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Lo dudes been away for about a week so back now. Thanks to Sir Taffsalot for sorting this out. Im willing to give a Dark Mod mug for the winner. Not much but its summit for the hard work :).


Hurray!! I'm happy about this! :)

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager


Hey Baddcog, you need to get in touch with bikerdude about the 4Gb patch he's got for TDM. I couldn't play TDM missions until it was installed! It frees up all 4Gb of RAM so that Win7 doesn't take 2 and use it for nothing anyway :)

(Not on my machine, In Europé, but it works excellent )

My hobby built desktop is: XFX Play Hard-nVidia nForce 790i Ultra SLI

Onboard is:

CPU: Intel Socket 775

VGA: nVidia GeForce EVGA GTX-260


HDD: 2 Tb

OS: 64bit Win 8.1

All service packs and latest drivers installed.

Posted (edited)

Yes,but what the most of community do? Searching another way to promote the mod? Starting contests with map size limits?


Latest contest is an investment for the future of darkmod, there is nothing wrong with it.


On the other hand skilled mappers are hesitating to start a campaign since it's not an easy task. I can emphatize with them since I know how much time it takes to create eye candy scenes in modern engines...

Edited by SiyahParsomen

Shadowhide if you aint got nothing helpful to say then dont say anything at all, as in shut up. Me at my diplomatic best there again LOL.


I have a 4gig pc and can run dark mod just fine full settings so not seeing the prob there.


TTLG is very into the dark mod its just that the thief community has been around a lot longer than DM so has more peeps building mission/campains for it. The idea as other seem to have got is the point of these contest is to help dark mod grow bigger and better, and if you dont like it then leave and go play/post some where else simple aint it.


Thanks to all those that have signed up. Looking foward to seeing what mission peeps com out with.

Darkmod is half-dead mod.Missions releasing rarely and they are fairly average (most of them)


If you think TDM is so disappointing, then find somewhere else to spend your time. Your constant negatively is getting tiresome.

  • Like 1

Thanks to all those that have signed up. Looking foward to seeing what mission peeps com out with.


The contest idea is working good for me, I am assiduous :)

AND I told a friend of mine to hop in with his first very own map. He said he'll begin mapping along with the contest and he is excited what comes out (however I believe it's the Dark Mod mug that is attracting him) :laugh:


Beginners Contest was a great idea in my eyes ^_^

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

Latest contest is an investment for the future of darkmod, there is nothing wrong with it.

maybe,but contests like "vertical" is pretty dumb idea

where is classic Thief experience contest ? why TDM always used to start such contests like vertical or seasons ?

On the other hand skilled mappers are hesitating to start a campaign since it's not an easy task.

yes,that why people should work in the team and not have discrimination rules like "do you released mission already ? yes ? fuck off,this is Novice campaign"

Proceed with caution!


maybe,but dumb where classic why always should not rules

fuck off


MAYBE, we should do an "Impress-Shadowhide-Contest" next time.. B)

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager


To keep complaining about the lack of campaign for TDM is just stupid, that was never the intention of the mod. It's as inane as saying the Stalker Complete mod should have had a campaign. No, the point of that mod was to provide some better visuals - the point of this mod is to create a toolset for FM authors. I'd rather have the TDM team working on new features, models, resources, etc., and let the mappers map.


That said, TDM has been around for 2 years or so, and it's in a very similar development stage that the dromed scene was back when it was released in 2000. Go play Thief FMs from 2002 and you can see for the most part how primitive they were. Very few had any kind of custom material. Komag was running contests with size limitations. People were still learning the editor and hadn't discovered how to do all the neat tricks and scripting we see today. Sound familiar? And all that was with a full retail games worth of resources to play with.


It's simple - if you want a campaign, either make one yourself, or organize a team to do it. If you don't like how things are proceeding around here, then go find another mod and forum to harass instead of complaining and trolling all the time around here.


Well, I'm probably w/in a month of sending the first William Steele mission to beta test, so maybe that's something to look forward to.


Mapping is a long slog; I started this one 5 months ago, but probably spent half the time working on 1.07 features/fixes.


Campaigns are tough for a single author. I can't make a campaign out of my series until the last one's finished. And that's years away, if we're all still around by then.

That said, TDM has been around for 2 years or so, and it's in a very similar development stage that the dromed scene was back when it was released in 2000. Go play Thief FMs from 2002 and you can see for the most part how primitive they were.

dromed has landed in 1999, lets see...

Events in Highrock (2000.06.01) - masterpiece. Big city full of scripted events and secrets,caves,necromancer castle...heavenly mission... i love it so much

Calendra Cistern (2000.08.10) - another masterpiece.There is no TDM missions of CL quality,when TDM has been around for 2 years or so

Inverted Manse (2001.04.22)

7th Crystal (2002.09.21)

Art of Thievery (2001.12.08)

Calendra's Legacy (2002.04.01) fm of all times

and lot more good mission of that time...

so when will we see TDM mission of one of these missions quality ?

Proceed with caution!


I think the reason it's not picking up more traction at TTLG is, one: a lot of them simply don't have it installed, so when a new FM comes out they just skip over it thinking it's not for them (or cf. someone like Gloria, who would want to play them but just can't get over that first hump of installing it without serious hand-holding); and two: the major TTLG people that would be talking about it are already here talking about it.


