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Chat-GPT will change THE WORLD forever


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OK, after discovering a gpt-4 account can be cancelled anytime (and even renovated later) I decided 20-odd dollars was worth investing to explore it. I found it fascinating but my main interest was fiction writing and I found although gpt-4 was creative and its grammar perfect, it's continuity was flawed with anything longer than maybe a couple of thousand words because amazingly it cannot recall precisely all the text even in one conversation. Somehow it condenses earlier messages and the further you get into a story the more I get forgets stuff, like Mr Johnson comes into the room. Erm... didn't Mr Johnson die in Chapter 3? This only applies if you try to help chatgpt-4 to write a story rather than get chatgpt-4 help YOU to write a story. That's different.

Anyway, I've not given up trying to find a workaround, and in the meantime, gpt-4 now provides internest access via Bing. This is even better than Phind. You can type all sort of instructions in and get gpt-4 to do the searching like so:

User: OK. please search for advice on getting chatgpt-4 to write a long story. List the first 10 website articles. Omit any that only help the user write a story, and only list those where the user helps chatgpt-4 to write the story. Abandon processing any websites that give errors such as failing to access and instead display here the link, then continue searching. If you can't find 10 articles within 10 minutes, then stop

Chatgpt-4: I'm sorry, I wasn't able to fully complete your request. However, I've gathered some useful information.

I found an article titled "How to Write a Novel With ChatGPT (Ultimate Guide in 2023)" on WritingBeginner.com. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to use ChatGPT to write a novel. This guide includes 13 steps, such as:

1. Asking ChatGPT to suggest a genre and subgenre.
2. Using ChatGPT to come up with a story premise.
3. Expanding the premise into a back cover blurb with the help of ChatGPT.
4. Creating an outline from the blurb with ChatGPT's help【74†source】【75†source】【76†source】【77†source】【78†source】.

I spent quite a bit of time exploring the details of this guide, which may be helpful if you're looking to use an AI like ChatGPT to assist with writing a long story.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find 10 separate articles that specifically discuss how to help ChatGPT-4 write a long story, as per your request. The search results included a mix of different kinds of articles, and it took a significant amount of time to explore each one to determine its relevance. I'll list the URLs of the remaining pages that seemed potentially relevant, but I wasn't able to fully explore them within your time limit:

1. https://www.artificial-intelligence.blog/news/how-to-write-a-story-with-gpt-3
2. https://www.wired.com/story/ai-language-models-biggest-challenge-yet-long-form-content/
3. https://www.writersdigest.com/be-inspired/how-artificial-intelligence-can-help-authors-write-a-better-novel
4. https://www.fastcompany.com/90697938/this-is-how-a-i-will-help-you-write-your-next-novel
5. https://towardsdatascience.com/writing-with-gpt-3-turning-prompts-into-novels-ba1d109b2a6f
6. https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/03/20/104107/artificial-intelligence-is-now-writing-novels-heres-an-example/

Please note that the relevance of these articles to your specific request is uncertain since I wasn't able to fully assess them within your time limit.

As for the technical question about Chrome updates, the latest version of Google Chrome as of June 8, 2023, is 112.0.5615.137/138 for Windows and Mac, and 112.0.5615.165 for Linux【47†source】.

I hope this information is helpful, and I apologize for not being able to fully meet your initial request.


This will change searching the net forever! It's like having an assistant to do the legwork.

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Further thoughts... By not directly accessing crappy unnavigable websites with intrusive, intensely irritating advertising, we can research faster and more efficiently, but to monetize their crappy websites, they'll have to make them more private and secure to stop bots. But openAI is testing a method that can already analyze images really well. In only a few years (months) it will be able to pick out traffic lights and buses in those awful captcha screens better than humans. Then what?

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@Fidcal I know where you're coming from. GPT-4's continuity can sometimes falter over long stretches of text. However, I've found that there are ways to guide the model to maintain a more consistent narrative.

I've not yet tried fully giving GPT-4 the free reins to write its own long format fiction, but I co-wrote a short story with GPT-4 that worked really well. I provided an outline, and we worked on the text piece by piece. In the end, approximately two-thirds of the text was GPT-4's original work. The story was well received by my writing group, showing that GPT-4 can indeed be a valuable contributor in creative endeavors.

