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  1. If you can do this, I don't know how. But it's something I want as well and was actually going to raise it as a feature request. I think speakers are spherical so they model real sound which radiates from a source outwards. I find this doesn't work so well with some scenarios though: water. For example you want to hear the sound of waves lapping a shoreline or a running water sound for a stream, river or canal. If the shoreline or stream is on the longer side, you have to have a speaker with a huge radius to cover it and the sounds extends too far along perpendicular to the body of water. Or alternatively multiple speakers but then you have to manage overlap and it becomes a pain. wind. Same idea but vertical - if you have a long edge or balcony then you need a large radius speaker to cover it and it might extend too low so you hear wind noises on the ground. @Petike the Taffer If all you want is for a sound to fill a room, just use the location system ambients instead. But you can only have one sound I think, so you couldn't have say your ambient music and also a weather sound at the same time without using a speaker for one of them.
  2. Heya sure, I am distracted because i am very busy with YWA, i am writing a book and have plans beyond that. Its really massive. I simply think that i am not suited to make a game like this rn... maybe in 5 or 10 years. Its hella expensive and you need alot people, i simply cant wait that long. I need to invest in better things.
  3. Maybe post a bit more info on the problem in a forum topic starter text?
  4. This is my loudest mission. I wasn't spotted as much as I was falling back to the undead slayer mindset. The atmosphere is great, no hiccups in sound design either, great voice work too. I loved the fact that you have that OTHER key (and I can't believe it took me this long to notice security key) Since "He doesn't need it anymore". There are only two gripes I've had (aside from bruise ankles from all the drops)... The only survivor doesn't even react that I climbed up to him, I wish we could've left him some food at least. The other being that I couldn't find one more blowtorch, if there wasn't one, then it's about making a choice (which is fine), but if there was I wish I found it. Great map, really imposing. Desert being death trap was great. And I really like the fact that we essentially circle back to where we were on the way out.
  5. Hey its been some time, I just wanted to make you guys aware, that i have been secretly at work, on the side, on a total remake of the systems from delightfyl. I post a few videos below, the new systems are really really powerful and stable! No idea what i will do with this yet... The effort to make a full game is really expensive and i am distracted and creatively bankrupt. Without outside help i will never make a game like this evermore.
  6. This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, houses, events, incidents and particpants in this forum thread/fm are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Hello everyone, I am saddened that my first post here is to bring you all the news concerning the disappearance of my dear friend, wellingtoncrab, which was last seen on March 10 of this year by heading to the woods of northern California . Unfortunately, without trace or tracks, we have no choice but to cancel research. In addition to finishing 1.25 FMS, wellingtoncrab was known as an partner of many famous people and models, and to have the largest animal crossing house. We will miss them a lot. Of course, an immediate concern was devoted to determining the status of their unpublished FM(s). I must admit that the passage through their hard drive has not turned much, but I was intrigued to find a file called "IRI2.PK4". Unfortunately, my computer cannot load the card (too old, lol ), but I will download it here for posterity as well as the text included in the README: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SdZswFLUh5VwReIq79uFL_ahXyKxg34F/view?usp=sharing ========================================= WellingtonCrab Presents: IRI2: The Totally Unauthorized Sequel to Moving Day: Moving Day 2: Look Who’s Moving Now *For Richard and Linda* “There once was a hole here. Now it is gone.” With enduring gratitude to: Testers: ImaDace Goldfish Kingsalmon Acknowledgments: @Jedi_Wannabe for graciously unauthorizing this sequel to his great mission "Paying the Bills 0: Moving Day." Mr. Squirrels: you know who you are and what you did. The name "Lampfire Hills" originates with the author Purah and now is part of the extended universe of many subsequent Thief missions. Bikerdude and Goldchocobo then brought the name into the setting of The Dark Mod with the FM "The Gatehouse." It then came to me in a dream. @Dragofer for all of his scripting work and support over the years. Polyhaven.com for its many excellent CC0 assets. I recommend supporting them on Patreon if you can spare the change: https://www.patreon.com/polyhaven/ Textures.com "One or more textures bundled with this project have been created with images from Textures.com. These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit www.textures.com for more information." Google Image Search.
