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  1. I've been wondering how, exactly, The Dark Mod implements sound gameplay-wise, but my searches haven't yet yielded a good technical answer. As such, I'd like to ask a few questions about The Dark Mod's sound implementation (gameplay-wise): What happens when something which can make noise, like a sword striking a wall, does so gameplay-wise in terms of implementation? Do walls, their thickness, and/or their materials affect what guards and people hear? For example, if I drop an object onto a hard surface, will the guards in the adjacent room hear the ruckus if the wall is just right? Does room size and type affect how far and how clearly sounds can be heard? For example, if I kill a guard in a place where sound would, in real life, carry far, such as a cathedral, will his/her death cry be heard from father away, if only enough to alert guards? If someone knowledgeable with The Dark Mod could please respond to this, I'd greatly appreciate it.
  2. I prepared a demonstration for a lecture at work today. And well, I had a little fun with it... :D :D https://www.dropbox.com/s/qqe67lrrflv6wkf/2013-05-15 17.01.48.mp4

    1. Bikerdude


      HEHE your such a weirdo.

    2. STiFU


      Well, you gotta enjoy life as much as you can... ^^

    3. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      It's probably not a good idea to look at that when your drunk.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ladro


      It will be really cool if a super talented editor like Gaetane will try TDM.


      I really hope this one :-D

      (and also Sterlino another editor that a like a lot)

    3. Melan


      I've been waiting for it for a while. :)

    4. demagogue


      Gaetane along with Lady Rowena are my favorite 2 authors.

  3. Awesome. The forums support transparency in avatars. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sonosuke


      very nice stifu^^

    3. GameDevGoro


      Doomguy is the coolest guy ever.

    4. jaxa


      hah well the feathering isn't the best but i'm sure it will do for now.

  4. All work and no play makes Melan a dull boy.

  5. Okay, so First off I am using steam.. which seems to be a issue i've seen in other forums but I can't seem to install FMs and it always loads Vanilla Doom 3 even though I changed the steam.exe to steam.exe -applaunch 9050 +set fs_game_base darkmod Now I've tried many times to go into the dictory and steamapps/common/doom3/darkmod to try to just use the launcher, But when I do it that way I get a Run time error. If I try it with Vanilla doom 3, I can get to it by clicking mods and load it that way but it wont install the FMS it tries to restart to "install" them I guess but the I get the famous Game Unavailble window. I go back into it and I can see the FMS in the Mod window along with The Dark Mod I use to get into dark mods menu to install FMS and such but I cant play them and they are not installed when I go back into The Dark Mod menu in the top left. it tries to get me to install them again tried multiple ones I've tried everything that these websites have said even uninstalling and reinstalling steam twice now and redownloading everything mulitple times I do have the most recent patchs for both.. and I am hoping and praying at the possiblity that v1.08 would fix this problem but it's October and the lastest thread I can find is it'll be out roughly in septemberish time frame ... that was said in August. Really need help with this I am a HUGE fan of thief and really want to try this but I am at a brick wall.
  6. How do you know when it is not the right time to do work at home after a working day. When you are so tired you almost accidentally delete your work-stuff folder. :-o

  7. Resuming work on the werebeast, finally

  8. My new display-setup at work: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/841264_306470952788667_1002751280_o.jpg ! ^^ (Please not that those poser moves are just ment to be ironic...^^)

    1. grayman


      Nice space! Nice glasses!

    2. Bikerdude
    3. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      Cool work area and funky poser moves dude!

  9. I figured I'd start this so I can keep much of my questions, ranting and raving in one place. Excuse me while I think out loud (as loud as silent electronic text can be)... What to do next? Hmm... I have the beginnings of a large mansion creeper started. It is mostly initial brushwork so far. It is very loosely based on exterior photos of a real castle somewhere in Europe (I know where but not saying which). I have modified the layout and dimensions of the building slightly to make it easier to build in DR. The interior is entirely up to my imagination and so far has a dining room, auditorium, wine cellar, and part of a pantry finished. Oh yeah, the eaves have rain gutters and drain pipes too, lol. I set it aside to re-do SiegeShop and the Halloween mission. Right now I'm not sure if I want to continue it or work on something more adventurous. Building bunches of bedrooms seems tedious and unappealing right now, but someday I'd love to do a large mansion with many secrets, hidden rooms etc. My next planned map was intended to be a crypt/bonehorde style mission. But the Halloween build came up and I made a miniature version of what I had in mind for that. Time to put the thinking cap on. Maybe I'll watch a few movies, seeking inspiration. I need to make a city map soon too and need much practice at making an urban setting.
  10. I miss the brown borders dividing up the sub forums. This great big block of grey looks ugly.

