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  1. I'm noting other problems which I'll post issues for once we're up and running again. One of those is related to this one: textures for some non-frobable objects (worldspawn and func_statics) aren't being painted. The same textures will be missing through several dmaps, then suddenly they appear again, and different textures go away. It's as if a) the texture can't be found (though other surfaces with the same texture are fine) or b) the surface is behaving as if no light--not even ambient--is touching it, so it's painted black. In favor of the "texture not being found" thought is that on one load the loading screen was black, as if it couldn't be found. There are no missing texture warnings. Will file an issue with examples when we're back online.
  2. To be honest, I don't think isnan check will help. Currently an affected player sees a big flickering spot, enlarged by bloom's blurring. If we check for isnan and replace the value with zero, then he will most likely see the whole object flickering with black. This is a color uniform which affects an entire surface, so if we replace it, then the whole surface of an object will look differently. @AluminumHaste, I'm sorry for wasting your time, but maybe you can bisect by dev builds and see where the issue started happening? UPDATE: Although if this is some backend/driver issue, then it can be some weakly related change, which does not cause the issue but only triggered it.
  3. I tried it but it didn't work, TDM tried to use it but failed. I ended up removing and cleaning then installed the 2019 Win 11 driver. Could we just supply a small black specularmap texture for the driver to use since that seems to get around the problem in the first place?
  4. This is an AMD card, so more than likely it's a performance hack or AMD doing something stupid with OpenGL. Is there a reason that we couldn't just provide a simple small black dds specular texture on startup for any shader missing it?
  5. Better, don't get the full squares around windows, but the windows in black mage flicker blue still
  6. @stgatilov EDIT: It's still doing it in Flakebridge, just not as badly and the colour doesn't stick around. But, the black mage flickering windows are worse. Before, I just had the blue color in the window texture itself, now it's a big box.
  7. How can you explain that the problematic spots stick forever? You can disable bloom and it disappears, but then you enable it back and have exactly the same black/red/whatever spots, even though you look in the opposite direction already. Where is this magic memory?
  8. It's possible, but it sounds unlikely to me. I would expect any sensible driver to not actually sample the existing framebuffer if its blendweight is zero. Could be wrong, of course, wouldn't be the first time My personal hypothesis is that we may have negative values in the input color framebuffer. This has actually happened in another place where I already put a workaround for the resulting issues in place, so this isn't too far-fetched, even though I don't fully understand the cause. Now, if there is a negative value in the input to bloom, it would probably get smeared across the bloom stages and then added to the final image, which, if the negative value is high enough, would explain why it ends up as black. This is potentially simpler to test and workaround; all we'd need is a check in the bloom_downsample.frag.glsl brightpass function that returns 0 if the brightness is negative.
  9. Sorry for going somewhat off topic but I've seen this problem before in fhdoom and it can be a clue for TDM has well. When using a custom post process glsl shader, a small window at the lower left corner of the main window shows up, the effect works in the small window and the rest of the screen gets like you said. I know almost nothing about shader coding, but it could be connected to the way id tech 4 renders the screen first to 640x480 then converts it to the users screen size after. Here is one of the shaders with problems, for those that want to see it. Btw this code was not written totally by me (just made changes to try blindly convert it to fhdoom), this is a modification of a shader from Total Chaos a free game (gzDoom engine), nice game btw and credit for it should be giving to them. Btw how do you hide text in the forum? (so the reply doesn't get so big) hope this helps. Global.inc #version 330 #extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack: enable uniform mat4 rpModelMatrix; uniform mat4 rpViewMatrix; uniform mat4 rpModelViewMatrix; uniform mat4 rpProjectionMatrix; uniform vec4 rpLocalLightOrigin; uniform vec4 rpLocalViewOrigin; uniform vec4 rpLightProjectionS; uniform vec4 rpLightProjectionT; uniform vec4 rpLightProjectionQ; uniform vec4 rpLightFallOff; uniform vec4 rpBumpMatrixS; uniform vec4 rpBumpMatrixT; uniform vec4 rpDiffuseMatrixS; uniform vec4 rpDiffuseMatrixT; uniform vec4 rpSpecularMatrixS; uniform vec4 rpSpecularMatrixT; uniform vec4 rpColorModulate; uniform vec4 