  7. I am not sure is my issue a really bug, but... I post it any way: after git pull and compiling still get 3.8.0.... in About menu however git pulling (and git log) show me switching to 3.9.0 ver in include/version.h: #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #define RADIANT_VERSION PACKAGE_VERSION #else #define RADIANT_VERSION "3.9.0" #endif but config.h have 3.8.0... which take versions from @CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION@ which was set to 3.8.0 in CMakeLists.txt so it's looks like CMakeLists.txt was forgotten to update Again! sorry if its false alarm 0:-) P.S. I am on linux
  8. The settings are on the speaker entities contained in the prefabs. Is that not what you meant? If not, could you change your auto-replace tool you showed in this post to print the name of the entity where the replace is happening? I forgot to say which speaker in the desk, but it's in the one for the clock ('ernst_clock_ticking2') I mentioned the speaker for the printing press, it's called speaker_machine_stop (or speaker_machine_stop2) Just open up DR, add those prefabs, click the speaker entities and look at the spawargs, they should be as I describe.
  9. So the sound has full volume on distances up to minDistance, and no volume at distances above maxDistance. I have not found any special meaning for maxDistance = 0 in the code, so I assume such a sound will never be heard due to zero volume. Also, there are some default values littered around the code. Most importantly, sound shader gets minDistance = 1 and maxDistance = 10 by default. Also I think I have seen min=0, max = 10 somewhere in the code. There is little difference between minDistance = 1 and minDistance = 0. Mostly the difference is that fading does not happen within 1 meter of the sound source. Supposedly, setting minDistance = maxDistance = 0 will cause sound to be completely muted. If you want a sound to always have full volume, I think you should set e.g. minDistance = maxDistance = 1000. Of perhaps set "global" flag instead, which disables distance computation completely. Although this probably has different effect (like maybe global sound passes through walls too). Or if you want it to be sharply disabled at 10 meters, then set minDistance = maxDistance = 10... but I see no point in sounds that can be disabled based on distance without any fade. Finally, as I have described at the very beginning of the post, "minDistance" "0" as spawnarg has no effect on current TDM versions. I don't see mindistance/maxdistance settings in these two prefabs in SVN. Maybe this were the issues that someone fixed recently. Or... could it be that you confuse spawnargs with sound shader settings? Actually, I don't see the distance settings on sound shaders either.
  10. DarkRadiant 3.9.0 is ready for download. What's new: Feature: Add "Show definition" button for the "inherit" spawnarg Improvement: Preserve patch tesselation fixed subdivisions when creating caps Improvement: Add Filters for Location Entities and Player Start Improvement: Support saving entity key/value pairs containing double quotes Improvement: Allow a way to easily see all properties of attached entities Fixed: "Show definition" doesn't work for inherited properties Fixed: Incorrect mouse movement in 3D / 2D views on Plasma Wayland Fixed: Objective Description flumoxed by double-quotes Fixed: Spinboxes in Background Image panel don't work correctly Fixed: Skins defined on modelDefs are ignored Fixed: Crash on activating lighting mode in the Model Chooser Fixed: Can't undo deletion of atdm_conversation_info entity via conversation editor Fixed: 2D views revert to original ortho layout each time running DR. Fixed: WX assertion failure when docking windows on top of the Properties panel on Linux Fixed: Empty rotation when cloning an entity using editor_rotatable and an angle key Fixed: Three-way merge produces duplicate primitives when a func_static is moved Fixed: Renderer crash during three-way map merge Internal: Replace libxml2 with pugixml Internal: Update wxWidgets to 3.2.4 Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/3.9.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks to all the awesome people who keep creating Fan Missions! Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Keep on mapping!
  11. I usually share other people's photos of historical and industrial architecture in this thread, but I've decided to finally share some of my own photos that I've accumulated over the years. Over the years, especially the last twenty or so years, I've wandered many of the old town quarters in cities and towns all around my country, taking snapshots. Wereas many of the main streets and major landmarks have long since had nice and beautiful restoration work done, many of the more obscure side streets, back alleys and occassional overlooked corners had interesting sights to behold. I've particularly been fond of old townhouses that show elements from different eras of history, as well as all the wear accumulated over the years and decades. As much as I like that many of these eventually also receive decent restoration work and look nice again, the sight of a well-worn, dilapidated or even ruined house or ocassional public building can prove really stimulating for the imagination. They've got a lot of proverbial "texture" (not just in the surface sense) and "character" that can hike one's imagination, especially with regards to lived-in environments with long histories.
