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Spiral Stairs tutorial

R Soul

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I still prefer this method as it allows you to have perfectly aligned steps with no z fighting.


Step 1: Draw out a 192x192 brush



Step 2: With the top down view active, go to Patch->Create Bevel



Step 3: Delete the brush. Open Patch Inspector, set subdivisions to 8.


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I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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I'll share too!


I do it like this:

1) choose sizes. Pay attention to the fact that the staircase must go down so that right handed swordman has an advantage defending the staircase (easy to make it go the wrong direction).

2) Make a step and cut it half ways.


3) Cut it further by eye so that the steps are roughly the same size. I stay in grid 8 with few steps cut with grid 4. It does not matter if it is not mathematically 100% correct division. It is enough if it looks good by eye!


4) Move the steps so that a staircase quadrant is formed:


5) Apply texture on the steps. Align it perfectly.

6) Now clone the ready made quadrant to make as long a staircase as you want! The cloned quadrants are super easy to place because they all meet at the center.

7) Make the entire staircase room modular and place a copy of it in an unused area of your map. This means that you never need to make spiral staircases again. If you need one, just make a copy of the one you already have. You could even make the staircase room with full decorations: windows, lights, decals, and store that. Now you can get a copies of fully fleshed out staircases at will. Just remember that the staircase room must be surrounded by a wordspawn room if it containts entities in order to avoid leaks.

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-The mapper's best friend.

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The aim of this tutorial is to describe how you can make a spiral staircase where the rotation of the steps is uniform from top to bottom.

This very good, could I ask then how the above method could be modifed so that the step-width nearest the column is deaper - as like in RL where the deapth of the step is still deap enough for someone to step onto without slipping.

I still prefer this method as it allows you to have perfectly aligned steps with no z fighting:

Can you update your post with the steps/images? as I would be curious so see how yours is perfectly aligned and how the width of the steps near the colum are wider than either Rsoul's/Sotha's.

I'll share too!

I have used this method, the issue is the step size is not all uniform and the step-depth is non existent near the column.

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Step 4: Copy the patch, shrink it down to 64x64 and invert it.



Step 5: Draw out a brush from top to bottom, set grid size to 1 (1 on my keyboard). Switch to clipper tool and set clip points to align with the patch:



Step 6: Do the same but clip from bottom to top, again setting the clipper point on the grid where the patch meets:




I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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Step 7: Continue clipping on grid points that match with the patch:



Step 8: Rinse and repeat for each step until you get to the end of the patch curve:



Since these are aligned to grid 1, I would convert them to func_static when moving them around, then revert to worldspawn just before dmapping, to avoid vertex drift (if that's still a thing)

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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For thief 3 there was a tool to create stairs like that. Maybe it is possible to do this with a python script in DR, too. Yet another thing on my todo list :(

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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For thief 3 there was a tool to create stairs like that. Maybe it is possible to do this with a python script in DR, too. Yet another thing on my todo list :(





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I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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This very good, could I ask then how the above method could be modifed so that the step-width nearest the column is deaper - as like in RL where the deapth of the step is still deap enough for someone to step onto without slipping.


Which staircases are you thinking of? I'm fairly sure one of the purposes of these was to be so narrow that enemies could only go up one at a time, in addition to the direction mentioned by Sotha. Here's one I used many years ago in Caernarfon. Those are my shoes, and I'm only a size 7.



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Yeah, almost all spiral stairs I've been on (castles + lighthouse) have all been very dangerous near the center, steep and almost no purchase.

For gameplay purposes, this realism is not fun and causes issue with AI pathfinding

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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Funny you should mention lighthouses. I would have use those as an example of the 'safe' ones Bikerdude was referring to. E.g. this image. Of course they do become more tricky as you get nearer the top. However, I do acknowledge the gameplay reasons for keeping the whole step navigable. In my example the step brushes can all be made a little less deep. The overlapping is very generous. I think the narrow insides look nice, so I wouldn't want to widen the central pillar. Could an octagonal monsterclip brush be used to keep the AI to the outside?

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Here's one I used many years ago in Caernarfon. Those are my shoes, and I'm only a size 7.

The central column in your shot is very narrow, so in this instance and imho we would only have stairs like this if they were 48-56units wide. But I agree and conceed that small width stair wells will suffer from that issue.


Back to the type of stairs I was refering to, there are plenty of examples where the step isn't so narrow near the center of the stair-well -






Hows this for a funky set of spiral stairs....



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What AH said. In TDM I would avoid making too narrow spiral staircases. It is no fun to spend time building a staircase which cannot be used because it causes an AI log jam. Always test your narrow staircase with at least 2 AI. They need to be able to get past each other easily. The minimum AI traversable width should be 64 units + some safe marginal. I would maybe go with 80-100 units.

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-The mapper's best friend.

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Most of the image were missings from that old wiki entry and the info in it out of date, so replaced the whole entry with the 3 from this thread instead -




@Sotha, can you provide thumbnails or smaller version of those images, or better attach them to your post like Rsould did. I can then paste those into the wiki page, instead of the huge ones in there atm.

Edited by Bikerdude
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Step 7: Continue clipping on grid points that match with the patch:



Step 8: Rinse and repeat for each step until you get to the end of the patch curve:



Since these are aligned to grid 1, I would convert them to func_static when moving them around, then revert to worldspawn just before dmapping, to avoid vertex drift (if that's still a thing)


I had a go at doing this and it's nice and clean. I could only just notice that the cylinders weren't proper circles, and I doubt many players would be focussing on the geometry; they'd be more interested in where the next guard was, or where to go for the next objective, etc.


With patches is much easier to get the texture flowing smoothly around the walls, but how are doorways added?

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It is unfortunately.


Vertex of brushes or patches drifting? What are the conditions that cause a vert to drift?

I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game




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