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  1. Okay, I had no idea, I have googled it up now and you are right, to my own surprise. Done, I´ve put some paragraphs which were previously not in spoiler tags into spoilers.
  2. Thebigh is right. The pronunciation tripped me up too, but that is apparently how Leicester is pronounced. Also @TarhielI'm glad you are loving the FM but do you mind putting spoiler tags on your post please
  3. Hmm, don't know if this is related to the dev build, but as I take damage, the screen slowly transitions to a green/blue psycodelic hue. Is this intentional?
  4. I got it working in TDM 2.0 !!! Maybe the menu change in 2.10 broke it? Well I guess I can make a bug report, since it did work in TDM 2.0 (standalone) and I can reproduce the functionality. I will try to check on which version it got broken. Edit: It still worked in tdm 2.09, but stopped working in 2.10, so it must be related to the changes @stgatilov made to the main menu in TDM 2.10 .
  5. @datiswous, just catching up on this thread. I've also not been able find a copy of grayman's modified main_briefing.gui HMart's concerns may be apt, but since this there is still related C++ code, it presumably was all working at one time, and may still be. In your proposed version, you might see if, for gui::startSelect, instead of specifying the names of info_player_start, you just specified more generic objects. It could be that info_player_start was introduced later than 1.08, and is incompatible with startSelect. EDIT: Ignore that last idea; clearly info_player_start was what grayman had in mind. I would think as the main menu state transitions from BRIEFING to DIFF that the value of that StartSelect string you specified would be picked up by the cpp code... unless that became broken into the main menu redo's between 1.08 and today. Probably needs someone with source set up in a debugger (not me) to resolve. If all else fails, some form of selection after map load is a workaround.
  6. It is related to Grayman's avatar (a Sword in a Stone) that I have put in this collage that I made, it is also in the mission of The Black Mage.
  7. Pretty good medium sized mission with interesting story. I found it too difficult though, so I got stuck. Good that you have a hints section. But maybe it's an idea to give more in-mission clues for lower difficulties (although I wasn't playing on easy)? I found some "issues" that I post in screenshots later, but I found especially that the Ambient light in full darkness seemed too bright? Btw. Maybe also there's a lack of specular in some of the textures? Also this still has ambiant light related code in the material, which is overriding what the engine currently does? Don't know if that would matter. Btw. There's lots of redundant and double files in the pk4. especially in the textures, dds, maps and guis folders. So if you would make an update in the future, you could look into this aswell.
  8. We will look at some of this stuff, but SPOILER tags, please!!!
  9. could the viewport issue be related to this issue: 6278
  10. I just filed one bugtracker related to the func_peek entity, should I file one for func_peek on Linux too, or is it already done?
  11. Addendum: in both Windows and Linux, the menu option for View -> Orthographic -> YZ actually changes the view to XZ, and vice versa. The option for XY works as expected, as does Ctrl+Tab. I'm not sure if this is related.
  12. This may make sense in that the performance impact of the volumetric effect can scale with how much of the effect is filling the screen. We shipped with a “performance mode” but had to setup the entities by hand to do it (so it’s not perfect). If you change the LOD detail settings to “Low” or “Lowest” this will disable certain lights, particles and such that can be very heavy to render. You can try these settings and see if you notice an improvement. If not sending us some pictures of heavy areas (with spoiler tags please) will be helpful with tuning these “performance modes” in subsequent patches. Thanks for playing!
  13. Interesting, although I'm not sure what to make of that. One of my favorite games (The Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena) was published by Atari, and, they don't even seem to care to keep the activation servers running much. Or remove/change the copy protection, which doesn't work at all on Windows 11. I really hope that Nightdive delivers at the end of May... I'm not one of the shit storm crowd (it's absolutely horrible on the Steam forums...), but, 7 years of development is a long time, and delaying the release obviously has become a bit of a habit, to say the least.
