind of selfish bickering really pisses me off. There is still a lot of work to be done and the toolset you get will be far more flexible than any of the previous editors, so I don't think we have to worry if we don't make it exactly how one team wants it over the other. Please, learn how to share the sand box. Ok?
  5. I'm a Lovecraft fan, though his stories get a bit samey after a while. Woo fish things from Yuggoth shall insidiously ape thee, etc...
  6. Thanks for an updated version! I am just replaying the TDM missions on my new machine. While I see the map to be extended a bit, I must say that the old one had a bit more charme ... and less bugs. I ended with 2369 loot and shows that the remaining loot (625) is located at the position where my loot-bag was located. In case it is still required, I could provide a savegame - if I can find out how to attach it to a PM. Also the guard in the hotel had a few path-finding issues: a) he did not properly find his way back up the stairs again and had to retry a couple of times to make his final turn to the top of the stairs. at the top where he is supposed to take position - near the bathroom - he always turned around by 90 degrees like mad and did not pick up his route again. So I had to dispose him.
  7. Yet another thread about progress or the lack thereof. Models listed are at least started. Builder Guard As taken from Springheels thread. - clipping of legs through armour when walking (in progress) - hand texture needs modifying - hand size is rather small (in progress) - walk animation is borrowed from proguard so reposition sword bone so it doesn't go on the hip. walk animation is no longer going in circles but now he wanders & changes direction randomly City Watch - rigging touchups (messed up mesh, detached triangles, where the chain mail material is applied FIXED) - more mesh to the neck - fix idle & other animations. The arms & hands clip through body. - cvs commit - figure out why head is showing as black box - separate mesh where chainmail material should go - has mitten hands & head detached City Watch Elite - figure out why head is showing as black box (bb-head) Stupid mistake. I had an older, conflicting def file using the same head mesh - may need to add more mesh to the neck on the main body after fixing bb-head. - update on cvs - has mitten hands & head detached Proguard - resized - detach head - mitten hands - delete weapon from mesh Thief - rigging tweaks may need more tweaks but it's good for now - mitten hands - detached head General - spinning"helicopter" AI (walking animation problems) - WIP (borrowed from proguard) http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=3916&hl= - fix head meshes to better fit bodies.
  8. Only the first mission is a bank robbery. The other 5 missions are not bank robberies.
  9. When I said "Thief 4," I didn't mean a commercial version - that would be absurd, and would draw the legions of hell down on all our heads. However, I didn't realise that doing a fan campaign continuing the story would do the same. Likewise, I'm not suggesting that TDM be driven towards Thief 4 or Thief style - it's evident that it has the capability to produce something both quite Thief-like and quite different, and that a Thief 4 could be made nearly regardless of how the development goes. I guess I'm just not cynical enough about Eidos' IP.
  10. Thor: Producing the appearance of big open areas is not trivial - it takes experience. Likely you will need to compromise. Likely you will need to split up areas and hide the splits so it looks bigger than it is. Likely you will not be able to have too much complexity out in the open except for LOD stuff. I recommend you practice with building some stuff and examine other big missions to find out what works and what doesn't. There is no easy answer in one paragraph. What you should NOT do is start building your actual giant FM, keeping your fingers crossed that it can be made to work later. That's likely to fail. A big open mission has to be planned from the start so practice and learn first. An alternative would be to work with someone else who knows how to do it and can help build it or at least advise along the way.
  11. Done now: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=181979
  12. squill got back to me in email and said yes, that is what we should do. Judging from Springheel's pic http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=179369 looks like the head needs to be rotated forward 90 degrees.
  13. Are you talking about this? The texture in question is just the scrollwork. The brown bricks behind it are a different texture: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?act=A...ost&id=3224 But that's undoubtedly not what you're talking about, especially not after all your crumb experimentation... like I said I'm probably not sure what you're asking. Edit: Anyway, considering you're saying you're doing scaling in the editor, and getting results like the first photo in this post, that's fantastic!
  14. Well, today I decided to put my Dark Radiant and TDM launcher (which I renamed TheDarkMod.exe) so people could see I was playing TDM when logged into steam. First time I've added a non-steam game. I know quite a few Hammer mappers and mentioned TDM to a guy during L4D2 one night and he said the web page looked really nice, not sure if he's played yet though. Anyway, it got me thinking, why not start a steam group and also start promoting through steam? So I go to make a new group and TDM, The Dark Mod and thedarkmod are all taken. LOL. What? I didn't know we had a group. So it looks like Tels and 7 up man are admins. But it's an invite only group, has anyone been invited? So how bout this? Give me admin and I'll start updateing it when missions are released and whatnot. Do some screenies, etc... It might go nowhere but it might also get more mappers mapping. Steam has a nice group chat too so that's always a cool way to help each other out while mapping. This is my steam profile, anyone is welcome to add me as a friend. Maybe join the group first once we open it to public, then when an invite with a weird name comes in I know it's TDM related. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Voodoo_Daddy/ I added Tels and 7 Up as friends, but like I said, weird name, they won't know who I am 'til they read this.
  15. The scale of this mission was refreshing to me. I adds a different flavor. I'm probably a bad judge here (again) because I like some of that zen feeling of exploring and contemplating these spaces as a form of entertainment in of itself. (Just like I enjoyed some of the aimless wandering in Winter Harvest.) I agree, however, that more threats could have been placed. Some of the lifeless areas should be left alone so that pacing is measured out appropriate to the mission progress. I was on edge expecting some action to show-up in areas that hinted it and that was a nice mood element as well even if the action never came. I'm sure a brutally relentless "Sotha Style" version of this mission where patrols and moving light sources keep you moving and thinking at all times would be cool too... but I like this flavor for it's own sake. (Ironically Biker, who has had more exploratory and less confrontational missions in the past, was a big motivator to increase the patrols and dynamics in this mission.). Contrary to expectation, I was VERY happy to have such large spaces perform as well as they do. With regard to the key:
  16. Adding this to the wiki and removed the entry from the upcoming missions wiki. Can we put you down for another?
  17. Here are the meshes I have not done anything with: *Builder Acolyte Noblewoman Elite Guard Eite Citywatch *Mage Builder Forger Revenant Spider Naked Chick Any of the placeholders The acolyte and Mage are not yet rigged and may need some work to get them ready for it. The other characters all need updating (full hands, removing head from shadowmesh, separating into effective submeshes, etc). Let me know what you have in mind and I can tell you what the status is of the other characters. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=156217
  18. fllood