rpColorAdd; uniform vec4 rpDiffuseColor; uniform vec4 rpSpecularColor; uniform vec4 shaderParm0; //this shaderParm's seem to be connected to the ARB program.local[0], etc uniform vec4 shaderParm1; uniform vec4 shaderParm2; uniform vec4 shaderParm3; uniform mat4 textureMatrix0; uniform int rpAlphaTestEnabled; uniform float rpAlphaTestThreshold; uniform vec4 rpCurrentRenderSize; uniform vec2 rpClipRange; uniform int rpDepthBlendMode; uniform float rpDepthBlendRange; uniform float rpPomMaxHeight; uniform int rpShading; uniform float rpSpecularExp; uniform int rpShadowMappingMode; uniform mat4 rpSpotlightProjection; uniform mat4 rpPointlightProjection[6]; uniform vec4 rpGlobalLightOrigin; uniform vec4 rpShadowParams; //x=minBias, y=maxbias, z=fuzzyness, w=samples uniform vec4 rpShadowCoords[6]; uniform vec4 rpShadowMapSize[6]; //xy = width/height of far plane, zw = near/far clip distance //TODO(johl): is width/height correctly set for non-parallel lights? uniform float rpCascadeDistances[5]; uniform mat4 rpInverseLightRotation; Vertex shader #include "global.inc" layout(location = 0) in vec3 vertex_position; layout(location = 1) in vec2 vertex_texcoord; out vs_output { vec2 texcoord; } result; void main(void) { gl_Position = rpProjectionMatrix * rpModelViewMatrix * vec4(vertex_position, 1.0); vec4 vertex_texcoord4 = vec4(vertex_texcoord, 1.0, 1.0); result.texcoord.x = dot(rpBumpMatrixS, vertex_texcoord4); result.texcoord.y = dot(rpBumpMatrixT, vertex_texcoord4); } Pixel shader/frag program #include "global.inc" layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D currentRender; in vs_output { vec2 texcoord; } vert; out vec4 fragColor; vec2 fixScreenTexCoord(vec2 st) { float x = rpCurrentRenderSize.z / rpCurrentRenderSize.x; float y = rpCurrentRenderSize.w / rpCurrentRenderSize.y; return st * vec2(x, y); } void main() { float samples = shaderParm0.x; float amount = shaderParm0.y; float dist = shaderParm0.z; float threshold = shaderParm0.w; vec2 texSize = textureSize(currentRender, 0); vec2 uv = vert.texcoord; uv *= 1.0 - uv.yx; vec4 src = texture(currentRender, vert.texcoord); vec4 c = vec4(src.rgb, 1.0); vec4 fsrc = texture(currentRender, vert.texcoord); vec4 fc = vec4(src.rgb, 1.0); vec2 tc = vert.texcoord; float size = 0.5; for(int i = 0; i < samples; i ++) { vec2 tc = vert.texcoord; size += dist; tc.x *= 1.0-size; tc.x += size/2; tc.y *= 1.0-size; tc.y += size/2; fsrc = texture(currentRender, tc); fc += vec4(fsrc.rgb, 1.0); } size = 0.35; for(int i = 0; i < samples; i ++) { vec2 tc = vert.texcoord; size += dist; tc.x *= 1.0-size; tc.x += size/2; tc.y *= 1.0-size; tc.y += size/2; fsrc = texture(currentRender, tc); fc += vec4(fsrc.rgb, 1.0); } size = 0.8; for(int i = 0; i < samples; i ++) { vec2 tc = vert.texcoord; size += dist; tc.x *= 1.0-size; tc.x += size/2; tc.y *= 1.0-size; tc.y += size/2; fsrc = texture(currentRender, tc); fc += vec4(fsrc.rgb, 1.0); } size = 1.0; for(int i = 0; i < samples; i ++) { vec2 tc = vert.texcoord; size += dist; tc.x *= 1.0-size; tc.x += size/2; tc.y *= 1.0-size; tc.y += size/2; fsrc = texture(currentRender, tc); fc += vec4(fsrc.rgb, 1.0); } size = 0.98; for(int i = 0; i < samples; i ++) { size += dist*2; vec2 tc = vert.texcoord; tc.x *= size; tc.y *= size; fsrc = texture(currentRender, tc); fc += vec4(fsrc.rgb, 1.0); } fc = fc /(samples*3); fc = fc - threshold; fc = clamp(fc,0.0,1000000.0); fragColor = vec4(c + (fc * vec4(0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0))*amount); }
  10. Strange ... After trying to capture in-game screenshots for comparison between 2.06 and SVN, and taking Windows screen captures for comparison, the problem has morphed to: SVN is darker than 2.06, but the "nearly-all-black screen" condition that I saw has changed to a "noticeably darker, but not all-black" condition. Since I invoked SVN by accident while working with my WIP in 2.06, I'm willing to let this go until we get into 2.07 beta and see how other existing missions behave. Perhaps it was some unexplained momentary glitch on my end.
  11. I took a moment to look at the source. My very brief search has me suspect it has something to do with ID_CONSOLE_LOCK. There's a comment "draw the console full screen - this should only ever happen in developer builds". It could be that the Linux release build has the ID_CONSOLE_LOCK variable set incorrectly. Dhewm3: https://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3/blob/ae63021d0060a61374657e507a43fcd12a0d0606/neo/framework/Session.cpp#L2556 TDM: framework/Session.cpp#L2676 Also, there's a comment "If the console's not already down, and we have it turned off, check for ctrl+alt". Dhewm3: https://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3/blob/ae63021d0060a61374657e507a43fcd12a0d0606/neo/framework/Console.cpp#L809 TDM: framework/Console.cpp#L774
  12. Please set: con_noPrint 0 and getViewPos in the console and capture a screen-shot for the location of the lock picks. In my playthrough, this mission was driven by doors with keys that are specific to them but I did locate lock-picks : ( not in a chest ).
