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  1. I think a little dynamics to the windows (with light) on various buildings would add quite some life to the dark mod. A first step might be to just simply animate the brightness of *some of* the window texture slightly and randomly +/- 5% or so to give the impression of a candle burning inside. Windows that are close to rooms - for example a window next to a window that you can open could perhaps be enhanced by shadows moving inside (for example when a guard/person is moving by). Not sure if this have been suggested before, or if this at all possible. Personally I think it would add a lot of life to the game and make it less static in places.
  2. Okay, I had no idea, I have googled it up now and you are right, to my own surprise. Done, I´ve put some paragraphs which were previously not in spoiler tags into spoilers.
  3. Hi, I need to know what the code is to use Spoiler Tags. I am using my tablet and I don't have the options to use anything, like spoiler tags, quote tags, text changes etc. Thanks
  4. Thebigh is right. The pronunciation tripped me up too, but that is apparently how Leicester is pronounced. Also @TarhielI'm glad you are loving the FM but do you mind putting spoiler tags on your post please
  5. We will look at some of this stuff, but SPOILER tags, please!!!
  6. This may make sense in that the performance impact of the volumetric effect can scale with how much of the effect is filling the screen. We shipped with a “performance mode” but had to setup the entities by hand to do it (so it’s not perfect). If you change the LOD detail settings to “Low” or “Lowest” this will disable certain lights, particles and such that can be very heavy to render. You can try these settings and see if you notice an improvement. If not sending us some pictures of heavy areas (with spoiler tags please) will be helpful with tuning these “performance modes” in subsequent patches. Thanks for playing!
  7. Only Thief 2 has that feature, but it can be enabled via scripting on Thief 1 and Thief 1 FMs. Personally, if I want the notifications, I add it to a Thief 1 FM after checking that it doesn't have objective-complete notifications. Otherwise, you might get double notifications. dbmods/objective-notify.dml DML1 #script "squirrel" // Enable objective-complete notifications ObjProp -2099 "Scripts" { "Script 3" VictoryCheckAux } To enable them on Between These Dark Walls, add the above file as "thief/FMs/darkwalls/dbmods/objective_notify.dml". The mission needs to be restarted from the beginning for the DML to take effect. By default, TFix (Full, not Lite) installs it globally for Thief 1 and Thief 1 FMs in the "thief/OSM/gamesys.dml" file. I don't recommend that, because it can conflict with FMs. EDIT I forgot to include the requirement of the "sq_scripts/victory.nut" script, which comes with TFix (Full, not Lite). So, either the "victory.nut" file needs to be put the FM's "sq_scripts" directory, or it needs to be included in the global script path, such as "thief/OSM/sq_scripts/victory.nut".
  8. I just finished Between These Dark Walls. It was very good.
  9. So, as everybody seems to have his own mapping thread, I thought about starting my own. I'm currently working on my map for the "unusual gameplay contest" and just set up a nice working elevator. I took a look one the multi-level elevator tutorial on the wiki and I think that my approach is much more easy to implement, so I thought I could describe it here. The elevator consists out of three parts: - a func_mover entity that will be our elevator-platform - the buttons that will control the elevator - a couple of waypoints, one for each floor what else do we need: a really short script, I'll go to explain further down The first step is to create an elevator-platform. This is your part . If your done with it change its classname to func mover (under entities/func/movers). Rename it to platform. (The names are for referance. Of course you can choose them as you like). The next step is to create some path_corner entities and place them, where you want your platform to stop. Be aware that the origin of the platform entity will move to the center of the bottom face of the pink block representing the path_corner. Let the platform target the path_corners. Make sure you start with "target0", then "target1" and so one. Start with the lowest path_corner and move upwards level by level. Create buttons for every floor on one of the levels. For the other you can just copy them around when we've set them up. On the buttons, you have to set three spawnargs. - target: let the buttons target the platform (so you have to insert its name here) - state_change_callback: set this to "movePlat". This is the name of the function we'll use to move the elevator - moveDir: set this to "0" for the lowest button, "1" for the next one and so one. This spawnarg controls