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  1. Hey, There should be a button there that allows players to check a list of credits that have gone into making the level. Especially voice actors, and others who have contributed in one way or other. Many people don't know, to read the readme, and it'd be a good way to thank those who've helped. Neon
  2. Yes, Hania Rani, i like her music a lot In some calm moments i like also electronic, mostly Klaus Schulze (RIP)
  3. Body awareness please. https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20013-are-you-gonna-add-this/
  4. Okay, I had no idea, I have googled it up now and you are right, to my own surprise. Done, I´ve put some paragraphs which were previously not in spoiler tags into spoilers.
  5. Horror themed fan mission - exploration of seemingly deserted keep in the middle of swamps. Spiders, undead, darkness. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the story about the fate of my family. My uncle, Ralph Mac Roberts, is the baron of a keep nestled deep within the Rahenaen marshes. It was once an important outpost tasked with guarding one of the few Builder roads that cross the marsh, but after the Inventor`s Guild built a system of nearby dams that flooded the whole land, the road closed and there was no longer anything to watch over anymore. The keep itself needed reinforcement against the raising water level and the trade routes become almost impassable, not only for the carriages but for lone couriers as well. There hadn`t been any messages coming from the keep for over a year and my father was about to assemble a caravan so he could go on an expedition to the keep himself. However, in the middle of the night before he was set to leave, a carrier pigeon landed on his windowsill. My father received the letter and read the apologies from my uncle and his family, excusing their long absence. As a way to make reparations for their extended silence, my uncle invited me to the keep to stay there for a fortnight or so. My uncle had instructed me to leave my horse three leagues away from the keep by the nearest charcoal burning hut and hike the remainder of the road on foot, as the trek through the marsh is treacherous for horses. The weather will be awful this time of year, but my father insists that I should go anyways to ensure that our relatives are okay. These plains become dreadfully deserted - to the point where you more expect to meet the dead than the living. And by the way - I think I`m lost. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aj1DVS465udZgVkXteBbr6cUxdPH Thanks: to the TDM team for great tools, and all the contributors for their assets, to betatesters: Amadeus, Bienie, Boiler's_hiss, Dragofer, Filizitas, Judith, nbohr1more, s.urfer, again to Amadeus for proofreading and text tweaks, and to all the players for their time! Few screenshots: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/10003-so-what-are-you-working-on-right-now/?p=434716 http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/10003-so-what-are-you-working-on-right-now/?p=429558 http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19886-fm-marsh-of-rahena-beta-testing/?p=434507 Enjoy! Walk-through !major spoilers! Finding a way across the marsh area: Getting inside: Bed objective: Light sources: Maps: Enemies: Room objective: Hut objective: Sealed objective: Gold: Key: Bodies:
  6. Thebigh is right. The pronunciation tripped me up too, but that is apparently how Leicester is pronounced. Also @TarhielI'm glad you are loving the FM but do you mind putting spoiler tags on your post please
  7. I loved it. Awesome game. I faceplanted at the people who asked for quest markers in the Steam forums there... Herr, lass Hirn regnen. The game is so great, and so true to the original, because it doesn't hold your hand. When is the new breed of gamers gonna learn.
  8. We will look at some of this stuff, but SPOILER tags, please!!!
  9. I would definitely love to see something like this. It would be a great way to write a cliffhanger or lead-in to a subsequent FM, and I would have used this for A Good Neighbor were it an option at the time. Ideally, it should also allow for custom music to be played; different from the music played during the briefing And yeah, when it comes to GUIs, simplicity is always best. These suckers are complicated and I have spent way too much time lately diving into these.
  10. Thanks! Sounds good, will look at it when I try the base concept. I take it multi-floor elevators also used a script or Stim / Response all along then? Didn't think about it before. Another gimmick I wanted to attempt... this is something I always wanted to try out in TDM, now that I'm working on a small FM with just a few ambient songs I figured it would be a good time. I like how in similar games the music changes when a guard is attacking you which also helps you know you're being attacked: How would I do this? If scripting is needed as will surely be the case, how do I check the highest alert level of an AI then stop whichever song is playing and play a fixed one instead, afterward when the AI calms down go back to the ambience defined in that zone? I noticed that in my first FM (and somehow still the only one I finished and posted to this day) I'd use $atdm_location_settings_1.setKey("snd_myarea","nosound") to clear or change the music in a place. I could do this whenever a guard changes alert level I guess, but I think the ambient music is only applied when the player enters or exits an area so I'd also need a way to refresh it. What are your thoughts?
