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32-bit or 64-bit

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Just a quick question and I apologize if it's been answered plenty of times.


I updated from 2.05 to 2.06. When I started the game, the opening menu denotes at the bottom left side that I'm running 2.06/32. I'm assuming that means 32-bit. How do I get the 64-bit build. The executable to install (tdm_update.exe) doesn't have a 64-bit version. Was there a choice somewhere during the install asking if I wanted 64-bit and i missed it ?

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In your main folder you will now find tow exe-files: TheDarkMod.exe and TheDarkMod64.exe. If you use shortcuts just refer to the latter and you will always start the 64-bit version.

Thanks to both of you. If I had opened my eyes a bit more I would have seen TheDarkModx64.exe file immediately below TheDarkMod.exe file (which was pinned to the taskbar). Delete old shortcut with new shortcut and problem solved. I should have figured that one out myself :unsure::D

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I will recommend you test both.


Some have found the 64-bit executable is consistently smoother.


In my testing, however, the most pathological shadow casting scene ( corner view in he mission Rightful Property ) is 17% slower on the 64 bit executable.

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Post a screenshot and I'll look into it :D



Old post with the location (internal dev forum):






Some details:


Current 32-bit = 48FPS

Current 64-bit = 39FPS


Both with "Shadow Mapping" at 1024 resolution = 70 to 80FPS...

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I tried x64 and my results are poorly.

Its extremly laggy.


But thats ok, this will help other peole <3

My pc may be too old by now...


Did you try our performance tuning guide:





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  • 2 weeks later...


Old post with the location (internal dev forum):






Some details:


Current 32-bit = 48FPS

Current 64-bit = 39FPS


Both with "Shadow Mapping" at 1024 resolution = 70 to 80FPS...

You might want to check revision 75057506 (but it only affects stencil shadows FWIW)

What is your CPU btw?

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OK this is pretty nice:


64-bit with r_ignore 0 = 47 to 50FPS

64-bit with r_ignore 1 = 57 to 60FPS


32-bit with either r_ignore mode = 38 to 41FPS


32-bit has been lower in SVN for awhile so this is not new change.

I think this slowed the 32-bit side after we branched from 2.06: http://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=4681


It would be cool if we could keep performance as high as possible in both but I think the point here is

"considering dropping 32-bit"?


I have an i3-2130 3.4ghz CPU with a Geforce GTX 1050 GPU.

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I have an i3-2130 3.4ghz CPU with a Geforce GTX 1050 GPU.

Hey, that's like the absolute minimum for AVX :rolleyes: One generation back, and you're out of luck.

I should add the SSE version of it now.


Please try revision: 7507. It looks like the data align might have been a problem.

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may i ask what r_ignore is ? Because the 64-bit one seems to be working well (not getting the shitty opengl error) on my pc unlike the 32 bit, which doesn't make sense... :D


r_ignore is just a placeholder cvar.


The change has been replaced by com_tempAllowAVX.


Requires this build:




What does com_tempAllowAVX do?


Replaced standard math routines with "vectorized" (SIMD) AVX math that can perform more operations in parallel.

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TDM as of 2.06 seems to require some DLLs that aren't part of Windows 7. I think it is a C runtime or something. One thing that'd be great is to put a blurb about this on the download page with the correct link to the needed files, as searching for and downloading random DLLs online is a good way to get in trouble (malware).

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TDM as of 2.06 seems to require some DLLs that aren't part of Windows 7. I think it is a C runtime or something. One thing that'd be great is to put a blurb about this on the download page with the correct link to the needed files, as searching for and downloading random DLLs online is a good way to get in trouble (malware).

It requires only MSVC 2013 redistributable package.


Both 32-bit and 64-bit installers of it are automatically downloaded by tdm_updater into your directory. They are named vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe.

Moreover, tdm_update actually runs them silently during installation, although for some people it does not succeed. I would be glad if someone points me out why.

If you have some DLLs missing, simply run these two exe files already present in your TDM directory and make sure they succeed.


Never download separate DLLs from internet, you can get into great trouble. Aside from a chance of getting a potentially compromised DLL, you also create DLL hell which will surely bite you in future.

If you want to install the package yourself, go to Microsoft site and download MSVC 2013 redistributable package. Do not download anything from any other site except Microsoft (and TheDarkMod).


P.S. Do we have a popular installation FAQ/troubleshooting instructions? We should add an advice to run vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe installers in TDM directory if TDM does not start after install/update, asking for a DLL.

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kano, I suggest deleting every single DLL which you have downloaded.


If TDM still asks for a DLL after you do it, then:

1. Run tdm_update again, perform a normal update.

2. Attach here the tdm_update.log file located in your TDM installation directory.

3. Go to Windows's %TEMP% directory. It is at C:\Users\GatilovUser\AppData\Local\Temp in my case. You can locate it by opening explorer, and entering %TEMP% into address bar.

Then find files with name like dd_vcredist_x86_20180630132840.log which were created recently. Attached them/it here too.

4. In order to fix the problem, run the redist executables as suggested above. But I hope you will do steps 1-3 before that --- then hopefully I'll fix the problem for future.

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Shall i update my tdm installer and put this visual c++ package as a checker and requirment?

(info: topic, moddb)


Starting from TDM 2.06, MSVC runtime is consumed as DLLs, which must be distributed separately.

For TDM 2.06, you should install MSVC 2013 runtime.

For TDM 2.07, runtime of MSVC 2017 will be required.

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Ah, okay. I didn't see the file in there. I just took the TDM installation that I did within Linux and ran it on Windows (to pit the performance of the Linux version against Windows), and was wondering what to do when it said it couldn't find a DLL. That explains why TDM Updater couldn't prompt me to install them. thanks

Edited by kano
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