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Fan Mission: The Beleaguered Fence by Sotha (2010/06/23)


Fan Mission: The Beleaguered Fence by Sotha (2010/06/23)  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. 1. Gameplay: Enjoyment. Fun duration. Smooth flow, ect. Versus Bugs. Frustration, Boredom, framelag

    • Poor
    • Tolerable
    • Good
    • Excellent
    • Near Perfect
  2. 2. 2. Appearance: Visual pleasure, lighting, visual style, deduct bad texturing etc.

  3. 3. 3. Story & Text: Story. Text. Briefing. Graphic storytelling

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Just finished this beauty up. Thanks, Sotha, this was a very nice and fun mission. I loved the story and thought that the AI patrols were very well done, and you gave lots of niches for hiding.


Thought I'd share a funny...


When I grabbed the diamond and the undead came at me, my meager PC's frame rate went to pot, so I had to get creative. I reloaded and tried again, this time shooting the diamond with a broadhead from behind the pedastal - it shot across the room. Another shot at it on the ground and it popped out into the hallway, giving me a quick grab before the undead even knew what happened.



Very very nice...


--- Author of:


Tomb of Horrors (coming January 2011)

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Man I feel like a real idiot. I cannot for the life of me find the keys for the evidence room. (which is where I hope I'll get my tools!). I found the note saying someone had lost it but it seems like I've scoured every room, and can't find the damn thing. Even went back outside looking around for it. A little nudge would be nice. wink.gif



Also is there an easier way to get the keys for the jail cells? I swiped the candle off the table and threw it down the hall and the key guard finally took the bait, but that was tough.




I'm playing on hard, and when it says hard in this mission it means it! But in a good way. The AI seems to go in every room and to me anyways, seem to go in them at random times, which makes for some very tense situations.

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Evidence Key: check the trash bin in the inspectors office. There is a note there which mentions where the key is.

Jail keys: it helps if you investigate the evidence room once you get there.


All doors can also be picked. But you would have needed to buy spare lockpicks in the beginning...



-The mapper's best friend.

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I like the fact that all doors could be picked.


Maybe this is the way all maps should be, with the exception of certain high security doors/safes... A rich guy could afford a non-pickable lock (and good for an objective) but most locks wouldn't be too hi-tech, especially for a mster thief such as our unmaned(?) hero.


Though on expert seeing the lockpicks in the store makes you feel as if you'll be naked without them (not realizing I'd find some i bought them) and there wasn't enough money left over for anything else besides water arrows.

10 g more would've been great imo, it would have afforded me lockpicks, water arrows and one more item... I like to have water and moss arrows, and I was really tempted to go for the map but thought lockpicks were needed more.


That was my initial impression in the store anyway, but by the end of the game I didn't need more anyway...



Unfortunately I had to go back a few saves. Once I had released the prisoners all hell broke loose and the guards would never calm down.

At first I thought maybe you had possibly made them go alert when seeing the prisoners other than default but later (in a no-prisoner released game) a guard saw me, and although I got away he never calmed down either. So I think this is more a mod-wise AI thing.



All in all I thought it was a pretty cool mission, 45 minutes and short 500 loot. Not sure how I missed that much but I think I read a post about something well hidden.


Looking foward to your next one.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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Wow! This mission is fantastic.



I was on my way to get Butternut out and decided to try and find a way into the captains office first, because it was the only room I hadn't been in.I never did find the key for his office, but now that I had my lockpicks, (btw; clever idea putting the note in the waste basket. I had checked the other basket in the same room and never thought of looking in that one, so thanks for the clue). I figured there may be something important in there, and there certainly was. It's almost like another FM within an FM!




Anyway, thanks for this awesome mission. TDM just keeps getting better and better.


BTW; Noticed some strange AI behavior in this one, and most others as well. Must be a TDM thing. But had never seen this before and it was actually pretty funny. Several times in this mission a guard would sit on his sword instead of a chair, which was always nearby. And the sharp end was up his ass!

