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  1. Rather than pollute status updates, I thought I would post here. George Webb was purported to be a "citizen journalist" but at the end of his video series he has revealed that he was a former employee for McAfee (anti-virus company) and ed-Dutch Intelligence. After the disappearance of Eric Braverman (DNC CEO) and knowing that Eric was named as a leaker in Wikileaks, he knew that Andrew McCabe (head of the FBI) would be targeting Eric if he hadn't already done so and that George himself was under the same threat because he "knew too much". George began his series as more of a free-form ramble about the possible whereabouts of Eric that somehow became more cogent and coherent and laden with all sorts of facts about the Clinton Foundation, DNC, American Bridge, and all of their off-book revenue streams (rat lines). Lo and behold, at the end of his series he reveals that French Intelligence, Israeli Intelligence, Dutch Intelligence, Serbian Intelligence, and (yes) Russian Intelligence have all been supplying assistance with this quest for info. At then end, he was even getting assistance from a source in Congress. The end result? He has identified a 16yr saga of information control that was established via Hillary Clinton and the Pakastani ISI Intelligence. She has either enticed or forced a large number of legislators to use Blackberry's and Laptops under the control of the Awan Brothers who are apparently Anthony Weiner's IT staff and these devices have been harvesting data on the House and Senate members to either stay ahead of possible investigations or provide blackmail fodder. The Awan Brothers have fled to Pakastan and the majority of the devices are now in the hands of law enforcement. Once the encryption on these devices is cracked, the whole system comes down. George even names the encryption type used and wryly winks about how it's much easier to crack these days... He also identified Alpha Jollah, as the assassin of Seth Rich's ( DNC Data Director who worked for Bernie Sanders). And provided the link between Alpha Jollah, passport grants from Emirate art schools, and the Awan stolen car rings. All along the series, he was under indirect threat from Andrew McCabe but now John Podesta has personally threatened him and his children. As a counter measure, he as threatened that Podesta's art collection if anything happens to himself or his family. Will he get killed and then all his online media be scrubbed from existence? Debbie Wasserman-Shultz seems to be in hot water for working with the Awans now and is trying to coerce law enforcement to return the seized Laptops and Blackberries... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9wwKZYIxco
  2. -> https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/forum/13-music-sfx/
  3. I mentioned this in the improvements thread - https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/11058-things-that-could-be-improved/page/95/#comment-473534 Bright readables in a game that is 99% darkness literally burns my eyes.
  4. @HMart, you took issue with me saying: This was my summary of what I thought you meant in these post fragments from a forum linked to by Ref 10 (namely, https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20100-idtech-4-gui-scripting/#comment-439778 )... I see I probably shouldn't have added the "[as float parameters]" to the ambiguous "as well" phrase, and perhaps "recommended TDM try" is too strong. Overall, would this be better? "In Ref 10, it is noted that in transition statements, a 4-value color vector must be either a literal or (less reliably) a definevec4. Using a #defined macro for the color vector won't work currently... an idea for a future improvement?" EDIT - I see that a broader revision was needed. So changed to this in https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=GUI_Scripting:_TDM_vs_Doom_3,_Quake_4 ====transition 4-6 parameters==== Often, transition statements have a pair of 4-value color vectors as their 2nd & 3rd parameters. As the discussion in [[GUI Scripting: References & Resources | Ref 10]] indicates, each vector is traditionally represented by a double-quoted literal: transition "matcolor" "1, 1, 1, 0" "1, 1, 1, 0.8" "300" This was id Studio's preferred method, but using a definevec4 user variable was a possible alternative. In addition, TDM can #define colors for transitions. Unfortunately, due to syntax differences, for a particular color, it is not possible to create a single #define that would work with both properties and transitions; thus: #define INACTIVE_COLOR 0,0,0,0.50 #define SINACTIVE_COLOR "0 0 0 0.50" See [[GUI Scripting: Preprocessor Directives]] for further examples. (Possible future improvement: Changing TDM's parsing to let a transition also accept color vectors with commas.) See also the discussion above about 4vect properties and _x, _y, _z, _w suffixes.
