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Hidden Hands: Vitalic Fever 20/07/2019


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  • 1 month later...

This was a good mission. I love mansion missions.

The upper floors were real hard to navigate because of the lights, the guards, and the narrow hallways. Plus, it was kind of hard even getting into the place. Still, overall I liked the mission a lot.

I had a few issues though.

I couldn't see the gold in my inventory at all. When I pressed N for the next item, it showed empty, as if I hadn't pressed it. Because I couldn't see it, I had no idea how much loot I'd gathered, or if I had the gems needed for one of the objectives. Second, was the attic supposed to be pitch black? Couldn't see a thing until I found the lantern in the basement, and then had to backtrack. Just wondering... Not really an issue, just puzzled if my game was broken...

The story's fascinating. I expected zombies because of the nature of the vitalic stuff, but there was just the one. By the way, is there a way to, um, save or free it? End its miserable existence as a captive?

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On 2/18/2020 at 7:01 PM, Summer said:
  Hide contents

Second, was the attic supposed to be pitch black? Couldn't see a thing until I found the lantern in the basement, and then had to backtrack. Just wondering... Not really an issue, just puzzled if my game was broken...

The story's fascinating. I expected zombies because of the nature of the vitalic stuff, but there was just the one. By the way, is there a way to, um, save or free it? End its miserable existence as a captive?

Yes, the pitch black attic was a design decision and there are actually two ways to illuminate it. Apparently, you missed the second possibility, which I did not include deliberately in the first place. :) 

As for the zombie, you should not worry; I looked after him the other day and he is still happy with all the mild vapours that are to increase his body temperature. Although, things might change once the experiments move on! :)

Anyways, thanks for playing and your kind words!



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  • 2 months later...

Finished this up last night and enjoyed it for the most part. 


I was a bit lost after going through most of the house except upper floor and not finding a code for the upper door (nor a key to the telescope room lol) I had to come here for some help. My bad I should of looked left when I looked out that window - oops. And I must say, my arachnophobe self took great pleasure in disposing of the spiders in the basement once I got passed freaking out cause my arrows wouldn't kill them. Very clever! lol. One other thing, I wish you had named Gilbert instead of "body". By the time I got to that point I couldn't remember what the person I was looking for looked like lol - again my bad :)

Thanks again for all your hard work and look forward to more. 

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  • 1 month later...

Wind would refer to the windchimes outside the bar, underneath it on the ground by the post.

Hope that helps. Happy Taffing!

Edited by Jedi_Wannabe
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  • Thanks 1

As my father used to say, "A grenade a day, keeps the enemy at bay!"

My one FM so far: Paying the Bills: 0 - Moving Day

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  • 11 months later...


I don't know is someone has experienced this problem, but whether I'm outside or inside the buildings in this mission, I keep lagging, movements are not flowing. 

I must precise that other missions are running well, except one, but I don't remember which

As proposed in this link, https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Performance_Tweaks, I've tried to put the priority on high, and the affinity on various cores, but it did not changed, it even get worse while I've tried to put on 1 or 2 cores only.

I've also tried opening the console with "ctrl"+"alt"+"²" (I am on french keyboard), but honestly, I don't get the points with shows FPS and stop time.


If anyone has a answer to transmit, I take, and thanks by advance !!

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38 minutes ago, pbruno37 said:


I don't know is someone has experienced this problem, but whether I'm outside or inside the buildings in this mission, I keep lagging, movements are not flowing. 

I must precise that other missions are running well, except one, but I don't remember which

As proposed in this link, https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Performance_Tweaks, I've tried to put the priority on high, and the affinity on various cores, but it did not changed, it even get worse while I've tried to put on 1 or 2 cores only.

I've also tried opening the console with "ctrl"+"alt"+"²" (I am on french keyboard), but honestly, I don't get the points with shows FPS and stop time.


If anyone has a answer to transmit, I take, and thanks by advance !!

