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  1. It seems that there is a reverse engineer group ( Amernime \ Nimez ) who are back-porting newer AMD drivers to older GPU versions. Terrascale 1 support is currently a "work in progress" : https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/amernime-zone-amd-software-adrenalin-pro-driver-release-nemesis-22-10-3-whql.436611/ If you are interested, they might have beta versions up on their terrascale discord. The downside is that these are community created drivers rather than official ones by AMD. Maybe AMD will release some sort of maintenance for terascale like they did for some of their other old GPU's.
  2. In order to thank the team (and other mappers) for their relentless efforts in contributing, I hereby give the community.... Ulysses: Genesis A FM By Sotha Story: Read & listen it in game. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwR0ORZU5sraTlJ6ZHlYZ1pJRVE/edit?usp=sharing http://www4.zippysha...95436/file.html Other: Spoilers: When discussing, please use spoiler tags, like this: [spoiler] Hidden text. [/spoiler] Mirrors: Could someone put this on TDM ingame downloader? Thanks!
  3. The forums have been upgraded, please see this thread: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/9845-forums-upgraded-to-ipb-3-0-3
  4. -> https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/forum/13-music-sfx/
  5. I mentioned this in the improvements thread - https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/11058-things-that-could-be-improved/page/95/#comment-473534 Bright readables in a game that is 99% darkness literally burns my eyes.
  6. @HMart, you took issue with me saying: This was my summary of what I thought you meant in these post fragments from a forum linked to by Ref 10 (namely, https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20100-idtech-4-gui-scripting/#comment-439778 )... I see I probably shouldn't have added the "[as float parameters]" to the ambiguous "as well" phrase, and perhaps "recommended TDM try" is too strong. Overall, would this be better? "In Ref 10, it is noted that in transition statements, a 4-value color vector must be either a literal or (less reliably) a definevec4. Using a #defined macro for the color vector won't work currently... an idea for a future improvement?" EDIT - I see that a broader revision was needed. So changed to this in https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=GUI_Scripting:_TDM_vs_Doom_3,_Quake_4 ====transition 4-6 parameters==== Often, transition statements have a pair of 4-value color vectors as their 2nd & 3rd parameters. As the discussion in [[GUI Scripting: References & Resources | Ref 10]] indicates, each vector is traditionally represented by a double-quoted literal: transition "matcolor" "1, 1, 1, 0" "1, 1, 1, 0.8" "300" This was id Studio's preferred method, but using a definevec4 user variable was a possible alternative. In addition, TDM can #define colors for transitions. Unfortunately, due to syntax differences, for a particular color, it is not possible to create a single #define that would work with both properties and transitions; thus: #define INACTIVE_COLOR 0,0,0,0.50 #define SINACTIVE_COLOR "0 0 0 0.50" See [[GUI Scripting: Preprocessor Directives]] for further examples. (Possible future improvement: Changing TDM's parsing to let a transition also accept color vectors with commas.) See also the discussion above about 4vect properties and _x, _y, _z, _w suffixes.
  7. Hey @MirceaKitsune, thank you so much for playing! As for the bracelet, there is no objective text that shows up specifically; it is just something you have to gleam for yourself. EDIT: Hmm, i can't seem to get spoiler tags to work right now. Will send a PM
  8. For a while, I've been researching the under-documented GUI scripting language and writing up a new wiki series about it. Fruits of this labor can be seen here: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=GUI_Scripting_Language As time, interest, and need allows, I hope people will it check parts of it out. It is certainly possible that I didn't get everything right; feedback can be offered here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21642-feedback-on-wiki-gui-scripting-language-series/ Thanks
  9. Looking at the Conversations wiki page there are a few things left unclear that I need a little help with: How do you define the player as an actor, to make the AI look toward you in a conversation and hear your voice from your own location when talking? I tried tags like "Player" / "player" in the actor field but it doesn't validate. Can I make the player gain an item the AI is holding or wearing after the conversation is over, as if the player frobbed it to pick it up? In my case, a key on the AI's belt which is given to you after talking with them. That is if the player didn't pickpocket it off them during the conversation, in which case nothing will happen obviously. To make the AI start patrolling after talking, the wiki encourages using an atdm:target_changetarget. This works I guess but I was curious about something: I tried using a path_wait entity as well, targeted by the AI and which targets the first path_corner. If I have the conversation trigger (using ActivateTarget) either the AI or this path_wait entity, nothing happens. I used path_wait before and it works when triggered by stuff like buttons, why not here?
