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v1.04 bug thread


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Thanks again for the new release. I noticed an interesting change between v1.03 and v1.04.


The running animation for atdm:ai_guard_female_rogue has changed. Back in v1.03 it looked okay, but in v1.04 it looks like... Well, I cannot describe it any other way.. Looks like she has a pole up her backside.


That running anim probably works well for the females with a dress, but if the AI has pants it looks quite goofy.


Also I want to mention that def_attaching a prop_lootbag on a female AI does not look good: the ladies have thinner waist, so the lootbag is floating in air.


Otherwise this update looked really good in my tests. The AI's seem to be able to negotiate through the map much better than previously altough they sometimes spin around in front of doors when searching. Luckly they quickly improve their bearings, though.


-The mapper's best friend.

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The AI's seem to be able to negotiate through the map much better than previously altough they sometimes spin around in front of doors when searching. Luckly they quickly improve their bearings, though.


I'm glad to hear the AI are behaving better. Hopefully the number of places where they become confused or repetitive will be reduced in future releases.

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That running anim probably works well for the females with a dress, but if the AI has pants it looks quite goofy.


Hmm, that's an oversight. The new run was to fix the AI with dresses; it shouldn't have been made the default.

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I've been having that problem with many readables since 1.03. And sometimes the highlight before frobbing will reveal the text or make it disappear, i forget which. the effects vary, and its in a lot of missions for me.

Edited by ungoliant
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I looked at it. It seems to go like this:


  • When ambient rendering and interaction are set on normal and default, all the readables look okay.
  • When ambient and interaction are set to enhanced and enhanced, SOME of the readables do not show the "world" text anymore. I think it depends on the text font selection: some texts look fine, other look faded and difficult to see. Some cannot be seen at all.



Here is screenies taken with different setups. The left one is always ambient=normal, interaction=default. The right one is enhanced, enchanced.


The uppest text looks fine for both.

The middle looks okay for normal, but enhanced fades the text. Yes, there is text there, but it looks as if it had a lot of alpha/transparency.

The lowest looks as if there is no text in the right one at all.


-The mapper's best friend.

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The DR "choose vocal set" dialogue is not showing the new critic vocals.

Also when I copypaste the critic def_vocal_set name from the wiki, the AI does not say anything.


Maybe some definition is missing?


Lady02 is in the list and seems to work.


-The mapper's best friend.

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Minor cosmetic issue in the shop:


When the player moves mouse over purchaseable items in the shop, a description for the item is given.

Strangely, when the player moves mouse over starting-items there is no description. Do note that the item picture is still given in the info-box. When the mouse is moved over items in the "items purchased" list,the description is seen normally.




-The mapper's best friend.

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Minor cosmetic issue in the shop:


When the player moves mouse over purchaseable items in the shop, a description for the item is given.

Strangely, when the player moves mouse over starting-items there is no description. Do note that the item picture is still given in the info-box. When the mouse is moved over items in the "items purchased" list,the description is seen normally.


Could that be related to the interaction shader? Edit: No.


I'll gonna test it in a minute, it is probably just a typo on my part.


Confirmed and tracked: http://bugs.angua.at/view.php?id=2661 (There is another bug that when you have no items for sale, you still get one description shown in the shoptest map. I'll look into both)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Could that be related to the interaction shader? I'll gonna test it in a minute, it is probably just a typo on my part.


Confirmed and tracked: http://bugs.angua.at/view.php?id=2661 (There is another bug that when you have no items for sale, you still get one description shown in the shoptest map. I'll look into both)


I fixed both: the first problem was a missing ";" in the shop GUI, and the second problem was the code not properly zeroing out the relevant variables. Both fixed will be in v1.05, thank you for your report :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Also when I copypaste the critic def_vocal_set name from the wiki, the AI does not say anything.


Maybe some definition is missing?


Hmm, it works on my developer build...I'll have to check and see if something was missed.


When ambient and interaction are set to enhanced and enhanced, SOME of the readables do not show the "world" text anymore. I think it depends on the text font selection: some texts look fine, other look faded and difficult to see. Some cannot be seen at all.


