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Dark Mod Great Summer 2010 Vertical Contest Voting


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All entrants are now in for The Dark Mod Great Summer Vertical Contest. A magnificent total of EIGHT missions completed in time and a few others will be released as non-contest entries later. All the missions are limited in plan view but unlimited in height to encourage exploration of the vertical elements, mantling, climbing, descending, falling(!) ropes and ladders etc.


Voting continues for another two weeks and will end at noon UK time on Saturday 11th September 2010


Please vote in the appropriate threads at http://forums.thedarkmod.com/forum/57-tdm-fan-missions/ Your vote counts! The categories are gameplay, visuals (including best use of verticality) and story with points 3, 2, 1 multiplying each vote in those categories.


All 8 entrants are listed and linked in the series (click column header button) SVC 10 at http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Fan_Missions_for_The_Dark_Mod (You need Doom3 plus Dark Mod to player these, see http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Main_Page



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Nit question: How does this sentence translate into the math used?

Assuming the same linear score scale for each category, I imagine it would boil down to something like B + F(3G + 2V + S), where G is gameplay score, V is visual score, and S is story score. As you can see, B and F (base, factor) are unimportant for determining the rank of an entry.


I'm not an official spokesperson though.

Edited by Mortal Monkey
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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe later, maybe tomorrow. It's a big calculation that takes (me) a lot of time including double and triple checking every stage plus a check by at least one independent person after (who may not be available immediately.) I have been working on this since noon (nearly three hours with a short break for lunch plus endless mind wandering thinking about Angelina Jolie and why the hell am I doing this stupid thing anyway on Saturday afternoon isn't there an easier way and I hope someone else runs the next contest :wacko: plus this break now. :P;)


At the moment I am half way through the final percentages. That is, I know the total score for about 4 entrants. I know who's in poll position (poll geddit? :laugh:) I think within the next hour I should know the winner - at least subject to confirmation.

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Just finished my calcs so I have a winner but will wait for confirmation. :laugh:


If your confirming person can't do so in a timely manner, I have a spreadsheet all set up. Fifteen minutes to gather the votes, and voila! [i know the final order, la la la! um - ahem! - assuming I'm using the correct math.]

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I just double checked the results and I'd like to congratulate the winner already. So congrats. :laugh: The winner was my favorite too and it was a great surprise... :) But let's just leave the announcement up to Fidcal, shall we?


Because of Fidcal's swearing, I just made a small excel file for doing all the calculations. Now, computing the final scores will only take something around 10 minutes, depending on how fast you can hack in the amount of votes... :)

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Hey, who is it? Who is it? Your favourite and surprise too? Who could that be? I have mine favourite (since the beginning of the contest) but that would be no surprise, hmmm, who could it be, maybe, no, that would be no surprise too, but than again, erm, how big was your surprise then? I need more values for this calculation... :D;)


Oh, I see, great surprise he said, damn, I don´t have a clue...

Edited by LEGION

-> Crisis of Capitalism

-> 9/11 Truth


(hard stuff), more
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The Summer Vertical Contest is now complete!


Once again the standard is raised and imo everyone is a winner. :)



There were 8 entries in the competition, all high scoring and all well worth playing. The overall winner is:




Glenham Tower by Sotha!


Congratulations to Sotha. Just looking quickly at the raw votes before weighting I get the impression it was an all round balance of good gameplay, visuals, and story that made it the winner.





Here are the final details (thanks to STiFU for checking my work and finding a bad error.)


Each vote is calculated as 1 point for poor up to 5 points for outstanding.

Each category is weighted as follows:


Gameplay: 3 points per vote

Appearance & Vertical useage: 2 points per vote

Story & Text: 1 point per vote


The total number of votes does not matter so long as there is a good sample for everyone. The score is a calculated percentage of the maximum possible for the given votes calculated as follows:


Total Points = (gameplay * 3) + (Appearance * 2) + (Story * 1)

Max Possible = Total Votes * 5 (Outstanding)

Category Score (%) = Category Points /Max Possible * 100

Total Score (%) = Total Points /Total Max Possible * 100



Here are the scores (in no particular order.) These are my rough notes so apologies if it is not as nicely presented as it might be....