    1. modetwo


      Back in the days it was actually dark-red. Let's call it evolution :-P

  11. So... What was up with the forums all day yesterday..?
  12. I have opened this thread because I have thought people might be interested in sharing information and their thoughts about movies which are inspiring for TDM or the Thief Games. Some of them, like The Third Man (which inspired The Dark Project's city architecture, features a character named Baron von Kurtz who is suspiciously similar to Constantine, and even has a line that goes "Come out, come out, whoever you are!") are probably known to a lot of people here, but others may be obscure, or just not completely obvious. So, have at it. I will start with two of my recent discoveries, Louise Feuillade's serial movies.
  13. Tr3B (from XTReal engine) is planning on sharing his old Doom 3 work in the same repo as his BFG fixes: https://github.com/RobertBeckebans/RBDOOM-3-BFG

  14. why visportal is always closed when i place func_portal in it ?
  15. http://www.ttlg.com/...ad.php?t=130680 This is a fun read. My favourite post is 108. You dont have to read the entire post. You can just glance over it to get the idea. Thankfully there doesn't seem to be any 'Us vs Them' in the Thief community anymore.
  16. Welcome to the Dark Mod forums! I enjoyed browsing your gallery. =-)

  17. I was trying to find the aforementioned thread as I'm working on a map atm and I noticed that the Darkradiant dosent have an image for "textures/common/shadowcaulk" Anyone point me to said thread..?
  18. Tried to resurrect this mod on my nice new reformatted hdd, Installed Doom 3 as per instructions in C:/Games/Doom3 (Doom 3 game is a proper game in its box, Activision, ID etc etc.3 cds legit key code on back of manual etc, etc) Patched said game to the prerequisite patch which immediately told me that it could not identify the copy of doom3...major headache...got latest Doom3 patch from Activision and patched it. Made the darkmod folder within the Doom3 folder. Downloaded the updater and ran it from within the darkmod folder. Created a shortcut to the Darmod.exe so I can access it from my desktop. Ran Darkmod, tried to run the trainer mission and..... I have tried patching the Doom3 exe with the 4GB memory patch...no luck just this sodding malloc error on every downloaded mission. Any ideas please.
  19. Over 1200 Moddb visits for "Vengeance". Nice work Sir Taffsalot. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SiyahParsomen


      and nice work nbohr. Product w/o presentation is nothing. :)

    3. MoroseTroll


      Keep it up, Sir Taffsalot :)!

    4. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      Thanks for the promotion Nbohr!

  20. idea taken from this thread. would you like it or not?
  21. [update] Spoke to Marcus @AMD UK on the phone and as it turns out a number of complaints have been made against "Spyre". My AMD forum account has been unbarred and my Ip address unblocked!!! Bought a new gfx card for xmas, been having issues with mainly the driver So I though a good place to look for support and polity vent etc - or so I thought My second post got flamed by some smart arse fanboy and then promptly locked, to which I reported the posted asking why it had been locked.. and then my account on there got deleted and my Ip blocked (untill the isp dhcp refreshed etc) so I cant login even with a different account name. I have emailed AMD directly about this as I did nothing wrong according the t&c's and I got no warning Pm or email from the forum mods. Now I've been over at the nVidia forums a long while back when I had the 8800GTX when I was equally frustrated when posting about the driver issue with thief etc, but at no point did a thread get locked or worse my account deleted. I don't have loyalty to AMD or nVidia but depending on the answer I get from AMD next week this card maybe going back and AMD will be added to the list of manufactures I will never buy anything from again. So whats the moral of this story, well take your pick.. [update] found cached copies of 1 of my posts Cached AMD frum link Cached AMD forum link2
  22. Did a bug clear the "so, what are you working on right now?" thread follows?

    1. Springheel


      Maybe 145 pages is over some limit.

    2. jaxa


      I was thinking 10 thread watchers might be the limit.

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