  5. For a while, I've been researching the under-documented GUI scripting language and writing up a new wiki series about it. Fruits of this labor can be seen here: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=GUI_Scripting_Language As time, interest, and need allows, I hope people will it check parts of it out. It is certainly possible that I didn't get everything right; feedback can be offered here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21642-feedback-on-wiki-gui-scripting-language-series/ Thanks
  6. What I was trying to get at that there is no real difference. The end result is the same. The biggest drawback to the "theme" thing is that to create multiple themes, you have to visit almost everything mutliple times - or make one grand swep through things and assign the into multiple themes - at which point you might just as well "tag" them. For me this is semantic hair splitting, regardless on wether you use: * theme A: contains element a, b,c, d * theme B: contains element a, b,x, y or: * element a: tags A, B * element b: tags A, B * element c: tags A * element d: tags A * element x: tags B * element y: tags B The result from a point of getting the search result is the same, search for A and you get the same "set" in both cases. Just the storage is a bit different laid out. You are storing the same information in both cases, and with the over 10000 "things" we have in TDM (possible 15..20000), you need some sort of central storage and editing, anyway, because there is NO WAY you are gonna sort 2000 material shaders into themes, or tag them manually, and then repeat the same for sounds, particles, skins etc. Edit: Searching for "A" is a bit easier with the themes, because you can just "take" everything in the theme. But thats a storage algorithgm difference, and needs not to be visible to the user. The idea here is that a theme works good if the users wants anything in the theme, but breaks down if you add search modifiers. Like "give me everything from theme A but no sounds, and then add every entity from theme B". At this point the user might as well say "give me everything tagged with A except sounds, and every entity tagged with B" and there is no difference in output. Just that parts and mixing themes makes no so much sense as just saying "give me a list of things that match these tags", which essentialy is. The "theming" thus leads the user to believe they get something different, which they don't.
  7. Welcome to the Dark Mod forums! I enjoyed browsing your gallery. =-)

  8. I'd say the Tech Support forums are the correct place for rendering issues like this. The DarkRadiant forums are for development and feedback on DR, while the Newbie DarkRadiant Questions thread in the Editing Guild is for general mapping questions. Regarding the silver platter, if I'm not mistaken it contains a reflective stage in its material, which might be conflicting with your mirror. It's not a very noticeable reflection imo, so could derive a new material without that stage and apply it via a skin as a workaround (if nothing else works).
  9. Gosh.. Since when did the image upload in the forums stop working... Anyway.. I tried out the new view setup - thanks a lot for all the advices. I positioned a little "attribute bar" to the right. So as soon I select an entity I can see its spawnargs. However what did not matter as it opened as a new window before does come to light now that it is just a small bar: The size of the spawnargs view is really small and there's lots of empty space that could be used for it instead - however I cannot enlarge the attribute / value part of the window - it just stays by a few rows. Maybe I'm doing something wrong - maybe it is a possible new feature in the next update - here is the screenshot: https://ibb.co/PcSmFT2
  10. 1. If you want to use custom work (sound, models, textures) from released missions, best thing is to ask the author if he/she agrees. So far, Sotha is the only one who permits unlimited usage of his custom work (he expressed that here on the forums). He just wants to be credited. 2. If mission authors from released maps are not available anymore, then I do not know what to do. @Dragofer@nbohr1more: Any suggestions? I would say, that's the same situation as described above, just replace "released mission" with "abandoned work". As for my released work, feel free to use whatever you want.
