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Beta Testing 2.08


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I've noticed that the new rain in 2.08 doesn't stop when it hits a water entity. And I can't put any solid ontop of it as the player obviously can't access it then, so i'm a bit stumped with what to do.


The water entity is just a bare bones standard atdm:liquid_water. I tried adding the spawnarg "particle_collision_static_blocker" to it but to no avail.


I am using the auto-generate collision static version of the rain too btw.



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Hello everybody,


I am currently betatesting Painter´s Wife and this strange crash occurs - it happens to me and also user Krillmar and I was recommended to post it here:

Once I am trying to use key to unlock secret (the small showcase with mini Smurph-like houses in a library) it always crashes - i was tried to delete darkmod.cfg and use freshly created one - to no avail

I have updated my Nvidia drivers from to the latest ones - still, no avail.



It turned out not to be a 2.08-specific bug and has already been fixed/worked around by creators of the mission.



Edited by Tarhiel
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4 hours ago, Goldwell said:

I've noticed that the new rain in 2.08 doesn't stop when it hits a water entity. And I can't put any solid ontop of it as the player obviously can't access it then, so i'm a bit stumped with what to do.

The water entity is just a bare bones standard atdm:liquid_water. I tried adding the spawnarg "particle_collision_static_blocker" to it but to no avail.

The liquid case is present in testmap. Does rain work properly there?
I think the problem is not with the fact that it is liquid, but with something else.
Could you send some sort of map to me? I guess privately...

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5 hours ago, Tarhiel said:

I am currently betatesting Painter´s Wife and this strange crash occurs

In general, FMs that are currently in beta should not be used as example to troubleshoot new version of the engine. There are too many variables to take into account, and usually bugs are result of mapper's work in progress. Released missions that have been thoroughly tested and updated by mappers post-launch are much more reliable source material, and even those can have bugs that were not caught around the time of release.

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15 hours ago, stgatilov said:

The liquid case is present in testmap. Does rain work properly there?
I think the problem is not with the fact that it is liquid, but with something else.
Could you send some sort of map to me? I guess privately...


I put a body of water in the ground in the test map and had the same problem as seen below. Here's the testmap to help replicate the bug rain.pk4




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1 hour ago, Goldwell said:

I put a body of water in the ground in the test map and had the same problem as seen below. Here's the testmap to help replicate the bug rain.pk4

The reason this water is ignored is that its material does not have the "water" content flag.
It is merely "translucent", so it is skipped because it could be a light flare/rays.

There are two levels of determining whether an object is blocker or not. The first one checks if the entity should be added at all, and this one can be forced with a spawnarg. The second (internal) level happens during collision detection, it skips 1) deformed materials, 2) dynamic models, 3) materials without solid or water content flag, 4) all entities in case you have set collisionStaticWorlsOnly spawnarg on emitter.

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26 minutes ago, stgatilov said:

The first one checks if the entity should be added at all, and this one can be forced with a spawnarg


What spawnarg and what setting do I give it specifically?


I tried both spawnargs with 1 or 0 set and none of them made a difference.


Are you able to stop the rain going through the water entity in the testmap? and if so what did you do to stop it?

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12 minutes ago, Goldwell said:

Are you able to stop the rain going through the water entity in the testmap? and if so what did you do to stop it?

You have to add water keyword to the material of the surface which you want to block rain.

All proper water materials should have this keyword, since without it player won't be able to dive into it. I know that one brush side is usually enough, but why not expect it on all water surfaces?

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19 minutes ago, stgatilov said:

You have to add water keyword to the material of the surface which you want to block rain.

All proper water materials should have this keyword, since without it player won't be able to dive into it. I know that one brush side is usually enough, but why not expect it on all water surfaces?


I guess therein lies the issue. I used a core material, one of the water overlays. Which is as seen below.



	qer_editorimage textures/water_source/green_plain_flat
		blend blend
		map textures/water_source/green_plain_flat
		alpha 0.9
		rgb 0.4



After adding the keyword water to it, that solved the issue. However going through the material files and looking at it we have a lot of water surfaces that do not have that keyword attached.

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Oh I spoke too soon, the material file for the one I used in my map does have the water keyword added but the rain goes straight through it still because of the translucent keyword.


