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Is there a way (outside of using a script) to force the player to look at a specific entity in a specific direction? I'm teleporting the player using the S/R system and want to make sure he's looking in the right place after the teleport.

But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com

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Is there a way (outside of using a script) to force the player to look at a specific entity in a specific direction? I'm teleporting the player using the S/R system and want to make sure he's looking in the right place after the teleport.


Set the "angle" spawnarg on the receiving func_teleporter to the direction you want the player to face when he arrives.

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Hrm, I'm actually using the stim/response system to teleport the player. I tried using the func_teleporter but it didn't work when triggered.


I just tested it and it works fine. How were you triggering the teleporter? My test is a simple trigger brush that targets the teleporter. When I walk into the trigger, I end up at the teleporter, facing the direction of its "angle" setting.


I don't have an answer for you if you're using stim/response.

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Don't know if anyone ever asked for this, but who cares. For the map I'm currently working on I needed some swinging lights. What I've done was to create a brush, texture it nodraw and created a func_pendulum out of it. Then I've bound the light entity to it. There are spawnargs on the pendulum to calibrate the swinging direction, the frequenzy and the amplitude. (They are not named pretty well, so you have to find out what they do by reading the descriptions).


By bounding a light entity on a func_pendulum that is bound on a func_pendulum you can get more chaotic behaviour, especially if you use different frequencies for both.


There are swinging lights around Im afraid, I remember them in the Pandora map. Still, that multiple pendulum sounds interesting for a dramatic light scene.

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For me, when I rotate things I go to the "Modify" menu and pick the option "Rotate and Scale". This lets you have much more control over the rotation as you can pick which axis to move and by how many degrees.


Grayman: let me check that out again and see if I was just doing something wrong.

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But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com

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Okay, so here's the issue: it appears that the func_teleport teleports whatever it is that sends the trigger signal. So in my test, I set up a switch that targeted the func_teleport and when I flipped the switch, the switch teleported instead of me. I tried using a trigger relay in between and it was still the switch that teleported.


In my particular case I'm using a conversation to trigger a sequence of events, including teleporting the player. When I use a conversation to trigger the func_teleport nothing is happening. I'm pretty sure now that what's going on is that either the conversation entity or the actor in the convo that's triggering the teleport is being teleported instead of me...is there any way to force the func_teleport to target the player instead of the triggering entity? Or alteratively, is there a way to add the player as an actor in a conversation (I tried with player1 but it didn't seem to work).


If nothing else works, what I'll do is set up a trigger_once in the exact spot the player will teleport to using the S/R system. That trigger_once will target a func_teleport which will have the angle set and will just move the player's head in the correct direction.

Edited by Moonbo

But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com

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I don't get the gist of what you're trying to achieve, but perhaps the switch, instead of targetting the teleporter, could call a script function.


That function would include this line:


$Teleporter.activate($player1); // Move the player to the teleporter


where "Teleporter" is the name of the teleporter.


This would also set the player's view angle to the "angle" spawnarg on the teleporter.


There's no way to force a teleporter to grab the player if the activater is not the player.

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Thanks Grayman,


I'm trying to steer away from scripts, but the workaround I mentioned in my first post (using stim/response to teleport the player onto a trigger which then uses a func_teleport to face the player in the right direction), while a little Rube Goldberg-y, did the trick :-).


I actually have another question for you though. I'm using the Builder Ghost that you made for WS1 and I notice that you didn't actually make a new skin but rather just modified some parameters in a .mtr file. I was wondering, is there a way to lower the transparency of the ghost, and also potentially to give the ghost a slight blue color?


Thanks :-).

But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com

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For the blue tinting, you'd need to take a copy of the original diffuse map for each body part (as defined in the materials file) and tint the copy blue using a paint program. I tried that for my ghost, and didn't like the results, so I stuck with his original colors.


Then you change the material definitions to use the new diffuse maps instead of the default ones. The specular and bump maps remain the same.


As for changing his transparency, perhaps someone familiar with the materials could answer. IIRC the "translucent" tag on a material gives it the default transparency level seen in the mission.