  11. This may make sense in that the performance impact of the volumetric effect can scale with how much of the effect is filling the screen. We shipped with a “performance mode” but had to setup the entities by hand to do it (so it’s not perfect). If you change the LOD detail settings to “Low” or “Lowest” this will disable certain lights, particles and such that can be very heavy to render. You can try these settings and see if you notice an improvement. If not sending us some pictures of heavy areas (with spoiler tags please) will be helpful with tuning these “performance modes” in subsequent patches. Thanks for playing!
  12. Nearly an hour of Googling gives me nothing, so here I am. I know that "music" means SFX in TDM and so the music is tied to other sounds. Turning down the SFX means turning down other sounds I don't want to lose. So, is there a way in the cfg file to disable all the music - you know what I mean, come on - without turning down other game elements? Sound has been so vital for the Thief games since they came out, and a clean, realistic soundscape is so important. I don't hear ambient musical drones in my head in real life, why should I have to have them cover up important sounds in the game? I'm sorry if this went off topic. I don't want to start a discussion about whether the ambient musical sounds are good or not. I really only want to know - can I disable this in game? If no, then no. If yes, how do I do it?
  13. Those guidelines sound a bit outdated to me — like they were conjured up the era of dial-up modems. Ogg Vorbis files are not generally encoded with a specific bitrate, but with a quality factor which goes from -1 to 10. Quality of around 4 - 5 should be more or less transparent to most people, so I'd aim for this. The output bitrate will probably end up somewhere near the values given in those guidelines, but they won't match exactly, and that's fine. The important thing is the constant quality factor, which ensures that the music/SFX sounds good no matter how "complex" it is. Ambient background music should definitely be stereo. Mono music sounds like it comes from the middle of your head whereas stereo can sound like it is all around you (i.e. "ambient"). Of course this depends on the content of the music and how it is mixed, but there is absolutely nothing to be gained by mixing down to mono in this day and age. And if you do submit some sounds, please submit uncompressed (FLAC/WAV) versions as well as Oggs if possible. This allows the sounds to be remixed later (or used to create entirely new sounds) without introducing generation loss due to repeated compression.
  14. EDIT: These mods are now part of the TDM Modpack. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, In this topic I merge two topics that have been recently discussed: Fast doors (Topic: Slam doors open while running) Loot animations (Topic: Interaction with objects) Since the two mechanics share common libraries I merged them into a single download so that we can use them both at the same time. The set of files provided should work in any mission except: Snowed Inn by Goldwell & Kingsal Hazard Pay by Kingsal Shadows of Northdale ACT II - Down The Rabbit Hole by Goldwell Noble Affairs by Goldwell Missions above will play fine though, since the scripts they contain will override any stock or custom content. The only downside of all this is that previous saves will not work when you add the new files. You must start new missions from scratch. Consider yourself warned --------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST DOORS Credits: Idea and programming by Obsttorte. Treatment by snatcher. Description: Doors (and other items in the category) open and close faster when running. LOOT ANIMATIONS Credits: Originally found in the Noble Affairs mission by Goldwell. Programming by Obsttorte. Treatment by snatcher. Description: (From Obsttorte) "It basically moves the loot and other items towards the player a bit before putting it in the inventory upon frob, thus underlining the impression of actually taking it the way it was done in the Dishonored games. And yes, it is a script I've created at request by Goldwell." I further adjusted the script a little: Instead of moving the items towards the center of the screen, items are moved towards the body for best effect. The animation is a tad slower for best effect. Please note the download also includes the "frob_loot" sound found in the Noble Affairs mission. I find this sound fits extremely well the new animation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOADS AND INSTALLATION Download, unzip and move contents to your TDM folder. I recommend using a Mod Activator. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope someone shares a video showcasing these new additions. I am not into video editing, sorry. Thanks everyone mentioned in this post for their ideas, content and support. Much appreciated. Cheers! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: v3: Fast Doors: Removed the dependency with "tdm_mover_doors.def" to prevent breaking some missions. v2: Loot animations limited to loot that has some monetary value. Loot animations removed from paintings to avoid some errors. v1: Initial release FrobActions_Script_v3.zip