  10. Gosh.. Since when did the image upload in the forums stop working... Anyway.. I tried out the new view setup - thanks a lot for all the advices. I positioned a little "attribute bar" to the right. So as soon I select an entity I can see its spawnargs. However what did not matter as it opened as a new window before does come to light now that it is just a small bar: The size of the spawnargs view is really small and there's lots of empty space that could be used for it instead - however I cannot enlarge the attribute / value part of the window - it just stays by a few rows. Maybe I'm doing something wrong - maybe it is a possible new feature in the next update - here is the screenshot: https://ibb.co/PcSmFT2
  11. Just returned from a 7 day holiday, opened up this forum, had at least 4 pages of "new content". Made it past page 2 (to about June 03), and then had to take care of a few things here. When I came back, the forum had logged me out (timeout?), and when you log out, it forgets all "new content". So you log in, and it says "there is nothing new for you". Great, now I never know what I missed between May 30th and June 03.... grrrrrrrrr With email, you would still have all unread messages *sigh* Is there a way to change this behaviour? It has annoyed me in the past, but not as much as this time.. Edit: It's even worse, there is "no new content", but when I go f.i. into the "off topic" sub-forum, it still shows me threads as unread that I definitely already did read an hour ago. So I can't even just look at all the "unread" threads. Oh boy...
  12. 1. If you want to use custom work (sound, models, textures) from released missions, best thing is to ask the author if he/she agrees. So far, Sotha is the only one who permits unlimited usage of his custom work (he expressed that here on the forums). He just wants to be credited. 2. If mission authors from released maps are not available anymore, then I do not know what to do. @Dragofer@nbohr1more: Any suggestions? I would say, that's the same situation as described above, just replace "released mission" with "abandoned work". As for my released work, feel free to use whatever you want.
  13. Also, fllood isn't active on the forums a lot it seems, so maybe another person can give authorisation when @fllood isn't around? Just an idea. I guess I could pm this to fllood. Edit:
  14. Would be interesting to also see a shot of the mission in DR too for mappers to get a better idea of how much there is and how dense (brush, patch and entity counts would be good too). @Baal Have you tried sending a PM to fllood? Simply pinging them with @ only gives them a notification when they log into the forums, while a PM will also get sent to their email.
  15. I'd say the Tech Support forums are the correct place for rendering issues like this. The DarkRadiant forums are for development and feedback on DR, while the Newbie DarkRadiant Questions thread in the Editing Guild is for general mapping questions. Regarding the silver platter, if I'm not mistaken it contains a reflective stage in its material, which might be conflicting with your mirror. It's not a very noticeable reflection imo, so could derive a new material without that stage and apply it via a skin as a workaround (if nothing else works).
  16. Hey @CrustyCircuits Welcome to the forums! I'm really glad you like the mission, thank you for playing Since other players have answered, I'll just say that it is definitely not a bug! Also, so other players don't accidentally get spoiled would you mind editing your post so that it uses spoiler tags. Thanks, hope you enjoy the rest of it!
  17. jaxa

    2016+ CPU/GPU News

    On the other hand, RTX 3080 has a VRAM deficit with only 10 GB, which will hurt it in some games at 4K resolution (more going forward). AMD will put 16 GB of VRAM in its flagship RTX 3080 competitor (6900 XT or whatever it will be called) and one or two more models. It might also have a cut down card with 12 GB. Nvidia will respond by releasing a 20 GB version of RTX 3080, and a 16 GB version of RTX 3070. The price tags will be high. Nvidia made a mistake by using new, power-hungry, and expensive GDDR6X. It should have used cheaper GDDR6 and included more of it to begin with. 24 GB or 32 GB of VRAM is also useful for machine learning, not just modelers. Gamers? Not so much just yet. Nobody wants 8K resolution gaming @ 30 FPS (be careful when looking at benchmarks, because of DLSS).
  18. Hello! I just joined the forums to report an annoying bug. I don't know if it's specific to this map or just a game bug but I have played most of the other missions and this is a first for me. Before i picked up the key to the junkroom i tried to open the door and i got the "needs junkroom key" message on my screen... but that message never went away. I had to complete the mission with that on my screen the entire time, overlaying all the other messages that appear. a reload/restart didnt do anything to solve the problem. A few of the on-screen messages at the beginning didn't make sense to me and were kind of cryptic, like a riddle i didn't get. one of them was something about an alarm? otherwise i liked the mission, pretty challenging and I know i missed some spots. cheers
  19. Announcement: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=8900 Please post any comments, bug notices, etc in this thread. If you have any issues with the new forums, please try to refresh/remove your Internet browser cache. Thanks ~m2