  11. Bikerdude Nope, as the engine would then have no way of opening them. That and all resources used by the mode are covered by CC, which is the equivalent to opensource. 04 Jun nbohr1more Interesting question though. We integrated different zip libraries in the internal builds so there might be some sorta support for reading encrypted files but there's no API interface for passing the credentials. If encrypting will bring in more content creators (etc) I'm not implicitly apposed to it but it's on pretty shaky ground... Sotha's Photo 05 Jun Sotha "I am not selling TDM FMs. I am distributing the .pk4s freely, but you gotta pay for the decryption key!" 05 Jun freyk There is always a way. But why? Everyone should play fms and not selected few. Epifire's Photo 05 Jun Epifire Well the engine would have the required libraries to run the pk4s without a hitch. The encryption would prevent direct access and tampering of data within the directory itself. 05 Jun freyk Give us the freedom of modding, patching, improving your and our fms/stuff. an encrypted fm-pk4 crashed my tdm instantly, as predicted 05 Jun Judith It's not necessarily about selling FMs. If someone's making a lot of custom stuff, and just wants people to play the mission, without tampering with their stuff, there's no such option so far. 05 Jun nbohr1more Another justification. "I want to sell my new model on an asset market like Unity Store but I also want to show if off in a TDM mission I am building. I don't want people to unpack my mission and grab my model for free." If we allow mappers to encrypt, it may encourage pros to release more high-quality content knowing it can act as a platform to advertise their works. 05 Jun kano Encryption is one of, if not the worst things to happen to single player gaming. Games with encrypted assets prevent the player from learning, experimenting, improving, or otherwise getting more use out of the game than the time that it takes to complete said game. Locked down games that can't be modified or extended are why I won't spend more than 10 bucks on mainstream games anymore. And encrypting game assets is kind of pointless, because at some point they must be decrypted to be displayed. And with determined users, there are programs to "rip" them from the video memory, like 3DRipperDX. 05 Jun MoroseTroll Epifire: What about checking the hash of your own PK4(s)? This could provide some integrity for you data, if I get you right. Also, you could provide your own PK4(s) with intentially broken headers, and fix them on the run. 06 Jun Judith Kano, that's the problem: when you're an author, you don't want your stuff to be modified without your knowledge, and IMO Thief community is notorious for grabbing everything that's downloadable and doing whatever can be done with it (see Object repository thread on TTLG), so at least some control over your assets would be appreciated. Fortunately 3d ripper dx worked with DX9 games only. 06 Jun Epifire Well it certainly is a worth notion for content protection. Interesting discussion nonetheless. 06 Jun Obsttorte Well, the licence TDM is under already states that everyone can do anything with it. I think the assets fall under same licence, not sure. However, if you are releasing something for free anyways, why do you care what others do with it? 06 Jun Judith I'm not saying what we do is art, but compare it to exhibiting a painting and letting everyone paint over it and display it in other galleries as well. Some authors may not like it. Other more complicated cases include e.g. using paid textures as base (you can't distribute your work as an image, even if such paid texture is used as a layer in Gimp / just a component of your texture). 06 Jun Obsttorte I don't hink the comparision with the painting suits here. As said, the whole point of modding is 'modifying' things. In addition, you normally don't destroy the original source, but work with a copy. Regarding your second point, we avoid using assets that are protected. This includeds everything you have to pay for. 06 Jun Judith Does modding means zero control over the stuff you made? I don't think so. Maybe such disagreements over what modding is why engines like Unreal introduced packages. That discussion deserves its own thread, IMO. 06 Jun AluminumHaste This mod is open source, Creative Commons. Anything created for it is no longer yours, it is then in public domain for ANYONE to use as they see fit. You have to understand this BEFORE you make and release something for the MOD. If you cannot live with this then don't create anything. If you make a clock tower I can then use it to make clock tower chess boards, and you don't like it, then it's too bad. Anderson's Photo 06 Jun Anderson I don't see how CC is a problem for the author later reusing this in any professional field. It's not like anyone will plow TDM to find material to sue anyone. Take it easy. Any open source project is non profit and therefore profit is the last thing to think of unless getting experience or something to write in a CV about. That's it. Judith's Photo 06 Jun Judith In Unreal engines you can use all the assets the way you want, but you can't export models or textures outside the editor to modify them. That's the kind of author's control I'm talking about, and I believe that might have been the reason for Epi's question. Anderson's Photo 06 Jun Anderson Understood. Well, Unreal is a specific thing. Most people here have jobs and for them TDM is quite a hobby. So if you want to you can find a way to do something similar if you can argument your position to implement this (for Epifire). Judith's Photo 06 Jun Judith It's not about money, more like sense