  15. Good day, I am the kind of guy who will say that he is incredibly busy and the like, but my actual excuse is that I don't have much motivation to learn how to make maps. However, I still have so many ideas that I think they might be good for "The Dark Mod", I'm sure some of you mappers might have the motivation to make maps, but no idea as to what to make or how, well this topic, hopefully, will help you greatly in making an amazing fan mission where we all have the fun we ALL deserve. I would like to organize this by one thread, many posts, because I think it would be best to have all my ideas in one thread instead of various, else people might get sick and tired of it, part of human nature to dislike the same ol' however good or bad it may be. So you may see some little bit of "disorganization", but rest assured I put keywords to easily find stuff. Also, there's probably gonna be "double post"...So I hope I'm exempt, at least in this here thread. You may ask whatever you want; suggestions, questions, a revision of my own idea, how should this be done...Etc etc, right in here, no problem. By the way, I have a feeling some of you may ask regarding trademark, ownership or credits, well... I do not care about them at all, as long as you don't do any commercial thing about it. If you get paid for making the mission, that's okay, you are the one making it, my idea is just an idea. For credits, I don't mind them, if you want to credit me you may go ahead, "Idea by The Black Arrow". If not, I am fine with that as well. I only care that you make a very good mission, I'm rather strict with that myself. PLEASE NOTE: This should be for mission-makers only, as there are a lot of spoilers
  16. A music video, that's a doom-style FPS browser game about waiting in line, where you have to punch yourself in the face: http://www.waitinginline3d.com/

    1. freyk
    2. teh_saccade


      He lasted 4 minutes longer than I did :)


  17. After a long time and a lot of delays, I'm extremely happy and relieved to announce the release date for my first map; Lords & Legacy, on Friday the 30th of August, 2013! Lords & Legacy v.2.1 Resume: Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/Lj8UJ#0 Notes: Build time: 2013/03/30 - 2013/08/30 To install, simply put the .pk4 file in your fm folder and install from the in-game mission menu. It is a large mission with optional objectives, so make sure to save often. The ropes in the beginning have a 'slick' surface, to simulate being 'slack lines'. They are difficult, but once you get a hang of the slide they can be fun. A couple of the large areas can be a bit rough on performance, and can be improved by adjusting the LOD slider in video options. A few of visportals open only when you get close. This is to keep the frames smooth inside the respective building, due to early inexperienced design. If you find any bugs which affect the gameplay experience, then you're very welcome to post them here, but please use the spoiler tags. Big thanks to 'Obsttorte', 'Springheel', 'Greyman', 'Bikerdude', 'Sotha' and rest of 'The Dark Mod Team'for all the help, guides and tricks. Also thanks to the other TDM users who provided fantastic support and feedback during the build. Thank you for beta-testing: 'Bikerdude', 'TylerVocal', 'Simplen00b', 'nbohr1more', 'Briareos H.' Special thanks to: 'Danus', 'Dsx' & 'Stanleh' for testing, help and support. v.2.0.1 changelog: Bugs: -The "Master Thief" challenge was impossible to do for a while, due to incorrect values. Fixed. -Getting seen by "The Killer" now also fails the "Ghost" challenge. -The 3 cardplaying guards no longer float mid air, as their chairs are now nailed to the floor. -Fixed the sound of the furnace continuing after the flames were extinguished. -Fixed weird glittering on the power cables around the map. -Fixed some moonlight popping in and out. -Fixed openable windows in Commons, clipping into the frame. -Fixed a book dropping through a desk. -Fixed visportals closing too close in Lancel's Tower, slight hit on performance though. -Added more monsterclip to Service Tower and Robert's Tower's entrance. -Improved a few vis_portals with