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Fan Mission: Rightful Property - by jysk (2012/04/13)


Poll: Rightful Property  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. Gameplay: Enjoyment. Fun duration. Smooth flow, ect. Versus Bugs. Frustration, Boredom, framelag

  2. 2. Appearance: Vertical use, Visual pleasure, lighting, visual style, deduct bad texturing etc.

  3. 3. Story & Text: Story. Text. Briefing. Graphic storytelling

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  • 1 month later...

Ok I went to sleep before rateing this one for I have raged at the end of the game of last evening. I can't say it was a beginner mission - no it was definetly higher level, which is good. What did bothered me a lot in this mission though was the major LAG in city area, it was horrrrrrbile. If it wasn't for that and the fact that game finally crashed at one moment and i just had to collect some more loot to leave maybe I wouldnt be so harsh on that point. Basically the FPS on the map should be higher or shouldnt at least fall so much in one area and raise in the other. Graphically it was sometimes very nice and I enjoyed it, almost good job.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Jysk, really enjoyed the mission. Very nice visual story telling!! Gameplay was very entertaining and just the right difficulty. Occasionally, I was actually wondering: "How did the mapper think I should be able to do this part? It's so bringt out here...". :) And that's a good thing. Although, I would not recommend this FM to a newbie for that reason.


Was this your first ever map? I am asking because the graphical design sometimes felt a little like you've learned a lot during mapping. I am not saying the graphics were bad in some areas, no. Just that some parts looked a lot more professional and well designed, like the Inn for example.


There's really just one negative thing I noticed:


Some coin stacks of guards / thugs playing cards were not actually loot and I spent quite some time trying to get the pseudo-loot. The second time, I directly notargeted, because I didn't want to waste time on trying to pick up non-loot.


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Well i made the map the same way you are supposed to explore it, so i guess one can see some kind of learning curve when advancing through the map. Yes its my first TDM map - I started directly with it while using the Beginners Tutuorial (except I built my map and not the supposed beginners map °.^).


The card playing thugs/card playing guards are a prefab. I didnt fully recognized that those coinstacks should be made lootable, as they look like loot. But i anyway didnt expect the player to actually approach 3/2 card playing thugs in full light and steal the loot right frm before their eyes. ^^

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello guys


Sorry for taking this thread up ( and taking away the attention from the new recently released awesome missions ;) ), but I have discovered that the links on http://www.thedarkmo...ndetails/?id=59 for my mission are in a complete mess and carry completly outdated versions of the map. So I hope someone could fix them:


Ingame downloader: the most important one - is still on the very first release version and doesnt have the most recent version of the mission (1.1b )

fidcal.com : also only has the very first release

the rapidshare.com link (the one from me) links into death

bloodgate.com - doesnt work at all


I hope someone could take the version from the recent rapidshare.com (from this thread) link and update them (or you could tell me to which people I should write to get everything fixed).


Thanks. :)

Edited by jysk
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just replayed it on 1.08 and found a lighting problem. Came here to report it and found that the latest in game download was way out of date - downloaded the new one and all fixed thanks

I was exploring a bit and found this when climbing onto the roof in the main square outside the bank


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  • 1 month later...

Impressive... to put it simply.


A large load of loot to get, quite big, very difficult that puts your thieving speed skills to work, and a alright story. I'd have to say that I enjoyed this one more than the majority of fm's thus far. I did a double take when I realized how little loot I had gotten by the end :D

Why haven't I heard of you before. This is really gold, gold bars I should say ;)

I didn't find much use for the moss arrows I had found though but that seems like a nitpick. I did also like the bit of badluck our thief gotten with the "problem" in the sewer.. and robbing a bank is like a dream come true for thiefers.


My only issue, the market lagged quite a bit which is a shame because it looked like a good area.

