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  1. @Nbohr1more has pointed out a strange visual glitch with the hanging light model: models/darkmod/lights/extinguishable/cagelamp_hanging.lwo It's casting unwanted shadows when in the shadow maps mode. It has two surfaces: main surface with material tdm_streetlamp_metal which is noshadows - this one is OKbottom of the holder with material tdm_coals_hot - this one is supposed to cast shadows but for some reason it's not casting shadows in stencil mode - it looks as if the surface is deemed back-facing by stencil code even though it's clearly front-facing to the light view.I would appreciate anyone shedding some light on why the bottom surface is getting culled with stencil - is it a renderer bug or am I missing something? Maybe something's special about the model itself? The map in question is NHAT (anoot.map)
  2. A few times now I have run into a situation where I have needed an tweaked version of a model, either to remove a chain from a light model or trim or column from a wall model etc. As we now have a few modelers with proper modeling tools in the community it made sense to create this thread instead of struggling away in Darkradiant as I and other mappers have been doing. My first request is for some tweaked version of Springheel's interior wall models that remove the end column/s so we just have a nice flat wall/panel where they meet. And to allow for some flexibility LH/RH and non-column versions of these models would be useful - models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_default.lwomodels/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_corner.lwo My second request is in addition to the removal of the column to also have part of the lower wood panel removed to accommodate a fireplace (models/darkmod/fireplace/fireplace_wooden) so neither are poking through into the firebox. And again LH/RH version would be useful. - models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_default.lwomodels/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_corner.lwo My third request is just to have a hole cut in the center lower wood panel to accommodate a fireplace (models/darkmod/fireplace/fireplace_wooden) so its not poking through into the firebox. models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_default.lwo All of the above new models need to be able to snap-able to grid, and line up with the existing models like the current models do. So it may be recommended to keep the origin in the exact same location as the donor model before saving/exporting.
  3. Would it possible to tweak or add to the model (.LWO and .ASE) export function the ability to reduce the amount of textures, or better still to export a single custom texture for the exported model..? For example atm if we take a bunch of Springheel's modular models, or just random models and brushwork and export that collection to a single model there is X number of textures which as I understand it increases the draw call count by the number of textures used. With Springheels modular models the texture count is lower due to the way he created them, due to the small amount of and similar textures used. But for maps like the one Im working on, I'm taking .ASE, .LWO and exiting brush/patch work and exporting to a single model.
    1. Tarhiel


      Awesome, congratulations!!! :o

    2. Bikerdude


      Yup, all the remianing bugs were ironed out, so it nigh on perfect now.

    3. AluminumHaste


      version 2.1 is now uploaded to mirrors ready to download.

  4. can somebody fix the mainpage of our site? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19469-new-layout-error/

    1. nbohr1more
    2. Springheel


      It's under construction at the moment.


  5. Experimenting with TDM on Steam Link on Android. see topic http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19432-tdm-on-steam-link-for-android/

    1. freyk


      Did the TDM team removed D3's internal Joypad feature? (tdm works only with systemkey binders for joysicks)

    2. freyk


      Thanks to shadrach, i got my joypad working in TDM on steam link!