of authorship. I don't want people to edit my photos or publish them without captions/proper credit) either, this is absolutely normal. Anderson's Photo 06 Jun Anderson Well, if they are contributed to a project, it is reasonable enough to expect them to be adjusted/modified/improved? After all it is in common interest, especially if the author no longer shows up and goes AWOL. For example the account is terminated/forgot password/the author dies. Photos are also a personal thing, while various art assets, sfx, voiceovers are sort of a contribution. If it's made for the project, their existence is tied to the project. It's for the public i... Judith's Photo 06 Jun Judith That's a fair point. Although locking assets this way isn't bad either. You can improve things ad infinitum, and this way you have to take responsibility and submit something finished, not counting on others to do additional work. Anderson's Photo 06 Jun Anderson True as well. But realistically it's better to have the chance of someone picking up something old and abandoned. AluminumHaste's Photo 06 Jun AluminumHaste Okay, wasn't trying to hurt anyone's feeling, just pointing out the reality of this project in particular and how it works. Regardless of how other projects work, whether it's other indie projects or UT/Epic etc, The Dark Mod (which includes everything that comes with the mod, and anything added later) is under CC. Maintaining control over something you've given to TDM is not how it works. Not sure what Epifire is needing in particular as he... AluminumHaste's Photo 06 Jun AluminumHaste okay lol, this needs a thread, can't fit replies in. Bikerdude's Photo 06 Jun Bikerdude <Sigh> Anderson's Photo 07 Jun Anderson <Sigh intensifies> Judith's Photo 07 Jun Judith ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ jaredmitchell's Photo 07 Jun jaredmitchell Not to re-stir the hornet's nest here, but as far as I know the license from the source code in idTech specifies that only code, not assets, are required to be released. Does the license under The Dark Mod go further? stumpy's Photo 07 Jun stumpy I've had loads of things nicked and no credit for being the originator, it something you have to live with and lump it. Judith's Photo 07 Jun Judith Most of my stuff is properly unwrapped anyway, so you can't do much with these textures unless you really know what you're doing. That should discourage most people. I'm more afraid about models being used outside the mod. nbohr1more's Photo 07 Jun nbohr1more Our asset license is BY-NC-SA. This is mainly because we use assets that are "free" but are contractually bound for non-commercial distribution. (1) nbohr1more's Photo 07 Jun nbohr1more I don't see a problem with FM authors including their own non-free assets in missions. The questionable area is "selling an FM". It technically doesn't break the rules but it definitely could cause some sorta legal concern because the asset owners could conflate the FM authors with the TDM team. nbohr1more's Photo 07 Jun nbohr1more (Asset owners for 3rd party assets we include in TDM) Judith's Photo 08 Jun Judith Is it possible to add your own clauses to that, like "you may not use these assets outside TDM without author's permission / please contact me"? nbohr1more's Photo 08 Jun nbohr1more Yes, you can add any license stipulations you want to your readme just as with the original Doom 3 SDK. Springheel's Photo 08 Jun Springheel Holy crap, 39 comments? That's got to be a record. Nobody wants to make this a thread? freyk done.
  12. Setting password in ZIP file actually means encryption. No decompression software can unzip your password-protected file without properly entered password. Any DRM is breakable, unless it turns a single-player game into an always-online game. So DRM is by definition "security by obscurity", and usually most of this "obscurity" comes from the fact that source code is closed.If TDM distributes password-protected pk4, then it also has to know the password in order to load it, at which moment it can be easily learned by everyone.Of course, there are several options here:Always use fixed password, e.g. "alpine": then everyone would know it after a month or so, and it would have no effect. Use different password for each mission. Looking at the source code, it is relatively easy to find the place where password is passed. After that, anyone can get the password by setting a breakpoint (if they want to). If it is passed over network, it can be sniffed in the network traffic (setting a breakpoint is much easier).As coder myself, I would not waste my time on adding passwords, because I think it is useless. Also I fear that it can generate conflicts in future. If you want to protect pk4 from inspection by ordinary player, the sole fact that it has extension "PK4" instead of "ZIP" should be enough to stop a lot of people from looking inside. Speaking of licenses. I think adding a license is the only proper way of protecting your stuff, although I would prefer to have everything freely available. But there is one important point to keep in mind: you should not forbid others to modify your work! Otherwise you may harm longevity of your FM. Imagine that TDM team decides to do an important breaking change in the code. Yes, breaking changes are always avoided as much as possible, but it might be a very rare case when fixing all FMs is easier than supporting the old behavior. Suppose that TDM team cannot get in contact with you, and your mission is license/encryption-protected from modification. Then your mission would stay broken forever. At least, this point applies to materials, definitions, declarations, shaders, and other code-like files.