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Ok couple more questions.



I got the diamond with little trouble. I noticed in the Captains diary it said that the "heavenly" crystal had to be blessed so I used the holy water with a water arrow on the crystal on the ceiling. I then went back over the bridge and shot the diamond off the pedestal with another water arrow, which dropped right beside the pedestal. (thank God! thought for sure it would drop in the lava). Never saw any zombies. Seemed to easy to me. I was terrified going in that area and really expected more trouble than I got. Did I miss something?


However new problem now. I've got Butternut right near the door in the Morgue. There's a clue that hints of getting out of there by that wall and I have a couple of "unmarked" keys which I thought may open it, but I can't find a switch anywhere.




I've avoided reading spoilers in this thread, so if my questions have been answered prior to this, I apologize. I have to say, this is my favorite mission to this point for TDM, (even though I've yet to get Butternut out), and that's saying a lot, because I've found them all very good. I found it very difficult, but in a good way. Great readables, tons of tension, and even some occult stuff. Fantastic!



I agree there should be a sequel.

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Ok couple more questions.



I got the diamond with little trouble. I noticed in the Captains diary it said that the "heavenly" crystal had to be blessed so I used the holy water with a water arrow on the crystal on the ceiling. I then went back over the bridge and shot the diamond off the pedestal with another water arrow, which dropped right beside the pedestal. (thank God! thought for sure it would drop in the lava). Never saw any zombies. Seemed to easy to me. I was terrified going in that area and really expected more trouble than I got. Did I miss something?


However new problem now. I've got Butternut right near the door in the Morgue. There's a clue that hints of getting out of there by that wall and I have a couple of "unmarked" keys which I thought may open it, but I can't find a switch anywhere.



Yep, you'll get more trouble than you bargained for if you just grab the diamond without blessing the crystal in the ceiling.. A horde of undead appears to rip you to shreds.




That walled part is not a secret door. It used to be an exit but it is now permanently closed. You'll have to exit the way you came. With Lark, of course. Check you objectives.




I've avoided reading spoilers in this thread, so if my questions have been answered prior to this, I apologize. I have to say, this is my favorite mission to this point for TDM, (even though I've yet to get Butternut out), and that's saying a lot, because I've found them all very good. I found it very difficult, but in a good way. Great readables, tons of tension, and even some occult stuff. Fantastic!



I agree there should be a sequel.



Thank you very much. It is really nice to see my hard work appreciated.


This mission has received so positive feedback that I'm slowly getting more nervous whether or not the sequel (The Glenham Tower) can reach the same kind of reception from the community. :o


-The mapper's best friend.

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Thanks for the help.


I've finished the mission and can't believe the amount of gameplay in a 10MB download. Amazing. Very reminiscent of T1.


Although getting my sorry ass out of there with my cohort was very hard.


So.... We can expect The Glenham Tower to be released tomorrow? Haha.

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From "The Things that could me improved" -thread:

Can't we introduce a quality rating system for the maps?


So new players w/could play the very best maps at first which would let the mod look more attractive!


In reaction to this, I've added a poll so people can rate this mission.

If you've played this mission already, please take a moment to fill the rating. I'd be nice if the results would help new players to decide whether to play this mission or not.


-The mapper's best friend.

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Wonderful mission! I think more people should use the poll at the beginning of this thread to help you and others know how good it is. ;)


I loved the whole jailbreak theme... nice to not always be looting someone's something sometimes. :D


A few thingies (questions and notes):



First undead FM! Super well done, too! Creepy as hell. I was rather surprised that you didn't use the skeleton models for the undead, but zombies are okay, too. :D




Holy water / holy water arrows- wasn't there a way of making a puddle that hurt undead to stand in or cross? Throwing the vial on the ground or shooting the ground? Or was that T3 that had that function? It's been a while!