which path_corner the platform should move to When you're done, copy the buttons to where else you'll need them. Ok, that's the setup in Dark Radiant. Now everything that's is needed is a script. And here it is. void movePlat(entity button,boolean bOpen,boolean bLocked,boolean bInterrupted) { entity mover = button.getEntityKey("target"); entity target = mover.getEntityKey("target"+button.getKey("moveDir")); mover.moveTo(target); } The "state_change_callback" is called everytime when the state of the specific object was changed, for example if a button is pressed. The function receives four arguments, of which we will only need the first one. The entity that we get here is the one who has called the script. In this case, the button we have pressed. Now what does the code do. The first line brings us the entity targeted by the button. This is our platform. We need to know this as we want to make it move The second line gives us the path_corner the platform should move to. Here you can see why you should start targeting them from 0 upwards and what the "moveDir" spawnarg is used for. An example: If you push a button whichs "moveDir" spawnarg is "1", than the platform targeted by the button will move to the path_corner targeted by the platform via the spawnarg "target1". The last line is quite self-explaining. It tells the platform to move to the designated path_corner. That's it. Pro's: - short code that is used for every elevator in the map (in fact you can use it for everything that translates) - fast setup Con's: - As I didn't tested it very much I don't know any if you find some please report here What is missing: - there are no sounds set up yet (will add them as soos as possible) - AI's should not yet be able to use the elevator (dido)
  10. Thanks. I figured out that Thiefs Guild seems to be THE site for browsing these missions. I already found Endless Rain there, when I checked skacky's missions. Looks like it's part of a series of maps, so, I'll probaby start with the prequel, "Between These Dark Walls".
  11. T2X is quite nice. The custom assets are very effective and I found the story pretty decent- not as solid as Dark Project but significantly more coherent than Metal Age. The only real rough edges were some of the vocals. Recording quality was a bit iffy here and there, and technical limitations meant that some conversations contained awkward pauses. It's a very high quality project and absolutely worth playing.
  12. If I were to choose a single difference between Thief and The Dark Mod is that the former feels cold and humid whereas the latter feels cozy and warm. Different beasts.
  13. Note that, when you take a picture, the brightness of IPS or TN panels are always exaggerated. Their background lighting isn't as bright as in the picture. And, an IPS screen is perfectly alright for playing dark games like TDM, as long as you opt for an IPS with a good contrast ratio, like my AOC 24G2U. It has a contrast ratio of about 1.300:0, which is exceptional for an IPS. If you want a panel tech which is best suited for dark games, there is VA. BUT, they have issues with the black/white reaction time, especially when you have dark screen content. It leads to the typical VA smearing of brighter screen content in dark screen content. Supposedly, the Samsung G7 monitors have the best reaction times of the VA panels, but they are curved displays, which isn't my cup of tea. Difficult topic, choosing a monitor for TDM. As I mentioned, I can recommend the AOC 24G2U. IMO, it's the best compromise. You get a colour accurate IPS panel, and an exceptional contrast ratio, which is very unlike the usual IPS panels. It's also quite cheap. I got mine for 169 €. What I wouldn't do is get a CRT... most of them aren't widescreen, they have old, even mostly analog connectors, which worsen the picture. And, they're also not as colour accurate as IPS screens. Not to mention that you have such a big device sitting on your table, and not to mention the convex curved display either. I really wouldn't bother with such obsolete tech.
  14. Are you new in town and you want to try The Dark Mod? Spend A Night in Altham. This mission shamelessly but masterfully throws at you almost everything this game has to offer.
  15. Good work! I enjoy short missions because things are nice and focused - you get in, you get out. Also I tend to do better with the loot amounts and I was able to get all the loot without too much trouble, which is rare for me. If I were to make a suggestion though - I found the intro briefing sequence a bit distracting because it was so obvious the narration was pitch-shifted to make a deeper voice. If you felt the original voice wasn't deep enough for your needs, I would either get someone on the forums to record it for you or just leave as is. That's my only real complaint and it's not even about the mission itself, so pretty good first start!