  13. I don't really like the idea of encryption. It goes against the heart of the game. This was made by the community for the community. We put so much time into our levels and resources we add to the game, and I can understand a desire to protect your work, but you have to understand this is a free game, and missions etc are intended to be free. Creative Commons when fully understood is a great way to make use of others work to improve or alter it for a different purpose. The only thing that pisses me off about CC is when some dill thinks it means he can steal my videos. lol As for ZIP, I don't think there is encryption in zip, but there certainly is an ability to password, something I'd be really against for the above reasons.
  14. Also, fllood isn't active on the forums a lot it seems, so maybe another person can give authorisation when @fllood isn't around? Just an idea. I guess I could pm this to fllood. Edit:
  15. Would be interesting to also see a shot of the mission in DR too for mappers to get a better idea of how much there is and how dense (brush, patch and entity counts would be good too). @Baal Have you tried sending a PM to fllood? Simply pinging them with @ only gives them a notification when they log into the forums, while a PM will also get sent to their email.
  16. Hello!

    I saw on TDM forums that you are a very talented level designer. Could you lend your talents for The Sly Project? (http://tsp.comlu.com)

    We have no level designers yet and the project was announced almost a year ago. Please join us! I'm looking forward to your answer friend.

    Best wishes: Oszkár Winkler

  17. Hello!

    You mentioned on TDM forums that you are a skilled modeler. Could you lend your talents for The Sly Project? (http://tsp.comlu.com) There are only a few models we need.

    If you are interested, please e-mail me: woszkar@gmail.com

    Thank you! :)

  18. DarkRadiant 2.13.0 is ready for download. A lot of fixes and improvements made it into this release. Several point files can be selected for display now. DarkRadiant is now capable of comparing maps, both in differential A vs. B comparisons as well as three-way merge scenarios (when both maps share the same ancestor). Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/2.13.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks go out to all who helped testing this release! Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. Changes since 2.12.0 Feature: Ability to choose from several different pointfiles Feature: Aspect ratio preserving Fit Texture option Feature: ModelSelector: add ability to rescan folders without having to reload all models Feature: Add "Show Material Definition" to ShaderSelector tree views Feature: Paste material-header to surface from clipboard with hotkey. Feature: A way to display editor_usage in the Entity Inspector window Feature: Selection by coords Feature: Three-Way and Differential Map Merge Feature: Map Comparison/Diffing Feature: Git Version Control Integration Plugin Improvement: Show axis when 'R'otating entities Improvement: Improve workflow for adjusting light brightnesses Improvement: Map Loading Performance Improvements Improvement: Refresh entity inspector when reloading defs Improvement: Increase maximum zoom level of 2D views Improvement: "Choose entity..." button for all def_ spawnargs Improvement: CTRL + MMB in orthoview: place camera at height of most recent selection Improvement: Added Documentation for Layer Script Interface Improvement: "Shift textures randomly" shifts all selected faces by the same amount Fixed: Problems with particle preview obstructing the view Fixed: Cannot view or copy from built-in Filters Fixed: Auto-save is slow when animation or particle viewer is playing Fixed: Non uniform light volume scaling not working Fixed: BC5 normal maps cannot be loaded Fixed: Copying a particle in the Particle Editor creates an ___editor list entry which can lead to crashes Fixed: Create Entity window no longer remembers the previous item Fixed: Model exporter: no model is exported if folder path doesn't exist yet Fixed: Non power of 2 textures show up black in Fixed: 'Change game/project' fails to save if a decent-sized .map was loaded Fixed: Reload Defs is messing up the entityDefs Fixed: Crash when using Reloading Defs after placing an Entity Fixed: Entity & Speaker windows don't remember their size Fixed: Restore non-uniform scaling for texture browser. Fixed: Some ASE models do not load Fixed: Prefabs importing miles away Fixed: Path entites rotate 15 degrees, each time when dragged. Fixed: Crash when activating GameConnection Feature "update entities on every change" Fixed: Model previewer not displaying ASE or LWO models Fixed: Crash when selecting an MD5 model in "Create Model..." menu Fixed: Crash when activating the Material Editor in Doom3 game config The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Have fun mapping!
