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  1. It seems like more and more "thief" and "thief players" is becoming a short hand to dismiss community members earnest desire to improve the game - which happens to be a barely legally distinct "thief style" game which was made by thief fans for thief fans and is "designed to simulate the stealth gameplay of Thief". Who is the predominant player base of the game supposed to be beyond fans of the thief games? Is there some better avenue to find feedback for the game beyond this forum? FOSS and linux forums? I have seen maybe half a dozen posts from that segment. I am a thief fan, I play thief fms, my association with those games is what drives me to play and make things for this game. Are we supposed to pretend the original games are not a huge reason why most of us are here at all? TL;DR version:
  2. Thanks! 1) Doing LONG_PRESS PAD_A (what I, for lack of knowledge, call "jump-mantle" or "_jumpmantle") differs from doing PRESS PAD_A ("_jump"). "_jumpmantle" differs from "_mantle", so they must be mapped to different button-calls. "_jumpmantle" differs from "_jump", so they must also be mapped to different button-calls. This appears to be the case, but it is not evident (or changeable) in DarkmodPadbinds.cfg. "_jumpmantle" seems to be hard coded to always connect to the same button as "_jump" but with a long press. It is as if bindPadButton PRESS PAD_A "_jump" is not actually just binding PRESS PAD_A to "_jump", but rather interpreted as "link PAD_A (regardless of button press time) to behave exactly like keyboard SPACE for short and long presses". I would have expected the default DarkmodPadbinds.cfg to explicitly read: bindPadButton PRESS PAD_A "_jump" bindPadButton LONG_PRESS PAD_A "_jumpmantle" bindPadButton PRESS PAD_B "_crouch" bindPadButton LONG_PRESS PAD_B "_mantle" ... but neither LONG_PRESS PAD_A or "_jumpmantle" is listed in the file. If there are actions "_jump" and "_mantle", I suppose there must also be an action "_jumpmantle" since it is possible for the player to do all those movements: * "_mantle" does the movements "crouch on the high surface, then stand up" * "_jumpmantle" idoes the movements "jump slightly forward, then land standing on the high surface" * "_jump" idoes the movements "jump up, then land exactly where you started" If the actions "_jump" and "_moveup" are not synonymous, then perhaps the action "_moveup" is what i call "_jumpmantle"? 2) Thanks for the link! It was useful in more than one way. I'll link to that page from https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Bindings_and_User_Settings#Gamepad_Default_Bindings if I can get an account on the wiki, which proved more difficult than i thought (https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22327-how-can-i-create-an-account-on-the-tdm-wiki/). However, it does not answer my question how to find out the name ("<button>") used for a button on my gamepad. Basically, I would need to press the button on my gamepad and some program could tell me "That button is called 'PAD_A'". In my case, I have a gamepad "Logitech F310" (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Logitech_F310_Gamepad.jpg) which has a "Logitech button" (see image) that I want to use. I was hoping to find out the "button name" for that button and then edit DarkmodPadbinds.cfg to map it to a function. 3) ... but if that button has an "unusual name" that TDM does not recognize, then it may perhaps not work. E.g. if that button is called "PAD_LOGITECH" and TDM cannot recognize that name, then I cannot map anything to it via DarkmodPadbinds.cfg. Using QJoyPad I can map any keyboard key to it instead, as a workaround, but I cannot map MODIFIER to it (since MODIFIER cannot be set to a keyboard key). If current implementation is still called "experimental", then I must say it works very well; @cabalistic: kudos for that! I may not have continued playing TDM had it not worked with a gamepad.
  3. It is possible that this is a setting that needs to be activated to work: https://mantisbt.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=23221
  4. Me? just passing by... the features offered by the game are pretty much complete to great success. I don't know what happened in the past but it seems nowadays all modding effort goes into missions and I miss a more general modding scene. A "pick what you like, enjoy it your way" thing. The game is well supported, the people behind have clear and reasonable goals, new releases with bug-fixes and improvements come often and mods can help in keeping games relevant for longer, at least, as far as re-playability goes. This is the reason I stumbled across the Unofficial Patch rather quickly: there was nothing else to choose from. Once again, thanks for your pioneering work.
  5. I am going to sort-of reveal that this is loosely like the nature of my upcoming mission. I noted it here when JackFarmer asked about things that are coming along in this post: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/profile/37993-jackfarmer/&status=3943&type=status It too is a builder church. The player is requested by a hopefully famous character in another mission to handle some business that is affecting the congregation. I am looking to invoke some info and history laid down in other missions as a hook story.