Are we talking about readables illuminated only by the ambient_world light?

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Yeah, this issue has been present for quite some time and I thought it was well known. I reported it a couple of times myself. The world gui of readables seems to be only affected by direct lighting and not by ambient lighting.

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Yeah, this issue has been present for quite some time and I thought it was well known. I reported it a couple of times myself. The world gui of readables seems to be only affected by direct lighting and not by ambient lighting.


Yes, that's been true since the beginning. I'm just wondering if this is a reference to that problem or something new? I didn't think the actual font would make a difference in the original problem.

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Yes, I can confirm that the entitydef for the Critic vocal set is missing from the new package. Oops.


This will mean that mages don't say anything, as they use that voice by default.


This was left out of the file darkmod/def/tdm_ai_vocal_sets02.def:





* =================== Critic ========================


entityDef atdm:ai_vocal_set_critic_armed_01


"inherit" "atdm:ai_vocal_set_base"

"editor_usage" "a know-it all, well-spoken character. (suits nobles, mages, snooty servants)"


// Found something

"snd_somethingSuspicious" "tdm_ai_critic_find_something_suspicious"

"snd_foundComradeBody" "tdm_ai_critic_find_corpse_comrade"

"snd_foundUnconsciousMale" "tdm_ai_critic_find_unconscious_male"

"snd_foundUnconsciousFemale" "tdm_ai_critic_find_unconscious_female"

"snd_foundDeadMale" "tdm_ai_critic_find_corpse_male"

"snd_foundDeadFemale" "tdm_ai_critic_find_corpse_female"

"snd_foundBlood" "tdm_ai_critic_find_blood"

"snd_foundOpenDoor" "tdm_ai_critic_find_open_door"

"snd_foundLightsOff" "tdm_ai_critic_find_light_off"

"snd_foundTorchOut" "tdm_ai_critic_find_torch_off"

"snd_foundMissingItem" "tdm_ai_critic_notice_missing_item"

"snd_foundBrokenItem" "tdm_ai_critic_find_something_suspicious"

"snd_foundWeapon" "tdm_ai_critic_find_weapon"

"snd_notice_pickpocket" "tdm_ai_critic_notice_pocket_picked"



// Inter-AI communication

"snd_yesRelightTorch" "tdm_ai_critic_relighting"

"snd_noRelightTorch" "tdm_ai_critic_not_relighting"


"snd_warnSawEnemy" "tdm_ai_critic_warn_saw_enemy"

"snd_warnSawEvidence" "tdm_ai_critic_warn_suspicious"

"snd_warnMissingItem" "tdm_ai_critic_warn_missing_item"

"snd_warnFoundCorpse" "tdm_ai_critic_warn_found_corpse"


// Greetings


"snd_greeting_civilian_to_civilian" "tdm_ai_critic_greeting_generic"

"snd_greeting_civilian_to_female" "tdm_ai_critic_greeting_generic"

"snd_greeting_civilian_to_guard" "tdm_ai_critic_greeting_generic"

"snd_greeting_guard_to_civilian" "tdm_ai_critic_greet_guard_to_civilian"

"snd_greeting_guard_to_guard" "tdm_ai_critic_greet_guard_to_guard"

"snd_greeting_guard_to_noble_female" "tdm_ai_critic_greet_to_noble_female"

"snd_greeting_guard_to_noble_male" "tdm_ai_critic_greet_to_noble_male"

"snd_greeting_cleric" "tdm_ai_critic_greet_to_cleric"

"snd_greeting_beggar" "tdm_ai_critic_greeting_to_inferior"


"snd_greeting_generic" "tdm_ai_critic_greeting_generic"


// Alert-related barks


"snd_to_combat" "tdm_ai_critic_to_combat"

"snd_to_combat_company" "tdm_ai_critic_to_combat_company"

"snd_spotted_player_with_body" "tdm_ai_critic_spotted_player_with_body"


"snd_combat_melee" "tdm_ai_critic_combat_melee"

"snd_combat_ranged" "tdm_ai_critic_combat_archer"