  14. (I apologize for the odd poll question layout. I wasn't able to add five yes-no questions, because polls are limited to three questions.) Hi everyone, I've recently been working on some patches for issues that I've read about from players on the TDM and TTLG forums — and Discord. My goal is to make it as easy as possible for players, especially new players and those who need usability/accessibility options, to find what they need in order to have a better TDM experience. I've already written the GUI and game engine code for these settings, which I've been using in my personal build. The reason for this poll and discussion is to both guide the finalization of my work and collect data to help inform the dev team. Which patches I submit depend on the outcome of this poll, discussion, and what the dev team agrees to accept. Once decided, I can coordinate with the dev team. I've attached screenshots of what the new settings menu would look like if all of the settings are accepted. Below, I have detailed each menu setting, so you can have an easier time understanding each one. Very important to keep in mind: None of these settings change TDM default behavior. They are all opt-in. If you are already happy with the behavior of 2.10, 2.11, etc. and these menu settings are accepted, nothing will change for you. Rename "Always Run" to "Run Mode" with options "None, Always, Toggle" After 2.11 was released, @i30817 requested that "toggle run" be added to the settings menu. Its cvar is already in TDM as "in_toggleRun" (same as Doom 3). I propose renaming the "Always Run" setting to "Run Mode" with options: "None", "Always", and "Toggle". None = in_alwaysRun 0; in_toggleRun 0 Always = in_alwaysRun 1; in_toggleRun 0 Toggle = in_alwaysRun 0; in_toggleRun 1 Show Blackjack Helper @Wellingtoncrab suggested that the new blackjack helper be added to the settings menu. Its cvar was added to 2.11 as "tdm_blackjack_indicate". More info: It's the new blackjack helper added to 2.11. When the game detects that the blackjack can be used for a successful hit or KO, the blackjack will rise slightly. I propose a "Yes/No" setting for this. Slider for "View: Head Bob" @ChronA requested a way to disable head bobbing, because a viewer watching him play was having severe motion sickness. Also, there was a bug in TDM that made setting the head bob in the console not stick after loading a saved game. (Even with 2.11, if a mission overrides the "tdm_player_thief.def" file and sets "pm_bobroll", "pm_bobpitch", "pm_bobup", and other cvars, it will override player preferences.) As far back as 2008, players have had trouble setting head bob. Another one from 2018. At the end of 2022, @Shadowex3 registered just to voice the need for a way to control head bob. I propose that a slider be added to adjust the amount of head bob. This would use a new "pm_headbob_mod" cvar with a value between 0.0 and 1.0 (default 1.0, no change). The "pm_headbob_mod" would be a multiplier for "pm_bobroll", "pm_bobpitch", and "pm_bobup". The advantage to this approach is that missions like Volta 2 and Hazard Pay would not need to adjust their "tdm_player_thief.def" files for head bob to work properly. And, the player can still adjust "pm_bobroll", "pm_bobpitch", and "pm_bobup" as they like. Slider for "View: Mantle Roll" This is similar to head bob for those who are sensitive to motion. Its cvar was added to 2.11 as "pm_mantle_roll_mod". A Thief player on Discord said, "2.11 will have a cvar to tune down the mantling animation at last." I propose that a slider be added for "pm_mantle_roll_mod". Auto-Search Bodies @Zaratul requested the "auto-search bodies" feature from Thief 1 & 2. Its cvar was added to 2.12 dev16783-10307 as "tdm_autosearch_bodies". I did a poll on the a Thief Discord server and roughly 20% of players there use the Thief auto-search bodies feature. I propose a menu setting for this, so that players coming from Thief 1 & 2 can easily find it.
  15. On a related note, I would like to be able to change a room's EAX settings on the fly. Currently it's possible to change a room's ambient light and sound by using a script to swap out one atdm:location for another, though you do need to leave through an atdm:locationseparator and come back. However, the EAX settings do not update.
