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jtr7: what is that guy's problem?


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List all the things you think are wrong with that Internet personality known as "jtr7". The list is huge, but I wanna see how many people remember what he himself stated was wrong with himself, on top of all the other labels leveled at him, like "wolf in sheep's clothing" and even "Republican". Bloody weirdo, he is!

Edited by jtr7

A skunk was badgered--the results were strong.

I hope that something better comes along.

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Is there any indication that jtr7 may be another incarnation of Aida Keeley/Aprilsister? Or is he for real? I have dealt with so many internet socket puppets over the years, I may be seeing things.

My Eigenvalue is bigger than your Eigenvalue.

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He's not a sock puppet. He's a person dealing with difficult issues. Sadly, not in a suitable manner for this community.

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A shame, but he made his own choices.

Edited by Melan
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Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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I think the real shame is what the various Thief "communities" did to him. He actually offered knowledge on Thief and new creative ideas for expanding game play. The people who are most happy to see him leave are the ones who contribute the least to the legacy of Thief. It pisses me off, because J has always been one of the most creative thinkers all these years, but because a few people didnt like him, and started and then perpetuated this hatred towards him, this is what we all get at the end of it. The worst part for me, is that people like Brethren and Subjective Effect who have contributed the most to running J into the ground, act like they are the undisputed rulers of Thief. They dont know a fraction of J knows about Thief. They never liked him, and because they are so "popular" have perpetuated this whole damn thing all these years, and now we lost a member who harbors amazing insight into this series. Or do we not really care about Thief anymore. Most people on TTLG who keep the game alive with FMs dont even really play the originals anymore. Anyways, congrats guys, now we are left with the awesome knowledge that Brethren and Subby can impart upon us, without that dreadful jtr7 always mucking about. DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA, and everyone eats the shit right up. An awesome human being, flushed down the toilet right before our very eyes! We will sleep easy tonight knowing that we have joined together and defeated this foe, and then mocked the corpse as it lay defenseless in the soil.

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There was no drama here until he came here, take it for what it is.

And jtr opened this thread, not anyone else. I personally can't wait for this shit to go away, seems the more popular we get, the more....eccentric the people that appear.

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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I get it, what you are saying. It is unfortunate that this years long dispute has come to such a dreadful end here at Dark Mod forums. Im just saying, before everyone just blindly sells jtr7 down the river, make sure you at least check the sources of this dispute. Or blindly take a side and take the mandatory shit on him before everyone moves on and forgets all about him.

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I don't fully understand the story of JTR I mean is there a bullet point tl;dr of what happened here?

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I'm not shitting on him. Coming to a new forum and dragging up old stuff from other forums is NOT the way to conduct yourself.


I don't care about his problems with other people, this is the internet and most people are assholes to each other, anonymity and all that.


I don't know the history and I don't care to, I'm sick of getting up in the morning and seeing 65 updates on the forums and it's nothing but inane bickering, he said/she said bullshit.


This is a great place, lots of helpful and respectful people here, especially to noobs. I don't want to see that destroyed.

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I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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Ironic that you would say tl;dr. I have no light to shed on this, the specific people who know, know. I just wont let it go this easy. jtr7 had contributed a TON to the Thief community over the years and the people who drove him away are fake shallow cowards, only in it to make themselves look good, not to contribute to keeping the legacy alive of a classic video game company and its awesome games. Looking Glass Studios of course. These people who hate jtr7 are just jealous because as much as they tried to look like hardcore Thief fans, by bluffing their way through website hosting services, and/or Thief II Gold projects, always fall through because their is no real love for Thief. Just a show. It matters little now, because the end was nigh.

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I don't really know what to say since I don't know the guy personally :S .I mean... many people can be other person in internet nowadays, just sometimes to drag some attention. Or for not being accepted on other forums, he come here to see if he could find someone with same opinions as him. Of course of what he said it costs him to be banned in the end.

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Jtr7 wanted to leave, and he intentionally acted in a way to make sure it happened on his terms. He has no one but himself to blame for that, regardless of disputes that went on in the past on other boards.

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