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Fan Mission: No Honor Among Thieves (2010/04/29)


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I'll get back to replaying this; I think this will be a lot more fun second time around.


Is the 2.0 version compatible with TDM 1.08? I'm on a Mac so I don't have access to TDM 2.00.

Edited by 161803398874989

You can call me Phi, Numbers, Digits, Ratio, 16, 1618, or whatever really, as long as it's not Phil.

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Having read the clue I still can't get the chalice

I got as close as I could - on the side opposite the door - but even leaning forward I couldn't frob it. It appears that the repulsion field which stops you approaching it is set to wide. In the end I resorted to using noclip which really isn't the way to do it

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I'm on the first mission and I'm at the

cathedral. I've gone in three times and three times the mission's frozen on me but at different spots. Once was heading to the back stairs on the right (as you enter), 2nd time I made it past that spot and was in the middle of the walkway above and looked towards the hall area and the third time I made it past the first two spots, down the front stairs and was just heading into the hall and if froze again. Each time I was eventually returned (or able to return) to the main menu.

Has anyone else had this problem? Did I miss an update? Don't really want to skip it as there's

loot in there. :D

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I'm on the first mission and I'm at the

cathedral. I've gone in three times and three times the mission's frozen on me but at different spots. Once was heading to the back stairs on the right (as you enter), 2nd time I made it past that spot and was in the middle of the walkway above and looked towards the hall area and the third time I made it past the first two spots, down the front stairs and was just heading into the hall and if froze again. Each time I was eventually returned (or able to return) to the main menu.

Has anyone else had this problem? Did I miss an update? Don't really want to skip it as there's

loot in there. :D



I got the same problem.

Sometimes @ the hallways. Sometimes in the middle.

It seems that not everybody steps into that error.

The rest of the cathedral-level works fine.

(I`m running DM 2.0)


This is one of the greatest FM`s I played so far.

Thank you very much.

It would be nice, if that bug can be fixed, so I can l00t

the cathedral ;-)

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I'm on the first mission and I'm at the

cathedral. I've gone in three times and three times the mission's frozen on me but at different spots. Once was heading to the back stairs on the right (as you enter), 2nd time I made it past that spot and was in the middle of the walkway above and looked towards the hall area and the third time I made it past the first two spots, down the front stairs and was just heading into the hall and if froze again. Each time I was eventually returned (or able to return) to the main menu.

Has anyone else had this problem? Did I miss an update? Don't really want to skip it as there's

loot in there. :D


Wondering if maybe I should have put this under "No Honor Among Thieves 2.0" thread?

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  • 7 months later...


Yes but i cant pick up this one

This paper was there when i first came to that zombie area and box is locked.After that i did other objectives and picked up poisoned chalice, after i found nathans box key and i went back there but the box was empty and i understood that this paper must be in the box.i thougth may be my map file or savegame file is corrupt. Because there is a bug you know when saving game sometimes it crashes i disabled savegame compressing so savegames during crashes are working. may be this savegames was corrupt and changed location of paper. sorry for my english.

i awared i cant pick up any of items in showroom too.they dont highlight and cant pick up them.i tried came close to them with noclip but it is not working.




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The only item in the showroom you can pick up is the special item and for that you need to lean forward from the safe area

Regarding the other one - I haven't played recently but as far as I know that has never been a problem previously


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Great thing that this one is available again.



The problem is: many bugs seem to have been able to sneak through the beta testing without being noticed. I played until the prison of the first map and the things I found so far are:
- Intro has some weird graphical glitches for me on two occasions
- Intro text at one sentence reads as "command" but the vocals say "create"
- Before entering the water reservoir, there is a bright window on the first floor which creates a strange flickering when the player is coming close to it
- At the diving part, two of the big stalactites in the underground cave are not connected to the ceiling
- The big spider in the cave is apparently stuck in the floor and won´t come to the player, even if the player is standing in the light

This is all I found so far, if you are interested, I could add screenshots later.


Edited by Cookie
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Sweet, i've never played this one (I dont think) so going to give it a playthrough now!

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Cookie has found some old bugs that were never fixed in the original, so give me a few days to fix em.




Make sure to check the light emitters in the courtyard in front of the manor in the forest map. They are broken in v2.03 for some reason.




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(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Finally, a multi-mission campaign for TDM! Unfortunately I can't play this myself, which makes me rather jealous. I have a phobia for spiders, and no trick I can use will get me past the caves with giant spiders in them... believe me, I tried :P


I have however seen the beginning of the first mission. I love the voice acted movie, and the scripted camera showing the main objectives. The detailed descriptions make you understand the mission and feel that purpose :)

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Its called "noclip"

I use noclip to find hidden areas often, but don't usually save with it, since it gives me the impression that I cheated and broke the game. In this case however, I'll have to do either that, or edit the map to remove just the spiders. Phobias and the mind can be interesting things at times :)

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