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Sotha's mapping thread


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Mapping started on 23.07.2010 for my own reference. The map will be my usual small/medium size category, but it will take much longer to complete than the previous map, since I'm going to spend less time mapping. Only for rainy days.


At any rate, here is a teaser of the map showing also a fraction of the new skybox.




-The mapper's best friend.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I suppose it is time to show what is going on in my DR at the moment.


The mission I'm working on is called The Knighton's Manor and it is the mission that occurs before The Beleaguered Fence. Work is progressing nicely, so it is the first mission in the Thomas Porter mission continuum. Basic geometry is 78% done.


I've noticed that it is difficult to create reasonable looking locales from scratch. I always need some kind of reference to rely upon.


I started with this reference:



And the manor looks now like this:



See any similarities?:P


Interiors for basement, the middle wing and the right wing are ready, only the left wing is totally empty. The manor will have surrounding grounds so the player can circle around it.


At first I thought I'd release this for 1.03, but since the mapping is progressing so fast I may get this done before new TDM version. I would loved to have female characters in this map, but it can be done without, too. Let's see..


-The mapper's best friend.

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Looking very good Sotha. It's reminiscent of my own manor layout and style with the classic tudor U shape. I have a hell of a lot of interior rooms still to decorate though. The new women characters are essential to my FM though so it definitely won't be released before the update. I doubt I would be finished anyway.

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The bigger the manor the more stuff to acquire... ;)


Looks good Sotha!


(I just know it'll be populated with well placed patrols with your signature superb game design... )

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost done with basic geometry, unless I get additional brilliant ideas.


Here's a random screenie:



Saturday night, reading my favourite book by the fire in my library, sipping expensive wine from a golden cup. Life's good. Good thing I hired the guards. No one sane is going to break in here..


-The mapper's best friend.

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Almost done with basic geometry, unless I get additional brilliant ideas.


Here's a random screenie:


You need to darken the fireplace - the soot is missing :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Yep. Working on basic geometry at present. No decals yet..


Ah, yeah, ok :) But I think we already have a "dirty" skin for the fireplace, I think even a pre-made entity with wood, dirt, ashes etc. If we don't have, its scheduled for v1.03, tho:)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Ah, and too... some fireplaces are brand new... and some people that drink expensive wine from a golden cup can afford scrubberfolk (chamber-men and chamber-maids) to keep the soot to a minimum. And some mages burn magic fires that soot not. And some mappers build in phases that leave out the muckity muck until basic geometry is accompli. And some mechanists have mechanical firesims that are really just lights shay-ped like logs and flames. And usedta be some fireplaces have little switchy-switches that open secret secreting secrets but none have I seen yet under TDM, btw...

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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Ah, yeah, ok :) But I think we already have a "dirty" skin for the fireplace, I think even a pre-made entity with wood, dirt, ashes etc. If we don't have, its scheduled for v1.03, tho:)


-Oh. Thanks for pointing this out. I entirely missed the skin fireplace_wooden_dirty.

Saves a lot of boring decallin' trouble..


-The mapper's best friend.

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Here's a screenie of my friday night Blender modeling efforts. I made a custom loot medal.

This is all the custom modeling I'm going to do for this map.



The medal uses the metal/flat/gold texture for the metal parts and since there were no red cloth texture for the ribbon, I used red paint_paper instead. :P It is 102 polys.


As for the map: basic geometry is done, I'm adding in details, almost all readables are done, some of the AI is placed. I'll probably get this almost finished before the new TDM version, so once I get everything done I'm going to put this on hold until v1.03 assets arrive.


-The mapper's best friend.

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You are a sick bastard, lord Sotha! Sick! ohmy.gif Producing these missions in this rapid fashion biggrin.gif There should be an aidakeeley-like wall of text here to accent the superbness in your producing smile.gif


Interresting that you display your progress here. Myself I prefer the descrete way of lurking in the dark, including just a few knowingly people to consult in times of need and then slowly release my poison. But as you were so sincere when you B-tested my mission, I definitely shall let you try mine out if you're interrested then. Since 1.03 seems to be around the corner, my mission will come after that...


When you map, do you allways do all geometry first, then models, AI and so on? Or is it everything in one lump?

Edited by Fieldmedic
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You are a sick bastard, lord Sotha! Sick! ohmy.gif Producing these missions in this rapid fashion biggrin.gif There should be an aidakeeley-like wall of text here to accent the superbness in your producing :)


Tack! Don't worry, after this mission I'm going to retire from mapping business until the end of this year. Three sixes in a ro.... I mean three missions in a year is enough. :)


Interresting that you display your progress here. Myself I prefer the descrete way of lurking in the dark, including just a few knowingly people to consult in times of need and then slowly release my poison. But as you were so sincere when you B-tested my mission, I definitely shall let you try mine out if you're interrested then. Since 1.03 seems to be around the corner, my mission will come after that...


A matter of taste, of course. I like to keep this blog kind of thing of progress. I'm not sure whether people are interested in such a things, but I find it fun grabbing a screenie of particularily nice accomplishments. It makes me feel I'm making progress. I may also get constructive feedback for the area in question.


The screenies I publish are always considered carefully so that no spoilers are seen.


I'll be happy to betatest your map, if I happen to have time at that time. Typically I am quite able of arranging the time. Just make sure the work is as polished as possible before going beta. ;)


When you map, do you allways do all geometry first, then models, AI and so on? Or is it everything in one lump?