Didn't get the hint about shooting the ceiling gem with holy water... two crystals in one room, maybe? I shot the lens across the room with broadheads, picked it up, and ran like hell! It worked, so I went back to shoot zombies for fun. Nice touch... the haunt rushed after me, closed the door, then proceeded to eviscerate me!



Pet peeve, but not a deal breaker...


I don't like self-closing doors and windows (unless the Mechanists are involved!) like the shudders on the second floor. Awesome way to enter the building, though. I though it was well done, and the hint of having one closed window was enough for me to spot the entrance.



About that...


really hard to hustle bodies out of that window! Good thing I got a lot of practice with the guards just for fun! I piled them all in the alley early on...



I also liked


the small apartment you can rob at the very beginning. A nice, "yeah, I'm still a thief" touch.



All in all, excellent fun!

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Hi! I'm glad you enjoyed the mission and thanks for voting.


Holy water / holy water arrows- wasn't there a way of making a puddle that hurt undead to stand in or cross? Throwing the vial on the ground or shooting the ground? Or was that T3 that had that function? It's been a while!



In TDM, the holy water is simply used and it then gets applied on the water arrows. Then you've 30 seconds of undead blasting fun with the arrows. I don't think we have the puddle thing.



Pet peeve, but not a deal breaker...


I don't like self-closing doors and windows (unless the Mechanists are involved!) like the shudders on the second floor. Awesome way to enter the building, though. I though it was well done, and the hint of having one closed window was enough for me to spot the entrance.




Sometimes autoclosing portals need to be added to make sure the mission runs with nice performance even on lower end machines. But yes, they can be a slight annoyance especially if the time it stays open is too short.


All in all, excellent fun!


Thank you!:)


-The mapper's best friend.

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I've been playing a bit of catch up on the FM's. I have to say Sotha, I love your style. Anything you make, I'll play it. Keep doing what you are doing. You've got the whole ball of wax, in construction, story, ambients. I love your use of sounds BTW. Well done, and not just looping of the same sound. I do wish authors would get away from looping sounds, its annoying and does nothing for game play. I'd rather have silence than a looping sound. Your use of AI, the patrol patterns. Then the element of surprise, which is always a plus in my book. Its the little things that makes the difference from a good FM to a great FM. Keep up the good work. The ending of this, surprised the hell out of me, loved it. :) The FM's overall keep getting better and better. I find myself looking for more and more now. Its been a pleasure gentlemen. :) You need a tester, look me up. I've been testing over at TTLG for years now as well.

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I've been playing a bit of catch up on the FM's. I have to say Sotha, I love your style. Anything you make, I'll play it. Keep doing what you are doing. You've got the whole ball of wax, in construction, story, ambients. I love your use of sounds BTW. ..

Sounds like I have my first fan! Thank you very much for your nice feedback in here and in The Glenham Tower thread as well.


I am very pleased that my work has provided you with enjoyable moments. Thanks again! :)


-The mapper's best friend.

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  • 2 months later...

I somehow missed this one the first time around, and I'm playing it now. Wow, is it TOUGH. Especially since I didn't buy either lockpicks or rope arrows, making it VERY difficult to get inside (I think I got busted five or six times trying to get in).


I've noticed a large number of AI problems...AI blocking each other at doors, as well as the "AI never ramp down" issue after they killed the prisoners. Also had a weird situation where AI in the barracks spotted a body I dropped, went on alert, and then went out the door and stood facing opposite directions with their swords out, not moving. Was that an intentional alert-node?


Anyway, it's been quite fun, with lots of tense moments, but also lots of reloads.

One drawback is that I NEVER would have found the clue in the wastebin about the key without this forum, and without lockpicks that's the only way into the evidence room. I think critical clues like that either need to be easier to spot, or need some hint about where

to look.

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I somehow missed this one the first time around, and I'm playing it now. Wow, is it TOUGH. Especially since I didn't buy either lockpicks or rope arrows, making it VERY difficult to get inside (I think I got busted five or six times trying to get in).


Heh.. Well, going in without lockpicks, of course it's tough. It is far easier with them.