"snd_combat_throw" "tdm_ai_critic_combat_throw"


"snd_combat_blocked_by_player" "tdm_ai_critic_combat_blocked_by_player"

"snd_combat_hit_player" "tdm_ai_critic_combat_hit_player"

"snd_combat_hit_player_company" "tdm_ai_critic_combat_hit_player_company"

"snd_killed_enemy" "tdm_ai_critic_killed_enemy"



"snd_charge" "tdm_ai_critic_to_combat"


"snd_cantReachTarget" "tdm_ai_critic_enemy_out_of_reach"

"snd_lostTrackOfEnemy" "tdm_ai_critic_lost_track_of_enemy"

"snd_assistFriend" "tdm_ai_critic_assist_friend"


"snd_to_flee" "tdm_ai_critic_to_flee"

"snd_flee" "tdm_ai_critic_flee_hurt"


// AI state transitions


// These are played while the AI is in idle state and has not seen evidence of intruders before

"snd_relaxed" "tdm_ai_critic_idle_guard"


// This is played when the AI is back in idle state but has seen evidence of intruders

"snd_alert_idle" "tdm_ai_critic_alert_idle"


"snd_sleeping" "tdm_ai_critic_sleeping"


"snd_drunk" "tdm_ai_critic_idle_guard"


// These are played when the AI's alert level changes from idle (alert level 0) to observant (1) or suspicious (2)

// The suffix s is for when the AI sees something, the suffix h is specific for hearing

"snd_alert1" "tdm_ai_critic_to_observant"

"snd_alert1s" "tdm_ai_critic_to_observant_saw"

"snd_alert1h" "tdm_ai_critic_to_observant_heard"


// These are played when the AI becomes alerted and goes into searching (3)

// The c suffix is for barks that are played when the AI is in company

"snd_alert3" "tdm_ai_critic_to_searching"

"snd_alert3s" "tdm_ai_critic_to_searching_saw"

"snd_alert3h" "tdm_ai_critic_to_searching_heard"

"snd_alert3c" "tdm_ai_critic_to_searching"

"snd_alert3sc" "tdm_ai_critic_to_searching_saw_company"

"snd_alert3hc" "tdm_ai_critic_to_searching_heard_company"


// This is played when the AI is alerted and goes from searching to agitated searching (4)

"snd_alert4" "tdm_ai_critic_to_agitated_searching"


// This is played when the AI ramps down to idle after a small alert

"snd_alertdown0" "tdm_ai_critic_alertdown_to_idle"

"snd_alertdown0s" "tdm_ai_critic_alertdown_to_idle_saw"

"snd_alertdown0h" "tdm_ai_critic_alertdown_to_idle_heard"


// This is played when the AI ramps down to idle, has not seen evidence of intruders and the last alert was at least at agitated searching

"snd_alertdown0SeenNoEvidence" "tdm_ai_critic_alertdown_to_idle_no_evidence"


// This is played when the AI ramps down to idle, the last alert level was at least at searching and the AI has seen evidence of intruders before

"snd_alertdown0SeenEvidence" "tdm_ai_critic_alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence"


// These are played while the AI is doing agitated searching

"snd_state4SeenNoEvidence" "tdm_ai_critic_searching_no_evidence"

"snd_state4SeenEvidence" "tdm_ai_critic_searching_evidence"


// Pain/Death sounds

"snd_pain_small" "tdm_ai_critic_pain_small"

"snd_pain_medium" "tdm_ai_critic_pain_small"

"snd_pain_large" "tdm_ai_critic_pain_large"

"snd_pain_huge" "tdm_ai_critic_pain_large"


"snd_death" "tdm_ai_critic_die_loud"

"snd_death_liquid" "tdm_ai_critic_drown"

"snd_knockout" "tdm_ai_critic_die_quiet"


"snd_failed_knockout" "tdm_ai_critic_failed_ko"


"snd_blinded" "tdm_ai_critic_blinded"

"snd_airGasp" "tdm_ai_critic_cough_noair"


"snd_cough" "tdm_ai_critic_cough"



