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  1. Hello there! I'm a new member in this community and I really like what I'm seeing here! Anyway, after watching your official trailer, I wanted to provide a good translation for it. I'm a Brazilian and, for the past two years, have worked on some game localisations and video translation(subtitling). All of them being voluntary work. I have an intermediate skill in subtitling but my translation skills are superior. My subtitles are well formatted and easy to read, while maintaining the exact meaning of what is being said. I made them using Aegisub to ensure an acceptable quality. I'd be really happy if you guys accept it. Download link for the .srt file: (No longer available since the file is already added to the Youtube video) You guys made a really awesome game! Can't wait to see it released on Steam. Wish you guys the best with your project!
  2. Hi, I'm from Spain and I have some experience translating from English. I'd like to begin with St Lucia's mission, but I have some questions. I have read the topic 'How can I help?' and followed the link http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=I18N , but it is broken. I have unpacked the mission and found a file named english.lang. It seems to contain all the text of the mission. I guess that I should copy this file to another file named spanish.lang and start translating. But what should I do with the file when I finish? And how can I test my translating? Is there any problem with international characters? (áéíóúüñÁÉÍÓÚÜÑ¡¿) What codification should I use? Is there any problem if the translation of a book takes up more pages (or less) than the original text? Is there any kind of hyphenation implemented? I have found that specific objects' names -like keys and readables- are in the maps/*.map file, defined under the label 'inv_name'. What about arrows, flashbombs, etc? And how should I define the Spanish version of these names? Is there any further information I should know?
  3. I don't know if Anderson created a thread for this, but can someone from the team make sure this gets added to 2.06 please.
    1. Tarhiel


      Awesome, congratulations!!! :o

    2. Bikerdude


      Yup, all the remianing bugs were ironed out, so it nigh on perfect now.

    3. AluminumHaste


      version 2.1 is now uploaded to mirrors ready to download.

  4. Hi guys, through the "cheats" topic I got the idea, that it would be quite useful, if there were tags for missions (the post was about removing the killing restriction in some missions to suit the prefered play style). I don't know how easy or difficult this is, but with them, it would be quite convenient to pick missions with playstyles, environment, etc one does want to use. This could also be expanded to other mission properties. I remember a discussion about climbable drains, handles on doors, that cannot be picked and other things the map author chooses for himself. That way these things would be clearer and as I said before, it is easier to choose missions with playstyles that suit oneself. What do think?
  5. can somebody fix the mainpage of our site? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19469-new-layout-error/

    1. nbohr1more
    2. Springheel


      It's under construction at the moment.


  6. Experimenting with TDM on Steam Link on Android. see topic http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19432-tdm-on-steam-link-for-android/

    1. freyk


      Did the TDM team removed D3's internal Joypad feature? (tdm works only with systemkey binders for joysicks)

    2. freyk


      Thanks to shadrach, i got my joypad working in TDM on steam link!

  7. I recently started with DarkRadiant working through Fidcal's A-Z Beginner Guide and I thought it might be helpfull to have a German translation of this tutorial at hand. Actually i'm not the first proposing this. There were some people working on a translation quite a long time ago: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/11795-my-first-darkradiant-session/page-2 I suppose the project is abadoned... but i might get started on this again if there is some demand for a translation. So what do you (especially the German folks who haven't really got started with DarkRadiant yet) think? Would this be helpful to s.o. or are you just fine with the English version anyway?
  8. Got the following pack from Cbeam thats been sitting on my hard-drive for a long while now, In a nutshell I would like someone to help me create this pack or better still take over from me (as I have numerous other projects to be getting on with) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uco5WHa0aTQ The list of tasks that need to be done and I will update this as we go are - Create correct folder structure as per TDM norms. Create good hi-res normals. Create DX1/3 .DDS files. Create material defs.
  9. Phew ! Problem solved ! Now I'll move on ASAP to working on the base missions. I hope I can finish and spellcheck them by October. It's high time.

    1. Vae


      Good to hear! :)

    2. Bikerdude
    3. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      Yes indeed. :-) Now I just have to figure out how to test FM translations. x-D

  10. I'm pleased to announce that the remade GUI translation (updated for the current version) I've been working on is completed. Still testing it, but it seems to be as fine as before. I'll be moving on to porting the translation of the two base missions into the game files soon.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bikerdude
    3. SteveL


      Good going! (and gratz and kudos on completing it)

    4. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      Yeah, but I'll only be sending the whole translation for evaluation once I'm 100 % sure I've finished everything from the base game. If that turns out a success, I might move on to translating some of the other missions.

  11. Did a great find today: Quake 4 mods for dummies. Now online readable. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/5576-book-quake-4-mods-for-dummies/?p=412644

  12. @Springheel/Melan I have uploaded the pack to mega, could you guys when you get a minute have a look through and let me know which textures we can dump. - mega There are currently 83 unique textures in there, so Im hoping we can reduce that number. I can then make a start on getting them added to svn etc. ta.
    1. Obsttorte
    2. Bikerdude


      He changed ita long while back, it was so he was using the same name as he uses on other forums.

  13. That moment you log into TDM forums and suddenly feel nostalgic...

    1. Sotha


      Protip: if you never log off and stay for ever, there is no nostalgia when you visit.

    2. Melan


      Welcome back!

    3. RPGista


      Haha yeah, I feel like that from time to time. Good to see you around.

    1. demagogue
    2. jaxa


      I've found it difficult to find where TDM is listed as #1 on Greenlight. This page ( https://steamcommunity.com/greenlight/ ) has no ranked listing. This one ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=858048394 ) has no visible rank or stats page. Is it my script blocker?

    1. Anderson


      KOTOR is worth it. Especially the second game.

      I'm a big story guy so, that's my opinion for what it's worth if you're asking.

    2. Epifire


      Jedi Knight Outcast and the first KotOR are my favs there. Definitely worth it.

    3. Epifire


      Lot of other good games on there too. I forgot about Empire at War.

  14. Hello, gratulations on the 2.02 release everyone! Here is an updated for the German translation: http://bloodgate.com/tmp/german_update_2014-08-08.zip The all.lang file contains the update and should be used to regenerate german.lang - the included german.lang file was manually edited and used for testing and is for reference only. Some notes: The string "Hardcore" sounds very modern and out-of-place to me. In addition, there are a lot of "easy/medium/difficult" combinations already. It might be a good idea to change the English version to be more inline with the other combinations, so it would instantly allow it to be translated in the already existing languages. But its up to you. I also noticed while playing "Business as Usual" (wonderful mission, btw!) that there are a lot of auto-translated item names like "Hausschlüssel" (house key) while other remain in English like "Gate key". Maybe the code can be fixed to have a more loose match for item names which can be any of "Gate key", "gatekey", "Gate Key" etc. This way the translation of the HUD can be more complete without any work from the mapper. Let me know if that is of interest to anyone.
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