  6. I created the page: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Lightgem In the source I placed the following text: <!-- Page text made by forum user Fiver: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22327-how-can-i-create-an-account-on-the-tdm-wiki/&do=findComment&comment=491145 --> Personally I think the page isn't really necessary because the info is already present under HUD.
  7. I've mentioned a few times before, I'm a big fan of old Half-Life 1 mods, especially the They Hunger trilogy. But the sad thing is, Half-Life is an aging game, albeit with a meme fanbase. Not many people in the newer gaming generations are familiar with these great games simply due to them being mods for other old games. So, I want to try and share that special, magic feeling I got going through the adventure in the County of Rockwell the first time with a new generation of gamers. But I'm not good at modding myself. My question basically boils down to, how much would I be looking to cough up in dough to pay a programmer to recreate the They Hunger Trilogy in a newer, more advanced engine?
  8. Thanks for the replies, gonna try those spoiler Tags again now for my short review (oh well it inserted one above my text now and I can't seem to delete it on mobile - this text editor is strange)
  9. Just finished this mission and wow I gotta say in great honor to Grayman and of course the rest of the team picking it up, this was something I've never seen before in any other TDM mission, especially visually wise. I am so happy that grayson gave green light for other experienced mappers to finish his last mission. And what came out of this is really something special. I'll put my review in spoiler tags since I'm now referring to critical mission details. Edit - How do I put spoiler text here on mobile?? [spoiler] test [/spoiler][SPOILER] test [/SPOILER] [spoiler[spoiler [sfah
  10. Iris really did a great job with that aspect of world building: disease and addiction that warp the sufferer's perceptions of reality. The player character himself is one of the afflicted (or at least is implied to be by environmental storytelling) and this is portrayed in the game world through his experiences and actions. Additionally it's left open to the player whether the affliction causes delusion or merely sensitizes sufferers to a hidden, deeper layer of reality. This is fantastic stuff, and if TDM ever wanted to carve out a unique narrative identity for itself from the Thief games and their modding scene, the lore and themes established in Iris might be a good starting point.
  11. @nbohr1more@HMart I tried all settings. It did not change much. Only the AA set to 8x resulted in siginificant less load. But I tried one other thing. Through exzessive Skyrim modding I have some experience with Reshade. I just downloaded it and activated a few default effects without an extra profile. Its a quiet good topping. I think I like the HDR effect. One example (I had to cut the pictures because of the size) WITH HDR through Reshade Without Or: WITH WITHOUT
  12. Okay, I had no idea, I have googled it up now and you are right, to my own surprise. Done, I´ve put some paragraphs which were previously not in spoiler tags into spoilers.
  13. Thebigh is right. The pronunciation tripped me up too, but that is apparently how Leicester is pronounced. Also @TarhielI'm glad you are loving the FM but do you mind putting spoiler tags on your post please
  14. In the first post of the other topic Geep proposed: Then Stgatilov's answer: But I think applying subtitles in different languages shouldn't be too hard I would think, but I don't know how the current translation system works. The engine should apply the correct subtitles based on the applied language setting, this doesn't need a whole new language system I think. Not sure who's going to write those subtitles though. I can only do Dutch and English and nobody needs Dutch I think. I suggest further discussion of this to take place in topic https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21741-subtitles-possibilities-beyond-211/
  15. Hi guys, through the "cheats" topic I got the idea, that it would be quite useful, if there were tags for missions (the post was about removing the killing restriction in some missions to suit the prefered play style). I don't know how easy or difficult this is, but with them, it would be quite convenient to pick missions with playstyles, environment, etc one does want to use. This could also be expanded to other mission properties. I remember a discussion about climbable drains, handles on doors, that cannot be picked and other things the map author chooses for himself. That way these things would be clearer and as I said before, it is easier to choose missions with playstyles that suit oneself. What do think?
  16. We will look at some of this stuff, but SPOILER tags, please!!!
  17. This may make sense in that the performance impact of the volumetric effect can scale with how much of the effect is filling the screen. We shipped with a “performance mode” but had to setup the entities by hand to do it (so it’s not perfect). If you change the LOD detail settings to “Low” or “Lowest” this will disable certain lights, particles and such that can be very heavy to render. You can try these settings and see if you notice an improvement. If not sending us some pictures of heavy areas (with spoiler tags please) will be helpful with tuning these “performance modes” in subsequent patches. Thanks for playing!