"snd_response_positive" "tdm_ai_critic_response_positive"

"snd_response_positive_superior" "tdm_ai_critic_response_to_superior"


"snd_reaction" "tdm_ai_critic_reaction"



entityDef atdm:ai_vocal_set_critic_unarmed_01


"inherit" "atdm:ai_vocal_set_critic_armed_01"

"editor_usage" "a know-it all, well-spoken character. (suits commoners, generic guards)"


"snd_relaxed" "tdm_ai_critic_idle"

"snd_state4SeenEvidence" "tdm_ai_critic_searching_civilian"

"snd_flee" "tdm_ai_critic_flee"

"snd_alertdown0SeenEvidence" "tdm_ai_critic_alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence_civilian"




entityDef atdm:ai_vocal_set_critic_inventor_armed_01


"inherit" "atdm:ai_vocal_set_critic_armed_01"

"editor_usage" "a know-it all, well-spoken character. (suits commoners, generic guards)"



"snd_relaxed" "tdm_ai_critic_idle_inventor_armed"

"snd_alertdown0SeenEvidence" "tdm_ai_critic_alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence_inventor"

"snd_alert3h" "tdm_ai_critic_to_searching_heard_inventor"

"snd_alert3s" "tdm_ai_critic_to_searching_saw_inventor"




entityDef atdm:ai_vocal_set_critic_inventor_unarmed_01


"inherit" "atdm:ai_vocal_set_critic_armed_01"

"editor_usage" "a know-it all, well-spoken character. (suits commoners, generic guards)"



"snd_relaxed" "tdm_ai_critic_idle_inventor"

"snd_alertdown0SeenEvidence" "tdm_ai_critic_alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence_inventor"

"snd_alert3h" "tdm_ai_critic_to_searching_heard_inventor"

"snd_alert3s" "tdm_ai_critic_to_searching_saw_inventor"





entityDef atdm:ai_vocal_set_critic_mage_01


"inherit" "atdm:ai_vocal_set_critic_armed_01"

"editor_usage" "a know-it all, well-spoken character. (suits commoners, generic guards)"



"snd_relaxed" "tdm_ai_critic_idle_inventor"

"snd_alertdown0SeenEvidence" "tdm_ai_critic_alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence_inventor"





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Here are two more things that might trip people up:


* Sometimes the internal mission downloader might crash (this has happened at least two times to me on Linux). The cause is unknown. Workaround: restart TDM and download the mission again.

* Setting "Object Detail" to "Low" or "Lowest" might introduce visual popping, as the distance where objects hide might get too small. Workaround: Leave the setting at "Normal". Will be fixed in v.05 with a bit smarter code :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Yes, I can confirm that the entitydef for the Critic vocal set is missing from the new package. Oops.


This will mean that mages don't say anything, as they use that voice by default.




The mages use builder vocals here.

Where are the REAL brits?! The one's we have are just brit-ish.

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The "archmage" does. The "mage" shouldn't, though.


On my installation they both use the same vocal set. But at least they have a say in matters that concern them.:D

Where are the REAL brits?! The one's we have are just brit-ish.

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Just confirming what is already said that the readable world font in non normal ambient light is invisible and no obvious proper fix. If you look at many maps such as the trainer you'll find a tiny dim ambient normal light is in position as a workaround (ambient is not so good for this because there is no fade so you see the edges.) This is just bright enough to show there is text there but not too bright that the parchment looks obviously lit. You don't necessarily need to read it comfortably (it is dark after all) just get rid of the invisibility which is so odd. Of course if the readable is placed near a non-extinguishable light then it doesn't need it.

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On my installation they both use the same vocal set.


Looks like several updates that I thought made it into the new package didn't. Oh well, that's not a bad thing in this case.

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The running animation for atdm:ai_guard_female_rogue has changed. Back in v1.03 it looked okay, but in v1.04 it looks like... Well, I cannot describe it any other way.. Looks like she has a pole up her backside.


I can't confirm this...she seems to be using the same run-with-sword animation that all armed characters use for me.

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