I've noticed a large number of AI problems...AI blocking each other at doors, as well as the "AI never ramp down" issue after they killed the prisoners. Also had a weird situation where AI in the barracks spotted a body I dropped, went on alert, and then went out the door and stood facing opposite directions with their swords out, not moving. Was that an intentional alert-node?


All the weirdness the AI does is due to AI coding. The map does not contain any special AI pointers, just path_corners, path_waits and path_sits. Oh, and the fleepoints for the prisoners and the guards.

I've also noticed in my current WIP map that sometimes (rather rarely) alerted AI just stop and stand at a fixed point doing nothing forever with their swords drawn. Bug (hard to reproduce)?


EDIT: Now that I think about it, I think the guards in the barracks were set sleeping. If they get alerted badly enough, they won't go back to sleep, but simply stop in their position after the alert level has dropped? Not sure.


Anyway, it's been quite fun, with lots of tense moments, but also lots of reloads.


One drawback is that I NEVER would have found the clue in the wastebin about the key without this forum, and without lockpicks that's the only way into the evidence room. I think critical clues like that either need to be easier to spot, or need some hint about where

to look.


With this I agree. I kinda learned this the hard way and it is mentioned in my FM design tips wiki article so others do not make the same blunder.


-The mapper's best friend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got around to playing this as well, and now I can't wait to play Glenham Tower! Excellent overall, really liked the readables and gameplay.



I had to cheat to find the floorboard in the Captain's office, even though I found the readable hinting that I search there, for some reason I checked seemingly everywhere but missed the floorboard. Even stabbed the painting for good measure. :)



Some minor/major bugs, probably mod-wide but I put in spoilers since they deal with specific situations here:



One or more of the AI sleeping in the barracks fell through the ground when I woke them up. They continued falling forever (you can see an error message about them being outside the world bounds in the console). I'm not sure if this is an AI code problem or a mapping problem if they were placed too far down in the beds.


Just for fun I tried to grab the Crystal Lens without doing the blessing. I barely managed to hack and slash the haunt back to oblivion (it was pretty awesome when he fell backwards back down the ramp then pitched into the lava), but then the map crashed with an error about the zombies, "No body with ID 0 exists on gallery_zombie3" I never actually saw these other zombies, so maybe it happened on spawn. This happened in the latest SVN build, not 1.02.



EDIT: Also pretty cool:


I had to hold the lit candle above my head when jumping down into the underground river, so that it didn't hit the water and go out. Then I carried it over to the guardians and it worked! That was all very nice.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes autoclosing portals need to be added to make sure the mission runs with nice performance even on lower end machines. But yes, they can be a slight annoyance especially if the time it stays open is too short.


I don't know if this was a coincidence, but

on another mission I noticed that an open window would automatically close when a guard walked past it.



That might be a useful mechanism by which things like that are dealt with.




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  • 1 month later...

Only four pages for this über-mission? :blink:


Before I forget: If I would´ve been a beta-tester for this map I would´ve suggested to create an objective for

Knighton´s diary! Because somehow I forgot to go into the captains room, but was down on the tomb, but thought it´s like with Baddcog´s rift, just a teaser, nothing more down here and finished the mission. Then I started reading this thread and the very first spoiler-question made me remember the note about the captains diary and I already voted story 'good'. Gladly it´s not that bright these days in the morning and I went back to my last savegame. Thank builder that ambients doesn´t disappear now after relead in 1.03. :laugh: So, upon reading that hint-note it would´ve been cool to get an objective to find that diary, because it was hard to find too.



Before I get into my voting,

first the quoting!

(hey, that rhymes!)


Please, sir! No more! I'll tell ye where yer friend is!


ROTFL :laugh:



Not sure what if anything I was suppose to do with the light gem, I believe somebody mentioned shooting it?, but I put out all the torches, grabbed the diamond and hid until the dude with the sword went back down the ramp and when he was off in the corner I ran like hell.

Great mission Sotha! Thanks!



