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  1. DarkRadiant 3.9.0 is ready for download. What's new: Feature: Add "Show definition" button for the "inherit" spawnarg Improvement: Preserve patch tesselation fixed subdivisions when creating caps Improvement: Add Filters for Location Entities and Player Start Improvement: Support saving entity key/value pairs containing double quotes Improvement: Allow a way to easily see all properties of attached entities Fixed: "Show definition" doesn't work for inherited properties Fixed: Incorrect mouse movement in 3D / 2D views on Plasma Wayland Fixed: Objective Description flumoxed by double-quotes Fixed: Spinboxes in Background Image panel don't work correctly Fixed: Skins defined on modelDefs are ignored Fixed: Crash on activating lighting mode in the Model Chooser Fixed: Can't undo deletion of atdm_conversation_info entity via conversation editor Fixed: 2D views revert to original ortho layout each time running DR. Fixed: WX assertion failure when docking windows on top of the Properties panel on Linux Fixed: Empty rotation when cloning an entity using editor_rotatable and an angle key Fixed: Three-way merge produces duplicate primitives when a func_static is moved Fixed: Renderer crash during three-way map merge Internal: Replace libxml2 with pugixml Internal: Update wxWidgets to 3.2.4 Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/3.9.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks to all the awesome people who keep creating Fan Missions! Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Keep on mapping!
  2. Okay, you fellow taffers. I'm not promising anything amazing, but I'll give it a try. I'd prefer to leave the Corbin-focused missions to Springheel and the rest of the main Corbin FM authors. I'll use the contest as an excuse to work on that FM I was preparing for my Partners in Crime series.
  3. I just had a quick look at the usage in my missions: s_mindistance = 0 is set on some speakers used for weather sounds (e.g. wind), probably because it didn't make sense for that sound to fade. But I think setting both s_mindistance and s_maxdistance to the same value and also setting s_omni to '1' would probably have been a better way to do it. The prefab furniture/tables/desk3.pfbx (and desk3_old) has both s_mindistance and s_maxdistance set to 0 by default. I guess it is meant to be tweaked by the mapper and I didn't notice it. the prefab mechanical/machines/printing_press.pfb has a speaker called 'speaker_machine_stop' and both s_mindistance and s_maxdistance are set to 0 by default. Looks like I missed that one too.
  4. I implemented a tool to replace spawnarg automatically. Here is the list of missions using the paradigm of settings zero sound spawnargs: I wonder: does it happen automatically in DarkRadiant somehow? Or everyone explicitly specify zero? And if you intentionally specify zero, what do you want to achieve this it?
  5. Hope everyone has the blessing of undying motivation for "The Dark Mod 15th Anniversary Contest". Can't wait to see the many magnificent missions you all may have planned. Good luck, with an Ace!

  6. On an offtopic note: I always liked those, also in non-contest missions. Wished every FM author would add them to their mission release threads.
  7. I’ll throw my hat in the ring! It’d be delightful to create a mission to celebrate TDM’s anniversary, especially after how kindly I was received here. I’m excited to see what creative missions will be produced for the contest with the freedom we’ve been allotted.
  8. The Dark Mod 15th Anniversary Contest! To celebrate our 15th year, we are holding a fan mission contest! The Dark Mod project trundles onward for it’s 15th year in a row. In that time we have improved our game engine in countless ways and have grown to over 170 missions! To celebrate our perseverance and the years of improvements to come, we are hosting a contest to mark 15 years since the 1.0 release! Now is your time to demonstrate the mission design that best exemplifies your personal style and capabilities! Please consider entering this event! Unlike most recent contests, there is no defined theme and we are simply going to score based on our standard metrics of Story, Gameplay, and Visuals with our standard weighted scoring: Max Possible = Total Votes * 5 (Outstanding) TotalMaxPointsPoss (TMP) = AllCategoryVotecount(ACV) * 30 Full Weighted Score (FWS) = (Gameplay score*3 + Visual score*2 + Story score) / TMP Contest Submissions should be provided before October 16th so that players can start playing and celebrating on the 17th! The players have been keen to relay that they would like really creative missions so it may be worthwhile to examine our “Community Unusual Contest” to get an idea about the wild range of possibilities we offer to designers. Also, since the contest submission is in October, there will probably be an increased desire for Horror themes. The Dark Mod 2.12 was just released so including new 2.12 features is strongly encouraged. Finally, it might be nice if authors name their protagonist Corbin to match the included missions. ( None of the above suggestions are requirements for the submissions. ) Please post your intention to enter in this thread. Thank you! The Poll on this is to demonstrate the intended design used in the mission release threads.
