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  1. I dont know if you guys are totally done with this or if anyone has any future projects planned, but I make music and would love to help ! I found out about this when I was trying to let a few people know about my thief music viddey, which could also give you an example of some of the music i can make
  2. Hope you guys enjoy this, I put a lot of my heart into it.
  3. What's going on with the Thi4f forums? They've been down for almost a week now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      Well that's not going to work. If they can't post about Thi4f on the Thi4f forums they can come and post about TDM on the TDM forums.

    3. jtr7


      People thought it was the server migration under Square-Enix that we've been told about, but they came back online like nothing happened, and the dedicated thread about the coming migration had no new info.

      Can't see this?:


    4. stumpy


      maybe it was a migration test, and it broke.

  4. Holy crap are we getting another download spike? The forums keep going intermittent on me.

    1. Springheel


      The forums aren't on the same servers as the downloads.

    2. stumpy


      its sunday, the internet is always slow on a sunday for some reason.

    3. Lux


      "for some reason" I imagine is you being sarcastic as we all know everybody and their brother/sister are online on Sunday either shopping or looking at porn combined with all the gaming packets.


      I'm sure there are also people just "reading things for the articles" though...

  5. Hey, Sebastian here. Sorry if this thread has already been made, but... I was just wondering if I could get a possible compilation of all the tracks made for The Dark Mod? After playing, I immediately fell in love with the great ambiance and tone, and I'd greatly appreciate anyone who could show me where to find these tracks standalone. Ultimately, it's not my decision to make if you relinquish anything you made for the game, but I'd be very grateful if you would. I was also thinking that we could create some kind of playlist of currently used tracks from the game or particular fan made levels, and also use this thread to present new tracks made by fans. That way, people could get feedback on their music and the tapestry of atmosphere and ambiance they are crafting for their level. Thank you for your time.
  6. Just a heads up that the header images are now missing from the top of the forum. I suspect due to domain forwarding or something like that?
  7. Hi, Currently finishing up NHAT for 2.0 release, and am experiencing issues with the intro sequences for each mission. About half the time, the music just STOPS during the intro sequence of my FM's. Any ideas? **edit: ahhh crap, a typo in the thread title...
  8. Tr00pertj

    TDM Forums

    Have I been hacked or is the site being rebuilt or hacked?
  9. I don't know about you guys but I always enjoyed Thundercats' music. Warner apparently never had the interest in releasing it and the only thing anyone could find online were taken from the show as background, filled with noise and always in pieces. Until this youtube channel came up with all the themes! I don't know how he got his hands on it and he answers to no one. I don't know who he is, or if that youtube profile is real, so I'm just calling him saint of leaked warner content for now. For your eternal happiness, the channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/euplocephalus And my absolute favorite (Panthro's theme)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sotha


      Congrats! First one is The First one!

    3. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      If "its done!" why do we have to wait until next week? Congratulations on your first FM! I look really look forward to playing this.

    4. Kvorning


      To let you know a bit in advance if you have a tight schedule and to catch last few things and tweaks:)