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I didn't find much use for the moss arrows

Well I used them



in the bank, made blackjacking an easy job for me



But I must say that I don't use them very often in general, as it seems to me that "loud" surfaces don't make as much noise as they did in the original thief games. At least that's my impression, maybe I'm only too good :P

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

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Yeah the moss arrows are mostly for this place. Someone complained that there are not enough moss arrows in the level, but they are needed in this place. Therefore I added several additonal hidden moss arrows in the mission. I anyway didnt expected the player to find all of them. ^^

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I quit in the marketplace/public-square area on my first run-through months ago, due to performance issues, but now that I've built my "dream machine", I might give this another run-through. Glad to hear that another mapper has put in a solid use for moss arrows.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello guys


Sorry for taking this thread up ( and taking away the attention from the new recently released awesome missions ;) ), but I have discovered that the links on http://www.thedarkmo...ndetails/?id=59 for my mission are in a complete mess and carry completly outdated versions of the map. So I hope someone could fix them:


Ingame downloader: the most important one - is still on the very first release version and doesnt have the most recent version of the mission (1.1b )

fidcal.com : also only has the very first release

the rapidshare.com link (the one from me) links into death

bloodgate.com - doesnt work at all


I hope someone could take the version from the recent rapidshare.com (from this thread) link and update them (or you could tell me to which people I should write to get everything fixed).


Thanks. :)

I am also still wondering at which point your latest version RightfulProperty v1.1b would become availlable via the internal downloader.

As a matter of fact, ShadowHides WinterHarvest v2.4 obviously also never made it to the official servers, so one needs to download them somewhere else.

Not very convenient - and a shame since this puts the additional efforts the both of you have put into it to waste.

Got any response from the admins ?

Jysk, not sure if you are saying that you no longer have any copy of that latest version ???

I would have it and could send it to you if needed.

(The same goes for WinterHarvest v2.4, but only in case you are either ShadowHide or an admin)

Edited by gnartsch
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No I have the most recent version from my map, but thanks. ;)


I checked the links a bit: The most recent version is 1.1b, with the *.map file from 22 October 2012. There are some older 1.1b around. Rapidshare appearently had changed something, so people couldnt download from the rs link anymore, but i fixed it now. The most recent version is online at the rapidshare link in this thread. For the rest of the mirrors on the mainpage:


fidcal and bloodgate have an old version from april (1.0 i guess)

swiftmazes has the most recent version

the two dropbox mirrors also have the most recent version


ingame downloader also only has an old version from april


I maybe should send some pms around I guess.

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Just replayed this one.

You created a very challenging mission, but always left a stealthy way to get around some nasty guards :D

Just 2 little things that puzzle me - and that did not occur to me with the older version way back when playing with TDM 1.05 or something.

I came across quite a couple of places where I got stuck in the terrain without a chance to get out again.


e.g. when walking between the bones of the dead girl down in the sewers with the spider,

between the chairs in the pub near the stairs, etc.....


Also, I am missing 2g loot. When exiting the bank

via the hatch and use tdm_show_loot, it is indicated somewhere far outside of the map.


Is it out-of-the-world or does it get teleported when doing something special ?

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Loot "far outside the map"? Well that shouldnt happen, all loot is in the map, none is teleported. Did you noclipped to it to see where it was? In the old 1.0 version there are one or two coins which sunk into shed at the docks, but this is fixed in the newer versions.


The things in the sewers or the charis are models/entitys. Those things sometimes behave strangely. I tried several things with them (especially at the sewers which is indeed is a problematic place regarding this), like using clip brushes among them, or changing them from moveables to non-moveables - but in 1 out of 100 tries it could still be a problem, so i left it how it was.

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Loot "far outside the map"? Well that shouldnt happen, all loot is in the map, none is teleported. Did you noclipped to it to see where it was? In the old 1.0 version there are one or two coins which sunk into shed at the docks, but this is fixed in the newer versions.

I appologize. From the point where I used tdm_show_loot, it appeared to me like being out-of-the-world.

But using noclip proved that I had simply missed it in some area that can not be seen from the location I was standing.


So, thanks for the hint and my apologies.


The things in the sewers or the charis are models/entitys. Those things sometimes behave strangely. I tried several things with them (especially at the sewers which is indeed is a problematic place regarding this), like using clip brushes among them, or changing them from moveables to non-moveables - but in 1 out of 100 tries it could still be a problem, so i left it how it was.

Ok. I thought that might have been introduced after the initial release.... in some way.

If not ... and since you are aware of it, it is 'ok', I guess.


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Well before the release those things would have sometimes even killed you by simply walking over them, so I was quite happy when after the changes you got only stuck sometimes in one of several tries. ;)


Entities of death. :D

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  • 5 months later...