  18. Creating a new thread for this as it was being discussed in an old beta-testing thread starting here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21822-beta-testing-high-expectations/&do=findComment&comment=490751 I suppose the main questions are: when should this spawnarg be used, if at all? why was it introduced in the first place? Can we get it documented properly on the Wiki so misuse isn't propagated? @stgatilov @Dragofer
    1. Tarhiel


      Awesome, congratulations!!! :o

    2. Bikerdude


      Yup, all the remianing bugs were ironed out, so it nigh on perfect now.

    3. AluminumHaste


      version 2.1 is now uploaded to mirrors ready to download.

  19. Hello! Tracking down information on software and plug-ins that work with D3 / TDM can be a tough. So I have created a thread here where people can post what software/ plug-ins/ tutorials or other references they've had success or failure with in TDM. 3DS MAX 2013 64bit .ase - Default .ASE model exporter works. However you have to open the .ase file in text edit and manual change the *BITMAP line on each material to read something like: "//base/textures/common/collision" which allows the engine to read the correct material path. md5.mesh / animation - Beserker's md5 exporter/importers for 3dsmax. http://www.katsbits.com/tools, Importing and exporting works. The model must be textured, UV'd, with a skin modifier attached to the bones to export. PM me (Kingsal) for help with this. Imported models using the script will not be weighted appropriately, so this is not recommended if you are simply trying to edit existing tdm content. (Use blender instead) MAYA 2011 32bit md5.mesh - So far I've not had any luck with Maya 2011. I am using Greebo's MayaImportx86 for Maya 2011. I've got the importer working however I get a "Unexpected Internal Failure(kFailure)" and the import fails. This could be due to something finicky in Maya that I am not doing correctly. Will keep trying.. Blender 2.7 about - Blender is commonly used and pretty well supported on the forums/ wiki. Various versions may work as well - https://www.blender.org/download/ md5.mesh / animation Blender MD5 importer/exporter (io_scene_md5.zip): https://sourceforge.net/projects/blenderbitsbobs/files/ Sotha's guide Blender Male/ Female rigs by Arcturus - Here Edit by Dragofer: more links found in this post.
  20. That's the first thing people think about when I tell them about tdm (or maybe modding in general).
  21. After a long time and a lot of delays, I'm extremely happy and relieved to announce the release date for my first map; Lords & Legacy, on Friday the 30th of August, 2013! Lords & Legacy v.2.1 Resume: Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/Lj8UJ#0 Notes: Build time: 2013/03/30 - 2013/08/30 To install, simply put the .pk4 file in your fm folder and install from the in-game mission menu. It is a large mission with optional objectives, so make sure to save often. The ropes in the beginning have a 'slick' surface, to simulate being 'slack lines'. They are difficult, but once you get a hang of the slide they can be fun. A couple of the large areas can be a bit rough on performance, and can be improved by adjusting the LOD slider in video options. A few of visportals open only when you get close. This is to keep the frames smooth inside the respective building, due to early inexperienced design. If you find any bugs which affect the gameplay experience, then you're very welcome to post them here, but please use the spoiler tags. Big thanks to 'Obsttorte', 'Springheel', 'Greyman', 'Bikerdude', 'Sotha' and rest of 'The Dark Mod Team'for all the help, guides and tricks. Also thanks to the other TDM users who provided fantastic support and feedback during the build. Thank you for beta-testing: 'Bikerdude', 'TylerVocal', 'Simplen00b', 'nbohr1more', 'Briareos H.' Special thanks to: 'Danus', 'Dsx' & 'Stanleh' for testing, help and support. v.2.0.1 changelog: Bugs: -The "Master Thief" challenge was impossible to do for a while, due to incorrect values. Fixed. -Getting seen by "The Killer" now also fails the "Ghost" challenge. -The 3 cardplaying guards no longer float mid air, as their chairs are now nailed to the floor. -Fixed the sound of the furnace continuing after the flames were extinguished. -Fixed weird glittering on the power cables around the map. -Fixed some moonlight popping in and out. -Fixed openable windows in Commons, clipping into the frame. -Fixed a book dropping through a desk. -Fixed visportals closing too close in Lancel's Tower, slight hit on performance though. -Added more monsterclip to Service Tower and Robert's Tower's entrance. -Improved a few vis_portals with func_portals. -Replaced curbs in Slums and Commons with some more detailed versions and changed textures. And a lot more little unecessary tweaks. Gameplay: -Added new challenge: (Jack White) - Do not knock-out anyone. -Reduced the amount of starting gear, depending on difficulty. -Added cubemaps to most windows on the map. -Redid most func_statics in Commmons Quarter to reduce tris and increase performance. Draw count is still somewhat high. -Removed all transparent windows as they didn't have actual gameplay value, just a performance drain in exchange for glitchy visuals. -Lancel's safe can no longer be picked. Find the key! -Added a couple minor cosmetic details in the sewers. -Moved a coinpurse from a wealthy commoner's sleeping butt to his nightside