Damn, why doesn´t stuff like that never happen to me? Here´s what happened to me: I thought I´m supposed to holy-water-arrow the diamond itself and did so. But my position was so stupid that I shot the diamond directly into the lave-pit. First two seconds in perplexity and than sounding laughter from myself and a Quickload. Then I positioned myself more intelligent and I thought I did well and that the appearing zombies were Sotha´s bad taste for humour. So I grabbed and ran and lost half my life, but only half... cool.gif I kept the save to look later what happens if I don´t holy-water-arrow the diamond... So, was I supposed to holy-water-arrow that white spot up there? post-3744-129352562346_thumb.jpg I guess it´s the bloom-effect, but I don´t see any crystal. But I had also no spyglass to zoom in...




My mapping philosophy is:

1) There will be no mission jamming hunts for keys in illogical places. Do not drag the player through the mission the way mapper intended. Let the player go where he/she wants.

2) All doors should be pickable, but having a key is a nice convenience and rewards the player with much easier and silent access.



In this mission the player gets to choose wheter to find the key or pick the lock. Picking the lock is very risky as there is the electric light and frequent patrols. Slipping in with the key is quick and easy.


I´m with you with all of this, Sotha! :wub:


I'm playing on hard, and when it says hard in this mission it means it! But in a good way. The AI seems to go in every room and to me anyways, seem to go in them at random times, which makes for some very tense situations.

Damn, after I couldn´t find that damn


at the beginning I thought "This is going to be very frustrating, so I better take out everyone. And so I did. I played on Hard too and I´m eager to ghost on Expert, äh, Difficult. Are there more AI´s on Difficult? Or any difference besides the objectives?


BTW; Noticed some strange AI behavior in this one, and most others as well. Must be a TDM thing. But had never seen this before and it was actually pretty funny. Several times in this mission a guard would sit on his sword instead of a chair, which was always nearby. And the sharp end was up his ass!

Hey, screenshot please!! :blink:




Sometimes autoclosing portals need to be added to make sure the mission runs with nice performance even on lower end machines. But yes, they can be a slight annoyance especially if the time it stays open is too short.


Well, I only found the mentioned window from the inside, but the autoclosing-time felt near perfect! "Could´ve also been the wind I guess..."

F.e., the autoclosing-times in Cathedral of St.Alban were much too short.



One drawback is that I NEVER would have found the clue in the wastebin about the key without this forum, and without lockpicks that's the only way into the evidence room. I think critical clues like that either need to be easier to spot, or need some hint about where

to look.

Well, that key I found very quickly: I blackjacked the patrolling guard in that hallway and dumped him into that room. And at that moment I spotted the key. :blush:


Alright, now my voting:



Gameplay: Excellent


This is one of or the most/best balanced FM´s I played so far for TDM and I played nearly all of `em! While ghosting apparently is very hard, blackjacking wasn´t. Enough spots to hide, believable/atmospheric Gameplay/areas, also not one frustrating map-caused element besides the starting area: There I felt lost. Great that there was a map provided, but sadly only for the stronghold itself and no indication for an possible entry point. The briefing spoke of the


but that confused only more because that area is not accessible from the streets. (the player will find out why later though)

I rope-arrowed all three of the four windows but not the one I was supposed to get in because I didn´t saw it! Why would closed windows open and open windows not anyway, eh? wink.gif Okay, this critique is more for the Ambient-Light-section, meaning the Appearance-section, but this is still the Gameplay-section, so later more on this...

