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  1. The Black Parade is coming! http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146501 Woo-hoo!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. demagogue


      I suppose making a campaign as an individual and building for Thief Gold go hand & hand. You need to be pretty obsessed to do either. XD

    3. Epifire


      I'm just very happy to see how much work still goes on with the original Thief games. Good mods = long life after release!

    4. lowenz
    1. SeriousToni


      What? The mysterious saviour is back to make our Thief lives happier again after such a long absence? I can't believe it's true! Wow thanks so much!

    2. demagogue


      He's like our own Game of Thones mystery crow that leads us to secret treasures.

    3. SeriousToni


      Or to an old tree with lots of zombies around.. xD

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. nbohr1more


      The votes from each thread will be calculated at the conclusion of the contest and the highest rated entrant will win. We have yet to have a contest where the entries are voted on directly though that would be an interesting thing to compare.

    3. Obsttorte


      Why not opening a thread for a vote for this missions. Maybe two votes, like first and second place, and than calculate it from there (by weighting the first place times two or so).

    4. nbohr1more


      Melan specified the terms and all the entrants agreed to them so we would need a consensus about that change from all entrants. Not that I object, we would just need approval from the mappers. I can open an unofficial vote thread though.

  2. I'm wondering if anyone ever checks new posts in the Fan Missions Forums? I've posted 4 questions asking for help for 4 different missions that I can't finish because I"m stuck, and I don't get any help. I posted a question this morning so I don't expect an answer right away for that one. Its frustrating because I would like to finish them. I've read through the posts for each mission and I'm not getting anything from them. If there's someone who could help me I'd really appreciate it. Thanks I guess I'm spoiled from the TTLG forums.
  3. Is it just me or does the TDM Forums favicon look whack?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SeriousToni


      Yes I was annoyed by that, too!

    3. Epifire


      Glad I wasn't the only one noticing that.

    4. Bikerdude


      Will drop Taaaki a message.

  4. Hi all, me again Now that I've learned how to take screenies on DM (thanks to Aluminumhaste) I wanted to post one that I took but I got an error saying that the image ext that I used was not allowed in these forums, It was .jpg so I changed it to .png and I got the same error again. They're on Photobucket.
  5. So I finally did it Started learning C++ / Qt5 and made my first app - Doom 3 BFG mod launcher. It lets you prep Doom 3 BFG to be mod friendly with a click of a button. No more messing with scripts and console! I also authored a few mods for Doom 3 and now you can run them with Doom 3 BFG (these mods don't have SDK code, scripts/assets mods). Some run well, some not so much. Either way, feel free to give it a spin: http://www.kot-in-action.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=28
  6. The Dark Mod made #12 in PC Gamers top 20 Total Conversions Mods. Congrats!

    1. nbohr1more


      I've got a little drool thing going on now... Sperry is one of those authors.

    2. Bikerdude


      Exactly..!! He is the one who inspired the Like's of Melan and Skacky!

  7. I was wondering whether there would be interest in making the dark mod (which is now a standalone game, based on the id Tech 4 game engine) into a modular game, and have the dark mod made into a mod/plugin that can be added to the game/game engine. The idea is to make a platform for making games -so that people can simply make a game by making a mod and then implement it to the modular game (lets call it the OS FPS for ease of reference). While this is all ready possible (id Tech 4 and some other game engines like id Tech 3 / Enemy Territory engine, Cube, Cube 2, Tesseract, ...), vehicle capability is not yet standardly introduced* to these game engines, not are the ability to use large maps; in some cases, system requirements are also high. The project outline can be found at http://sourceforge.n...heosfpsproject/ Note that, while I envision the system requirements to be lower than what they are with the Dark Mod presently, some mods/plugin content like the Dark Mod can be kept as is (so requiring higher system requirements). The vehicle capability won't be actively used in the Dark Mod plugin content neither, but this extra code won't significantly reduce efficiency neither. The other games/plug-ins I'm focusing can take full advantage of this then, and focus more on the type of games I wish to pursue with this project. I nonetheless think however that the id Tech 4 engine can nonetheless be a good game engine to use as for the OS FPS. This as the system requirements are not all that high (much higher than Battlefield Heroes or AssaultCube but still within a margin as long as a good GPU is used -see http://www.game-deba...9&game=Doom%203 -), and the engine is open-source. Large maps perhaps won't be too much of a problem neither (Enemy Territory uses rather large maps too -smaller than battlefield but still- and despite that, still runs fluid even on relatively slow(er) PC's). I'm also guessing (please confirm this) that for id Tech 4 games, there are also sufficient game development software. I got that impression from the ET Legacy site -see http://www.etlegacy.com/ -
  8. Google mobile is on the forums online user lists (in addition to google)... never seen that before