  12. Aberconwy House, one of the best-preserved medieval houses in Wales, originating in the 14th century. Includes a house museum. If you happen to visit Wales, you can find it on 2 Castle Street in the town of Conwy. National Trust website for Aberconwy House Visit Wales website for Aberconwy House Geograph.co.uk entries for Aberconwy House Wikimedia Commons entries for Aberconwy House Conwy has several other preserved historical houses and buildings from earlier centuries. These include the later Tudor era Plas Mawr, which also has a house museum (and which I've already featured in this thread years earlier), and there's also the famous 'Smallest House in Great Britain' and plenty of preserved fortification monuments. Speaking of... The 'Smallest House in Great Britain', in Conwy, a tourist attraction that's more on the cheesy side due to its notoriety/record, but is still a nice example of a period house centuries old, that was built in the spirit of "How can our ingenuity provide us with a small house and lodgings even in a narrow, cramped part of the street ?" vernacular ingenuity. Official website for the Smallest House Visit Conwy website for the Smallest House Geograph.co.uk entries for the Smallest House Wikimedia Commons entries for the Smallest House Various narrow houses from around the world English Heritage website for the Medieval Merchant's House in Southampton Geograph.co.uk entries for the Medieval Merchant's House in Southampton Wikimedia Commons entries for the Medieval Merchant's House in Southampton Combine these photos with the medieval early modern housing and market hall photos from my previous post, and you'll have plenty of inspiration on how to furnish rural houses and townhouses in TDM's setting.
  13. And my own from signature I'm sad that I can't get back to creativity And finally sit down and post everything I’ve done in the past to the end, there are several more interesting albums there
  14. The Dark Mod 15th Anniversary Contest! To celebrate our 15th year, we are holding a fan mission contest! The Dark Mod project trundles onward for it’s 15th year in a row. In that time we have improved our game engine in countless ways and have grown to over 170 missions! To celebrate our perseverance and the years of improvements to come, we are hosting a contest to mark 15 years since the 1.0 release! Now is your time to demonstrate the mission design that best exemplifies your personal style and capabilities! Please consider entering this event! Unlike most recent contests, there is no defined theme and we are simply going to score based on our standard metrics of Story, Gameplay, and Visuals with our standard weighted scoring: Max Possible = Total Votes * 5 (Outstanding) TotalMaxPointsPoss (TMP) = AllCategoryVotecount(ACV) * 30 Full Weighted Score (FWS) = (Gameplay score*3 + Visual score*2 + Story score) / TMP Contest Submissions should be provided before October 16th so that players can start playing and celebrating on the 17th! The players have been keen to relay that they would like really creative missions so it may be worthwhile to examine our “Community Unusual Contest” to get an idea about the wild range of possibilities we offer to designers. Also, since the contest submission is in October, there will probably be an increased desire for Horror themes. The Dark Mod 2.12 was just released so including new 2.12 features is strongly encouraged. Finally, it might be nice if authors name their protagonist Corbin to match the included missions. ( None of the above suggestions are requirements for the submissions. ) Please post your intention to enter in this thread. Thank you! The Poll on this is to demonstrate the intended design used in the mission release threads.
  15. Ah, pity I wasn't reading the forums back in February. I'm fond of that game, along with Bugbear's other early title, Rally Trophy. I was never too good at FlatOut, but it was always a hoot to play.