Please post your darkmod.cfg, system specifications, and the results from condump bad_performance.txt from your console. ( the text file should arrive in your darkmod directory )

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(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Thank you nbohr1more for your answer




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seta pm_lean_door_increments "10"
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seta pm_lean_height "0.4"
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seta pm_lean_angle "15.0"
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seta pm_shoulderAnim_rockDist "3.0"
seta pm_shoulderAnim_dip_duration "0.5"
seta pm_shoulderAnim_msecs "700.0"
seta tdm_reattach_delay "100"
seta tdm_crouch_toggle_hold_time "400"
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seta tdm_footfall_sounds_movetype_specific "1"
seta pm_ladderSlide_speedLimit "400.0"
seta pm_mantle_cancel_speed "150.0"
seta pm_mantle_pullFast_msecs "450"
seta pm_mantle_maxLowObstacleHeight "36.0"
seta pm_mantle_minflatness "0.707"
seta pm_mantle_height "0.2"
seta pm_mantle_reach "0.5"
seta pm_weightmod "1"
seta pm_softhinderance_run "1.0"
seta pm_softhinderance_walk "0.5"
seta pm_softhinderance_creep "0.2"
seta pm_softhinderance_active "1"
seta pm_push_max_mass "200"
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seta pm_push_start_delay "1000"
seta pm_push_maximpulse "300"
seta pm_pushmod "0.15"
seta pm_swimspeed_frequency "0.8"
seta pm_swimspeed_variation "0.6"
seta pm_max_swimspeed_mod "1.4"
seta pm_crouchmod "0.54"
seta pm_running_creepmod "0.22"
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seta pm_runmod "2.12"
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seta tdm_ai_opt_nolipsync "0"
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seta tdm_ai_bumpobject_impulse "250"
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seta tdm_ai_sightmax "40.0"
seta tdm_ai_sight_mag "1.0"
seta tdm_ai_sight_prob "0.7"
seta tdm_ai_showname "0"
seta tdm_ai_showbark "0"
seta tdm_ai_sndvol "0.0"
seta tdm_player_wait_until_ready "1"
seta com_automation_port "3879"
seta in_padInvertPitchAxis "0"
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seta sensitivityMenuOverride "0"
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seta sensitivity "5"
seta in_toggleZoom "0"
seta in_toggleCrouch "0"
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seta in_freeLook "1"
seta in_anglespeedkey "1.5"
seta in_pitchspeed "140"
seta in_yawspeed "140"
seta gui_configServerRate "0"
seta com_maxFPS "60"
seta com_savegame_preview_format "jpg"
seta com_numQuickSaves "2"
seta com_guid ""
seta com_fixedTic "1"
seta decl_stack "1"
seta in_padL3HoldWhileDeflected "1"
seta in_padTwoButtonMaxTimeMs "50"
seta in_padLongPressTimeMs "250"
seta com_preloadDemos "0"
seta com_compressDemos "1"
seta con_legacyFont "0"
seta com_product_lang_ext "1"
seta logFile "0"
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seta com_showFPS "0"
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seta r_skipDynamicShadows "0"


Processor : AMD Athlon(TM)  II X 4 640 PROCESSOR 3.00 GHZ

OpenGL vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer: AMD Radeon HD 5670

RAM : 8 Go

System x64 bits on Windows 10

456Go free on SSD

dark mod installed in a folder out of Program Files or ProgramX86


I've posted the link of bad performance just under



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This mission is pretty heavy on both CPU and GPU resources.

Looking at your hardware configuration, I will estimate that stencil shadows are still probably going to eat

CPU resources first.

The first thing I would try is enabling Frontend Acceleration under the advanced menu ( r_useParallelAddModels "1" ) and setting colors to 32-bit ( r_fboColorBits "32" ).

That will allow your additional cores ( 4 cores ) to do more setup work for those shadow triangles.

Next, try increasing your lightgem interleave:

tdm_lg_interleave 3

tdm_lg_interleave_min 6

If performance is still poor, try switching to "Maps" ( r_shadows "2" ) and try single pass shadow maps after that ( r_shadowMapSinglePass "1" ).

If you still have poor performance, try forcing texture downsize:

image_downSize "1"

image_downSizeLimit "512"

image_downSizeBump "1"

seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "256"


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9 minutes ago, pbruno37 said:

HI @nbohr1more , thank you for having answered me once more. I've tried it, but it did not changed unfortunately.

@datiswous, where can I check temperature of my cpu ? I would try this stencil shadows option, but I doubt over it, cause it was already like that before

Did you try the latest Crimson Beta ( 2016 ) drivers from this page:



Round two... Try these changes:

seta r_shadowMapCullFront "1"

seta r_shadowMapSize "512"

seta r_useSoftParticles "0"

seta com_maxFPS "70"

seta tdm_ai_search_type "1"

seta s_useEAXReverb "0"


Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another terrific mission! I thought the mansion was cleverly designed, with puzzles hard enough to make me think but not so hard I had to cheat to solve them.