table. Also adjusted his furniture so thieves can better move around. -Changed sounds for several doors across the map. Once again, a big thanks to 'Bikerdude' for taking the time help out and locate room for improvement! v.2.0 changelog: Bugs: -Fixed various textures and surfaces and a few minor tweaks. -Tweaked some sounds to be in line with TDM 2.0 changes. -Fixed 2 certain AIs being too sensitive rather than drunk. (Thanks to AluminumHaste!) -Tweaked LOD on some objects, to prevent windows "popping" in and out. Gameplay: -Added more monsterclip to the towers, so the AI can now run up and down stairs. Only the stairs in the small tower has issues still. -Added more monsterclip in the city so the guards can follow you up all stairs. -Added a few minor details. -Windows in the city now dims sound, resulting in less aggro from guards and more convincing soundscape. -Reduced 'draw calls' in all the large areas, increasing performance. The map is still heavy at certain areas. Another big thanks to 'Bikerdude' and 'Greyman', for taking time out of their own schedules to help optimize the map's draw count and other significant adjustements! v.1.0.3 changelog: Bugs: -Fixed 4 black chairs in one of the towers -Fixed a floating painting -Fixed several clipping objects v.1.0.2 changelog: Bugs: -Fixed zfighting in the library's bookshelves -Fixed a black window in one of the towers -Fixed several typos in readables Gameplay: v.1.0.1 changelog: Bugs: -Fixed an issue with the main objectives not being in "sync". -Fixed console spam from a script Gameplay: -Adjusted required loot for each difficulty from "3000, 4000 and 5000" to "2500, 3500 and 4500".
  22. Started logging to C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\DarkRadiant\/darkradiant.log Today is: Fri Apr 17 11:08:46 2009 This is DarkRadiant 0.9.12 x86 GTK+ Version: 2.14.5 ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/archivezip.dll' Module registered: ArchivePK4 ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/commandsystem.dll' Module registered: CommandSystem ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/eclassmgr.dll' Module registered: EntityClassManager ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/entity.dll' Module registered: Doom3EntityCreator ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/entitylist.dll' Module registered: EntityList ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/eventmanager.dll' Module registered: EventManager ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/filetypes.dll' Module registered: FileTypes ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/filters.dll' Module registered: FilterSystem ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/grid.dll' Module registered: Grid ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/image.dll' Module registered: ImageLoaderTGA Module registered: ImageLoaderJPG Module registered: ImageLoaderPCX Module registered: ImageLoaderBMP Module registered: ImageLoaderDDS Module registered: ImageLoaderGDK ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/mapdoom3.dll' Module registered: Doom3MapLoader ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/md5model.dll' Module registered: ModelLoaderMD5MESH ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/model.dll' Module registered: ModelLoaderMD3 Module registered: ModelLoader3DS Module registered: ModelLoaderASE Module registered: ModelLoaderMS3D Module registered: ModelLoaderMDC Module registered: ModelLoaderMD2 Module registered: ModelLoaderFM Module registered: ModelLoaderLWO Module registered: ModelLoaderPICOTERRAIN Module registered: ModelLoaderOBJ ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/particles.dll' Module registered: ParticlesManager ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/scenegraph.dll' Module registered: SceneGraph ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/shaders.dll' Module registered: ShaderSystem ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/skins.dll' Module registered: ModelSkinCache ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/sound.dll' Module registered: SoundManager ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/uimanager.dll' Module registered: UIManager ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/undo.dll' Module registered: UndoSystem ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/vfspk3.dll' Module registered: VirtualFileSystem ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/xmlregistry.dll' Module registered: XMLRegistry ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/plugins/dm.conversation.dll' Module registered: ConversationEditor ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/plugins/dm.difficulty.dll' Module registered: DifficultyEditor ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/plugins/dm.objectives.dll' Module registered: ObjectivesEditor ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/plugins/dm.stimresponse.dll' Module registered: StimResponseEditor ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/plugins/eclasstree.dll' Module registered: EClassTree ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/plugins/script.dll' Module registered: ScriptingSystem Initialising module: ArchivePK4 ArchivePK4::initialiseModule called => Module ArchivePK4 initialised. Initialising module: Camera Initialising module: EventManager Initialising module: XMLRegistry XMLRegistry::initialiseModule called XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/user.xml XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/colours.xml XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/input.xml XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/menu.xml XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/commandsystem.xml XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\DarkRadiant\/user.xml XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\DarkRadiant\/input.xml XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\DarkRadiant\/filters.xml => Module XMLRegistry initialised. EventManager::initialiseModule called. EventManager: Modifiers found: 3 MouseEventManager: Buttons found: 5 MouseEventManager: XYView Definitions found: 6 MouseEventManager: Observer Definitions found: 11 MouseEventManager: Camera Definitions found: 2 EventManager successfully initialised. => Module EventManager initialised. Initialising module: ShaderCache Initialising module: OpenGL OpenGL::initialiseModule called. => Module OpenGL initialised. Initialising module: OpenGLStateLibrary => Module OpenGLStateLibrary initialised. Initialising module: ShaderSystem Initialising module: PreferenceSystem Initialising module: Radiant Initialising module: Clipper Initialising module: CommandSystem CommandSystem::initialiseModule called. => Module CommandSystem initialised. Clipper::initialiseModule called => Module Clipper initialised. Initialising module: EntityClassManager Initialising module: UIManager UIManager::initialiseModule called Found toolbar: view Found toolbar: edit Found toolbar: texture Found toolbar: textool ColourSchemeManager: Loading colour schemes... => Module UIManager initialised. Initialising module: VirtualFileSystem Initialising module: GameManager GameManager: Scanning for game description files: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/games/ XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/games/doom3.game GameManager: Found game definitions: doom3 GameManager: Selected game type: doom3 GameManager: Map path set to e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/maps/ GameManager: Prefab path set to e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/prefabs/ VFS Search Path priority is: - e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/ - e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/ - e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/ => Module GameManager initialised. VFS::initialiseModule called [vfs] searched directory: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/ [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/saintlucia.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/game01-base.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/darkmod.pk4 [vfs] searched directory: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/ [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/saintlucia.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/game01-base.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/darkmod.pk4 [vfs] searched directory: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/ [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak008.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak007.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak006.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak005.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak004.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak003.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak002.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak001.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak000.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/game03.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/game02.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/game01.pk4 [vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/game00.pk4 filesystem initialised => Module VirtualFileSystem initialised. EntityClassDoom3::initialiseModule called. searching vfs directory 'def' for *.def [eclassmgr] attribute inherit already set on entityclass atdm:moveable_wearables_helmet_elitecity watch [scopedDebugTimer] "EntityDefs parsed: " in 1.189 seconds model intro_scientist inherits unknown model char_npc [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_belt_small_mp specifies parent ammo_belt_small which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_bullets_large_mp specifies parent ammo_bullets_large which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_bullets_small_mp specifies parent ammo_bullets_small which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_cells_large_mp specifies parent ammo_cells_large which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_cells_small_mp specifies parent ammo_cells_small which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_clip_large_mp specifies parent ammo_clip_large which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_clip_small_mp specifies parent ammo_clip_small which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_grenade_small_mp specifies parent ammo_grenade_small which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_rockets_large_mp specifies parent ammo_rockets_large which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_rockets_small_mp specifies parent ammo_rockets_small which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_shells_large_mp