  16. Currently if you are implementing EFX in your map, you need to maintain an .efx file: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Setting_Reverb_Data_of_Rooms_(EAX) If you are using presets only, all this is is simply a 1:1 mapping of location entities to an EFX preset. Doing this in a file is kind of tedious and error-prone, as you have to check each location entity in your map, and then check the file to make sure you got the location entity name correct, or didn't leave one out, etc. Would it be a worthwhile feature request to be able to just set the EFX preset with a spawnarg on the location entity itself? Something like: "efx_preset" "WOODEN_SMALLROOM" Also, the location entity has other zone-related information, like ambient sound, ambient light, etc. It would just make sense to have the EFX here as well. This would only make sense for the presets, since you just need the preset name. If you wanted to do anything more complicated, the file could still be used. If both are used for the preset, one could take precedence over the other (the spawnarg pehaps). I don't think anything would need to change in DR either, as it's just a new spawnarg on the entity.
  17. Pretty amazing mission. A bit difficult though. I found the (navigation) map a bit too vague and thus almost unusable. A lot of locations can only be accessed via other buildings, but this cannot be seen on the map (no clue). There's a long road that is completely not accessible, but because it looks on the map a regular street I put a lot of effort into trying to reach it somehow, although actually it's a fake road. Also no street names anywhere on buildings doesn't help. I noticed that the mission outro can only be played once. If I try again, the animation halts. For it to be played successfully I have to restart tdm. Also, during that scene with the player looking at the painting in a chair, you are physically still in the location next to the drain pipe lid. Because you can swing your blackjack and hit the lid and you hear the sound during playback. I was wondering why during playback in the center you see a giant cursor: Edit: I was looking at the original video file and it does not have the giant cursur in it. Maybe a gui or mtr related bug? Btw. I noticed that some things, like the streets looked very similar to your newest mission that I betatested. Maybe it's supposed to be the same city? Where can I find the ring that is lost in the museum?
  18. I think we still differ on what that implementation should be. Sorry, I'm going to be a pain in the butt. Not really true; currently, the last phrase of an SRT is still bound by the original clip duration. So, SRT would also need the ability to be extended. And the SRT author have the ability to make use of that extension when specify the last-phrase end time. That said, I'm mainly interested in inline at this time, so, in the interest of getting that done, willing to postpone consideration of SRT extensions (say until 2.13). On the third hand, SRT will probably be used a lot more with "story" phrases, including those appearing in Conversations. So maybe it can't be postponed. For conversations (including those that are inline), I think the default extension should be 0, not 0.2 seconds. Because it's not desirable to extend unless you really have to, as I argued earlier. No. What I want is duration extensions that can be individualized and applied on a per-sound-clip basis. I would much prefer just specifying another individual (but optional) parameter, even if that requires more cut/paste. If instead it's necessary to reorder and group sound clips to apply extensions, this will make management of my testing list considerably more difficult. ALTERNATIVE: I could imagine, instead of specifying an optional extension parameter, it could be calculated on-the-fly. The algorithm would count the number of characters and the approximate number of words, apply them against global max CPS and WPM settings, and generate extensions, bounded by 0.0 and 0.5 seconds by default. If you're interested in this alternative, we could pursue it further. (The CPS/WPM could be one or two user-adjustable CVars.)
