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Sotha's mapping thread


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I'm not a mapper yet but I'm participating in an Alpha and a Beta... but I'm hesitant to offer my "services" ( :laugh: I love trying out new FMS :laugh: ) as my wife has been cracking-down on my CPU time recently :(...


I would definitely recommend that you create a "The Beleaguered Fence - Beta" thread in the Fan Mission discussion area though. :)

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Now with the previous map out of the way, I'm now starting to map something simple and small for the vertical contest. I'm not sure I can handle vertical maps performance-wise, and I'm probably going to spend less time on mapping now, so let's see if I get the map out in time..


Mapping started: 27.06.2010.


Plotwise it's going to continue with Thomas Porter after the events in Beleaguered Fence.


-The mapper's best friend.

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What are you sorry about?


You have a negative rep(which explains Sotha's comments) - down in the bottom right hand corner of each post is a plus and minus button. This allow people to vote on a given post sorta like a thumbs up or a thumbs down.


Sotha, that voting system is a bit ambiguous from what I can see. I don't think Aida is a bad TDM'r per say its just some of his posts have been given a thumbs down.


Anyway I thought you released your map already? or have you got another on the go.. if so I can do a quick run through for you.

Edited by Bikerdude
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Oh, biker, I know I have a negative rep... and I know what it is about... it's because of a bunch of silly, petty people who don't like the fact that I pointed out -- and continue to point out -- how hypocrisy and pretext play a big part in forum "moderation" and how those who are eager to become moderators are most often exactly the people who are most likely to be petty and vindictive...


Certain people are just bound to snuggle and nuzzle up to authority. Lapdogs. Sycophants. The right-wing's minions.


I was just having a snicker at how this fellow, Sotha, chose to refuse my offer to beta-test upon the opinions of others, about something he had no idea about... only to then profess his very heartfelt regret.


IOW, call him on his obsequious bullshit. :laugh:

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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I was just having a snicker at how this fellow, Sotha, chose to refuse my offer to beta-test upon the opinions of others, about something he had no idea about... only to then profess his very heartfelt regret.


IOW, call him on his obsequious bullshit. :laugh:


Well, this post of yours definately shows me that I indeed did the right decision at that time. I was only being polite, which probably went to waste in your case. Good thing I checked the reputation and I'll be doing so routinely from this point onward.




One map was released, yes. And now I'm working on another. I'll ask for testers once the time is right.

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-The mapper's best friend.

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I was only being polite


You weren't; you were being hilarious.


...went to waste


It did. In a way. But OTOH, it made me laugh.


I'll be doing so routinely from this point onward.


Oh, please do! I'm sure it'll be rising from the ashes only to see my triumphant! positive! ascent!


Checkbackoften... Keep me in your heart; and in your mind; and -- most earnestly and importantly -- in yer prayurz.

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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I was just having a snicker at how this fellow, Sotha, chose to refuse my offer to beta-test upon the opinions of others, about something he had no idea about... only to then profess his very heartfelt regret.

Well you aint doing yourself any favours, which I'm sure you already know. But to be honest this forum is far better than others I have used. And I base this on the fact that I thought ttlg was the epitome of friendliness, untill I came here.


Dont think ill of Sotha, he isnt having a personal dig at you etc and neither am I. Anyway this is Sotha's thread and we have done enough hijacking.

Edited by Bikerdude
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I'm fine, biker, thanks really. I know I'm not doing myself any favors; and I know moreso that the very people who go to the trouble of "de-reping" me are also those who will be holding on to their resentment, as they always do...


I don't think ill of Sotha beyond this nonsense (and she/he is not an exceptionally ludicrous example of the mentality -- sadly, rather, quite a typical example).


I enjoyed the mission very much. It was sublime and gorgeous in the look-and-feel department. AND! it appealed to my own favorite-kind-of-mission in that it had some strong adventure game-yness.


Sad to hear Sotha may be retiring from the mapper thing after the contest (hoping this is just a temporary feeling brought on by the amazingly quick {and probably therefore doubly-exhausting} work done on "Fence"). But if so, I hope that the idea is to stick around and maybe do other great things maybe in somewhere in the assets department?

Edited by aidakeeley

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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Sorry for further OT:


Aida you need to stop projecting your beliefs about members' motivations.


I am nearly 100% positive that Sotha was simply trying his best to comply with the wishes of the community.


Is that always the best thing to do:



Is that a wise move for someone who does not feel ingrained into the community enough to violate their stance: Yes.


If need be, lambast me for towing the line for a "hypocritical" community if you must (God knows I deserve a little negative rep for my foolish postings... See the end of the Doom III Co-Op thread for a recent example...) but don't tear down Sotha just because he was trying to avoid breaking a social taboo of a community he doesn't quite understand (who speak in a language he doesn't quite understand... ;)).