specifies parent ammo_shells_large which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_shells_small_mp specifies parent ammo_shells_small which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class atdm:moveable_cannonball specifies parent tdm_moveable_base_fixed which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_bfgfreq_cinematic specifies parent damage_bfgFreq which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_bfgsplash_cinematic specifies parent damage_bfgSplash which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_bfgsplash_mp specifies parent damage_bfgSplash which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_grenadedirect_mp specifies parent damage_grenadeDirect which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_grenadesplash_inhand specifies parent damage_grenadeSplash which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_grenadesplash_inhand_mp specifies parent damage_grenadeSplash_mp which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_grenadesplash_mp specifies parent damage_grenadeSplash which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_rocketdirect_mp specifies parent damage_rocketDirect which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_rocketsplash_mp specifies parent damage_rocketSplash which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_soulsplash_mp specifies parent damage_soulSplash which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class intro_scientist specifies parent char_labcoat_young which is not found. [eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class prop_elemental_light specifies parent light_elemental which is not found. => Module EntityClassManager initialised. Initialising module: FileTypes FileTypeRegistry::initialiseModule called. => Module FileTypes initialised. Initialising module: SceneGraph SceneGraph::initialiseModule called => Module SceneGraph initialised. Initialising module: SelectionSystem Initialising module: Grid GridManager::initialiseModule called. => Module Grid initialised. RadiantSelectionSystem::initialiseModule called. => Module SelectionSystem initialised. RadiantModule::initialiseModule called. EventManager: Warning: Event ToggleClipper is not a Toggle. EventManager: Warning: Event MouseTranslate is not a Toggle. EventManager: Warning: Event MouseRotate is not a Toggle. EventManager: Warning: Event MouseDrag is not a Toggle. => Module Radiant initialised. PreferenceSystem::initialiseModule called => Module PreferenceSystem initialised. Doom3ShaderSystem::initialiseModule called [scopedDebugTimer] "ShaderFiles parsed: " in 2.018 seconds 8205 shaders found. => Module ShaderSystem initialised. ShaderCache::initialiseModule called. => Module ShaderCache initialised. GlobalCameraManager::initialiseModule called. => Module Camera initialised. Initialising module: ConversationEditor ConversationEditor::initialiseModule called. => Module ConversationEditor initialised. Initialising module: DifficultyEditor DifficultyEditor::initialiseModule called. => Module DifficultyEditor initialised. Initialising module: Doom3BrushCreator Initialising module: UndoSystem UndoSystem::initialiseModule called => Module UndoSystem initialised. BrushModuleClass::initialiseModule called. => Module Doom3BrushCreator initialised. Initialising module: Doom3EntityCreator Initialising module: Map Map::initialiseModule called. Cannot register command SavePosition1, this command is already registered. Cannot register command SavePosition2, this command is already registered. Cannot register command SavePosition3, this command is already registered. Cannot register command SavePosition4, this command is already registered. Cannot register command SavePosition5, this command is already registered. Cannot register command SavePosition6, this command is already registered. Cannot register command SavePosition7, this command is already registered. Cannot register command SavePosition8, this command is already registered. Cannot register command SavePosition9, this command is already registered. Cannot register command SavePosition10, this command is already registered. => Module Map initialised. Doom3EntityCreator::initialiseModule called. => Module Doom3EntityCreator initialised. Initialising module: Doom3MapLoader Initialising module: LayerSystem LayerSystem::initialiseModule called. => Module LayerSystem initialised. Initialising module: PatchModuleDef2 Doom3PatchDef2Creator::initialiseModule called. => Module PatchModuleDef2 initialised. Initialising module: PatchModuleDef3 Doom3PatchDef3Creator::initialiseModule called. => Module PatchModuleDef3 initialised. MapDoom3API::initialiseModule called. => Module Doom3MapLoader initialised. Initialising module: EClassTree EClassTree::initialiseModule called. => Module EClassTree initialised. Initialising module: EntityList EntityListModule::initialiseModule called => Module EntityList initialised. Initialising module: FilterSystem [filters] Loaded 15 filters from registry. => Module FilterSystem initialised. Initialising module: ImageLoaderBMP ImageLoaderBMP::initialiseModule called. => Module ImageLoaderBMP initialised. Initialising module: ImageLoaderDDS ImageLoaderDDS::initialiseModule called. => Module ImageLoaderDDS initialised. Initialising module: ImageLoaderGDK ImageLoaderGDK::initialiseModule called. => Module ImageLoaderGDK initialised. Initialising module: ImageLoaderJPG ImageLoaderJPG::initialiseModule