  19. Hello! I just joined the forums to report an annoying bug. I don't know if it's specific to this map or just a game bug but I have played most of the other missions and this is a first for me. Before i picked up the key to the junkroom i tried to open the door and i got the "needs junkroom key" message on my screen... but that message never went away. I had to complete the mission with that on my screen the entire time, overlaying all the other messages that appear. a reload/restart didnt do anything to solve the problem. A few of the on-screen messages at the beginning didn't make sense to me and were kind of cryptic, like a riddle i didn't get. one of them was something about an alarm? otherwise i liked the mission, pretty challenging and I know i missed some spots. cheers
  20. [update] Spoke to Marcus @AMD UK on the phone and as it turns out a number of complaints have been made against "Spyre". My AMD forum account has been unbarred and my Ip address unblocked!!! Bought a new gfx card for xmas, been having issues with mainly the driver So I though a good place to look for support and polity vent etc - or so I thought My second post got flamed by some smart arse fanboy and then promptly locked, to which I reported the posted asking why it had been locked.. and then my account on there got deleted and my Ip blocked (untill the isp dhcp refreshed etc) so I cant login even with a different account name. I have emailed AMD directly about this as I did nothing wrong according the t&c's and I got no warning Pm or email from the forum mods. Now I've been over at the nVidia forums a long while back when I had the 8800GTX when I was equally frustrated when posting about the driver issue with thief etc, but at no point did a thread get locked or worse my account deleted. I don't have loyalty to AMD or nVidia but depending on the answer I get from AMD next week this card maybe going back and AMD will be added to the list of manufactures I will never buy anything from again. So whats the moral of this story, well take your pick.. [update] found cached copies of 1 of my posts Cached AMD frum link Cached AMD forum link2
  21. Can't use spoiler tags, so here's the file I'm using for beta4.
  22. when i do a search, it give me some results, I click on a result and exspect to get taken to the post it specifies - but no..... I get taken to the first post of the bloody thread it is in..ggrrr
  23. @Zerg Rush: Any further clues or suggestions or strategy should be wrapped in spoiler tags, please.
  24. Regarding the sound: Instead of creating a speaker via script, you could create the speaker in a seperate (e.g. where the start-weapons and items are stored) and move it to the player position, when you need the sound. When the sound should stop, you could move it back to its former location. That way, you can have the speaker on repeat all the time or you could handle it like you would any other speaker. Regarding the speed potion: By the way: If you are searching for somethin in the forums, I would recommend to use google with a "site:forums.thedarkomod.com" before the term you are searching for. This limits the google search to the forums and the google algorithm is way better than the search function of the forum itself. In this case it was the second hit of the search.
  25. It's interesting because I recently read a thread on the Doomworld forums on people's opinions of single-segmenting maps in classic Doom/Doom 2. In other words, playing a map from start to finish without using saves - if you die, you have to replay the entire map. The general consensus was that saves are useful, however there was some merit in there being extra tension and challenge knowing that death couldn't be rewound easily by reloading a save. On the other hand (and speaking as an adult), people have to work and often have limited time for gaming. Having to replay a long map because you died can be quite off-putting and takes the joy out of a game if it happens often enough. Savegames keep the tempo going, keeps the feeling of progress going. Also someone pointed out that starting a map from scratch after a death is kinda like using saves anyway, just a single save at the beginning. You're just being tedious by denying the use of saves in this case. Dunno where I'm going with this. Trying to be diplomatic and say I can see all sides to the discussion.
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