Finished it in hard, fantastic map Jysk. One of the best I have ever played (I love open environments). I have a few questions:



  • is it possible to go on the walls where the guards are patrolling? I couldn't find any way to go there
  • I found the bank very difficult. There is no way to turn off the light and I couldn't knockout the guards. What exactly is the supposed way to enter the safe?




I loved the map. There is only one thing that isn't too much realistic for me:




The guards at the bank should react to the safe and vaults open. In a real world when I open the vault then the guards understand there is something wrong and even if they can't find me they should still close the value. I know that's difficult, it's just my hope that in future guards can react to some changes in the environment by fixing those problems. It would be even more challenging :D .




By the way, thank you again for the great map!

System76 Gazelle professional with Intel® Core i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz, 8GB ram and Intel HD Graphics 4000



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Finished it in hard, fantastic map Jysk. One of the best I have ever played (I love open environments). I have a few questions:



  • is it possible to go on the walls where the guards are patrolling? I couldn't find any way to go there
  • I found the bank very difficult. There is no way to turn off the light and I couldn't knockout the guards. What exactly is the supposed way to enter the safe?




I loved the map. There is only one thing that isn't too much realistic for me:




The guards at the bank should react to the safe and vaults open. In a real world when I open the vault then the guards understand there is something wrong and even if they can't find me they should still close the value. I know that's difficult, it's just my hope that in future guards can react to some changes in the environment by fixing those problems. It would be even more challenging :D .




By the way, thank you again for the great map!


Thank you. :)





1. Well it /is/ possible I guess (someone made a screenshot from up there), but you are not supposed to go there, therefore nothing is up there.


2. Its a bank, it is supposed to be difficult. ;P Well TDM is not an linear adventure game game so can do a lot of things. If you are good with the sword you can just kill them. ;) The silent way is probably to walk at the right /left sides on the wooden planks in the bank. Elevator -> Office and from there to this niche opposite the saferoom. You can turn the light in the niche off, there is a switch. If you bought the map of the bank in the shop its even marked for you. There are also plenty of moss arrows to find in the mission, if have difficulties with the bank. From the niche you probablby should wait for a good moment to step out in the light and lockpick the vault dor, then step back. Sometimes, if you made a noise beforehand, the guards patrols can be a bit messed up which would make this part harder. And well if the vault door is open you have made it, as the guards dont patrol into the room.


Yes its unrealistic that the guards dont react to the open vault door, but they also dont react to the bunch of moss suddenly appearing right under their feet, so I guess its okay. ;D


It is possible to script the guards to react if the vault door is open or other environment is changing, but I didn't do that on purpose, because it would have made this part probably impossible I guess.



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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Added my dropbox link back to the mission page until Biker can get proper mirrors up (removed links to remembrance):




When 2.01 comes out this should work for the in-game downloader so I wouldn't worry about removing it.


This is v1.1b by the way. I renamed it so it wont throw off the orthodoxy of other 2.0 compliant missions that have

their original pk4 name.

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Nice mission, made for a few enjoying hours. Performance was a bit on the bad side sadly, though I definitly haven't a really powerful machine running this.




The bank was a bit luck based, but then nobody forced me to try to more or less ghost it. That was unrealistic anyway, with the guards blind to me crouching in the vault, the safes open, etc.


One major downside was for me, that I didn't see the House with the parents of the girl. After reading about it here, and having checked everything, I finally opened the map in Dark Radiant to find it. After knowing where it is, I found it. But when I was directly in front of the door, without it highlighting (not aiming at it) - I couldn't see it either. That door could have used a bit more lightning I think, to make it easier to be seen. Maybe it was illuminated by the candle across the street with the trunk, but I took that out.


The window that was enterable had a bit light nearby, to make it noticeable, although it wasn't clear that it would be enterable.


Well I made sure the parents knew what happened, left them the doll from the spider lair besides their bed (where the big trophy (or what it is) stood). Also left an imaginary note in the diary.


I also had problems noticing a few of those crates that opened to the front, although at least one was "advertised" by a readable.


One open question for me: How did the girl vanishing from the docks, and the other vanishing people, end up down there? I mean the accesses I had were all pretty guarded,

Is the story behind it "Spider escapes from warehouse, "kidnaps" people / girl, drags them to new lair through hidden tunnels?"



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