  20. DarkRadiant 2.13.0 is ready for download. A lot of fixes and improvements made it into this release. Several point files can be selected for display now. DarkRadiant is now capable of comparing maps, both in differential A vs. B comparisons as well as three-way merge scenarios (when both maps share the same ancestor). Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/2.13.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks go out to all who helped testing this release! Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. Changes since 2.12.0 Feature: Ability to choose from several different pointfiles Feature: Aspect ratio preserving Fit Texture option Feature: ModelSelector: add ability to rescan folders without having to reload all models Feature: Add "Show Material Definition" to ShaderSelector tree views Feature: Paste material-header to surface from clipboard with hotkey. Feature: A way to display editor_usage in the Entity Inspector window Feature: Selection by coords Feature: Three-Way and Differential Map Merge Feature: Map Comparison/Diffing Feature: Git Version Control Integration Plugin Improvement: Show axis when 'R'otating entities Improvement: Improve workflow for adjusting light brightnesses Improvement: Map Loading Performance Improvements Improvement: Refresh entity inspector when reloading defs Improvement: Increase maximum zoom level of 2D views Improvement: "Choose entity..." button for all def_ spawnargs Improvement: CTRL + MMB in orthoview: place camera at height of most recent selection Improvement: Added Documentation for Layer Script Interface Improvement: "Shift textures randomly" shifts all selected faces by the same amount Fixed: Problems with particle preview obstructing the view Fixed: Cannot view or copy from built-in Filters Fixed: Auto-save is slow when animation or particle viewer is playing Fixed: Non uniform light volume scaling not working Fixed: BC5 normal maps cannot be loaded Fixed: Copying a particle in the Particle Editor creates an ___editor list entry which can lead to crashes Fixed: Create Entity window no longer remembers the previous item Fixed: Model exporter: no model is exported if folder path doesn't exist yet Fixed: Non power of 2 textures show up black in Fixed: 'Change game/project' fails to save if a decent-sized .map was loaded Fixed: Reload Defs is messing up the entityDefs Fixed: Crash when using Reloading Defs after placing an Entity Fixed: Entity & Speaker windows don't remember their size Fixed: Restore non-uniform scaling for texture browser. Fixed: Some ASE models do not load Fixed: Prefabs importing miles away Fixed: Path entites rotate 15 degrees, each time when dragged. Fixed: Crash when activating GameConnection Feature "update entities on every change" Fixed: Model previewer not displaying ASE or LWO models Fixed: Crash when selecting an MD5 model in "Create Model..." menu Fixed: Crash when activating the Material Editor in Doom3 game config The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Have fun mapping!
  21. Funnily enough I did play T2 - Shadows of the Metal Age HD remaster and that sounds exactly like what you're trying to achieve. Hell, the main character was from Northern Africa! This was made ages ago and I'm not sure what happened to the devs, but maybe it's worth dropping them a line or two? Man, I would've happily paid good money for that game. That being said, I have been burned on kickstarter with the System Shock remaster, which'll be done roughly when I hit retirement at this stage....
  22. It's interesting because I recently read a thread on the Doomworld forums on people's opinions of single-segmenting maps in classic Doom/Doom 2. In other words, playing a map from start to finish without using saves - if you die, you have to replay the entire map. The general consensus was that saves are useful, however there was some merit in there being extra tension and challenge knowing that death couldn't be rewound easily by reloading a save. On the other hand (and speaking as an adult), people have to work and often have limited time for gaming. Having to replay a long map because you died can be quite off-putting and takes the joy out of a game if it happens often enough. Savegames keep the tempo going, keeps the feeling of progress going. Also someone pointed out that starting a map from scratch after a death is kinda like using saves anyway, just a single save at the beginning. You're just being tedious by denying the use of saves in this case. Dunno where I'm going with this. Trying to be diplomatic and say I can see all sides to the discussion.
  23. Looks very nice! I see the following benefits over what website currently offers: Some more information about mission type (I mean things like "jail", "platformer", etc). Maybe it should be called tags, but name does not matter. Provides information about types of monsters available --- useful for everyone, especially great for people with phobia. Adds link to forum thread. Adds search/filter panel on all of this. The information from p.1 and p.2 probably exists only on the wiki, but not in the database. There is organizational problem with official database: the number of people who can edit it (team members) is much less than the number of people who can edit wiki page. We can say "let's add this info to our official database!", but I'm afraid the end result would be that the information would become less rich and useful over time. Although by looking at wiki page edit history, it seems that it is mostly maintained by @nbohr1more (maybe because he prefers "small commits"). So maybe it is not that bad. Wiki page is also good because it is much easier to edit and administrate due to all the power of mediawiki. So I'm not sure about how to avoiding scraping. Perhaps it would be more natural to add search abilities to the wiki page, if it is even possible. Although it cannot provide a nice look with screenshots.
  24. Regarding the sound: Instead of creating a speaker via script, you could create the speaker in a seperate (e.g. where the start-weapons and items are stored) and move it to the player position, when you need the sound. When the sound should stop, you could move it back to its former location. That way, you can have the speaker on repeat all the time or you could handle it like you would any other speaker. Regarding the speed potion: By the way: If you are searching for somethin in the forums, I would recommend to use google with a "site:forums.thedarkomod.com" before the term you are searching for. This limits the google search to the forums and the google algorithm is way better than the search function of the forum itself. In this case it was the second hit of the search.
  25. I've just completed the upgrade from IPB 2.2.x to 2.3.6, the newest official release of IPB. This was done to stay ahead on the IPB version 3 that is currently in the beta stages. Please post any comments, bug notices, etc in this thread. PS: If you have any issues with the new forums, please try to refresh/remove your Internet browser cache. Thanks, ~m2
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