Sotha´s mapping philosophy provides lots of keys without the need for really finding (most of) them, that alone is a standard that should be taught in the wiki (if it isn´t already in the meantime) for making great non-frustrating missions. The puzzles were hard, but the hints were very good too, and not too easy but still I managed to solve it without scanning this thread after some searching time. Also to mention that it´s possible to solve an objective while failing the puzzle related to it, at a cost of course. This is great for replay-ability and non-puzzle-likers. (is that a word?) If I would´ve ghosted this mission I could tell more about Gameplay I guess, but I didn´t, but will soon. GREAT MISSION, Sotha! I adore you for your talent. There was no flaw to be seen, without the tricky start but well, three ways to get in with each providing different difficulties is more than most missions offer, right? :)



Appearance: Excellent


This is the first mission I really played in TDMv1.03 but looking at the other votings it must´ve been nearly a blast before as it was now! (Yeah, I´m late, as always) Everything looked damn believable, I can´t complain about nothing (not even that 'infamous' vent, I don´t noticed that). The different lighting made it a showcase-mission with one downside: The dynamic ambient lighting. It only made sense (and was very good indeed) in the


. But the really dark setting for the inside-areas made me re-adjust my gamma-setting again though I had tweaked it for nearly three days recently. The outside-area in the streets felt right, but as soon as one gets into an inside-area (stronghold or apartment) the ambient light was nearly pitch black. I ended up binding a key with 'toggle r_gamma 1.25 1.12' to solve that issue. If the light-settings would´ve been better tweaked it would´ve added for the atmosphere, no question. (still glad you used it, never noticed Dynamic Ambient Light before) The switching-time felt also too short. Only for the


the time-period was fine. Felt like the eyes are getting used to the new surrounding light.

Some architectural spots were even stunning, you don´t have to hide behind Bikerdude, the optical quality of this mission is awesome and mixed with the excellent gameplay/story, well :wub: ...



Story & Text: Excellent



First I finished the mission while totally forgetting about the captain´s room and what was in there so I voted first only good. But the captain´s dairy filled the hole I felt before as I found it (the book). It was very well written and easily I could hear Knighton´s voice while reading, the other readables were good too of course. (Also nice to find out that I freed a serial killer. Well, I read that before, but wasn´t aware of what I was doing as I let everyone out. Well, everyone deserves a second chance, and a third, a fourth, a ... laugh.gif )

You deserve an extra praise for you hint-writing! Felt perfectly balanced.

First I shot that tomb-door with an holy water-arrow, then I read the diary again and thought about the unnatural high number of candles in the cells. Well, the diamond-thing I didn´t solved (maybe I would´ve if I had had the spyglass, later more on that...) but I got away anyway, so everything was right! smile.gif




The Conclusion: Show-case-Mission for TheDarkMod that everyone should play as one of the first TDM-FM´s. The design should fit most if not everyone´s needs! :all-available-thumps-up: :)

Extra-note: Sotha, so far you´re the master of Ambiance! Not even once I could hear the fan of my GPU! That concludes that there was NOT ONE silent boring unbelievable moment! I THANK YOU for that! The Ambiance-tracks were damn well chosen and the best were the 'random-ambiance'-setups, you should write an wiki-article about that technique if it doesn´t already exists! Really, even as I reloaded after I got aware that I forgot the

captain´s room

, I was instantly sucked in again! Great Atmosphere, very nice selection of ambient-sounds and it never felt too much/less! I as an Ambiance Addict can´t thank you enough and I hope that this praise will influence other mappers to learn from what you´ve shown here... :wub: (That must be the second or third time I use this smiley for you, and I HATE that smiley...)



To make this an even more spamming post:


The Notes-section: (to avoid that my post fills one single forum-page I put the notes into a spoiler. But actually, there are really spoiler in here!)



- finally, I´ll get to the spyglass-'incident': THERE WAS NO SPYGLASS!!!! (not even in the Evidence-room!) A TDMv1.03-bug? After getting into the shop the console tells me this:

WARNING: Could not add item to shop: atdm:player_lantern
WARNING: Could not add item to shop: atdm:player_spyglass
WARNING: Could not add item to shop: atdm:playertools_speed_potion
WARNING: Map entity is not a valid shop item: atdm:readable_mobile_book_open01


The lantern WAS available, map too, I can´t tell for the speed potion and because Windows tells me right now that I have a 'Generic Host Process'-error I don´t dare to startup TDM again to check, because everytime I close that damn error-message Windows says GoodBye and I can´t even reboot or do anything, so I could not even save all this text so I just move that message at the bottom and go on...


