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Posted (edited)

Any chance you could upload the testmap + ASE and CM somewhere? (If they're small enough you could give them a fake .txt extension so the forum software will accept them as attachments.)


Edit: before that, one other thing I thought of: there are sometimes odd problems when dmap doesn't fully regenerate the files it makes, so it might be worth deleting the <your map>.proc and <your map>.cm from dmapping (that's the map's .cm, not the model's) and running dmap again.

Edited by VanishedOne

Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying


I think this may be related to the shifted origin you mentioned. If I set g_showCollisionModels 1 in the console, when I walk into the visible model I see a red box nearby, and when I walk to where that appeared I push the model. I think it's centred on the ASE's origin, which from what I see in DR is quite a way outside the ASE model.


After a quick test, I think the ASE export script may be using the map's origin, rather than the func_static entity's, unless the 'Center objects at 0,0,0 origin' option is in use. If you turn that on, hopefully you'll get an exported ASE with a more useful origin position, and then you can re-export a CM corresponding to that. If that still fails, I'd try making the models' origin the same as the map's origin (0,0,0) prior to exporting.

Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying


I'm fairly sure "Center objects at 0,0,0 origin" in .ase exporting window works backward - it centers at '0 0 0' if you uncheck it.


To the collision model error: for my movables

1) I have simple box model with collision texture

2) movable entity have this spawnarg: "clipmodel" "models/clip.ase"



I have question about the moveable lantern: it have a spawnarg "extinguish_on_drop" "1" but when I set it to "0" it will still turn off if flipped. Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong?



I have question about the moveable lantern: it have a spawnarg "extinguish_on_drop" "1" but when I set it to "0" it will still turn off if flipped. Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong?


A lantern that isn't standing on its base will go out.


"extinguish_on_drop" set to "0" will always go out when an AI drops it, whether it's standing up or not.



Thanks. My red line is pretty weird: It starts from a light entity on the map, then goes straight through a solid wall brush into the void. That wall seems to be textured properly and part of worldspawn, so I'm confused how that is.


If the red line goes through a worldspawn brush into the void, one of the textures on the brush is non-sealing. Check them all.


If the red line goes through a worldspawn brush into the void, one of the textures on the brush is non-sealing. Check them all.


It's a custom texture from my modern asset pack; The one textured face is solid... the other faces are all caulk, I looked from all sides and can confirm. I also selected the brush and hit "make structural" to make sure I didn't accidentally make it a detail brush, but this didn't help either.




All I can suggest is that you temporarily change that wall texture to something guaranteed solid (not custom-made by you) and see if that seals the leak.


If it does, then there's something wrong in the material def of the custom texture.


If it doesn't, then I have no other suggestions.


Make sure it's worldspawn and not an entity, model, or func_static. Filter all entities so they're not in the way. Make sure the texture doesn't have "nonsolid" or an alpha channel. Those are the usual suspects.


Okay... this is weird. I textured the offending brush with a TDM stone material, and indeed the red line moved to the nearby one. So it must be my texture... but how? I looked at its material definition and don't see anything that should be making it non-solid.

	qer_editorimage textures/darkmodule/trak4/wall/wall_plaster3b-2
	description "trak4, wall, wall_plaster3b-2"


	diffusemap textures/darkmodule/trak4/wall/wall_plaster3b-2
	bumpmap textures/darkmodule/trak4/wall/wall_plaster3b-2_norm

	// Frob highlighting
		if ( parm11 > 0 )
		blend gl_dst_color, gl_one
		map _white.tga
		rgb 0.40 * parm11
		if ( parm11 > 0 )
		blend add
		map textures/darkmodule/trak4/wall/wall_plaster3b-2
		rgb 0.15 * parm11

	// TDM Ambient Method
		if ( global5 == 1 )
		blend add
		map textures/darkmodule/trak4/wall/wall_plaster3b-2
		scale 1, 1
		red global2
		green global3
		blue global4

I also looked at the textures themselves and they don't have an alpha channel. Except for the normal map, but I assume that's normal and shouldn't be messing with anything.


Alright, I did a brand new install in C:\ (my root drive) and no dice; I'm still getting the same errors (and also, Darkradiant crashes every time I try to create a new particle). I might try wiping everything and starting again, but I'm not sure what difference it will make. In the meantime, any thoughts on what might be causing this?


Ok, I tried reinstalling DR. I tried older versions of DR. I tried TDM 2.06 in both C drive and on the desktop. I tried changing folder owner and permissions. Nothing is working.


Am I seriously the only one experiencing this??? On two separate computers, no less? Just what on earth am I doing wrong here?


The only other thing I can think of doing is rolling back to TDM 2.05 and see if that makes any sort of difference, but I don't know how since I'm using the updater to install, and it automatically grabs 2.06.

Posted (edited)

I'm no expert, but at what point in your process does it crash?


What's in your darkradiant.log file? (in %appdata%/DarkRadiant)

Look for references to "particles".


Have you added TDM and DR to your antivirus exceptions lists in case they're blocking or deleting something they don't like?


I think this should be in its own thread so that it can get more peoples' attention.

Edited by R Soul

It is generally adviceable to avoid special symbols as much as possible in all kind of applications, not just DR. They often cause issues. This includes umlauts as well.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter




The gate (A) shall be blocked by a translating stop plate B.


The gate always cuts through the stop plate as if it were butter.


If I place a moveable crate below the gate, then it works correctly and stops.


What can I do to make the gate stop through the plate as well?





Posted (edited)



The gate (A) shall be blocked by a translating stop plate B.


The gate always cuts through the stop plate as if it were butter.


If I place a moveable crate below the gate, then it works correctly and stops.


What can I do to make the gate stop through the plate as well?





-Add atdm:moveable_crate01 to map;

-make a brush around edges of the gate, use common/collision texture;

-turn it into func_static and export as a .ase model;

-add newly created model to atdm:moveable_crate01 as both model and clipmodel;

-position atdm:moveable_crate01 to match the gate's model, add to the crate "bind" "your_gate_entity".

-it will obstruct movement only if you try to move the gate through the slob, not the slob through the gate - in this case you would have to make and bind similar movable crate to the slob.

Edited by ERH+


Posted (edited)

Ok what the hell is causing this path-finding issue, the spot in question has the number 1347 (see attached), ive turned off all filtering and -

  • there is no entity in that location ,
  • No MC or nodraw_solid brush

Or anything else in that location or below it that would account for this that I can see in DR. I tried g_showentityinfo 1 in-game but that didn't help either.


post-496-0-87116700-1539706615_thumb.jpgAdd to Post

Edited by Bikerdude

Ok what the hell is causing this path-finding issue, the spot in question has the number 1347 (see attached), ive turned off all filtering and -

So I saved the map with a different name and then went to town removing entities spiraling outward from around the spot, and unbeleiveably it was a small nodrawsolid brush around a small resized table way over by the window that was causing the issue above AAS... er.... WTF...




-Add atdm:moveable_crate01 to map;

-make a brush around edges of the gate, use common/collision texture;

-turn it into func_static and export as a .ase model;

-add newly created model to atdm:moveable_crate01 as both model and clipmodel;

-position atdm:moveable_crate01 to match the gate's model, add to the crate "bind" "your_gate_entity".

-it will obstruct movement only if you try to move the gate through the slob, not the slob through the gate - in this case you would have to make and bind similar movable crate to the slob.


That works perfectly! Thank you very much!


So I saved the map with a different name and then went to town removing entities spiraling outward from around the spot, and unbeleiveably it was a small nodrawsolid brush around a small resized table way over by the window that was causing the issue above AAS... er.... WTF...

What does your monsterclip look like?

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