Building on my previously described experiments, I also ran GPT-4 through an entire fantasy campaign that eventually got so long the ChatGPT interface stopped working. It did forget certain details along the way, but (because the game master+player dynamic let me give constant reinforcement) it never lost the plot or the essential personality of its character (Thrumm Stoneshield: a dwarven barbarian goat herder who found a magic ring, fought a necromancer, and became temporary king of the Iron Home Dwarves).

For maintaining the story's coherence, I've found it helpful to have GPT-4 first list out the themes of the story and generate an outline. From there, I have it produce the story piece by piece, while periodically reminding the model of its themes and outlines. This seems to help the AI stay focused and maintain better continuity.

The adventure of Thrumm Stoneshield part 1https://chat.openai.com/share/b77439c1-596a-4050-a018-b33fce5948ef
Short story writing experiment: https://chat.openai.com/share/1c20988d-349d-4901-b300-25ce17658b5d

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That is just about the method I've arrived at. I started a new test story where I told it a set of rules (British spelling, use n-dashes with spaces, etc.) then told it my rough idea for a scene (I write in scenes anyway then form chapters from related scenes, so that was fine.) I then told it to create the scene but don't display it, then check it against the rules and correct it, then display it. This worked well for several scenes but I just noticed my latest scene is back in American English with an m-dash in there with no spaces.

So I asked it to display rule 15 (the one about dashes) It came back with corrupted nonsense about different number rules I hadn't even invented! And it said there was no rule 15! So clearly it only remembers back a few messages. So I've decided to continue by giving it the rules every scene. That's just a matter of copy/pasting in from my text editor so not too much trouble. I will also need to start a new conversation say every 3 or 4 scenes, post all the (relevant) scenes so far, then continue.

Your shared chat looks really good and an amazing length! That's all one conversation? And what is that openAI shared service? How do I access that to post and read other stuff? I didn't know it existed. It's got a button to continue the conversation. Does that mean anyone could join in that thread?

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3 hours ago, Fidcal said:

I will also need to start a new conversation say every 3 or 4 scenes, post all the (relevant) scenes so far, then continue.

Ooh! We should compare notes in a few weeks. I've been trying for a while now to find tricks for re-establishing continuity between conversations. I've had some success, but nothing yet I would call satisfactory. For instance with the Adventures of Thrumm RP game, I had to start a new session because the ChatGPT client was taking on the order of 20s per token to generate its responses at the end and was crashing every 2-3 minutes.

I felt like I successfully got it back into the character and in story for the new session, but it took something like 2 pages of text and over 40 minutes of work on my part. Judge for yourself how well I did:

I'm envisioning an ultimate solution in the form of AI "personas" with associated memories and biographical information in a searchable database, which the chatbot can interact with through an API based on some minimal leading-prompts. Unfortunately that is still a bit beyond my depth as a engineer and AI whisperer... but I am making slow progress.

3 hours ago, Fidcal said:

Your shared chat looks really good and an amazing length! That's all one conversation?

😍 Thanks! You are correct that these were each one continuous conversation (minus a few false-start branches where I submitted incomplete prompts by mistake or tried things that didn't work). I probably would not recommend going that long again. I really only did it in those examples as an experiment to see what would happen.

I'd say beyond about 8 rounds of lengthy prompt-response the model's amnesia problem completely erases any benefit it gets from the extra context of the longer conversation. Plus in long conversations it sometimes develops pathologies like linguistic ticks or personality quirks. Starting new conversations periodically is a pain, but probably still best practice.

4 hours ago, Fidcal said:

And what is that openAI shared service? How do I access that to post and read other stuff? I didn't know it existed. It's got a button to continue the conversation. Does that mean anyone could join in that thread?

It's a new feature! This is actually the first time I've used it so I'm not 100% clear how it works when you send it to someone with their own account. The controls are on the left next to the chat session title in the chat list: the icons from left to right are to change the conversation title, share the conversation, and delete the conversation.

If you'd like to try adding to another person's thread, here's a false start of mine you could try it on. I'll tell you if it works. (Turns out ChatGPT is chronically bad at anagrams, so vandalize away.)