Is there a way I can stop the rain without removing the translucent keyword with the material file below?



	qer_editorimage textures/water_source/water_dark
	description "dark, semi-transparent clear water with normalmap"

		blend bumpmap
		map	textures/water_source/water_green_local
		translate	 0.01 * sintable[time * ((( parm5 + 0.1) - (( parm5 || 0) * 0.1)) * 2)], 0.01 * sintable[time * ((( parm5 + 0.1) - (( parm5 || 0) * 0.1)) * 2.2)]
		scale 0.5,0.5

	deform turbulent sinTable 0.0175 (time * ((( parm5 + 0.1) - (( parm5 || 0) * 0.1)) * 1.5)) 10
		vertexProgram HeatHazeWithMaskAndDepth.vfp
		vertexParm 0 time * (( parm5 + 0.1) - (( parm5 || 0) * 0.1)) , time * ((( parm5 + 0.1) - (( parm5 || 0) * 0.1)) * 5)
		vertexParm 1 (( parm6 + 1.5) - (( parm6 || 0) * 1.5))
		fragmentProgram HeatHazeWithMaskAndDepth.vfp
		fragmentMap 0 _currentRender
		fragmentMap 1 textures/sfx/vp1
		fragmentMap 2 textures/water_source/vp_water
		fragmentMap 3 _currentDepth
		blend blend
		map textures/water_source/water_dark
		alpha 0.7




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2 minutes ago, Goldwell said:

I guess therein lies the issue. I used a core material, one of the water overlays. Which is as seen below.

This is material for water overlay, but not for water surface.
I.e. it is the material which is intended to be shown all over the screen when the player dives in. But not for the water surface itself.
If you look into tdm_water.mtr, most of materials there have "water" keyword. The rare material which don't should be fixed, I think.

The translucent keyword should not do any harm.

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I'm really confused.


So why is the rain going through that body of water in the screenshots I first posted?


It's being blocked by other entities and brushes in the map, it appears to only be the water entity that fails to block it.


Edit: If you change (in the testmap) that surface on the water to the texture "textures/water_source/water_dark" and then do the dmap/runparticles console commands. The rain will go straight through it as seen here







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6 minutes ago, Goldwell said:

So why is the rain going through that body of water in the screenshots I first posted?

Ok, I tried the material that you cited.
It has the turbulent deform, that's the reason it is excluded.

Something to think about. Maybe continue discussion elsewhere?


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Just now, stgatilov said:

Ok, I tried the material that you cited.
It has the turbulent deform, that's the reason it is excluded.

Something to think about. Maybe continue discussion elsewhere?


Sure thing!


I'll ping you back on the relevant dev forum thread about it.

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[Forgive me if this is the wrong place for this discussion.]
I've been beta testing two new FMs: JackFarmer's Hidden Hands: The Last Citadel, and The Painter's Wife. They are both large missions. In each mission, testers have run into a problem related to event limits. (Note: all of my testing is has been done on the most recent 2.08 beta).
1) In HH:TLC, at some point in the mission TDM crashes. There is no "The DarkMod.exe has stopped working" dialog - the process just disappears. One other beta tester reported a CTD as well. In addition, JackFarmer indicated that he had seen this error occasionally during his testing. 
I set logging levels and found this in qconsole.txt: "Recursive fatal error!". I tried to debug this issue further by building a debug version of the executable and setting break points in Visual Studio. Eventually I was able to get the error message to log: 
idEvent::Alloc : No more free events
(I posted the details in this topic: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20404-beta-testing-hidden-hands-the-lost-citadel/&do=findComment&comment=447958). From what I can tell, reading the code, this happens because we have exceeded MAX_EVENTS, which is currently 10240:
#define MAX_EVENTS (10<<10)
2) In TPW, I got this error:
[In case the graphic isn't readable, the dialog says this "Game Error. Event Overflow. Possible infinite loop in script."]
The FM developers have also seen this issue during development and testing of the mission. The C++ code indicates that this error occurs because the number of events exceed MAX_EVENTSPERFRAME, which is also 10240.
It certainly could be that there are bugs in these missions, that they are either inefficient or have a loop somewhere that is causing these problems. But I'd like to entertain the possibility that these large missions are simply pushing the boundaries of the event limits. I'm wondering if the event limit should be increased (that is, increase the value of constants MAX_EVENTS and MAX_EVENTSPERFRAME). I understand that there may be consequences of doing this - at a minimum, presumably, the DM exe might consume more memory. 
I just did a test: I had a save file from HH:TLC that always crashed on 2.08 -  after loading the save, if I just waited for a couple of minutes, the CTD happens every time. I downloaded the source code matching the current 2.08 beta 5 (SVN 8735). I built the release version and tried again - again, the same CTD happened within a few minutes. I then modified the code to double MAX_EVENTS and  MAX_EVENTSPERFRAME, to 20480. Those are the only two changes I made. I rebuilt the Release version of the executable, ran it, and loaded that same save. This time, TDM did not crash.
I acknowledge that this is a rather brute force fix. I'm not suggesting that 20480 is the best size to use. But, to me, it looks like there are a couple of large missions that are pushing up against the event limit. Perhaps it is time to consider bumping up this limit, as part of 2.08?
I'll sit back now and let the real TDM developers tell me why I'm wrong 😉
Edited by joebarnin
fix graphic
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7 hours ago, joebarnin said:
[Forgive me if this is the wrong place for this discussion.]

I think a separate thread would be better.



I acknowledge that this is a rather brute force fix. I'm not suggesting that 20480 is the best size to use. But, to me, it looks like there are a couple of large missions that are pushing up against the event limit. Perhaps it is time to consider bumping up this limit, as part of 2.08?