  16. It took awhile to get used to the size of this mission. The long loading times didn't help, but after passing a certain point, I get it now. However, I will say this - the AI is crazy on this map. I started, right? And the first thing I see - all guards going ape because some thug cut loose. I sat in the dark corner, for like ten minutes, waiting for them to calm down, because I figured I should look around for loot (I only found some of it much later when I was returning here after finishing the mission) The same thing happened later, when I needed to pass an abandoned mansion. I waited for the epic battle, instead it was a massacre, but like an idiot I saved AFTER I left the tunnel, not before. So I couldn't reload and see if next time the battle will go differently. (Am I crazy or do leather thugs spawn after a moment?) I had to use up all gas arrows to pass that part because they kept trimming the bushes. The evidence part got me confused because I dropped a piece of evidence, but it didn't count, so I dropped everything that said evidence. Only then it counted, but later, as I was still hunting for loot, I finally remembered that I had a vent key and came looking and found yet another piece of evidence?! Finding Smythe was funny, because he kept saying "Show yourself" and the moment I did... I gathered skulls before I was prompted to, but Edgar... I don't get it. edit: Those glasses, tho. Holy crap, I did not expect to see "actual glass" in this game. The hidden room took me ages to find, despite TWO blatant hints. But I was sleep-deprived at the time. There was one snag, and one confusion that I had. The snag was that, when I finally reached the alchemist, the note told me to use the vent, right? But... I couldn't open the second vent in his lab. I don't know which key I was missing for that. So I figured - I could just go back the same way... and game CTD. I walked there again - CTD. I noclipped through that locked vent, killed the spiders, and tried to open the doors to my left (got spooked by friendly guards) - CTD. Only when I walked right and up the stairs did I finally progressed. Not sure what that was about. The confusion, however, came from Builders. I knocked out most of them in the Builder's outpost, but when I dealt with the Mr. Nom-nom-zom, they vanished. I guess they needed that many people to dig him out of the spider outhouse? (Never found the second news flash either) I still somehow missed 3.5k, and noticed that lights kept poking through walls (there is a piece of light pointed at doors leading into the inner garden of Builder's outpost that nearly got me killed a few times) Overall, however, this was an impressive piece of work.
  17. Breakable lights might be an interesting concept so long as they are not implemented retroactively. Add a loud sound or other punishment for breaking them as you see fit, but it would still change the difficulty and design intended by level authors if you applied it to all previously made levels. I would also suggest that if you instead intend to make breakable variants of existing light models that you add a clear visual indicator that the light is breakable, otherwise it would require explicit messaging to the player that electric lights are breakable in that particular FM. I’m hesitant to see something of this sort added as it is in stark contrast to Thief precedent, but I would be more supportive of it if it was added carefully and responsibly.
  18. There might be another way, or at least it's what I thought of as a non-developer: Use a different way to transform mouse movement into camera rotation or viewport offset. Is there no alternative to calculating the distance from the pointer to the window center before resetting the pointer to the middle? There must be other mouse look implementations that could work. Most obvious alternative: We can detect how much the pointer moved on the screen compared not to the center, but to its previous position wherever that may be. While of course still trying to lock it in the middle, but if that fails at least it doesn't cause the view to go crazy: The only issue then will be the cursor reaching the screen edge and having to be re-engaged so you can keep scrolling in that direction, which is also a big annoyance but comparatively less bad and not as noticeable unless you do long-range movements in one go. Any reason why we couldn't give this option a try?
  19. Cannot reproduce on Ubuntu 22.04. Although the Entity List can take a long time to load in a large map (painterswife.pk4) at no point does it lock the system or capture the mouse.