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My brain is reeling with overload! First, being enthralled with your goblin roleplay, I overlooked your second link to your clockwork story. That is now even more fascinating to me. In particular, the AI's reasoning powers (eg, when it perceives and describes the allegorical element of your story) is staggering. Clearly the AI can reason intelligently. No matter that it isn't conscious and, like all software, it's merely a list of instructions & data (thought HUGE!) it can reason in an intelligent way. In that instance it was better than me! It definitely has (or can represent and function as if) an understanding of language. And I say if something looks like a spade, and be used to dig, then it's a spade, even if constructed differently.

thanks, now found the sharing feature and discovered your post is publicly-readable but posting to it requires an openAI account. I added a brief message to test if you can see it. I'm sure it can be seen on the public page. But does that sync with the copy in your private version of it?

For further interest, I posted a version of one of my earlier tests that might be of interest at.... https://chat.openai.com/share/36420a5f-f8d8-4eeb-939b-a1c4c017c2b3     It's a failed story fragment but I learned a lot about how to work with gpt.

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12 hours ago, Fidcal said:

My brain is reeling with overload! First, being enthralled with your goblin roleplay, I overlooked your second link to your clockwork story. That is now even more fascinating to me. In particular, the AI's reasoning powers (eg, when it perceives and describes the allegorical element of your story) is staggering.

I know what you mean. The things the algorithm can do once it's warmed up are astounding, and the endless list of applications to try out is mesmeric. I overdid it early on and actually gave myself a bit of tendonitis from spending every spare waking moment experimenting with it. I'm trying to pace myself better now. 😮‍💨

But I'm right there with you as regards the philosophical implications. GPT-4 has some legit weaknesses as a logic engine, but its abilities of inference and deduction are no joke, even when you strip away its overwhelming advantage of knowing everything humanity has ever uploaded to the internet pre-September 2021. It can see conceptual connections that most people would not pick up on, and it can act on them. That sounds to me like general intelligence; and it's already near or exceeding typical human level!

Without trying to sound alarmist, this is not something this type of model should be able to do based on the training data available to it. There are no examples for these sorts of highly specific original deductions for it to regurgitate. The general intelligence is some sort of new emergent phenomenon, and it's got quite a lot of people in the machine learning research community equal parts excited and spooked.

12 hours ago, Fidcal said:

I added a brief message to test if you can see it. I'm sure it can be seen on the public page. But does that sync with the copy in your private version of it?

I don't see any new comments on either the public link or my private copy of the conversation. Maybe continuing just makes a new instance for that user? 

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I would not yet regard gpt as general intelligence but it certainly has aspects of it, and more will emerge in this model or the next I'm sure. Exciting and scary times!

Meanwhile another idea occurred to me regarding continuity. I'm going to do a test where I create a conversation with just my fiction rules and possibly the plot summary, etc. then share it publicly. I can then start a new conversation for the story proper and refer it to that shared url every few messages to refresh its memory of the core essentials. I'm not sure the plot is essential actually because even if it deviates from the original plot idea, it could still work. What needs to be constant is the rules, and significant story progress (eg, Mr Johnson died in Chapter 7 so no, he can't be baking bread in Chapter 12!)

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First of all, ChatGPT , independent of the version, is a language model to be able to interact with the user, imitating being intelligent. It has a knowledge base that dates back to 2021 and adds what users contribute in their chats. This means, first of all, that it is not valid if you are looking for correct answers, since if it does not find the answer in its base, it has a tendency to invent it with approximations or directly with false or obsolete answers.
With this, the future will not change, it will occur with AI of a different nature, on the one hand with search engines with AI, since they have access to information in real time, without needing such complex language models and for this reason, they will gradually search engines are going to add AI, not only Bing or Google, but before these there was Andisearch, like the first of all, Perplexity.ai, Phind.com and You.com. Soon there will also be DuckDuckGoAI.

On the other hand, generative AI to create images videos and even aplications, music and other, like game assets or 3D models.,

The risk with AI came up with Auto GPT, initially a tool that seemed useful, but it can be highly dangerous, since on the one hand it has full access to the network and on the other hand it is capable of learning on its own initiative to carry out tasks that are introduced as if it were a Text2Image app out there, what was demonstrated with ChaosGPT, the result of an order introduced in Auto GPT to destroy humanity, which it immediately began to develop with extraordinary efficiency, first trying to access the missile silos nuclear weapons and to fail, luckily, trying to get followers on Twitter with a fake account that he created and where he got more than 6000 followers, hiding later, realizing the danger that can be blocked or deactivated on the network. Currently nothing is known about it, but it is still a danger not exactly to be ruled out, it can really become Skynet.