- My Mission-stats: Damn, I can´t uplad the stats, so I HAVE TO REBOOT. Good thing I´m still able to save all this into a text-file... Ok, give me a sec... Hey, after 'Preview Post' it works, well, okaaay, here are the stats: post-3744-129352977315_thumb.jpg


- The room-description-texts on the in-game-map were too small and the map itself had a grey border, but still I was very glad that you provided a map at all!


- The frob-distance for the health-potion on the belt of the guard patrolling in the streets outside of the main doors of the stronghold was, äh, oh yeah, the frob-distance felt too short.


- Realtime-texts on readables and signs (Officer´s Lounge) were sucked up by shadows (very most likely a Mod-issue) post-3744-129353020478_thumb.jpg


- Glady Ambient Tracks do not disappear anymore after reloads, but on some areas the default/first custom ambient track is played after reload and not the one that should play in the area the save and reload took place


- The story about the master assassin Ulysses was nice, but it was to read: "He has arrived to The City." I hope Eidos doesn´t see this (no, I´m just kidding), anyway, next time I guess it would be wiser to say 'Bridgeport' instead of 'The City', helps construct and empathy the image of Bridgeport and successfully erasing what is left of Thief in our heads. Huh, did I really wrote that just now? Now tell me again that there is no TDM-conspiracy, eh? happy.gif


Sidenote: Boah, next error-message: 528: svchost.exe. Yeah, yeah, get down there to your Generic-Host-friend, pal... Sorry guys, I´ll go on right now:


- Yeah, I already told you that the spyglass was missing, but here is a screenshot to prove it: (I hope the spot there it was supposed to be is shown...) post-3744-129353098757_thumb.jpg


- The guard that was sitting in the Officer´s Lounge was stuck in the seat: post-3744-129353118135_thumb.jpg


- The captain´s dairy was a very good read! smile.gif


- I don´t felt that the hint about the lost key was too hard, but otoh, I found that key before I found the note...


- I found exactly three z-fightings, all were outside of the tomb-area


- It was odd that the escaped prisoners took their time to close the doors again they opened before. Also, as they arrived their finish-point in the streets, they blocked each other. So, each one of them should´ve had a different exit-point, maybe even disappearing though the gate we came through at the start...


- Lark made an unnatural loud sound every time I dropped him. I feared for his life and my objective...


- The Lava-pit under the diamond was not hearable from left/right of the bridge.


- There should be an Ambiance-voting-section...


- I shot the diamond into the lave-pit. That was funny. But also a suicide-reason if I hadn´t saved so far...



Phew, if I had lost this post I wouldn´t had wrote a single word I guess... :laugh: *I´m still hoping that I can post this and nothing happens, damn Windows*


edit: Yeah, success. Now I have to reboot and I´m hungry. And don´t ask me how long it took to write all this... *damn-non-existing-social-life*

Edited by LEGION

-> Crisis of Capitalism

-> 9/11 Truth


(hard stuff), more
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Or any difference besides the objectives?


Nope, higher difficulties only mean more things to do. I don't think I'm gonna deviate from this in the future.


No spyglass? I can't remember now, I have to check the map later. If I remember correctly the player needed to buy all gear because the city watch had confiscated Thomas' stuff when Lark was arrested. Can't remember if there was a spyglass in the evidence storage.


I'm really happy you enjoyed the mission.


-The mapper's best friend.

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So, anyone recently played BF in TDMv1.02 and had a spyglass? :mellow:


Sotha, I guess that whiteness in the shot is this

crystal one has to shoot

, eh?


I hoped you´d comment on what I said about the DynamicAmbientLighting... :rolleyes: Just say: "Yes, LEGION, you´re right. I messed that up, but I´ll do better in the future. It really was set too dark." :)

-> Crisis of Capitalism

-> 9/11 Truth


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