func_portals. -Replaced curbs in Slums and Commons with some more detailed versions and changed textures. And a lot more little unecessary tweaks. Gameplay: -Added new challenge: (Jack White) - Do not knock-out anyone. -Reduced the amount of starting gear, depending on difficulty. -Added cubemaps to most windows on the map. -Redid most func_statics in Commmons Quarter to reduce tris and increase performance. Draw count is still somewhat high. -Removed all transparent windows as they didn't have actual gameplay value, just a performance drain in exchange for glitchy visuals. -Lancel's safe can no longer be picked. Find the key! -Added a couple minor cosmetic details in the sewers. -Moved a coinpurse from a wealthy commoner's sleeping butt to his nightside table. Also adjusted his furniture so thieves can better move around. -Changed sounds for several doors across the map. Once again, a big thanks to 'Bikerdude' for taking the time help out and locate room for improvement! v.2.0 changelog: Bugs: -Fixed various textures and surfaces and a few minor tweaks. -Tweaked some sounds to be in line with TDM 2.0 changes. -Fixed 2 certain AIs being too sensitive rather than drunk. (Thanks to AluminumHaste!) -Tweaked LOD on some objects, to prevent windows "popping" in and out. Gameplay: -Added more monsterclip to the towers, so the AI can now run up and down stairs. Only the stairs in the small tower has issues still. -Added more monsterclip in the city so the guards can follow you up all stairs. -Added a few minor details. -Windows in the city now dims sound, resulting in less aggro from guards and more convincing soundscape. -Reduced 'draw calls' in all the large areas, increasing performance. The map is still heavy at certain areas. Another big thanks to 'Bikerdude' and 'Greyman', for taking time out of their own schedules to help optimize the map's draw count and other significant adjustements! v.1.0.3 changelog: Bugs: -Fixed 4 black chairs in one of the towers -Fixed a floating painting -Fixed several clipping objects v.1.0.2 changelog: Bugs: -Fixed zfighting in the library's bookshelves -Fixed a black window in one of the towers -Fixed several typos in readables Gameplay: v.1.0.1 changelog: Bugs: -Fixed an issue with the main objectives not being in "sync". -Fixed console spam from a script Gameplay: -Adjusted required loot for each difficulty from "3000, 4000 and 5000" to "2500, 3500 and 4500".
  18. Still spreading the word about TDM on forums to new peops... Funny to see people say "Awesome, I loved playing Thief back in the day!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kano


      Yes it was in a discussion where someone was saying how unhappy they are with the way game companies grant themselves permission to do whatever they like to your PC and personal info today. I pointed out that giving up games completely is an unnecessarily overkill solution when there are free games like TDM to play.

    3. Epifire


      Honestly the mod/Indie genre is still really booming right now. And they aint got no reason to do shady invasive privacy bs.

    4. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      What Epifire said. :-)

  19. The nights are getting colder and you need to pay your rent on time before you get tossed out into the winter air. Luckily, your neighbor told you about a mysterious merchant from faraway shores who has come to the small hamlet of Wilford's Hollow, and he's staying at the inn next door. What's more, he's brought something with him... Gameplay Notes: 1) This is a fairly small map, but I did intend for this map to be a bit harder than normal Dark Mod missions, even on the lowest difficulty setting. But there will certainly be plenty of rewards for the careful thief... 2) This map implements the func_peek mechanic by allowing players to peek through any door that has a keyhole by leaning forward. PLEASE NOTE: This function has been known to cause crashes for players using the 32-bit version of the Dark Mod 2.07 (should be fine for those running the 64-bit version). While this function has worked painlessly for some, please be aware that crashing may occur. At no point in this mission is it required to use the func_peek mechanic, it is purely optional, so feel free to not use it. Download: This FM is available via the in-game downloader FM: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ghZ2tTf7IoRQiyWtz96pUNajPNPZb6UI/view?usp=sharing Promotional Screenshots: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bwuy0QPhaGpV32CgEdXhBIA5KgvcRueN?usp=sharing Credits: A HUGE thanks goes out to JackFarmer, Dragofer, and Bikerdude for scripting, EFX, custom ambient tracks, assets, answering a billion of my questions and doing