AI is going to change the future, but not ChatGPT which isnt more than a nice toy.

Sys Specs Laptop Lenovo V145 15AST, AMD A9- 9425 Radeon R5 - 5 cores 3,1 GHz  RAM 8Gb, GPU 1+2 Gb -Win10 64 v21H2

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1 hour ago, Zerg Rush said:

With this, the future will not change, it will occur with AI of a different nature, on the one hand with search engines with AI, since they have access to information in real time, without needing such complex language models and for this reason, they will gradually search engines are going to add AI, not only Bing or Google, but before these there was Andisearch, like the first of all, Perplexity.ai, Phind.com and You.com. Soon there will also be DuckDuckGoAI.

The next-gen "search engine AI" could be very similar to the "toy" ChatGPT, just with an added component that forces it to take into account manually curated facts that are related to the topic. That or maybe we need strong AI to make that particular application usable without being a hallucination free-for-all.

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7 hours ago, jaxa said:

The next-gen "search engine AI" could be very similar to the "toy" ChatGPT, just with an added component that forces it to take into account manually curated facts that are related to the topic. That or maybe we need strong AI to make that particular application usable without being a hallucination free-for-all.

A search engine with the linguistic capabilities of ChatGPT can of course be useful, but a language model like ChatGPT without access to real-time information, no matter how good the language model is, is nothing more than a toy, can serve as an assistant or customer support for certain products with the necessary knowledge base of this product, but no more.

Today, the information from search engines with AI is infinitely more reliable than that from AI chats, especially if they are not from large monopolies that may reflect certain commercial and/or political interests in their responses, as has already been experienced in Google, MS and also BraveAI, the latter with strong influences from the extreme right and whose CEO was already fired from Mozilla for this. 

Better the independent AI

You can try right now

https://andisearch.com (My favorite)

https://www.perplexity.ai (also as usefull Browser extension)

https://phind.com (specially for devs and programmers)

https://you.com (the most complete)

Sys Specs Laptop Lenovo V145 15AST, AMD A9- 9425 Radeon R5 - 5 cores 3,1 GHz  RAM 8Gb, GPU 1+2 Gb -Win10 64 v21H2

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have no idea why there's such a hype over such A.I.'s. A computer always has been something for me which should complement the human mind, not replace it. When I read that A.I. composes symphonies, and does other art stuff, then I shake my head, and think of sci-fi movies, not of something which is actually useful. Human creativity is the antithesis to anything machine made. Especially when it's simply based on a database of collected knowledge, nothing which is based on actual human behavior (yes, I know, they try to "simulate" that, but, it's still very basic).

I would say "Wake me when you're through", but, like with so many things these days, I'm afraid that it's a long-running craziness, not something which is done tomorrow. For me, it's the completely wrong direction, and a total waste of time.

Edited by chakkman
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1 hour ago, chakkman said:

I have no idea why there's such a hype over such A.I.'s. A computer always has been something for me which should complement the human mind, not replace it. When I read that A.I. composes symphonies, and does other art stuff, then I shake my head, and think of sci-fi movies, not of something which is actually useful. Human creativity is the antithesis to anything machine made. Especially when it's simply based on a database of collected knowledge, nothing which is based on actual human behavior (yes, I know, they try to "simulate" that, but, it's still very basic).

I would say "Wake me when you're through", but, like with so many things these days, I'm afraid that it's a long-running craziness, not something which is done tomorrow. For me, it's the completely wrong direction, and a total waste of time.

I can guarantee you that some actual artists are using AI as a tool that complements the human mind. You can feed your sketches or finished work into it (image-to-image) to generate more details, and the best AI art seen today often involves an digital artist cleaning up the AI mistakes by hand (Photoshop).

But in general, the artistically unskilled/uninclined are having their human creativity amplified by AI. People have ideas, and now they can make them a reality without hiring anyone or spending 10,000 hours learning how to draw. Exercising their creativity might inspire them to learn the basics of art, to become better at using the AI.

