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Hidden Hands: Vitalic Fever 20/07/2019


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39 minutes ago, peispud said:

and have no idea whatsoever on the Gilbert thing.

A hint for you:


Maybe there is some location where you can stash him and be sure that he will not be around the next day because the vessel's content will be picked up at around midnight...

Edited by JackFarmer
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Just finished the mission, and I have to say it's pretty good! I liked the location and all the little piece-meal objectives you put in. Everything was scaled well and there was enough visual detail to keep the eye satisfied. The voice acting sold the setting and there were a few chuckles in there as well. Good job!

As far as the negatives go I would say that it was a bit frustrating to search for all those keys, as well as falling to my death several times trying to scale the outside of the building. I'm not sure if the "simple key" is used for anything but I could have swore I took off of Bloomfeld's back and was surprised when it did not open his room, and instead I had to do the daring feat of  lockpicking his door behind the back of the guard in between patrols of the other one who is on a longer patrol. Also surprised that his window was unpickable despite having a very nicely done way to reach it from the outside, bit of a missed opportunity that.  The spiders were a bit of a nightmare since they glitched out at first and were hovering above the shaft instead of falling to their death, they got killed by the door of the shaft and somehow didn't count as "spiderman kills", but once I reloaded they fell down as intended. I wonder if it was possible to kill them with the mine / fire arrow? Broadheads seemed to do nothing to them.

I also had problems like many others figuring out the "dead metal spider" as it's a pretty hostile area and didn't occur to me to look closely (it was on the floor for me), and putting Gilbert in the dumpster was a bit counter intuitive (and a long trek!).

All in all a solid sequel to Initiation and I'll be looking forward to the third installment!

Edited by Bienie

My Fan Missions:

   Series:                                                                           Standalone:

Chronicles of Skulduggery 0: To Catch a Thief                     The Night of Reluctant Benefaction

Chronicles of Skulduggery 1: Pearls and Swine                    Langhorne Lodge

Chronicles of Skulduggery 2: A Precarious Position              

Chronicles of Skulduggery 3: Sacricide




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I get something around 4400, but only in one spot (on that rocky corner). Otherwise it's more like 3400.

But I think there's a leak in the dead end corner to the right of the starting location:


It's nothing there, but look how high the stats are.

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Mission installed, but I am having a very low frame rate from the start.  My system is on the slow side, but I haven't had such problems with TDM before.

-- Turns out to have been a system problem consuming most of cpu power.  Fixed with a reboot.

Edited by MVT
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I have the access code for the number lock that protects the metal door to the Hammerite area upstairs, and it works. But the same code appears to do nothing when used on the number lock that protects the glass doors near a security camera in the basement.  What am I doing wrong please?

OK, I have just found the readable which gives the correct (and different) code for those doors.


Edited by Marbrien
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18 hours ago, MVT said:

Mission installed, but I am having a very low frame rate from the start.  My system is on the slow side, but I haven't had such problems with TDM before.

Yeah, frame rates have been pretty tricky to handle for the exterior section on this map, but they should improve once you go inside the house.  There have been some FPS issues in regard to the outside sections for few high-end rigs as well. 

Edited by Amadeus
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The tunes refer to the wind chime outside the pub.

And biohazard, you mean lab right? It’s a separate code than upstairs, but should be found in a journal I think. Not positive on that one I forgot already.

As my father used to say, "A grenade a day, keeps the enemy at bay!"

My one FM so far: Paying the Bills: 0 - Moving Day

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15 hours ago, MrMunkeepants said:

I'm feeling particularly dense - I'm struggling with several objectives:

how do I access the biohazard area? where are the tunes the winds play? (I searched the area behind the house but couldn't find anything)

where are brother Gilbert's funds?

Jedi_wannabe got the tunes one right, as for the others:

The biohazard area (assuming you are going for the Vitalic Fever information) you need to access Halfrid's office on the third floor (where the builders patrol) and you need the mysterious key off Halfrid's back to get in there.

In order to tick off the Gilbert objective you need to search his ottoman in his room, it doesn't look like it would open but it does. If you need more help with what happens next

The resulting objective will require you knock him out and put him in the dumpster outside the house so he will be taken away from the house the next morning... I know I had a hard time figuring that part out

My Fan Missions:

   Series:                                                                           Standalone:

Chronicles of Skulduggery 0: To Catch a Thief                     The Night of Reluctant Benefaction

Chronicles of Skulduggery 1: Pearls and Swine                    Langhorne Lodge

Chronicles of Skulduggery 2: A Precarious Position              

Chronicles of Skulduggery 3: Sacricide




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EDIT: I see I've misinterpreted the clue due to a reload to before I picked another item up.

I thought the clue about "not being able to breathe" meant I had to find a way to search the poisonous pit, since I was sure I had gotten the other one already ("but if it isn't checked off, maybe I'm still missing one...") ? Thank you Jedi and Bienie for your assistance.

A nice, small but well-designed mission; lots of finding ways around locked doors, and technical things I don't think I've seen before. I did notice a lot of foliage popping in and out as I walked around, and the watcher security didn't seem to do anything

Edited by MrMunkeepants
personal dumbness, added review
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  • 1 month later...

Hi JackFarmer,


Congratulations on a mission release! :)

I am stuck at these two points and help with them would be appreciated.


1.) first clue of 4 of Applefinger - i have the other gems but for the world of me I can´t decipher what does it mean "where one cannot breath"? i thought it´s the pond, but that was the second gem.

2.) Where are Brother Gilbert´s funds?


Edited by Tarhiel
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13 hours ago, Tarhiel said:

Hi JackFarmer,


Congratulations on a mission release! :)

I am stuck at these two points and help with them would be appreciated.

  Reveal hidden contents

1.) first clue of 4 of Applefinger - i have the other gems but for the world of me I can´t decipher what does it mean "where one cannot breath"? i thought it´s the pond, but that was the second gem.

2.) Where are Brother Gilbert´s funds?


Hello Tarhiel,

"cannot breath" is actually the first gem. I checked the map and the name of the gem is correct. What other gem locations did you discover as well?

"Gilbert's" fund: Please have a closer look at the area below the large picture...

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I seem to have run into a bug of some kind- the red button that


opens the floor hatch in the basement

won't open anymore. I opened and closed it a few times, then died and reloaded from an earlier quicksave, and now the button won't work, even though I loaded from a point before I ever pressed it in the first place. I tried reloading, quitting the game and coming back, even loading another fan mission and going back to this one, and the button still is broken! I haven't tried starting a new game, as I'd made a lot of progress. Is there some console command or something I can enter to fix the button?

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What difficulty level are you playing? The trapdoor might be useful if you have to take out all three spiders. If you have already cleared the pest control objective, than you do not have to worry about the trapdoor anymore as it does not fulfil any other purpose (there are three other possibilities to take out spiders, two with collectable resources and one with another "switch".)

Otherwise I am afraid I have no solution for your problem. :(

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