I agree, on principal, that all sides should be vetted and people should get a fair shake... but you should respect that it would take some non-trivial amount of investigation to get all sides of the story for our non-English speaking members (even for our English speakers... there's a good number of threads here with your 2 cents in 'em).


I'm sure if you had graciously PM'ed Sotha with an appeal to check one or two threads where you had acquired your Rep he could review the merit of your status for himself. Instead you take umbrage that he didn't either: A) completely disregard your Rep in a full liberal embracing way or B) Scour the forums for evidence of your behavior. That just screams too much emotional investment.


I wont fault you for being a passionate fellow but I can see how that attitude would cut across the grain for a fairly logical and measured community (AFAIK).


But we lead by example Aida: Just because Sotha may have been following route and drawing quick conclusion in a way that you find repellent, doesn't mean that you also should draw a quick conclusion in like fashion (in retort).


(...not that I'm a Saint who always tries to lead by example :laugh:)


I've had my ramble.


I'll go back to my side of the Lunatic Asylum.

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Oh dear! This thread is turning into some sort of social drama. How exciting!


Now I have to admit that I'm not sure what is going on here, but at least the tone of aida's posts undeniably give this impression that he has been somehow irritated by my actions and is lashing at me. You can call me a hypocrite if you like, but I really am sorry if that is the case and I have not done it on purpose.


There has been some heavy assumptions on other peoples motivations, as borh pointed out. Also, words like hypocricy and pretext have been used here. I'm not sure if I am guilty of such things, but all of us are just humans and no one is entirely free of these.


In effort to cool things down, I'll clarify why I proceeded the way I did. No need to do further assumptions.

1) needed reliable maptesters (should be clear why betatesters need to be reliable)

2) aida volunteered.

3) checked reliability with the simplest (and only) method available, checking the forum member pages.

4) got suspicious by the deeply negative reputation. checked aidas other postings.

5) spotted a few posts with similar types as seen in this thread. Mostly relatively benign stuff, but often non-constructive, out of place and negative-attitude ones.

6) I do this for free and for fun. I want this to be pleasant for myself. I do not want to cooperate with persons who can turn unpleasant suddenly. It wouldn't be fun if it did.

7) decided that maybe I need someone else to test: I wouldn't want to risk this tester to ruin my fun. Basic psychology states that if you announce to someone that you do not want specifically their help, they may be get upset because of the oh-so-I'm-not-good-enough-for-you-huh- ?! -effect.

8) to mitigate this effect, I used apologetic tone in my message, which was described as "obsequious bullshit" and a typical sad example of something I did not fully understand.


So I the end, I have to make it clear that I've absolutely no personal distaste for anyone, although aida's postings here might cause such in someone else. Usually my courteous writing style avoids this kind of mess, now it did not.

*opens arms* Is it time for a group hug now?:wub:

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-The mapper's best friend.

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Well reasoned Sotha.


I think you would find that Aidakeeley is generally amicable in cooperative endeavors like map testing but he has STRONG opinions about a great number of things. So, yes, there is a decided risk that some seemingly innocent small-talk will land you in one of aida's many despised categories of people (and he will certainly inform you when you've landed there). But once he feels he has proven that he has "exposed your flaw" and shown his moral superiority, he generally becomes amicable from that time forth. :rolleyes:


I cant conjecture what would motivate someone to behave that way other than the possibility that aida is an intentional malcontent designed to keep this forum interesting to read :laugh:... (because everyone else is way too polite).


Well enough from me. I cant criticize anyone too far. I'm nearly the internet equivalent of a raving homeless man screaming about McDonalds conspiracies...

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I saw this thread some time ago and then saw your BETA-test-request, and then saw the announcement-thread, but didn't really got that it was all about the same mission. I downloaded this mission a few days ago (haven't been able to play much due to the mapping cotenst ;) )But i'm really impressed you finished this map so fast! This is (for me) unbelievable! :) Three thumbs up for you!

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Well now, just to make sure that people will not regard this as a social-drama-only -thread, I'm going to remind that this is a mapping thread by posting a very WIP mapping screenshot..


More later.



I'm making nice progress and feel enthusiastic about this map. It's gonna be cool if I can pull it through..


-The mapper's best friend.

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what fog light did you use..?

To save time from doing boring foglight testing I basically checked the parameters from good lookin' existing work. It was from Fidcal's heart of lone salvation.

If it works, don't break it.. ;-)


-The mapper's best friend.

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Looks good ^_^ I can see a tall building back there


You have sharp eyes. I left it barely visible intentionally. Yep, this is going to be a small/medium mission for the vertical contest.

The mission name will be The Glenham Tower.


-The mapper's best friend.

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This is not a big issue and will not prevent dmapping or cause any problems, but while dmapping I get message entity 0, brush 321: duplicate plane.

Now, if this was an entity it would be easy to find, but since it's a worldspawn component bursh I can't find it. Is there a possiblity to find worldspawn component brush 321 easily in the editor?

I'd like to see whats wrong with that brush.


-The mapper's best friend.

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