The vote count was equal in all categories for everyone so:


TotalMaxPointsPoss (TMP) = AllCategoryVotecount(ACV) * 30


Full Weighted Score (FWS) = (Gamescore*3 + Visualscore*2 + Storyscore) / TMP




Rift by Baddcog


Gameplay: (1*1) + (5*2) + (26*3) + (13*4) + (3*5) = 1 10 78 52 15 = 156

Visuals: (1*1) + (4*2) + (14*3) + ( 22*4) + (7*5) = 1 8 42 88 35= 174

Story: (2*1) + (11*2) + (26*3) + (7*4) + (2*5) = 2 22 78 28 10 = 140


ACV: 48


TMP = 48*30 = 1440


FWS = (156*3 + 174*2 + 140)/TMP = 956/1440 = 66.39%




Glenham Tower by Sotha


Gameplay: (0*1) + (1*2) + (14*3) + (28*4) + (18*5) = 0 2 42 112 90= 246

Visuals: (0*1) + (2*2) + (8*3) + (41*4) + (10*5) = 0 4 24 164 50 = 242

Story: (0*1) + (0*2) + (14*3) + (28*4) + (19*5) = 0 0 42 112 95 = 249





TMP = 61*30 = 1830



FWS = (246*3 + 242*2 + 249)/TMP = 1471/1830 = 80.38%




Caduceus of St. Alban by bikerdude


Gameplay: (1*1) + (4*2) + (16*3) + (20*4) + (5*5) = 1 8 48 80 25 = 162

Visuals: (0*1) + (0*2) + (5*3) + (20*4) + (21*5) = 0 0 15 80 105 = 200

Story: (1*1) + (7*2) + (21*3) + (14*4) + (3*5) = 1 14 63 56 15 = 149


ACV: 46


TMP = 46 * 30 = 1380


FWS = (162*3 + 200*2 + 149)/TMP = 1035/1380 = 75%




Somewhere Above the City by Grayman


Gameplay: (0*1) + (4*2) + (14*3) + (23*4) + (4*5) = 0 8 42 92 20 = 162

Visuals: (0*1) + (1*2) + (6*3) + (22*4) + (16*5) = 0 2 18 88 80 = 188

Story: (0*1) + (0*2) + (8*3) + (22*4) + (15*5) = 0 0 24 88 75 = 187




TMP = 45 * 30 = 1350


FWS = (162*3 + 188*2 + 187)/TMP = 1049/1350 = 77.70%




Mad's Mountain by Jesps


Gameplay: (0*1) + (4*2) + (20*3) + (18*4) + (4*5) = 0 8 60 72 20 = 160

Visuals: (0*1) + (4*2) + (23*3) + (18*4) + (1*5) = 0 8 69 72 5 = 154

Story: (2*1) + (15*2) + (21*3) + (6*4) + (2*5) = 2 30 63 24 10 = 129


ACV: 46


TMP = 46 * 30 = 1380


FWS = (160*3 + 154*2 + 129)/TMP = 917/1380 = 66.45%




Illusionist's Tower by stumpy


Gameplay: (6*1) + (8*2) + (13*3) + (12*4) + (5*5) = 6 16 39 48 25 = 134

Visuals: (0*1) + (13*2) + (15*3) + (14*4) + (2*5) = 0 26 45 56 10 = 137

Story: (2*1) + (9*2) + (23*3) + (9*4) + (1*5) = 2 18 69 36 5 = 130


ACV: 44


TMP = 44 * 30 = 1320


FWS = (134*3 + 137*2 + 130)/TMP = 806/1320 = 61.06%




Betrayal by Fieldmedic


Gameplay: (0*1) + (7*2) + (13*3) + (14*4) + (5*5) = 0 14 39 56 25 = 134

Visuals: (0*1) + (1*2) + (17*3) + (14*4) + (7*5) = 0 2 51 56 35 = 144

Story: (0*1) + (5*2) + (15*3) + (14*4) + (5*5) = 0 10 45 56 25 = 136




TMP = 39 * 30 = 1170


FWS = (134*3 + 144*2 + 136)/TMP = 826/1170 = 70.60%




Swing by Komag


Gameplay: (2*1) + (0*2) + (17*3) + (16*4) + (7*5) = 2 0 51 64 35 = 152

Visuals: (0*1) + (1*2) + (7*3) + (21*4) + (13*5) = 0 2 21 84 65 = 172

Story: (6*1) + (28*2) + (7*3) + (1*4) + (0*5) = 6 56 21 4 0 = 87


ACV: 42


TMP = 42*30= 1260


TMP = (152*3 + 172*2 + 87)/TMP = 887/1260 = 70.40%

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I think, just upon a quick look, the way you did that might have nullified the weight meant to be imparted to the different categories... must think more. Must run a calc too.


Having said that. I apologize to those I failed to vote for and...


Congrats to Sotha



Nope, so far (with 2 calculations) my method comes the same. So, sorry about that. I just wanted to make damn sure GAMEPLAY sits fattest on the scale.


Again, Congrats To Sotha. Plus special mention for having yours in so quickly. A real impressive feat. Only thing that coulda topped that would have been to have then followed up with another entrant! Imagine! The legendary! :laugh::D;)


Still... the legend does grow anyhow.


And, though I am quite happy with the outcome (though it'd still be nice to have a special mentions thing), I am sincerely sorry to those of you whose missions I did play but missed voting on. I was quite enthusiatic about some of them...

Edited by aidakeeley

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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