    1. nbohr1more


      He's a pretty cool guy. You ask him to find stuff and he'll usually turn up the goods. A little nosy though...

  9. Personally I think this is the worst idea ever. The Reason forums has LOADS of info and knowledge, built up through years and years. I'm really sad to see it go away, and I can't understand why they've made this decision. https://www.propellerheads.se/forum/showthread.php?p=1579099#poststop
  10. Hello all! When I try trawling ModDB for other single player mods to play around with - I find myself faced with a wall of Command & Conquer mods all trying to do similar things - space strategy games which have the Federation fighting the fucking Death Star and other stuff that makes me weep blood. There used to be a Mod Roundup over on RockPaperShotgun.com and that was pretty great for pointing me at the odd thing either released or in development but the guy who did that has moved on. What I was playing recently was the rather great Afraid of Monsters: Director's Cut. This is for Half Life 1 - which shows you I'm still looking for mods even if they're of older game engines. http://www.moddb.com/mods/afraid-of-monsters ======= I've played Minerva Metastasis which is a pretty great bare bones mod for Half Life 2, ie. no new assets or enemies but tells a good story using the rhythm and storytelling you'd expect from a retail Valve release: http://www.moddb.com/mods/minerva ======= Just a couple off the top of my head I've enjoyed. I'm particularly interested in horror and action mods but I thought it'd be nice if people shared some things that might have feel into the cracks. And I might bump it with other things I've found, be they finished or work in progress mods. Apart from Human Revolution, nothing has lit my fire for gaming in a while so I thought I'd ask the Hivemind for inspiration. =-P
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lost_soul


      I've been considering reinstalling TDS for a wile now... I've still got my original CDs. Have these guys fixed the bug where you get stuck floating? Last time I played TDS, that happened and I was unable to get out of it, so I ragequit.

    3. chakkman


      You can surpass that bug by drawing your bow, performing a shot, and draw your blackjack when the bow is tensioned, to abort the bow shot. I'm hoping it's fixed in the Gold patch too though. Alongside the thing where you move sideways, when peeking left or right.

    4. nbohr1more


      @Biker Hmm.


      Build TDM mission in DR.


      Export as portions as ASE


      Edit in Blender and export in TDS compatible format


      Import into T3ED




      Release TDS mission...


      (or just stick with TDM)

  11. Excellent work - it's as good as any bought game. I'm an old Thief player since the very beginning of Thief/gold/II and dark shadows. I bought the Komag disks years ago and played a lot - then Morrowind came out and then Oblivion . All my 'gaming time' has been spent making models and textures and the largest mod ever made I'm sure. My Oblivion folder is 53 gB !!! My mod is ongoing and for my own personal fun - it's too big and full of 'illegal' things - bits and pieces from other mods and games to put up for a download. I have hundreds of NPCs with their own AIs and hundreds of interiors mostly all completely different and packed with thousands of models and textures. I love clutter an example is here: [view full screen] I wonder if I can make interiors like that for TDM? I'll have to try it. I totally adore the folks who have put together TDM. 1.08 I never played with it till this last few days. It downloaded and installed like a charm absolutely no problems at all (I have Windows 7). I've played several of the downloadable TDM mods and am having lots of fun. Altho' some of the mods are quite hard to do like the Alchemist - I've never had so many guards trying to kill me all at once. I'm going to ask in another thread for a hint on this one. I joined especially to thank you the developers of TDM. So Thank you all!
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