  6. I'm new to modeling in Dark Radiant (using Blender), and having some noob issues. I've exported the model as .ase, model appears as it should but has no texture present. I modified the BITMAP margin in the .ase to the path of the texture (ie: //base\models\darkmod\props\textures\*texture name*). I've browsed countless times through the wiki re-reading everything concerning this general issue with no luck. What other steps am I missing for the texture to show up in the model? Any help will be greatly appreciated!
  7. Given that the latest version of DR allows you to export models while keeping their smoothing (thanks greebo!), I was wondering about the performance implications. My assumption is that if you have a shelf with five goblets on it, all static, all using the same texture, that it would be worthwhile to export them as a single .lwo model, since that would reduce the number of drawcalls by a factor of 5. I realize that the benefits would break down if the models were further apart, as the engine can cull individual goblets that the player can't see if they are separate, but in most cases where models are close together, it seems like it would be a benefit. Am I wrong? It also seems like there wouldn't be much performance impact from exporting different types of models together, since the number of drawcalls is likely to stay the same. It would reduce entity count, but not performance?
  8. So I am trying to find a way to hide a specific model type, in this case .LWO - any ideas..?
  9. So I have been going through my city WIP converting FuncStatics into .LWO models using the new export menu Greebo added - Main Menu>File>Export Selected as Model - But then I discovered I could select normal FS and .LWO models and export them all as a single model So it them occurred to me I should be able to do the same thing with existing core mod models - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar5jP3XqOwM&
  10. @Springheel I think you made this model?, could I make a request please - unattchedand the chain on its ownThis will allow mappers to then use it in rooms made with your indoor module set. thanks biker
  11. Hi guys, Hope you had a good xmas and new year's. A question, related to the augmented reality / projection mapping of thief level. Is there some console command in the game of which I am unaware, or some way to force a noclip (not bug it so the arms are left using arrow glitch), so that the player model is shown while a level might be played..? ie, a 3rd person perspective. Would I have to alter an existing mission and have it played out in a mirror with the player looking up in order to achieve this, or is there a command to, eg - put the camera in the corner and have the player sneak into the pub and blackjack birdie (and everyone else) etc... Similar to a floating camera perspective. I know in doom 3 it was possible to use console commands, "pm_thirdperson 1" and "pm_thirdPersonAngle/Height/Range nn" in order to switch to third person, but the camera would follow the player despite FOV or angle/height/range settings. This "OTS" kind of 3rd person makes it very difficult to play the game using projection mapping, as the physical models (eg, tables) do not appear as... good (read "lame")... as if they are projected onto a static object (eg, a small box inside the "play area"/camera view [enclosed in 4 sided cube] cotaining a blank, printed model of the iwo table prefab). I can't really remember, but there was a trick whereby the player might be placed in a static position, use "pm_modelview" to act as a camera and then use 2nd player in 1st person to perform the gaming actions, thereby creating a drone from the 1st player. I am unsure if any of this is possible in TDM, as it would be in a demonstration of, eg - a bethesda game where the function is in-built (also eg, splinter cell CT, where player 1 views through security camera and player 2 performs the actions). It is proof of concept only. While it is possible in other games, I am unsure if it is possible to use the 2 player trick in TDM, although I believe the 3rd person will work (albeit without animations). It is possible in T2 due to the scouting orb, although there is a lot of lens correction for which to account, plus the multiplayer mods. Would be nice to use TDM...
  12. I feel like this should be pretty straightforward, and I'm pretty sure I've even explained how to do it to someone else a while ago, but for the life of me I can't remember or find the method for doing so: I have a model that is essentially an electrical effect. I'd like to trigger its visibility on and off. I thought we used to have a func_hide, but I can't find one. Anyone remember how you trigger something to hide?
  13. Using DarkRadiant to plan model houses for Malifaux...

  14. I've noticed that if I use the model scaler on any type of model (ase or lwo), as soon as the map is saved, it loses its material. In other words, all I see is the 'shader not found' texture. Is this a known bug? Is there supposed to be an mtl file? edit: I just found the model export option in preferences. It turns out it's only a problem with the obj format, not ase or lwo.
  15. Learning and experimenting with LOD spawnargs for meshes. Even one LOD model and e.g. turning off shadows for LOD stage 2 can really make a difference when it comes to scene complexity. I love it!

    1. Epifire


      I really ought to look into LODs for my shadow casters as well. Probably would help optimize the outdoor scene I'm doing right now.

    2. Springheel


      Absolutely. LOD is extremely powerful, especially for people who can make their own models.


  16. Did a great find today: Quake 4 mods for dummies. Now online readable. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/5576-book-quake-4-mods-for-dummies/?p=412644

    1. Obsttorte
    2. Bikerdude


      He changed ita long while back, it was so he was using the same name as he uses on other forums.

  17. That moment you log into TDM forums and suddenly feel nostalgic...

    1. Sotha


      Protip: if you never log off and stay for ever, there is no nostalgia when you visit.

    2. Melan


      Welcome back!

    3. RPGista


      Haha yeah, I feel like that from time to time. Good to see you around.

  18. So I created a Persian wall, but the poly/tris count is insane, despite making the majority of it out of patches and reducing the tessellation to as low as possible. Before I ask someone to look at this for me, if there any way (other then the can-o-worms that is Blender) that I can use to said amounts. The poly/tris count atm is 15/21k, prefabs - mega Just an fyi - I only had 3 instances of this model and a cut down prfab and it caused the the to crash with a malloc error
  19. As I would like to put in a request for a version with a shorter chain and without a chain - - models/darkmod/lights/non-extinguishable/lamp_hanging02.ase
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