For me the highlights were


bypassing the top floor vault puzzle by clambering up to the window from outside, and dropping the spideys into a biohazard pit. Very fun!

Had a few problems with unobtainable loot; I had to use noclip to get a brooch from inside a drawer on the ground floor, and the pagan's gemstone that he hid in the freezer in the basement. These were not frobable for me from any sensible position.

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My missions:           Stand-alone                                                      Duncan Lynch series                              

                                      Down and Out on Newford Road              the Factory Heist

                                                                                                  A House Call

                                                                                                  The House of deLisle                                                                                                  


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  • 1 year later...

Spiders In Basement

Is there any way to kill the 3 spiders without alerting them ? Are there 3 different ways, one for each ?

I killed one successfully by lighting it with fire.

The trap door was an obvious method, but the red spider was always alerted before he fell in, probably through the noise I made using the arrow to push the release button from a distance. Also, it seems the red spider cannot be killed via fire the way the other was. I had to use "Whistle" in order to lure it into position, but the fire didn't affect it.

I actually managed to kill the red spider after I posted this,


by positioning myself as close to the button as possible without alerting him and pressing it manually. I was shaded enough that he wasn't alerted :)

The last spider just didn't seem to be around anything that would kill it. Arrows didn't work ( I only had 1)

I thought there might be something I'm not seeing or missing to accomplish this objective without alerting them.

Edited by CountMorillonite
Found a partial answer
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55 minutes ago, CountMorillonite said:

Spiders In Basement

Is there any way to kill the 3 spiders without alerting them ? Are there 3 different ways, one for each ?

I killed one successfully by lighting it with fire.

The trap door was an obvious method, but the red spider was always alerted before he fell in, probably through the noise I made using the arrow to push the release button from a distance. Also, it seems the red spider cannot be killed via fire the way the other was. I had to use "Whistle" in order to lure it into position, but the fire didn't affect it.

I actually managed to kill the red spider after I posted this,

  Hide contents

by positioning myself as close to the button as possible without alerting him and pressing it manually. I was shaded enough that he wasn't alerted :)

The last spider just didn't seem to be around anything that would kill it. Arrows didn't work ( I only had 1)

I thought there might be something I'm not seeing or missing to accomplish this objective without alerting them.


There is a mine on the "Builders floor" which can be put to good use when it comes to the third spider. :)


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3 hours ago, CountMorillonite said:

I found that a gas arrow renders him immobile but I don't think it kills him. I'll have come back to this after I found what you suggested. Thanks

I found the item you suggested


The mine was a dud....the spider walked over it without detonation. I even jumped up and down on it with nothing happening. I've never used a mine before. Do you have to "trigger" it on after you placed it ? Any other ideas on how to kill it ?

I figured it out


I used the "drop key" instead of the "use key" which triggers the mine


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52 minutes ago, CountMorillonite said:

I found the item you suggested

  Reveal hidden contents

The mine was a dud....the spider walked over it without detonation. I even jumped up and down on it with nothing happening. I've never used a mine before. Do you have to "trigger" it on after you placed it ? Any other ideas on how to kill it ?


The mine must be activated with the "use inventory item" key. As soon as you press that key, the mine will get dropped to the ground ready to create damage.

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Yes, I realized that after a bit of time. 3rd spider now dead.

This mission was very inventive. I was  looking all over for a rope arrow considering all those wood beams and frobbable windows and it ends up you really don't need one (I did find it eventually). What you did need though was a spyglass and a lantern.

Then moving Gilbert to his destination was tricky.

Loved the mission.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Excellent mission. I love how creative you are, it's like you're pushing boundaries and taking the game to new places.


This one was extremely challenging for me, had to go all the places of the map over and over to figure the puzzles. Eventually got slowed down by ghosting and started knocking everyone down to make travel faster. Had to read a bunch of spoilers here otherwise I think I'll still be stuck.


I had a glitch, though.



After dropping the particular body in the container, I get the voice acting but the objective doesn't show as completed. Tried many times (had a save) but it never quite completed.


By that time I also hadn't completed Bloomsfeld part. Then I found his funds, got the "All right, that's it" clip, traveled to the start point, got the same clip again and the return objective completed, but the game is still running as one objective is missing.

I recall by the time I found the readable that suggests Brother G shouldn't be around, I got the typical musical cue when an objective is added/completed, but nothing changed in my objectives.




Edited by asr
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