  19. I'm aware this might have been thought about before and there's probably a reason why it hasn't been improved. Since many good changes are happening including lifting of legacy limitations, I felt this is worth thinking about granted it's not too breaking. There are two technically independent yet related subjects I wanted to address here, both with the same goal of better unifying weapons with other inventory items: The internal weapon definition system, then how GUI and inventory could be improved so weapons are treated more closely to everything else. Technical limitations: TDM still uses an old and limited method built into the engine to define weapons, something idTech has done since its early days. This comes with a few problems: You can only have up to 16 weapons registered, weapons need be listed in the global definition of the player entity, and it's simply redundant. I was wondering if as a target for 2.12 or later, it would be possible to remove the legacy weapon slots from the engine and store weapons like other items; This would allow a FM to define any number of custom arrows / guns and do so without having to override the player def, just define your arrow like you would a custom lockpick as a derivative from its base class. It doesn't feel right to for the engine to designate two types of items ("weapon" and "literally anything else") with the former going through a special hardcoded registry while inventory items already do the same thing more simply. Only ability I know is unique to weapons is drawing the first person hands and animating them: Items would need a generic ability to define a md5mesh / md5anim set for hands when selected and operated, which would be awesome since other objects could use this as well. Everything else seems like it should fit into place: The arrows are just a projectile spawned at a given position angle and velocity, technically you could already create an inventory item that spawns a flying arrow when used (I think)... the ammo and projectile are already defined as standard items too, it's only the "shooter" that uses the legacy engine registration as an extra dependency. Inventory wise weapons presently have a special status, in that they can be selected and operated independently from items: I'm aware changing this may disrupt what players are used to so changes are questionable. I support having a single selector for cycling weapons and items together, even merging the "use item" and "fire weapon" keys to operate whichever is selected: If we did that we could technically implement a first-person hand displaying whatever you have selected... some things like the lockpicks may need a custom animation but imagine how good that would look when picking doors, heck you could even see the bag in your hand when "loot" is focused! Only real complaint I see is some players want to keep an item handy without having to deselect it when switching to a weapon, like being able to quickly use a health potion while drawing the sword to attack: We can solve this by having hotkeys for more essential items similar to the lantern and spyglass, like a "use health potion" button so if you have a potion you may instantly heal... we'd be freeing up three key-binds with an unified inventory anyway (prev item, next item, use item) which is also an advantage. Do share your thoughts and if you can think of a better way.
  20. Above 3 items are released now, on the "Barks" thread: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21740-english-subtitles-for-ai-barks/&do=findComment&comment=483331
  21. Instead of that, you could, in that time period, start learning your own missions and in doing so become more active on the forums, learning from others. It's also great to understand how things work in the engine, when you play. It might spoil some immersion though.. Or learn to build games with other engines, like Godot for example.
  22. Keep in mind also that mission size, and complexity have increased dramatically since the beginning. For a lot of veteran mappers, it can take over a year to get a map made and released. The last dozen missions have for the most part been pretty massive, with new textures, sounds, scripts, models etc. We seem to be long past the point of people loading up the tools, and banging out a mission in a few weeks that's very barebones. We still do see some of those, but I noticed in the beta mapper forums and on Discord, that mappers seem to make these maps, but don't release them, and instead use the knowledge gained to make something even better. Could just be bias on my part scrolling through the forums and discord server though.
  23. Related to this, sometime this week I'm going to - - change my Excel worksheet (currently with the ongoing The Lord work) to incorporate the 1-second rule and also calculate the minimum time extension that should be requested (assuming that feature becomes available at some point). - setup a separate local subtree for 2.12 dev builds. (This will be to receive dev TDM-installer releases. Not going the route of SVN pulls/builds). Then can do testing.
  24. There is no SS3, how can they do a remake? And thank god they got rid of unity, that engine is total trash garbage on anything over 60 fps. Just spend 5 minutes on steam forums for Unity project games, and there's just thousands of people complaining about poor performance, stuttering etc.
  25. Bug 1: In "The Accountant 2: New in Town": "Grab your gear" objective will not complete when using auto-frob. Individual clicking on each item completes the objective. To replicate: [spoiler] Exit starting room and head inside the room to your far right, next to a window. Pull the "lever" to open the secret door leading to your gear. See that auto-frobbing will not complete the objective, while individual clicking does. Bug 2: In "Cole Hurst 1: Eaton" Individual clicking leaves player with 3 functional maps, while auto-frobbing might result with only 1 or 2 of them usable. Auto-frobbing will cause player to pick up, but not acquire map items to inventory. To replicate: Upon spawning, drop to lower floor and pick up items on your table by individual clicking. See that you should end up with 3 separate maps, all of which become usable by "cycle maps" key. Now restart and pick up everything by auto-frobbing. Sometimes you are only left with 1 or 2 maps instead of the 3. If you keep your eye on pickup messages while auto-frobbing, you can briefly notice "acquired -", instead of "acquired (map item name)" You can also see that once first map is picked up, you might have to release the "frob" key and click again to pick up other maps, while other item types do not need the key to be released. Also, inventory item in the corner of the screen might say "special" with no visible icon.
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