  13. Massive fps drop in the caves. I posted in the black mage fan mission topic my specs.
  14. @GadavreUntil you get this new variable you could use this customised particle file to make the most common fog particles invisible. z_nofog.prt You have to be logged in to download it. (edit: should be renamed to a_nofog.prt) To use it, close TDM and create a folder called "particles" in your "darkmod" folder and put this file inside it. Result: darkmod/particles/z_nofog.prt. Some FMs like The Black Mage have custom versions of fog particles, which means this file might not work 100%. So you can create a folder called "particles" in the fm's folder and put a copy of the file inside it. Result: darkmod/fms/black_mage/particles/z_nofog.prt.
  15. Maybe stupid question, but are you running Windows 7 32 bit or 64 bit version? I thought it made sense that if you are running a 32 bit version, you would need to run the 32 bit version of TDM. That is not an indication at all. If I remember correctly, in the new driver selection screen you can select a manual location, here you select the unzipped folder (from the dowloaded intel driver) with the inf file (the graphics folder, I think).
  16. As the refactoring in 5323, there would be option to skip success screen completely. Although it probably won't work for campaigns. Also there would be option to replace music/background for success screen. The music along can already be overriden, although the approach cited by @Dragofer is not the best one. Better find this text in mainmenu_custom_defs.gui, uncomment it and set the sound shader you want: // Uncomment this to override the default mission success sound //#undef MM_MISSION_SUCCESS_SOUND_CMD //#define MM_MISSION_SUCCESS_SOUND_CMD "music mission_complete;"
  17. Personally I have a 3D screen and I don't play games that way for the most part, I don't even remember the last time I played a game using the 3D capability of my screen, but for VR I comprehend why people would want it. Btw idtech 3 (quake 3 engine) if i'm not mistaken has stereo capabilities perhaps someone with good knowledge of rendering code could see how it was done back then? Or even see how BFG does it? On my basic comprehension on how this stereo stuff works, it could be made by rendering two views (using two player cameras?!) with a small separation between them, then you just, interleave them for a 3D screen (like mine) or you color one view red and the other cyan for all screens, how that would be done on code is for a rendering programer to think about.
  18. Hi. I've been searching around for help and I've found some similar reports but no solutions. I downloaded TDM yesterday. First time I tried to run it: The game went into fullscreen mode, and my desktop (KDE) was "kind of" showing on the screen- most of the screen was black but a small section of my desktop was all zoomed in and distorted. I could hear the TDM menu options click as I hovered my mouse over them, but could not see any part of the main menu.Googled, someone said to change resolution in the config. So I set r_customWidth and r_customHeight (2560x1440). Saved the config and ran the game.. it worked! I could see the main menu, and everything seemed to be working.From here, I exited because I wasn't ready to play, just wanted to get it working. As soon as I exited, my desktop resolution changed to some ultra-low res zoomed in mode in 4:3 aspect ratio (I think). My desktop was being displayed letterboxed at like 320x240 and zoomed in, and I could pan around my desktop by moving the cursor to the edges. I had to reboot to fix this.Now when I try going into the game, I just get a black screen with a desktop cursor.. no main menu sounds and tilde->Exit doesn't work, I think at this point I was still interacting with the desktop, not the game. I don't think the game was actually even open.. it just jacks up my resolution and turns the screen black. Had to reboot again to fix it. I'm at a loss. I've found an old post where one of the devs said to set r_mode to -1, which I tried.. and nothing happens. The game opens and immediately exits. What do I have to do to get this game to actually run?
  19. @duzenko So I managed to compile the svn version (2.10 #9675, supposedly), but the issue still appears to be present with black mirrors mirrors (screenshot: far right) and visual glitches on the silverware (screenshot: middle and left) in version 0.9 of my FM:
  20. The engine always supplies the "system textures" in absence of diffuse/normal/specular textures, so should get a black texture, which multiplied by model's vertex color should give black, I guess.
  21. I think I fixed black mirrors in svn but I'm not sure how problematic the silverware is now I'd think it hasn't changed much for a while
  22. The black mirror happens to me as well in svn. Will look into it.
  23. In this case, isn't it the primary issue that the mirror itself is black?
  24. I just tried deleting all the entities with shading issues in the room being discussed on version dev16390-9648 (map version 0.9 - link above) and this seems to have no effect on the mirror. The mirror texture was still black weather the serving platters were present in the sealed room or not.
  25. Hello, I just tested my mission using the most recent development build and in this case the problem is not present, but the reflective mirror texture that I am using is also entirely gone/missing (all mirrors appear completely black). I'm not sure what conclusion to draw from this... Does the "textures/common/mirror" texture behave differently in 2.10 or should I perhaps use an entirely different texture to be 2.10 compatible?
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