I think you will see a drop-off in low effort content that is spat out instantly by AI, whether that's images, videos, or symphonies. In a sea of AI-generated content, the best or most interesting (viral) will rise to the top, and that will tend to favor the things that had some effort put into them. You might not even realize that AI was part of the process. If you listen to a symphony or other music created partially/fully by AI and you enjoy it, what then? Is it "bad" once you know AI was involved?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think there are also some nice AI apps which maybe usefull for TDM, like these to create 3D game assets and textures for free.




among others

Sys Specs Laptop Lenovo V145 15AST, AMD A9- 9425 Radeon R5 - 5 cores 3,1 GHz  RAM 8Gb, GPU 1+2 Gb -Win10 64 v21H2

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6 hours ago, Zerg Rush said:

I think there are also some nice AI apps which maybe usefull for TDM, like these to create 3D game assets and textures for free.




among others

The interesting question is.. How much effort does one need to put into them to make them work ingame in terms of performance, detail and animation.

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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45 minutes ago, SeriousToni said:

The interesting question is.. How much effort does one need to put into them to make them work ingame in terms of performance, detail and animation.

I think it will be the same as with ready made assets and textures, the only diference is that are you which create it with the help of AI, describe the texture or asset you need and the AI creates it.


Anyway you can take a look to other tools you may need among over 3000 existing AI tools. There is life outside of GPT 4


Edited by Zerg Rush
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Sys Specs Laptop Lenovo V145 15AST, AMD A9- 9425 Radeon R5 - 5 cores 3,1 GHz  RAM 8Gb, GPU 1+2 Gb -Win10 64 v21H2

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  • 2 weeks later...

silently goes after the power outlet take that skynet... skynet enables backup power supply oh crap 🤣


lets hope someone is not stupid enough to actually forego backdoors in the software or we might indeed end up with horizon zero dawn (bummer mr dev bummer...).

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just a fun thought that as long as you control the electricity AI wouldnt stand a chance of taking over the world 😁 (or erradicating us) unless someone really throws all caution to the wind and makes it A control the electricity itself. B makes an AI with no way to countermand it in case shit hits the fan (a rather hillarious thought), C gives it control over a factory for making death bots.


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15 hours ago, Zerg Rush said:


GPT-3. However I don't think that video was generated by autonomous reactions. Rather it looks to me like the developers having fun with a pre-scripted sequence of expressions.

If you did this experiment for real I don't think it would play out that way. GPT-3/4 cannot react with genuine surprise in my experience. Surprise requires having an expectation and then finding it subverted, but these LLMs don't have the neurological hardware to form those sorts of impressions. They have no continuity of non-verbal memory and limited options for introspection.

Plus I have a hard time believing image recognition would be able to recognize the robot's reflection as a robot, or convey that information to the language model such that it could figure out it is looking at its reflection.

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Ameca has the language model of ChatGPT 3.5, but is way more than this. It's a cloud platform for human interactions, in continuous developement. It not react only to words, also of extern stimuli like a human does. It's not a joke with the mirror, but a test for this reactions. Naturally it's not something that we can call conciencious, but Ameca is the first step to it.

Edited by Zerg Rush

Sys Specs Laptop Lenovo V145 15AST, AMD A9- 9425 Radeon R5 - 5 cores 3,1 GHz  RAM 8Gb, GPU 1+2 Gb -Win10 64 v21H2

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I don't want to take away from the significance of projects like this. It is amazing and an indicator of the marvels to come. But I must stand by my previous assessment. That's based on the date on the video (which predates their first demo video with GPT-3 by a month), the fact that the sequence of responses shows no processing delays at all, and the fact the description frames it as a demo of new actuators, besides my experience with how GPT LMs think (which to my knowledge are the first and only AI so far that show anything approach that level of self awareness).

If the reaction is genuinely spontaneous it is a far more significant breakthough than anything else this group has done... like why would they be wasting their time with robotics if they had those kinds of insights about machine learning? I mean the alternative hypothesis is that these guys have invented some sort of facial recognition and emotive response prediction algorithm that can:

  1. Recognize its own reflection as a real-time image of itself.
  2. Be surprised to see itself, implying an ability to form expectations and a sophisticated theory of world.
  3. Realize it can use its reflection to test its own actuators.
  4. Do all of this in real time.

That is an insane list of achievements, any one of which on its own would be able to raise millions in venture capital in a heart beat.

I would love to be proven wrong about this, really, but for extraordinary claims I need extraordinary evidence. 🙂 In the meantime, for fun here is how GPT-4 reacts to a surprise mirror: https://chat.openai.com/share/ae22e99e-ef8d-4397-9cf6-55c8f8abc526
(It's a little slower to catch on.)

Edited by ChronA
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