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Fan Mission: Alberic's Curse by b1k3rdude (Updated: 01/11/2014)


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@stgatilov, you need to end the curse. If you have been down to the crypts, then you should have picked something up.. that you need to drop somewhere...

I know that I need to end the curse, it is said in the objective.

But I had absolutely no clues about how to do it, no information about why it started and where to search (well, it was said somewhere that everything started with builders/pagans conflict, but it is too generic).


As for picking something at the crypts and dropping it somewhere, I have written in point 3 that it was not explained anywhere. Does the player have to guess himself that he has to move that thing into that place?

And I still don't understand how to get the thing (point 2) without noclipping.


It seems that either something is broken, or I managed to miss some very important part of information, without which the curse-removal objective turns into blind guessing game.



UPDATE: And what about "player notes" (point 1), were they removed in updated version of FM?

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  1. But I had absolutely no clues about how to do it, no information about why it started and where to search. As for picking something at the crypts and dropping it somewhere, I have written in point 3 that it was not explained anywhere. Does the player have to guess himself that he has to move that thing into that place?

And I still don't understand how to get the thing (point 2) without noclipping.

It seems that either something is broken, or I managed to miss some very important part of information, without which the curse-removal objective turns into blind guessing game.

UPDATE: And what about "player notes" (point 1), were they removed in updated version of FM?

  1. There are readables that explain what need to be done, many people have played this mission and not had this issue.

That was intentional, a broken handle is on the floor both sides of the door. There is a way into the back of that room, you have to make your way past some spiders and undead.

See second part of point 1.

I would have to open the FM as I cant remember, but they might already be in your inventory..

Edited by Bikerdude
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I made a small material def change to this mission in preparation for 2.06


I changed "sort postProcess" to "sort nearest" so that your firefly particles won't

render through geometry with FBO enabled.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've missed this mission when it came out, but I've just started playing it tonight, and I love it (even though I'm not really that fond of all-undead missions). However, I'm majorly stuck, and after reading through this thread I believe this might be because of a bug.


So, here's the thing. I started playing, found enough loot, the Golden Book and the Scepter. The only thing left is to break Alberic's curse and go home.


Only I'm clueless about Alberic's curse. Literally: I can't find any clues about how to do it. I thought the Golden Book's text might be a clue, something to do with an anvil-hammer-helmet sequence, but I didn't see anything in the mission that could be applicable.


I came here, read the thread, and now I understand there's supposed to be a readable titled "Player's Notes", and another one (or maybe it's the same), a book of folklore, which is mentioned in the briefing. I also infer that these are supposed to be in your inventory when you start playing, and they're supposed to give you all the information you need to get started with the objective, which will involve getting a skull from the catacombs and dropping it in a basin. The only problem is, the readables are missing. When playing TDM 2.06, with the version of the mission that can be downloaded via the in-game system as of today, those readables are missing from you inventory when you start the mission. I've restarted the mission, this time on the lowest difficulty, to make sure it's not difficulty-dependent, and same result: no readable in your inventory. As far as I can tell, stgatilov's problem discussed further up this very page, in last December, seems to be exactly the same thing, and it didn't seem to be really addressed at the time.


So now I'm raising the same issue: if these apparently plot-critical readables are supposed to be found in the mission, then could someone please explain, complely explicitly and in great detail, where exactly they're supposed to be? And if they're supposed to be in your inventory when you start, then this is a bug report: they're not there, at least not with this version of the mission in this version of TDM.

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The Golden Book should probably be raised up and re-floored. It is very easy for the player or AI to walk on it and then it falls out of the level.


Also... Alberic Minecraft (or maybe Eldritch)

Looks like the cloister's made of bedrock.


Unfortunately, "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."

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  • 8 months later...


Saw this after updating to 2.07, that I've never seen before.

It's the area on the other side of the mess hall, directly opposite the secret entrance from the crypt.
Or exit out the bathroom where you get stuck in the baths, turn right then right again.


There's a room over that empty space.

// ah yeah biker quit.

Edited by teh_saccade
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  • 3 years later...
  • 2 months later...
On 5/11/2014 at 6:44 PM, HAL-Fan said:

Actually, playing this level for the first time and I found the armory. The arrows there are not frobable, so I cannot take them. Is it a purpose or a bug? 

Has this ever been resolved? I'm having the same issue... nothing in the armory is frobbable, apart from the content of the chest.

Edit: Nevermind, I reloaded, and suddenly everything was frobbable. Weird!

Edited by chakkman
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  • 6 months later...

Thanks so much for the effort you put into this mission. I know I am probably way late to the party but getting around to some TDM missions now. I enjoyed it tremendously. I only got stuck on one part, finding the doll, I think it had to do with the fact that I started the mission and left it for a few days and forgot what was said in the intro. I'm trying to ghost missions now and this went very well. I killed a couple of spiders so not a perfect ghost but I hate them:). Love them in real life but these ones see me every single time and then the attack is so annoying. Anyway thanks again!

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  • 1 year later...

Bikerdude has made a few updates to this mission so we are looking for a few testers to make sure nothing was broken or overlooked. As far as I can tell this is ready for release but it's always good to ensure nobody encounters unforeseen issues. Lowend players are probably the best target just in case there are any performance regressions too.

Mini beta:


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(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Alberic's Curse v3.11 is now out!

It features:

1) A new script event related to the "Curse"

2) EFX Reverb

3) Volumetric Light effects

4) Different detail levels depending on LOD setting

5) A fix for a very old bug that caused stuttering in the basement, along with a long list of standard bug fixes

6) A few more surprises...

Check for the mission update in the in-game downloader!

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Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had the weirdest CTD bug in this mission, that probably isn't up for recreation.
When I was trying to dispel the curse, the moment the item touched the sacred pool - CTD. Over and over again.
I don't know why.

Such a shame that we can't carry empty bottles with us to make holy water/water arrows. I am not a ghost, I can tell you that. But it was fun to have such "casual" horror 😃 (Where was the second body? Did I miss it somehow?)

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