so, so, so much more to make this mission something special. Thank you! Another GIANT thank you to my beta testers: Jedi_Wannabe, Bienie, Filizitas, joebarnin, bikerdude, Cambridge Spy, STRUNK, Lonewanderer, Rezar. Thank you all very much for your wonderful work and eye for detail! And another thank you goes out to Goldwell, Kingsal, and Grayman for scripting help and patient guidance. Assets are from: Springheel's Superb Modules Refl3ks' Rad Artwork Kingsal's Killer Assets Dragofer's Delightful Assets Epifire's Expert Models dmw's Dazzling Textures Spooks' Spectacular Painting for the Loading Screen R Soul's Fantabulous Assets JackFarmer's Miraculous Machines and Sounds Bikerdude's Bountiful Assets Hugo Lobo's Luxurious Textures ***PLAYER BEWARE*** SPOILERS lie in the depths below. I strongly suggest playing it first so you don't spoil the fun for yourself *** Version 2 Changelog: - Fixed several broken visportals - Fixed reflections in flooded basement, improved performance - New particles, models, and textures - Fixed broken AI pathing - Fixed fireplace glitch in the Inn - Fixed several texture issues - Added new secret objective - Lighting and fog changes - Implemented fade lights - Implemented Kingsal's inventory icons - Replaced slow match with flint - Increased bow draw speed using modified settings from Kingsal
  20. Congrats on the release. The names listed in the credits alone give away this will be a treat.
  21. @datiswous, made that correction fm_test.subs --> fm_conversations.subs @stgatilov, about srt naming and file location, would you be OK with the following edit? New/changed stuff in italics: srt command is followed by paths to a sound sample and its .srt file, typically with matching filenames. An .srt file is usually placed either with its sound file or in a "subtitles" folder. The .srt file format is described e.g. [1]. The file must be in engine-native encoding (internationalization is not supported yet anyway) and have no BOM mark. It contains a sequence of text messages to show during the sound sample, each with start and end timestamps within the sample's timeline. It is recommended to use common software to create .srt files for sound samples, instead of writing them manually. This way is more flexible but more complicated, and it is only necessary for long sounds, for instance sound sample of a briefing video. It's a simple enough standard that it can be shown as an short example, demonstrating that subtitle segments can have time gaps between them. And the example can show correct TDM usage, without requiring a trip off-site and picking through features that TDM doesn't support. Specifically, the example shows how to define two lines by direct entry, rather than using unsupported message location tags (X1, Y1, etc.). And skips other unavailable SRT font markups like italics, mentioned in the wikipedia description. The example would also show the TDM-specific path treatment. The example could be inserted before the sentence "It is recommended to use common software...."
  22. I get what you're saying, and I do have a tiny bit of music in one of my maps, but there's also a charm in portraying a part of the world, let it speak for itself, and then let the player decide what to feel about it - let the player explore his own emotions instead of being told what to feel. Sometimes music just feels like an uninvited teenager sperging out. You could argue that music would make any map feel less dull, and I'm not going to pretend that my map doesn't have dull parts. ...but I actually kind of like it dull and uncaring. I guess it's because I'm old, and my ticker can no longer handle excitement - I don't know. I also listen to podcasts while I play, and then the music just gets in the way. ...but I get what you're saying too.
  23. Public release v1.7.6 (with Dark Mod support) is out. Improvements since the final beta 14 are: Fixed a few remaining bugs with zip/pk4 support. Game Versions window now properly displays TDM version. Import window no longer has a vestigial off-screen TDM field (because TDM doesn't need or support importing). Web search option is now disabled if an unknown/unsupported FM is selected. If an FM with an unknown or unsupported game type is selected, the messages in the tab area now no longer refer to Thief 3 ("Mod management is not supported for Thief: Deadly Shadows"). The full changelog can be viewed at the release link. The de facto official AngelLoader thread is here: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=149706 Bug reports, feature requests etc. are usually posted there. I'll continue following this thread though. Thanks everyone and enjoy!
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