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I think I'll make an attempt at an entry for this contest, since the Novice Campaign seems to have died somewhat. I can post over at TTLG about the contest too if no one else wants to.

I think I'll make an attempt at an entry for this contest, since the Novice Campaign seems to have died somewhat.

Damnit. :(

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved


I think I'll make an attempt at an entry for this contest, since the Novice Campaign seems to have died somewhat.


Really? How could this happen? :o


Damnit. :(



"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager


Really? How could this happen? :o


It still might work out, but I'm pessimistic. In retrospect, it was a fairly tall order to get a bunch of noobs on the same page to complete a campaign. I think something like this (The Beginner Contest) probably has a much higher chance to succeed for first timers.


Re: the contest - I'm really glad there's a size limitation. Komag was smart in that most of his contests were small and produced not only some awesome high-quality, fun missions, but also a large number of them. Save the huge ambitions for your 2nd attempt. I would also recommend (within reason) trying to put as many features from the A-Z tutorial into your own mission as possible, just for experience sake. That's what I'm going to do.


I high jacked Lord Soths thread over at TTLG to stop over crowding. I'm wondering if I should have just made a new one.


Welcome aboard Brethren. I'll add you to the list.

"I believe that what doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger"


The Joker


If mappers want to give their map some extra buzz without getting carried away, they could always showcase some of the newer TDM features that haven't been used much (or at all), like vine arrows, suspicious doors and lights, etc.


my mapping is on halt until i am employed again. At such a time where I can justify using free time for mapping again, I might want to pick up mid-way through this contest as well (if the novice-campaign is really dead, that is)


my mapping is on halt until i am employed again. At such a time where I can justify using free time for mapping again, I might want to pick up mid-way through this contest as well (if the novice-campaign is really dead, that is)


Do you really believe you suit in this contest? :)


Ungoliant, if you start working on an FM and think you can get it finished by the deadline then let me know and I'll gladly add you to the list.

"I believe that what doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger"


The Joker


Ungoliant, if you start working on an FM and think you can get it finished by the deadline then let me know and I'll gladly add you to the list.

I'll let you know if and when :smile:


I asked for keeping balance between skills. If you say so, then no problem.


Hrrrm, well maybe I shouldn't really be the official authority on such matters, but thats what I believe.

Anyways, yes, i've posted a few pretty pictures, a couple scripts, an entity or 2, and did some plot, readables, and puzzles for a released FM, but that by no means is any indicator that I'm capable of fitting all the pieces together into a great FM of solely my own creation. The individual aspects of FM creation have a certain synergy together when done properly, and a persons mapping skill cannot be truly gauged until a whole FM is actually put together and released. I'd reserve judgment about 'skills' until such time.


If mappers want to give their map some extra buzz without getting carried away, they could always showcase some of the newer TDM features that haven't been used much (or at all), like vine arrows, suspicious doors and lights, etc.


I would definetly like to add suspicious objects and doors, is there documentation on them already that could look into?


Comprehensive info for suspicious lights is here: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Relighting_Lights


I don't see a similar article for doors, but the spawnarg is "shouldbeclosed" "1" I believe. Check the box for "inherited properties" in the entity window while selecting a door, and you should be able to find it.


Some info on making AI notice missing objects: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Alert_%26_Suspicion_Triggers#Making_AI_Notice_a_Missing_Object

Posted (edited)

Thanks for heads up, this will keep me busy for a while, running a couple of map tests. With object awereness and a few triggered routes, this is about as far as I will go in terms of custom complexity on the majority of the map, besides the geometry itself. Then there'll be the last scene, but I'll first get the map complete and working before worrying about that (Springheel has given me a huge help on the first step already).


Ungoliant and brethren, come on board already! :)

Edited by RPGista

Lo dudes been away for about a week so back now. Thanks to Sir Taffsalot for sorting this out. Im willing to give a Dark Mod mug for the winner. Not much but its summit for the hard work :).


I think I'll make an attempt at an entry for this contest, since the Novice Campaign seems to have died somewhat. I can post over at TTLG about the contest too if no one else wants to.


Proceed with caution!


Wow ttlg community is really interested with darkmod. You can tell that by their responses to fms and contests. :rolleyes:

and what are you expected ? do you really think that ttlg Thief vets will be exited by an average darkmod fms which is much smaller and worse than T2 fm's ?

Proceed with caution!


and what are you expected ? do you really think that ttlg Thief vets will be exited by an average darkmod fms which is much smaller and worse than T2 fm's ?


Nope, they are not interested in general with darkmod. Besides, there are some good halloween fms lately.


Nope, they are not interested in general with darkmod. Besides, there are some good halloween fms lately.

Darkmod is barely playable on 4gb machine and there is no official darkmod campaign.

I tried to play A night to Remember,but perfomance was poor even indoor,and game were crashing.

Darkmod is half-dead mod.Missions releasing rarely and they are fairly average (most of them)

So its not a surprise

Proceed with caution!


I suggest upgrading your calculator.

Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080


Darkmod is barely playable on 4gb machine and there is no official darkmod campaign.

I tried to play A night to Remember,but perfomance was poor even indoor,and game were crashing.

Darkmod is half-dead mod.Missions releasing rarely and they are fairly average (most of them)

So its not a surprise


Go play Batman

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

Posted (edited)

barely on 4gb? lol, you are right. :laugh:


Even first version of RTTC was poor on performance. They just need some tweak, and IIRC FM said he'll optimize it later.


Darkmod is half-dead mod


Maybe, but this can change so suddenly since source is in our hands. Besides, campaign is up to community.

Edited by SiyahParsomen

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