  20. When I open the entitylist DR freezes a while while loading the entitylist. On very large missions this can be very long. At that moment at first it seemed the whole system freezes, but I found that I can still use the rest of the system with the keyboard, but not with the mouse. System: Manjaro Linux xfce Version DR: 3.8 Flatpack install
  21. Noticed all of these only because I played TDM by doing the opposite of stealth to practice swordfights. None of these bugs appeared as long as I played the game stealthily. Should also note that I used Snatcher's Core Essentials @snatcher on and off, but your mod does not alter the AI anyway, correct? Bugs happened both ways. 1) AI freezes in combat - https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6371 It happens a lot with auto-parry disabled. It never happened with auto-parry enabled. It never happened with some guards, while it happened many times with specific guards. They unfreeze when player dies, or when AI is forced to re-equip the melee when player returned from a spot that usually causes them to throw rocks. Also experienced behavior of them only slowly walking towards me at the pace of "hunched sneakily searching mode", attacking once finally in proximity. 2) AI may collectively lose the ability to hear any of the players noise caused by footsteps / landing. Still unsure of what causes this, but Lockner Manor has a good layout to get to the result. Just follow the right-most path and repeat the process of winning sword-fights with City Watch, and then jump around the next guard to see if they can hear you. If they can not hear you, likely nobody can. If they still can, just combat them too and you will likely have deaf AI by the time you have dealt with the 3 Watch Guards outside. In my experience, when they hear the death scream well enough to run to its location or start searching - the deafening did not work. 3) Helmeted AI does not react to (nor hear) players overhead sword strikes made directly on helmet, stealthily from behind. Not sure if the same issue as deaf AI bug, but happened at least once while it was active. (Lockner Manor) 4) (Moor?) AI may lose the ability to hear AND see player after nearby swordfights and after two slashes to bloody their face. (I may have also Moss Arrowed them to face). Any sword strikes I make simply go through their model with no audio of impact. Collision still gets player detected. (A Good Neighbor) 5) Crash to desktop when archer puts bow away to take out melee (while I may have collided with them on staircase). (Lockner Manor) 6) Crash to desktop when I shot a shortsword-wielding charging Noble. Sound of a deflected arrow played (same that you hear when shooting a stone wall), when I expected a flesh-hitting sound. (A Good Neighbor) 7?) Sometimes AI says "Ow that hurt" merely because I block their strikes. - Is this an intended feature? Do they take actual damage too? Anyway, I didn't find mentions about many of these issues. Reporting aside, if you want me to experiment with something or find ways to replicate - I don't mind updating this thread, as I plan to mess around with sword-fights anyway. Just posted this initial version should anyone want to chime in with similar experiences, and I wanted to know if some of these bugs could be mission-, or mod-specific. Maybe caused by much or unfortunately timed quicksaving / loading?
  22. Since I'm bored and haven't posted in a while and yet still finished Thief 4 a few times, I feel compelled to post. In response to a number of observations @Rio_Walker made: Seeing your hands and all the animations newGarrett would do was fun... at first. But given all the looting and environmental interactions the game has it really did slow things down a lot, especially when the game would occasionally realign the player just perfectly before playing an animation to open a drawer. If they had an option to disable these animations or speed them up significantly I'd have been happy. I've played using the Custom difficulty with the option to disable focus and the experience is kinda mixed. While it does make things a bit more traditional without the superpower ability to find loot more easily, it does seem like the game is designed very much for focus and disabling it can hide things you never even knew were present. If it weren't for the focus for example, I would never have noticed the "special" candles hidden around the city that talk when you light them. This game reminds me of a movie that has been reshot several times with footage from separate reshoots blended together with bad editing. It's painfully clear the story has been chopped and changed over the many years of its development and there's assets in the game that clearly had greater importance in a previous iteration but for which their plot points were cut. The most obvious example is the automatons. There's a dude who provides missions on obtaining pieces for one he's building, but apart from that there's also signs in other areas they had more importance (e.g. you see rooms full of them when going up an elevator, the Baron has disassembled ones on tables in his cutscene, etc.) Some plot elements just feel not fleshed out because they had to cobble together something to create this Frankenstein's monster of a game from so many elements. The ending sucks and is incredibly abrupt. Do we even know what the deal is with that half-built ship? Probably another abandoned plot point. With all of its problems, I still kinda like it in so far as its general gameplay. But it doesn't have the longevity of something like TDM or the classic Thief games especially with all the user missions available for them. Oh well, maybe I'm just pining for what it could have been in the hands of a better developer.
  23. Yes please: I've wanted something like this for a long time! One thing that always makes me sad in TDM is when a mission just... abruptly ends: Obviously every FM has an ending, but I never liked just transitioning to a stats screen as if nothing you did in the world mattered. I'd absolutely love a debriefing GUI just like the briefing one, where you can either have text or an image slideshow with music and voice-over which would be even better! Maybe some old FM's can be updated to use this too, I'd totally replay them just for that. One additional idea: Since FM's with multiple endings are something I always wished for and would love to do myself, support for multiple debriefing GUI's would be ideal, so the kinds of objectives you completed can execute a different one or skip / add certain passages. Absolutely hope the team can consider this, should be just a GUI execution hook to implement it so why not
  24. Is there a reason why you post with white background and black letters? Because it is really hard on the eyes with a dark setting!
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