What we might have is an "installation drive", like a voter-registration drive, where we get people motivated to just install TDM on their computers and get it running. Once it's on their computers, *then* the interest in the FM threads will take care of itself. I think we should schedule such a drive in the lead-up to some big release of FMs.


Edit: I'm thinking about starting a literal thread "Dark Mod Installation Drive", where we cover getting Doom3 on the cheap, installing it & downloading and installing the mod, and getting FMs to run properly, all in one place. We let people bring up their issues and deal with them there, and we just let some old fashioned peer pressure make people feel like this is the new cool thing that all the kids are doing these days.


Edit2: As for good maps, that's a function of the size of the pool of mappers. The more mappers, the more good FMs. The more people that have TDM installed, the more mappers.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.


but when thief originally came out the competitions on ttlg basically consisted of themed, or size restrictions or vertical maps, so complaining that tdm competitions are following the same route is odd. And as for your favourite maps a lot of them took 1+ years to make and most of the assets already existed.


Hey Baddcog, you need to get in touch with bikerdude about the 4Gb patch he's got for TDM. I couldn't play TDM missions until it was installed! It frees up all 4Gb of RAM so that Win7 doesn't take 2 and use it for nothing anyway :)


I think you're replying to someone else. I patched that a long time ago, though I can't say I really notice a difference. TDM was running fine before that. Sure some missions weren't well optimized, but that's part of the learning curve.


Shadowhide if you aint got nothing helpful to say then dont say anything at all, as in shut up. Me at my diplomatic best there again LOL.



Exactly, go play Batman. What more do you want me to say Shadowhide. You whine complain and bitch in every post. Except Batman thread which is the BEST GAME EVAR!!! But you don't even describe it at all. You thread starts with OMG BATMAN FTW BE EVAR.


You're basically nothing more than a forum troll in my eyes at this point and someone should just ban you. For a minute there a few months back I thought you were coming around by trying to help out with scripting, but that seems to have vanished quicker than it appears.

You are just back to your old troll ways again.

  • Like 1

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


Exactly, go play Batman. What more do you want me to say Shadowhide. You whine complain and bitch in every post. Except Batman thread which is the BEST GAME EVAR!!! But you don't even describe it at all. You thread starts with OMG BATMAN FTW BE EVAR.


You're basically nothing more than a forum troll in my eyes at this point and someone should just ban you. For a minute there a few months back I thought you were coming around by trying to help out with scripting, but that seems to have vanished quicker than it appears.

You are just back to your old troll ways again.

show me where trolling is

Proceed with caution!


You're basically nothing more than a forum troll in my eyes at this point and someone should just ban you.


I've usually abstained from commenting, but since it looks like this thread is starting to contain more posts reacting to postings by a certain individual than postings related to the original topic, I'll give a short tip.


Tip starts:


People should just brush away the comments by the person in question. Repeated experiments show that reasoning with the subject is not worth the effort. Usually they are counter-productive.


There aren't many problems in the world that go away if you just ignore it. This is one of the problems of this particular type. Block filters are very helpful here.


End of tip.

  • Like 1


-The mapper's best friend.


There aren't many problems in the world that go away if you just ignore it. This is one of the problems of this particular type. Block filters are very helpful here.


Yeah, that's something I should have done long ago - trollers are always attention whores. I won't make the same mistake going forward.


Anyway, back on topic, I'm definitely in for the contest. I'm working on a small sized dungeon crawler ala Arx Fatalis/Ultima Underground.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
Yeah, that's something I should have done long ago - trollers are always attention whores. I won't make the same mistake going forward.

100% agree !

Anyway, back on topic, I'm definitely in for the contest. I'm working on a small sized dungeon crawler ala Arx Fatalis/Ultima Underground.

good luck !

Edited by Shadowhide

Proceed with caution!


There aren't many problems in the world that go away if you just ignore it. This is one of the problems of this particular type. Block filters are very helpful here.


End of tip.


This is not Dead Space (they don't attack when you turn your back to them). You'll be forced to read when someone quote blocked user's message in his/her post...


100% agree !


good luck !

























U MAD? :troll:


I seriously can't understand what's the beef against this or any other contest - since when are competitions supposed to be the "official" mapmaking of any mod? The way I see it, they are mainly ways of exciting and inspiring people to participate and create something based on interesting rules/themes, that they otherwise wouldnt have thought of, or maybe give people with creativity blocks something to easily aim at, etc. This competition is for first time mappers, but it obviously won't keep anyone else, not participating on it, from working on their own maps regardless, so I dont see what the problem could be...


The Mod just had two major updates, people are translating it to other languages to bring it to a broader public, many brilliant missions available, to imply it is dying is absurd, if anything, it seems to be getting ever closer to reaching its full potential.


@ brethren - pretty cool man, the more the better!


If an individual establishes a pattern of negativity and unconstructive comments, solutions are available: ignoring, blocking posts and--if it gets out of hand--banning.


I can attest that--regardless of the occasional quoted post leaking through--blocking posts works quite well.



Kudos and best of luck to everyone joining the contest. Help and encouragement are always available from the Wiki and here on the forums.

  • Like 1

I'm excited about this contest. It will be cool to see what some more new mappers have to offer.


A piece of advice for the new mappers. Watch out for "NoShadow". I've seen this option used on a lot of lights in new maps where it plainly sticks out, like a candle on a table that doesn't cast shadows. It is a simple mistake that detracts from immersion.

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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