called. => Module ImageLoaderJPG initialised. Initialising module: ImageLoaderPCX ImageLoaderPCX::initialiseModule called. => Module ImageLoaderPCX initialised. Initialising module: ImageLoaderTGA ImageLoaderTGA::initialiseModule called. => Module ImageLoaderTGA initialised. Initialising module: MainFrame Initialising module: MainFrameLayoutManager MainFrameLayoutManager::initialiseModule called. => Module MainFrameLayoutManager initialised. MainFrame::initialiseModule called. => Module MainFrame initialised. Initialising module: MapResourceManager MapResourceManager::initialiseModule called. => Module MapResourceManager initialised. Initialising module: ModelCache Initialising module: ModelLoaderASE PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderASE initialised. => Module ModelLoaderASE initialised. Initialising module: ModelLoaderLWO PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderLWO initialised. => Module ModelLoaderLWO initialised. Initialising module: ModelLoaderMD5MESH MD5Model::initialiseModule called. => Module ModelLoaderMD5MESH initialised. ModelCache::initialiseModule called. => Module ModelCache initialised. Initialising module: ModelLoader3DS PicoModelLoader: ModelLoader3DS initialised. => Module ModelLoader3DS initialised. Initialising module: ModelLoaderFM PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderFM initialised. => Module ModelLoaderFM initialised. Initialising module: ModelLoaderMD2 PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderMD2 initialised. => Module ModelLoaderMD2 initialised. Initialising module: ModelLoaderMD3 PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderMD3 initialised. => Module ModelLoaderMD3 initialised. Initialising module: ModelLoaderMDC PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderMDC initialised. => Module ModelLoaderMDC initialised. Initialising module: ModelLoaderMS3D PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderMS3D initialised. => Module ModelLoaderMS3D initialised. Initialising module: ModelLoaderOBJ PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderOBJ initialised. => Module ModelLoaderOBJ initialised. Initialising module: ModelLoaderPICOTERRAIN PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderPICOTERRAIN initialised. => Module ModelLoaderPICOTERRAIN initialised. Initialising module: ModelSkinCache Doom3SkinCache::initialiseModule called [skins] Loading skins. [skins] Warning: '}' found where shader name expected in skin: green_dchair => Module ModelSkinCache initialised. Initialising module: NamespaceFactory NamespaceFactory::initialiseModule called. => Module NamespaceFactory initialised. Initialising module: ObjectivesEditor ObjectivesEditorModule::initialiseModule called. => Module ObjectivesEditor initialised. Initialising module: ParticlesManager ParticlesManager::initialiseModule called [particles] Failed to parse examples.prt: DefTokeniser: Assertion failed: Required "particle", found "material" [particles] Failed to parse weapons.prt: DefTokeniser: Assertion failed: Required "particle", found "material" [scopedDebugTimer] "Particle definitions parsed: " in 0.378 seconds => Module ParticlesManager initialised. Initialising module: ScriptingSystem ScriptingSystem::initialiseModule called. ScriptingSystem: Python interpreter initialised.Cannot register statement Example, this statement is already registered. Registered script file commands/example.py as Example ScriptModule: Found 1 commands. => Module ScriptingSystem initialised. Initialising module: SoundManager SoundManager::initialiseModule called [scopedDebugTimer] "Sound definitions parsed: " in 0.455 seconds 2824 sound shaders found. => Module SoundManager initialised. Initialising module: StimResponseEditor StimResponseModule::initialiseModule called. => Module StimResponseEditor initialised. Default screen has 1 monitors. Monitor 0 geometry: 1152x720 at 0, 0 ToolbarManager: Instantiating toolbar: view ToolbarManager: Instantiating toolbar: edit OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = none GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation GL_RENDERER: GeForce 9600 GSO/PCI/SSE2 GL_VERSION: 3.0.0 GL_EXTENSIONS: ... MainFrame: Activating layout Embedded ToolbarManager: Instantiating toolbar: texture OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = none OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = 32bpp OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = noneDefinition not found: init.py executed EventManager: Shortcuts found in Registry: 333 DarkRadiant is evidently installed in a folder separate from Doom, but I don't know if that is the cause of the problem.
  23. can somebody fix the mainpage of our site? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19469-new-layout-error/

    1. nbohr1more
    2. Springheel


      It's under construction at the moment.


  24. Looking at the code, the originals were "pm_mantle_pull 750" and "pm_mantle_pullFast 450". The new "pm_mantle_pull" value is "400". A "pm_mantle_pullFast" value of "450" would be slower than regular pull, not faster. With both being set to "400", they are at least similar. Other than that, it's subjective and the feedback from playtesters was positive. Also, referenced internally here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22256-movementcontrols-settings-in-main-menu/&do=findComment&comment=489158
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