Why would someone want more than 10K events per frame?
The main question is: what are all these events, and why are there so many.
The problem is that there is no limit that would be enough for everyone. Someone could always write a loop over all entities and exceed any preset limit.

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Question: f_fboresolutionscale what kind of rescaler uses?

It works really well (performance wise) with the Intel "integrated" GPUs.



Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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4 hours ago, lowenz said:

Question: f_fboresolutionscale what kind of rescaler uses?

It works really well (performance wise) with the Intel "integrated" GPUs.



opengl's default bilinear AFAIR

LOL, did you mean to quote 'GPUs' instead of 'integrated'?

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Ahahah :D

Isn't it possible to add bicubic or some other rescaling option?

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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1 hour ago, lowenz said:

Isn't it possible to add bicubic or some other rescaling option?

I think it is possible, but it would require writing one more shader. So not for 2.08...
No idea which rescaling is best though.
Nbohr1more has complained that even with natural scale like r_fboResolution 0.5 the picture looks blurred, voting for "nearest" filtering 😲
So opinions differ here...

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On 5/17/2020 at 7:01 AM, Araneidae said:

OK.  It would have been easier if there was somewhere for me to upload the save file, but here are the steps (I've marked two steps which I think count as spoilers):

  • Start a new mission for The King of Diamonds (difficulty irrelevant)
  • Go to initial rendezvous at 219.72 -27.49 274.25 23.3 70.2 0.0 as required in briefing, pick up documents as requested.
  •   Reveal hidden contents

    Pickpocket key from engineer character, somewhere near -244.39 1132.31 52.7 -6.3 45.5 0.0

  • Unlock door at 2082.19 1702.78 66.25 -7.9 58.3 0.0 (after picking door behind you)
  •   Reveal hidden contents

    Climb onto pipe at 2547.04 1729.14 260.25 -9.7 -3.3 0.0

  • Enter compound, go up stairs, go through door straightahead, go into loft, and reach locked door at 1754.17 3027.94 468.25 8.0 -21.6 0.0. 
  • This door is locked, is unpickable, and the key is held by the trapped character inside.  His coordinates are close to 2172.21 3014.55 439.48 15.7 176.0 0.0: to my surprise I was able to walk inside his character mode, which is where that coordinate comes from.



Please update to the latest Beta and try setting:

tdm_ai_opt_disable 0

in the console.

This has cured the issue for me thus far.

Nevermind, after more testing the problem popped up with this setting too. Oh well.

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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New motherboard, new audio chip. Again, I cannot use seta s_device "default" and have configured with seta s_device "HD-Audio Generic, ALC1220 Analog (CARD=Generic,DEV=0)"
In a previous post I had got audio working by manually editing the .cfg. Now when I do it to use my new audio chip, I get this in the console:

OpenAL: found device 'HD-Audio Generic, ALC1220 Analog (CARD=Generic,DEV=0)' (A
OpenAL: found device 'HD-Audio Generic, ALC1220 Digital (CARD=Generic,DEV=1)'
OpenAL: failed to open device 'HD-Audio Generic, ALC1220 Analog (CARD=Generic,D
EV=0)' (0xa004), using default

From 'aplay -l' :

[john@pranqster Desktop]$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 8: HDMI 2 [HDMI 2]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 9: HDMI 3 [HDMI 3]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 10: HDMI 4 [HDMI 4]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 11: HDMI 5 [HDMI 5]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 12: HDMI 6 [HDMI 6]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 0: ALC1220 Analog [ALC1220 Analog]
  Subdevices: 0/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 1: ALC1220 Digital [ALC1220 Digital]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

From 'lspci -v' :

2f:00.4 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse HD Audio Controller
        Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] Device cc37
        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 66
        Memory at f7900000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=32K]
        Capabilities: [48] Vendor Specific Information: Len=08 <?>
        Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 3
        Capabilities: [64] Express Endpoint, MSI 00
        Capabilities: [a0] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+
        Capabilities: [100] Vendor Specific Information: ID=0001 Rev=1 Len=010 <?>
        Capabilities: [150] Advanced Error Reporting
        Capabilities: [2a0] Access Control Services
        Capabilities: [370] Transaction Processing Hints
        Kernel driver in use: snd_hda_intel
        Kernel modules: snd_hda_intel


Edited by PranQster
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System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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1 hour ago, PranQster said:

New motherboard, new audio chip. Again, I cannot use seta s_device "default" and have configured with seta s_device "HD-Audio Generic, ALC1220 Analog (CARD=Generic,DEV=0)"
In a previous post I had got audio working by manually editing the .cfg. Now when I do it to use my new audio chip, I get this in the console:

OpenAL: failed to open device 'HD-Audio Generic, ALC1220 Analog (CARD=Generic,D
EV=0)' (0xa004), using default


If you want an adventure, build TDM from sources, including all third-party libraries.
Perhaps rebuilt OpenAL would work for you.

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