It is a "concise creative chaos." I create basic geometry first everywhere, the map framework. In this process I have one AI character what I use for size reference. After basic geometry is done over 90% I start building details here and there. When everything is ready the AI and paths are added. However, if at any stage I get an idea for a room or readables, I place them immediately so I won't forget them. Sometimes I drop the furniture I want to have in certain room inside the room randomly and move to build another area. Then I arrange the furniture later.

Sometimes I stick to only one area until it is done.


Basically I edit only the areas I find interesting at given time. I don't touch boring areas until I get interested in them. The described work method works quite well for me and typically when I place geometry of objects, they stay where they are. I seldom rework areas once they are done.


-The mapper's best friend.

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I think a medal model cries out for photo-source textures so you get nice design work on the face and an actual ribbon-looking ribbon. I think it'd be worth the effort doing that.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Thanks for feedback, it is nice to see a discussion forming around the medal. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated.


For me, the medal looks just fine, but that is because I'm taking into account my skill level on this field. Naturally the models by the proficient people with years of experience look much, much better. I've modeled only for a month or so.


I've no idea how to create a texture and where to obtain a suitable high quality photo reference. Most likely there is no photo of a medal fitting this one perfectly, so the texture should probably be created from scratch. I've no graphic editing skills, except schematic drawing on inkscape. And then there are them normal maps and all that kind of weird stuff I know nothing about.


Basically the problem is that I don't know how I should get started. This would be certainly interesting thing to learn.


I promise to try to look at it, but only if someone would be kind enough to provide detailed information (for dummies) how to do it properly.


-The mapper's best friend.

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I've no idea how to create a texture and where to obtain a suitable high quality photo reference. Most likely there is no photo of a medal fitting this one perfectly, so the texture should probably be created from scratch. I've no graphic editing skills, except schematic drawing on inkscape. And then there are them normal maps and all that kind of weird stuff I know nothing about.


Basically the problem is that I don't know how I should get started. This would be certainly interesting thing to learn.


I promise to try to look at it, but only if someone would be kind enough to provide detailed information (for dummies) how to do it properly.


yeap, seconded. Since there is lack of models, it's time to get hands dirty.

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All you really need here is a height map. And you won't have to be an excellent artist either. The model is small so the details aren't terribly important.


Do an image search for medieval coins and knitted fabric. That's all the reference you should need to produce a suitable texture.


Can you show a screenshot of the UV editor? I'm curious to see how you've unwrapped the model. That's going play a role in how you paint the texture if you choose to do so.

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All you really need here is a height map. And you won't have to be an excellent artist either. The model is small so the details aren't terribly important.


Do an image search for medieval coins and knitted fabric. That's all the reference you should need to produce a suitable texture.


Can you show a screenshot of the UV editor? I'm curious to see how you've unwrapped the model. That's going play a role in how you paint the texture if you choose to do so.


Thanks for insight. I'll try to get a screenie later today or tomorrow, depending how I have time. I think I just placed a single seam on the cylindrical edge and said 'unwrap.'


-The mapper's best friend.

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Here's how I would do it. It's not exactly the same type of medal but it's just an example:


1) Start with highpoly model. Cylinder, 64 vertices.




2) Select edges. Choose select -> Edge Loop.




3) Press 'W' -> Bevel






Repeat how many times you need.




4) Set Smooth




5) Select both sides. Press 'Y' for split.




You should see:




6) You can unwrap the sides. Use 'unwrap' if you're going to make separate texture for each side:




I used 'Project From View'. This way both sides will occupy the same space in the UV.




7) Mark seams:




8) Select linked vertices (since sides are splited, only the edge will be selected):




9) Unwrap:




10) arrange the UV map:




11) You can save the UV map:




I saved it as SVG:




12) I opened it in Incscape:




Incscape is perfect if you want to make a geometrical heightmap.




13) I used Gimp's normalmap plugin to convert the heightmap into normalmap. You can use heightmap in Blender but I get better results if I convert it to normalmap first.




X axis has to be reversed if you want to use it in Blender.


14) Add material to the object:




15) Add new texture:





Change from 'orco' to 'UV':





Change from Col to Nor. The 'Nor' slider sets normalmaps strength:




16) Create low poly object. First I'll reset the highpoly object's center ('center new')




And place coursor in the center of the object:




17) Create new cylinder with less vertices:






18) I placed new object on a different layer (press 'm'):




You can switch between layers. With shift you can select more than one layer:







Second post in a moment ;)

It's only a model...

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19) Set it to smooth:




20) Split the sides:




21) Mark seam:




22) Uwrap using the same method as with highpoly:




23) Create new image in the UV editor:




24) Select first the highpoly model:




Then while holding shift the low poly:




25) So when you set all the layers as visible you should see:




26) Go to the scene menu and set as on the screenshot:




27) You should see:




28) We need to invert the x axis of the final normalmap. I use GIMP's normalmap plugin. Choose scale: 1, conversion: normalize only, Invert x:




29) Diffusemap shouldn't be too bright, specularmap should be. For the diffusemap I mixed layers of plain colour, photo of my dog to fake the reflections and heightmap from Inscape:




30) In game - no normalmap:




with normalmap:




Normalmap usually needs some manual touch up.

It's only a model...

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Holy crap, Arcturus!


That just about doubles my Blender knowledge. Looks rather technical and difficult at times, but I'll definately try it out later.


Thank you very much for your help! :wub:


For its likely entertainment value, here is my current unwrapping.




-The mapper's best friend.

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That's not bad at all. If you experimented I'm sure you would find some textures that fit very nicely on it.

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