    Forums down

    Good move greebo! Please check: Build Missions http://wp.thedarkmod...ission-authors/ The requested URL /mission-authors/ was not found on this server.
  19. Will do :-) Also some of the images on the media page are low res/blocky so do crisp version of those as well.. In fact all of the missions need more screenshots, so will do a load of them as well.
  20. Yes and no, some of the large missions are making Doom3 get close to its internal 1.2GB limit in some instances. In any event I consider it good working practice to apply this patch to any application/game/program that starts using 1Gb during normal operation. Applying the patch doesn't come with any adverse effects, only positives. This is why I am suggesting at every instance, I have been using this patch on other apps I use.
  21. Ended last week. In my opinion, is one of the best games of the year. I say this not because I'm a fanboy of Crysis 1 / 2, call of duty, consoles are better than PCs ... etc. In fact, I consider myself a hardcore PC gamer. Given also that a deus ex is still the best game I've ever played / finished (four times). One thing is certain: human revolution deus ex has NOTHING to do with the previous deus ex. I swear that I tried in every way to find flaws in this game, but it was really difficult. I never bored from first to last minute of the game, and this was surprising. Then, deus ex 3 is a game to be played almost entirely with stealth. You can see from miles that deus ex 3 = Thief. So, probably, who has played Call of Duty style, will be disappointed. All elements of the game suggest that it is highly preferable the stealth. The enemies kill you in 2 seconds. Stunning people get 3 / 5 times more experience points, there are a lot of roads to get to the same zone, the game is easier with stealth, etc. .... Such as graphics and sound there is little to say. Really well done (played in DirectX 11 to the maximum detail. ) I admit that the story is not told well. It is also lower than the first deus ex as complexity, but for those like me who has been able to understand it all can be considered "good." Then there is the loading problem. In my case it put "only" 7 seconds, but other people have talked about 15-20 seconds. : / But how do you say that a game that lasts 30 hours is short? it is normal that if one plays ONLY the main missions the game last half of time. then I read over too easy. It depends, if you play with stealth maybe. Difficult if you play at Rambo mode. In summary, if you just want the sequel to deus ex 1 / 2, then 3 deus ex is not the right way. If you want a fps like crysis 2 / cod forget deus ex 3. Deus Ex 3 is simply a stealth disguised as role-playing game. In short, for me, there is a full 9.
  22. Uhh that function is motherboard dependant. It's called CPU critical tempurature & CPU HALT detection. Just as many AMD motherboards have it as Intel ones. Spending additional $80 is only necessary for overclocking. The stock CPU fan will cool an AMD processor more than enough to meet die temperature requirements.
  23. Depends, in my system, if my cpu gets above a certain degree, it'll shut down. I had a amd xp 2200 that i forgot to plug the fan in on, heated up to 100 degrees Celsius (that's about 212 degrees farenheit) and the system shut down on it's own, though that may have been a feature of the motherboard (bless you giga-byte) AMD's can handle more heat than Intel's though, and are considered better for overclocking, heck that amd 2200 xp, is still being used, and works just fine.
  24. greebo

    Main Menu

    There it is, I knew we did this once. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=154397
  25. Also. Thanks I look forward to making more missions. I'm already a few days into a new one... I'm thinking city>forest>pagans... a little adventure.
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