  16. Interesting. Can dark radiant import and render those in game? Have you tested them?
  17. @stgatilov I can reproduce this bug. TDM 2.11a. No mods. There isn't a specific mission, spot or situation but I identified some patterns and I eventually get the game to crash. In tdm_weapon_arrow.script I get the last print out in the console right before this sys.wait(). TDM then crashes. This perhaps doesn't mean much because many things are going on elsewhere at this point in time. I don't want to go the enable/disable settings route to further troubleshoot the problem: I can make the game crash. How do I get more more info for you from, I don't know, the binaries? Windows event log: Faulting application name: TheDarkModx64.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x63d6c10d Faulting module name: TheDarkModx64.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x63d6c10d Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x0000000000415e1f Faulting process id: 0x26f4 Faulting application start time: 0x01d9d66c90204ea7 Faulting application path: H:\GAMES\The Dark Mod\TheDarkModx64.exe Faulting module path: H:\GAMES\The Dark Mod\TheDarkModx64.exe Report Id: 3f3944ab-8451-4c1b-835a-11c984202c47 Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID:
  18. I've made a temporary solution for Windows 10. After applying everything dark radiant looks like this: Here are the steps: 1. In dark radiant in the menu "View" > "Colours" select "Black & Green" 2. Create a default_colors.reg file by just creating a text file and renaming it and insert the following into the file: (you can also export the reg file of your system by going to the address HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors in regedit and export for safety reasons) File: https://das-kartell.org/files/darkradiantdarkmode/default_colors.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors] "ActiveBorder"="180 180 180" "ActiveTitle"="153 180 209" "AppWorkspace"="171 171 171" "Background"="0 0 0" "ButtonAlternateFace"="0 0 0" "ButtonDkShadow"="105 105 105" "ButtonFace"="240 240 240" "ButtonHilight"="255 255 255" "ButtonLight"="227 227 227" "ButtonShadow"="160 160 160" "ButtonText"="0 0 0" "GradientActiveTitle"="185 209 234" "GradientInactiveTitle"="215 228 242" "GrayText"="109 109 109" "HilightText"="255 255 255" "HotTrackingColor"="0 102 204" "InactiveBorder"="244 247 252" "InactiveTitle"="191 205 219" "InactiveTitleText"="0 0 0" "InfoText"="0 0 0" "InfoWindow"="255 255 225" "Menu"="240 240 240" "MenuBar"="240 240 240" "MenuText"="0 0 0" "Scrollbar"="200 200 200" "TitleText"="0 0 0" "Window"="255 255 255" "WindowFrame"="100 100 100" "WindowText"="0 0 0" "Hilight"="0 120 215" "MenuHilight"="0 120 215" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM] "AccentColorInactive"=- 3. Create a dark_radiant_dark_mode.reg file with following content: File: https://das-kartell.org/files/darkradiantdarkmode/dark_radiant_dark_mode.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors] "ActiveBorder"="180 180 180" "ActiveTitle"="153 180 209" "AppWorkspace"="171 171 171" "Background"="0 0 0" "ButtonAlternateFace"="0 0 0" "ButtonDkShadow"="105 105 105" "ButtonFace"="40 40 40" "ButtonHilight"="20 20 20" "ButtonLight"="227 227 227" "ButtonShadow"="240 240 240" "ButtonText"="0 0 0" "GradientActiveTitle"="185 209 234" "GradientInactiveTitle"="215 228 242" "GrayText"="240 240 240" "HilightText"="255 255 255" "HotTrackingColor"="0 102 204" "InactiveBorder"="244 247 252" "InactiveTitle"="191 205 219" "InactiveTitleText"="0 0 0" "InfoText"="0 0 0" "InfoWindow"="255 255 225" "Menu"="240 240 240" "MenuBar"="240 240 240" "MenuText"="0 0 0" "Scrollbar"="200 200 200" "TitleText"="0 0 0" "Window"="76 76 76" "WindowFrame"="100 100 100" "WindowText"="210 210 210" "Hilight"="0 120 215" "MenuHilight"="0 120 215" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM] "AccentColorInactive"=dword:00303030 4. Here are the definitions of the entries, in case you want to alter the colors. Only the field which have description behind them seem to be relevant for the colors used in dark radiant. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors] "ActiveBorder"="180 180 180" "ActiveTitle"="153 180 209" "AppWorkspace"="171 171 171" "Background"="0 0 0" "ButtonAlternateFace"="0 0 0" "ButtonDkShadow"="105 105 105" "ButtonFace"="240 240 240" < background color of floating windows and main window controls - 40 40 40 "ButtonHilight"="255 255 255" < shadow color of text in floating windows like light properties/inspectors - 20 20 20 "ButtonLight"="227 227 227" "ButtonShadow"="160 160 160" < main color of text in floating windows like light properties/inspectors - 240 240 240 "ButtonText"="0 0 0" < color of a few button descriptions like "select set" or "property/value" - 240 240 240 "GradientActiveTitle"="185 209 234" "GradientInactiveTitle"="215 228 242" "GrayText"="109 109 109" < color of a few values in input field in floating windows - 240 240 240 "HilightText"="255 255 255" "HotTrackingColor"="0 102 204" "InactiveBorder"="244 247 252" "InactiveTitle"="191 205 219" "InactiveTitleText"="0 0 0" "InfoText"="0 0 0" "InfoWindow"="255 255 225" "Menu"="240 240 240" < 1 pixel high line under menu in main window - 240 240 240 "MenuBar"="240 240 240" "MenuText"="0 0 0" "Scrollbar"="200 200 200" "TitleText"="0 0 0" "Window"="255 255 255" < background color in a few selection frames in floating windows like "light texture" in light properties window - 76 76 76 "WindowFrame"="100 100 100" "WindowText"="0 0 0" < text color of many text in input fields in floating windows - 210 210 210 "Hilight"="0 120 215" "MenuHilight"="0 120 215" 5. Optional step only makes main frame title bar dark when selected: In windows right click on the desktop and select the option below! display settings (maybe adjust in english?) and in the following window scroll down, make a dark custom color and tick both of the lowest checkboxes for task bar and titles: 6. Edit: Titlebar color has been edited with [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM] AccentColorInactive The value is not present by default, so to revert to the original, this one entry in the folder just can be deleted again. The encoding of the DWORD 32 bit value (here 00303030) is: 00BBGGRR BB = Blue (Hexadecimal) GG = Green (Hexadecimal) RR = Red (Hexadecimal) 7. To swap to dark colors, click on dark_radiant_dark_mode.reg and integrate it into the registry. Log off in Windows and log in again (no restart required). Dark radiant is now in "dark mode". To swap back to normal windows colors for all other programs, click default_colors.reg, integrate it into the registry and log out and log in again. Hope this helps a bit
  19. Hello, Looking for help! This post list three seperate issues trying to compile Dark Radiant from the current git on Manjaro. We are currently using boost 1.60.0-4. First hurdle was there were no recent PKGBUILDS of Dark Radiant in either Manjaro or Arch so I took an old one for 1.8 an updated it for the latest git version. I could not get the Python plugin to compile until I figured out that there are two references to python in configure and configure.ac. One part of the code has python2-config and another says python-config causing (as I later found out) a mismatch between Python 2 & Python 3 which ended in a compile error. I gleaned this from the log file showing flags for both Python 2 & Python 3. I added the following sed statement to the PKGBUILD: sed -i configure configure.ac -e 's/\(python\)2\(-config\)/\1\2/g' and I managed to get it to compile. Note: I think it's linking now to python 3 as I see an error with a print statement in a script when I open Dark Radiant but it compiles now at least. I tried a sed statement changing all to python2 but it failed to compile so I stuck to the above sed statement. Both Manjaro and Arch use python to refer to Python 3 and python2 for Python 2. The second and latest issue concerns Linux makefile update commit abc15b2cad382c4f6655e7eda339d3ed41c7d4dd after this commit I can't compile anymore. It fails with the message Manjaro just updated to gcc-libs-multilib 6.1.1-1 gcc-multilib 6.1.1-1 lib32-gcc-libs 6.1.1-1 and I don't know if that has something to do with it as well. I hadn't compiled since the update. I would like to be able to compile again. The third and least problematic and not really a compile error is when I very first start Dark Radiant I get: This is annoying but when I try again it starts perfectly. It pops up a message saying I should check the log but I don't see any errors. As I said this only occurs the very first time I try to start it up for the day then from there it works fine. Any help or knowledge would greatly be appreciated. I attached my config.log of a recent build if this helps Thanks config.txt
  20. Damn, what a multistage FM! Little graphic issue in the levers room: https://i.postimg.cc/3NnDs71n/The-Dark-Modx64-2023-12-05-11-06-14-340.jpg
