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Great update Thanks! but a question.....

Unwanted Guest

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Things are really coming along! Thanks, must be as exciting for you creators as for us future players...


Neat the footsteps are going to be different, which made me wonder,


Can different footstep sounds be put to different AI's? - or at the least, hammer footsteps sound different than say civilians?... that idea.


Also, not sure if I saw an answer to this ( not even the question too, I guess...)

Will guards (still) drown if they go into deep water? If not, can they in anyway get out of the water? Hah, be cool if they could swim...but I know, too difficult to implement..or not now anyway. Heh heh, maybe they could float while doing a walking motion - kinda like treading water :rolleyes:






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I should say that after the alpha version, TDM has improved so much and still improving. You guys has put a lot of effort on this to make it this better and soon you'll release it for fans.:wub: I think you are excited as we are for it. Hope it will satisfy both sides. :)


btw I'll not realize the new update if unwanted guest doesn't open this topic. Anyway it looks like it is the last one before beta.

Edited by swordbreaker
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Can different footstep sounds be put to different AI's? - or at the least, hammer footsteps sound different than say civilians?... that idea.
Yes, they can. That's one of the best uses of soundshaders in Doom 3. :)


I don't know about AI pathfinding into water. I remember seeing it on the bugtracker before, but I can't recall its condition. I DO know that the easiest solution is just to monsterclip around water. :P


I, for one, love working for the Dark Mod. I put it on my resume when I applied for a network services job at my college. Apparently it made a big impression. B)

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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Not checked recently but AI certainly drown in water and I think their corpses rise to the surface and float face down. The only way out for them is if there is normal pathfinding I'm sure, for example, a ramp, sloping beach, steps out of a swimming pool. They cannot climb out.

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Hehe. I remember on my first play through of The Dark Project, I was being chased by a guard around Bafford's pool. I was panicking, so I just went around and around. Suddenly, I heard 'ahhhhhhh'...or something like that. Turned around and the guard was gone. Then I heard him taking damage down in the pool. One of those little unexpected moments. lol

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No problem either dragging or shouldering bodies. I think in that video the player heard the other builder coming and panicked. You can actually move in close to drag bodies realistically but they obey game physics so if friction or a leg gets snagged on a post it might break your grip but generally it is excellent. Sometimes you just grab a corpse awkwardly and it pulls out of your hand. Bit like real life when you're dragging a dead body.We've all done it right? :laugh:

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don't mind but I'm disagree with you on player dying sound. It fits and sometimes scares me with unexpected deaths.


Ok you have your opinion, and i respect that, but saying it fits imo is wrong. It fists in doom3 not on the Dark Mod, why? Because when your ear it, it reminds you of Doom3 and so breaks the immersion.


Sorry to disappoint you, but the Doom 3 player voice will indeed be replaced. I submitted the new voice sounds just yesterday.


Nice to know :)

Edited by HMart
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That combat video looked great! Seriously, I loved it. <3 Mount & Blade as well. Looking forwards to the full release.

Ha! So what if I am, huh? Anyways, I work better when I'm drunk. It makes me fearless! If I see a bad guy, I'll just point my sword at him. And saaaaaay "HEY! Bad guy! You're not s'pposed to be here! Go home or I'll stick you with my sword...'til you go...'Ouch I'm dead!' Ahahahah (hic) See? Ain't no one gonna be messin with old Benny."
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It seemed to me unneccessary to change it. But as you say you already did it, then it's fine.


Unnecessary for the main character to have a consistent voice? You do realize that we're going to be including some random spoken lines for mappers to use, and that any beta missions we release will likely have briefings that are spoken by the main character, right? It would sound pretty bad for our main character to speak with one voice and made all his pain/dying grunts in a completely different voice.

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You do realize that we're going to be including some random spoken lines for mappers to use ...

Cool! What's s/he gonna say? I want "come get some". :D


It should be kind of cool to vocalize "garret". ;)


So finally we know the name of the main character. It is not Garret. It is "Garret". ^_^



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Nah - still too similar. How about Attic? ;)


So finally we know the name of the main character. It is not Garret. It is "Garret". ^_^

What an ironic typo you have there. :P

My games | Public Service Announcement: TDM is not set in the Thief universe. The city in which it takes place is not the City from Thief. The player character is not called Garrett. Any person who contradicts these facts will be subjected to disapproving stares.
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I was talking about garretttttttttttttttttttttttttttt but somehow I missed the last letter. now is it ok with you guys? ;)



Drop one "t" and I love it!






Man, this is so exciting!!!!!, it will be better than Christmas ( gift-wise) when this comes out. Even after years of playing games devised with DM, I'll be at times mentally thanking you guys for it! What a lot of work & dedication!!!!!!!


Once my time frees up (~ wintertime) , I am DEFINETELY going to making some of the games - my 15 year old daughter wants to build some too, so this will be a fun father-daughter project :)



Just curious, and no need to be accurate, but what is your feeling as to how long it would take for someone with NO experience at all in making any kind of game whatsoever, to be pretty fluent with building a mission with DM?


Is Benny a FM character or T2 character, was just wondering if he will make an appearance or if he is copyrighted or something......



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If you do the A-Z tutorial, you'll be fluent enough to make a playable mission. You could do it in one day, or 2 or 3 sessions of an hour or two. After that, you might make an original (small) FM to apply what you learned, and learn a few new things along the way, and you could do that in a month or two.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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