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Thank you to the whole dev team!


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So I just registered to say "thank you" for releasing this outstanding game. Thanks also to mappers community - I've played about 10 maps so far, all of them were at least very good, and some are true masterpieces.


With doubts about quality of upcoming Thief game, I'm happy that there is a Dark Mod, which gives me same feeling I have when I play my favourites Thief 1 and 2, Bar above upcoming Thief has been set very high - well done.

Edited by Furman
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Hi everybody!


Just wanted to say thank you so much everyone who made the dark mod possible and everyone who's creating fan missions.


I read about the mod some time ago but never got around downloading it. And when I heard it's now a standalone ... well, let's just say I can hardly wait for the end of my workday :D


Up until now I've only played the trainer and st. lucia (which was great btw) and now I'm delving into the Thomas Porter series (only played the first two yet, but I was really enjoying them and look forward to the rest).

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Hi everyone,



I too just registered to say thank you! What you have created here is truly amazing and I like to thank you so very, very much!!! Playing this game brings me back to the good old days, where games were challenging and when you finally mastered a level you felt that you really accomplished something. In my opinion, nowadays game designers are too much concerned about people not be able to finish their games, so they make it so easy, or your alter ego so powerful, that it's just not much fun anymore.


Thanks again and loving greetings from Germany. If I could, I would hug every single one of you guys (and gals?)!!!

...and now I have to go back to the game... ^^

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I'd like to add some praise to the pile, if I may.


I'd heard about TDM here and there over the last several years, but never managed to get around to checking it out. Then I saw the article on Kotaku reporting that the mod had gone standalone and decided there was no longer any excuse not to give it a try. It took a day or two before I was able to download the mod, but once I did I was immediately floored by how great the play experience is. Everything that I loved about the Thief series is here: the tense and open-ended stealth gameplay, the fun equipment and interaction with the environment, the moody aesthetic and sound design, all polished up and made fresh again. I've played through five or so FMs so far and my experiences with them have ranged from great to sublime. Even better, solid mod tools and a robust wiki to help prospective content creators guarantees that we'll see a lot more content going forward.


Many thanks to the Dark Mod team and all the various FM authors for your dedication over so many years to create the best mod ever :wub:

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I'd like to say thank you too for this wonderful game! :smile: As someone who loves the original thief games I find this has kind of replaced them now and it's amazing! Don't get me wrong, the thief games will always have a place in my heart, but this feels like the next step in the right direction! Great work and keep it up!!

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Registered also just to say thanks.


I'm an old diehard having played thief 1/2/3, and then spent a lot of time playing thief 2/3 fan missions. I never had Doom 3, so a standalone TDM is like christmas early. :D


Last night I played through the tutorial and st. lucia. Good Job. I have an old ATI card, so things were spotty, but nothing I can't tweak or live with :)

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I have been following this mod for quite some time - once again thanks a lot for your efforts and gongrats on the standalone release. It is just absolutely glorious that there is such quality thieving game for linux. Hopefully there will be some further additions in the future in the technical front on linux and optimizations. This mod is certainly of worthy successor to Thief-games. Above all as a feature which stands out is the gameplay, it is very smooth and well implemented. So, great work and hoping for the future - and more attention and makers/players for the mod.

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Where's the donate button? :smile:


We don't accept money donations. We would gladly accept time contributions. If you like TDM, please reward us with a little mission!

Here is the map making tutorial: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=A_-_Z_Beginner_Full_Guide_Start_Here!


-The mapper's best friend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you to all the devs, absolutely fantastic...and what an amazing accomplishment. I'm sure it was a staggering amount of work. Also thank to all that have posted your own mission, I've enjoyed many of them. I haven't played for a couple of years because of problems I has with getting doom 3 to patch correctly, but now it works great....I've been eagerly awaiting this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just want to add my thanks. I just learned about the standalone goal had been reached, and this is a major accomplishment. You've renewed my interest and provided additional incentive to finishing my mission. Thank you for all the hard work over so many years.

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I would like to offer my thanks too. It takes talent, passion, dedication and time to produce any creative work.... good job. B)

So many people involved - programmers, translators, voice actors, betatesters... the list must be huge.


So my gratitude goes to to each and every one of you and long may the art live.

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  • 2 months later...

I just have to get something off my chest, and this thread seems appropriate for it. Whoever did the spiders, you've done a magnificent job. They are disgusting as fuck.

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