  21. I am pleased to announce the release of our new fan mission, The Hare in the Snare: Part 1 Mission type: City Missions + Inn/Tavern Description: People are being abducted off the streets and a Watch Captain requires the services of a thief to help him find out why. Download link (v1.0.2-release): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HYvM_u56wDB16uIlb7qgS_q3P24V69MO/view?usp=sharing Credits: Mapping and original characters: @Frost_Salamander Story, readables, custom models, voices and cinematics: @Kerry000 Menu title track produced and mixed by @JackFarmer with selected gigagooga sound samples Beta testers: @Cambridge Spy @Zerg Rush @Amadeus @Acolytesix @Lzocast @wesp5 @nbohr1more @Kerry000 @ate0ate @Wellingtoncrab @prjames Additional thanks: @Dragofer, @nbohr1moreand @peter_spyfor technical help @Springheel for the modules and tutorials @kingsalfor allowing @Kerry000to abuse his manbeast everyone else on Discord and the TDM forums who offered assistance Requirements and notes: This mission requires TDM 2.09. Earlier versions will probably work but you might see one or two missing models. You may experience some FPS drops in some areas with lower-end hardware. Mid-range and above should be fine. If you have issues, I highly recommend you use shadow maps instead of stencil (settings -> advanced -> shadows implementation). It makes a big difference. For 'Hard' and 'Expert' the light gem sensitivity has been increased by '1' (meaning easier for AI to detect you). Screenshots:
  22. Can confirm in 2.11, changing the (r_useNewBackend 1) in the Dark Mod CFG File to 0 still fixes the issue.
  23. I'd like to better understand what you want. The design of dragging bodies is to hold frob (key down) to drag and release frob (key up) to let go. That way it's impossible to walk away while unintentionally dragging a body. Plus, it's quick to grab and move several body limbs in rapid succession. This is thought to provide a better experience, especially for new players. Towards the beginning of this thread, I created a "tdm_frobhold_drag_body_behavior" cvar. https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22198-feature-proposal-frob-to-use-world-item/&do=findComment&comment=487580 "tdm_frobhold_drag_body_behavior", default:"1" Which drag body behavior? 1 --- on frob key up, drop body (limb). 0 --- on second frob, drop body (limb), TDM v2.11 (and prior) behavior. That cvar was removed shortly afterwards, because it was said that it wasn't needed. With that cvar set to 0, a second frob would be required to let go of the body. Is that the behavior that you want? If so, I can add that cvar back. Also, I saw elsewhere that you want the ability to revert back to the old way. If you mean that all of the controls match TDM 2.11, that can be done with "tdm_frobhold_delay 0" and there will be a menu setting to disable it as well.
  24. Following up on this, I found a fix to the problem by deleting the doors I created and replacing them with Entity doors selected directly from the Dark Radiant Entity list. So it was almost definitely a property of the doors I created, but I'm still curious what that would have been.
  25. Hello, newbie Dark Radiant user here, and I'd like some advice with a small problem I've been having. I was following Fidcal's "A to Z Beginner Full Guide", and got up to Page 4 where I tried making a path for a patrolling AI. The problem is the AI doesn't seem to like doors (which I created all the way back in Page 1). I did a test build where I simply deleted the doors to see if it was a problem with the brush or walkable surfaces, but the AI can move through all patrol routes normally under those conditions. With doors, however, I have a number of problems: 1) When a closed door exists between the AI and the first path_corner it's aimed at, it refuses to start walking. 2) If I open the door manually, the AI starts walking, goes through the open door, closes it, moves to the path_corner, waits, turns around and walks towards path_corner2, opens the door, and just stops. 3) If I open the door manually again behind the AI, it turns around to start walking towards path_corner2, but then just stops. I tried using "tdm_ai_showdest 1" to see if I could identify any problems, and the AI is obviously heading towards its next target path_corner, but the presence of a door (open or closed) seems to stop it in its tracks. I feel like I might have missed something during door creations that's causing this problem, but I'm not sure what it is...
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