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IIRC the ghost skin is using an additive blend. This means the texture basically lightens anything behind it, so you'll see the ghost in dark areas but not so much in light ones. If you darken the texture, he should become more transparent.

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How to create indoor volumetric lightbeam with moving dust particles?

And how to create color glass light texture on the floor?



Edited by someTaff

What excuse do we have not to sculpt, and sculpt, and sculpt, until the job is done?

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How to create indoor volumetric lightbeam with moving dust particles?

And how to create color glass light texture on the floor?




Open phrase_book.map. (extract it out first from the .pk4)

In the mansion, there are several such light beams in the windows.


You can reverse engineer the idea: it is func_static patch (with special shaderparm settings) plus few lights. The map comes with a custom made light texture you can examine. I think I just took the origial window texture and made it grayscale with some adjustments. Examine the window texture and the material definition you will find in the pk4.


The moving dust particles I did not use in my setup, but you can add those simply by adding a func_emitter with smallish dust particle. I think I used one in my beleaguered fence map. Check the kitchen or barracks windows, in the first ground floor. I think the training mission had examples of window light beams with particles, too.

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-The mapper's best friend.

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I'm making some conversations to my WIP..


Hey, how do I make AI to run to a location in a conversation? In the conversation, there is only WalkTo* commands. No RunTo commands are available.

There is a possibility to make the AI run a scrip with RunScript -command. I tried to look around the script references, but there are no $name_of_AI.RunTo(place) -kind of commands. I only found MoveTo in the Doom3 events script file.


So how does one make an AI to run in a conversation?


-The mapper's best friend.

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Dont know it this is accurate, but Ive made AI "investigate" in a conversation by calling for that particular anim, while sending him to a walk to destination. You have to send him there, then activate the anim, if I remember correctly. He walks at the right pace too. That should also work with running.

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@Sotha: There is no script command allowing the ai to run. But you could use flee instead. AI always chooses guarded flee points of their own team first. So if you put the AI in its own team and set the team on a flee point the ai should run to, it should work.


You than just have to call flee from a script

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

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Okay, thanks for the tips, gentlemen. Fleeing sounds a bit too hacky, so I'll just have the AI walk instead of running. Not a big game breaker, just a small cosmetic weirdness.


-The mapper's best friend.

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Another way, I'm not sure but I think there is a run spawnarg or alwaysrun or somethingso if you can find that then set it to 0 to begin with then in the conv first set that spawnarg to 1 before you send him off.


On the other hand, I might be confusing it with a run spawnarg on a path point which make an AI run to it so maybe that's worth investigating to see if you can work it in.


In Alchemist I recall that when you release the prisoner he tries to run to the abandoned house near the start. Don't recall how I did that but worth looking at that too (that might have been just a path run though)

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So how does one make an AI to run in a conversation?


I don't know if this will work in the middle of a conversation, but I know it works at the end of one. Let's assume your AI's name is "Bob".


1 - Create a path_corner you want Bob to run to. Let's name it "RunHere".


2 - Set the spawnarg "run/1" on that path_corner.


3 - Create an atdm:target_changetarget (let's call it "ChangeTarget") with these spawnargs:


"add" "RunHere"

"target" "Bob"


4 - In your conversation, create an instruction step that triggers ChangeTarget.


When the conversation executes that instruction, "ChangeTarget" will add "RunHere" as a target on Bob. Bob will see that and, since RunHere has a "run/1" spawnarg on it, Bob will run to it.


The problem might be that the code might ignore path_corner traversing while the conversation is still executing, so Bob might not start running until after the conversation ends.

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"nodrop 1" the items physics will not be activated upon map start. It will not be dropped on the ground unless it is pushed with an arrow or other moveable.

"nopush 1" the item cannot be pushed to the ground with another moveable.


This way the only way to get it off is to frob it and move. I'm not 100% the spawnarg names are correct, check the names from the entity inspector that they really are "nopush" and "nodrop" or something similar.

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-The mapper's best friend.

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