  10. As I've built my level, I taken inspiration from the Thief FM community and have been using custom ambient loops where I couldn't find an appropriate track in the vanilla TDM package. I did this (like Thief FMs) by taking snippets from existing ambient music tracks and turning them into loops. Now, the original tracks are not public domain and were about 8 minutes long, of which I've taken ~45 second clips to use for my loop. In one case I'm using a 10 second snippet of a track that's 30 minutes long. I know from earlier threads (which I read with a sinking feeling in my stomach) that using copyrighted music is basically verboten if you want to be hosted on the official TDM mirrors, but I was wondering if there is some possible exception for relatively small snippets under some concept of Fair Use. What do you guys think? Do I just have to scrap those tracks?
  11. I'm looking for some classical music that other people find inspiring to map to. If you do not map I'd be interested in hearing some pieces that remind you of the TDM setting and mood. I'm particularly looking for epic orchastral music and choral masses. Piano and violin music with a mellon collie tone. Also the longer they are the better. Although I will check ouit any recommendations if you think they fit the TDM mood. Thanks.
  12. Is this allowed? As long as I am not getting any money for this or claiming to be the artist responisble for creating the music will this be OK? If so how do I find out if the artist or their record company allows their music to be used for something like this?
  13. Just wanted to say, Hello! From reading through various posts in the forums it seems like a great community and I hope to become a part of it. So I got the hankering for some Thief as of late and stumbled on TDM through some googling. After purchasing Doom 3 through Steam and instaling TDM, I have been nostalgiacly playing through many of the FMs and have also decided to d/l the Radiant editor and start making a mission, maybe many, we'll see. As it turns out also, I just started (today!) my 1 week vacation from work and intend to dive in to the Radiant editor and am currently going through the A-Z wiki on it. A bit of background on me, I 'used' to work in application support till the economic crash a couple years ago and was laid off and am now running a machining center at a local machine shop, using Mastercam daily, 2D/3D stuff and have always wanted to make a mission/game, and decided since I've always enjoyed the Thief series and stealth gameplay so much, this is where I would start. After getting to my third year in Mechanical Technology I changed my major to Information Technology (should have went with straight Computer Science but ahhh hindsight). I've always loved building things and designing things and also really enjoy computers, art, audio, and the entire visual experience as presented to a user. I have created a couple playable maps before using the older source engine editor so I'm vaguely familiar with 3D modeling, skyboxes, lighting, AI pathing, etc. That's been over 10 years ago though. I got familiar with 3dsmax, ProE, Autocad, and Mastercam in my first major during school so that helps a bit when familiarizing with a new editor and as previously mentioned I've dabbled around in the Valve Source editor. I'm also very much looking forward to the Crucible of Omens campaign created by the marvelous talent at TDM and would like to help in any way I can once I'm familiar with the Radiant engine. I can also do many many voices, I've often thought about moving out to Cali from Indiana and finding work in voice-overs, voice acting, etc. All this started as a youngster with little friends, time on my hands, and imaginary friends. Wow that's hard to admit. So anyway, I've been working on a shadowy Garrett voice, and can do guards and some women characters with old, old english, gruff, slippery, sneaky, terrifying, voices and personalities. Just thought I'd mention that as it may be a way that I could contribute early on and would also enjoy. So anyway, too much about me and not enough A-Z wiki, back to the tutorial! Glad to be here and hope for good things to come.
  14. I haven't been around too much recently, but when I do look into the forums every so often, I am always amazed how much progress is being made on the mod. Great work people!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      I wish there was a way we could play against each other on line.

    3. Melan


      Neat, but a gimmick.

    4. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      True but its Chess meets Thief! The best gimmick ever!

  15. Does anybody else have this problem? In the (European) evenings the forum is unbearable slow. The server is delivering about 8Kbyte/s, sometimes less and usually stops midwhere during loading the page. Sometimes you can't even get the index page, sometimes you can log in, but then only get half of the overview etc. In the mornings everything is snappy.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lost_soul


      I never got into BSD, though I've installed it once or twice. This is another reason to check it out.

    3. simplen00b


      @Sir Tafs: +1 (zillion)

    4. Serpentine


      The BSD's arn't for everyone, but within their goals, simple code and mailing lists lies a lot of goodness and simplicity. I love the underdogs. Anyhoo work will be Linux friendly too. Portability is a cornerstone for good code.

  16. Hey everyone, just wanted y'all to know that I am in the process of recording ambient background tracks for mission creators to use. I hope to create a wide variety over the next few weeks. I have never recorded ambient tracks before, but I am finding them very fun to experiment with. My goal is to make a couple of tracks for each "occasion" - indoors, outdoors, city streets at night, inside mansion, inside cathedral, haunted areas, dramatic and suspenseful moments, woods, tavern,... I could go on and on. If any mission designers out there have a unique setting in mind for their mission and need a track that is appropriate, I would be more than happy to see what I can do! I have started a SoundCloud profile to post my tracks for all of you to hear and hopefully provide feedback. So far, I have posted 4 "practice tracks". I would greatly appreciate all of your thoughts, opinions, criticisms, requests, etc. Here's my link: http://soundcloud.com/scarridale/sets Thanks! --scarridale
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