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Fan Mission: A Night in Altham


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8 hours ago, joebarnin said:
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I'm puzzled - there's a crate in the warehouse lift, but it's not empty. It actually has some loot.


Interesting.  Probably user error then.  Possibly I grabbed the loot through the chest while trying to open it?  I can reload to an earlier slot from before entering the building and have another look - otherwise it's possible that I wasn't able to highlight it.

Either way, if it's just loot that's less of a concern.  I was more worried it was part of a puzzle I had missed.


EDIT: Okay, with the stuff in the chest, I cannot frob the contents in my main savegame, it simply doesn't work.  However, if I wind back to an earlier point from before I entered the building, it will work.  Strange.

I still can't find that key, though.

Edited by tapewolf
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On 1/29/2024 at 3:09 AM, tapewolf said:

I still can't find that key, though.

Sorry, my mistake. There is no key for that grate - you have to throw a switch that's at the guard shack. Sneak up behind him and you can throw the switch over his shoulder - he doesn't notice lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a masterpiece you people have created!!!! Is surely on the very top of the missions I have played so far. The docks area was absolutely lovely, so much that I  hesitated to enter the mansion, even after fulfilling the optional loot goal on expert, as I wanted to keep searching the area for ever. All that crazy mandling all around!!!!! 

And, then, here came the mansion!!!!  ;)

Thank you all for your great work!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just opened the grate, and I'm facing a gas hazard now. Thought that the pipe might lead somewhere, especially as there is a non-openable grate leading to the cellar of the adjecent building, but, couldn't find anything.

Any way to turn off that gas, or are we just supposed to walk through it and lose health?

Edit: Nevermind. Found out how to do it. ;) 

Edited by chakkman
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Finished this up yesterday and for the most part, found it enjoyable. :) The puzzles weren't too hard as your clues were good for them. 


This was a huge mission but loved the different sections. Stealth score wasn't the greatest (lost most of it in the sewers) as I had to alert some to get them to run over the mine. lol. Had to check here for the crown location, so thanks for pinpointing it. I didn't find out about the brick in the basement until later (knew there had to be a reason I could go there, just didn't find it) so climbed the beam (and singed my butt lol) getting pass the gas in the tunnel after dying to see if the body was Alan.

I also had trouble spotting the holes in the secret walkway (forgot about the peek action) then couldn't see the combo as I'd already been to Conrad's room and put the candle out. lol - note to self lol

Thanks for lots of arrows for the spiders, some took many, and I was thinking I might have to noclip by them but eventually they died. I didn't put two and two together to light the flame at the end of the cave, so thanks for the hint here. I couldn't take Alan's body back so had to hope the note would suffice for my good deed. I got 4 out of 2 so that was good. 

Thank you for all your hard work and I look forward to more missions from you. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

It was a weird mission, that's for sure. And you put a lot of original ideas into it. I appreciate that.

The machines were very convincing. I don't know if you made them or if they're part of the new edition, but they are excellent quality.

The game needs dirty water texture for its canals. And dirty building blocks.

It's very cool that the doors consume the keys.

The floor textures look strange on walls and ceilings.

It took me a little bit more than 9 hours to finish it.

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51 minutes ago, Gerberox said:

The machines were very convincing. I don't know if you made them or if they're part of the new edition, but they are excellent quality.

The steam engines are pre-fabs, so no credit for me. I don't know who made them - I agree, they are nice.

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Conrad Turner's room.

I am having difficulty with the cupboard and combination lock in one of the apartments. I can't find any books or papers giving any clues.  I watched a walkthrough on youtube but no answers there. Can anyone help ?

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1 hour ago, MPMcguire said:

Conrad Turner's room.

I am having difficulty with the cupboard and combination lock in one of the apartments. I can't find any books or papers giving any clues.  I watched a walkthrough on youtube but no answers there. Can anyone help ?

Have you found


the crawspace behind the rooms? (access from the manager's office). Then, use the Peak function to look through the holes in the wall. The combo is 


written on the back of a desk picture frame






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  • 4 weeks later...

How do I get out of the

area with the


consulate and the dock? I found a basement hatch that leads under water, but the grate exit at the other end is locked,

and I can't find any other way deeper into the city

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There are several ways.


In the water grate that is locked, swim down and look around for a key. Also, there is a mansion near the consolate - getting inside of it provides a path. And there’s a stairway the connects two sides of a building (again, not too far from the consolate), underneath it is a vent that can move you forward. 


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Thanks, I found a way.


So now I'm in the church and I'm perplexed by the


library puzzle on the map. There are no scrolls to be read on the shelves, and moving the ladders around doesn't do anything


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3 hours ago, Azaran said:

Thanks, I found a way.


So now I'm in the church and I'm perplexed by the

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library puzzle on the map. There are no scrolls to be read on the shelves, and moving the ladders around doesn't do anything



Look well, there are several scrolls hidden between the books in both libraries. Every scroll has an encrypted text which is revealed when you found all.


Edited by Zerush
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A big thank you and congratulations for this mission I would rate 10/10. I can't find a better one in my memory. It's so big and varied, full of new assets. Just... wow ! Finding a way through the


gas leak

was hard for me, as well as being able to jump and go through a narrow hole in the



I also gut stuck in this area just below the horizontal mesh hatch that opens with



Oh, and my game use to crash when firing a fire arrow at a


super-skeleton in the sewers.

Thanks again, you are so good at this.

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Wow, thanks for the response. Glad you liked it! 

14 minutes ago, plotzzz said:

I also gut stuck in this area just below the horizontal mesh hatch

Yeah, I notice that once too. I tried to fix it but obviously I didn't succeed lol

15 minutes ago, plotzzz said:

Oh, and my game use to crash when firing a fire arrow

Those kinds of crashes are the hardest kind to debug...

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello - I do like parts of this mission, and really do not like others. Case and point: with regards to the library...


How many scrolls are there to find?  I have found 3, and have literally spent over an hour looking for more, but the contents of the scrolls are still scrambled.  Based on an earlier post I read that the contents should be decoded once they are all found, so I assume there are more...  I have to admit that making the finding of all the scrolls this difficult is super frustrating, and not fun at all. It is my least favorite aspect of your FM, period. It would be really super cool of you just to tell me where they are so I can move on with this mission. PLEASE.



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I'm sorry about your frustration - I'm glad you've stuck with the mission so far. As for the library:


There are there are just 3 scrolls - so you've found them all. Their locations are given by a map that you find in the Scribes Room (downstairs). (There's a note in the Bishop's office that gives you a hint to look for the map there.). The map has a clue - it says "read each scroll". Once you read each scroll, something magical happens, and you should end up with one scroll that is readable.

So, read each scroll and see if that works. If you can't proceed, let me know and I'll give you the contents of the final scroll.


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OK, first off, let me apologize for my frustration - this was not your fault, but TDM's.  Something happened to my save game that was preventing things from working.  I started over from a save from right after the warehouse, and played up to the cathedral again.  This time, the scrolls worked like they should have.

So sorry if my ranting made you feel bad for this, but it really wasn't your fault. I had just gotten so dang frustrated that it wasn't working like it was supposed to.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

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