  9. Yet another breaking change, I'm afraid: 6346 Sounds have a bunch of parameters: minDistance maxDistance volume shakes soundClass The base value for each parameter is set in sound shader. However, it can be overridden with a different value in spawnargs (e.g. "s_volume" "-10") or in C++ engine code with SetSoundVolume (used extensively for footsteps). Unfortunately, Doom 3 engine has a special case: setting some parameter to zero means it will not override the base value. So there is no way to override sound volume with 0, because setting zero would mean "use value from sound shader", while setting 0.1 or -0.1 would mean "use volume = 0.1 or -0.1". This behavior causes confusion. It is especially bad when volume is set programmatically, because e.g. volume of player footsteps is computed as a sum of many modifiers (run, crouch, creep, in water, etc.) and it is hard to be sure you don't get zero sum in the end. The idea is to fix this mess and add a "don't override" special value in the system. Speaking of spawnargs, it would work like this: "s_volume" "13.4" = override with value 13.4 "s_volume" "0" or "s_volume" "0.0" = override with zero "s_volume" "" (empty string) = don't override Right now there are tons of zero values set in these spawnargs. It is not clear where the author intended to override with zero, and where he wanted to drop inherited override and use base value. I guess for compatibility reasons I'll have to replace spawnargs "s_volume" "0" with "s_volume" "" in all missions.
  10. Ah, pity I wasn't reading the forums back in February. I'm fond of that game, along with Bugbear's other early title, Rally Trophy. I was never too good at FlatOut, but it was always a hoot to play.
  11. I liked the atmosphere, build up of tension, without actual scares. Although, when I started, and got into Captain's quarters... I read the readable and thought.... Okay, so there are 11 sailor thugs, only to find a lot more in the house, and wonder what the heck. Maybe I didn't scroll it? I liked the dialogue too, but I was a little disappointed that the interior didn't match the description, it wasn't until I returned for the first time did it change to match. And I expected some sort of ghost or ghoul to pop up. Then the transition, and when I went looking for the spot, I noticed the way it was highlighted. =D That was pretty funny TBH. Then - Two missions in one was a bigger surprise than I expected. How does it even work? The only thing I don't get is the finale, but I suppose that's the point.
  12. And making it possible for the new electric lights to be broken adds a psychological problem: how will players know that they are breakable if in 99% missions they are not? Recall lootable paintings and frob-extinguishable unmoveable candles.
  13. Hello again I just want you guys to double check fms because i think files got mixed up Localization Packs: Vengeance for a Thief Part 1 its says it is for a pawn in the game localization pack String table English (iso-8859-1) for: Vengeance for a Thief Part 1: A Pawn in the Game But it is under VFAT1: The Angel's Tear download I have looked in my fm archieve and i foun fm named The Accountant: Part 1 - A Noble Home (prologue) It is not listed in download section. any idea about this one ?? is it a part of accountant campaign ? Is it obsolete ? or it is missed ? Also i came across Samhain Night on Bone Hill By PranQster Version: 0.9.7 Back again to version matter. Maybe it is not important to keep versions, maybe it is. For me it is important as i am updating my archive of fms so it is nice to just see version straight away than looking in every pk4 file for it. Also it would be very helpful just to add in download section beside released date, update date as well Maybe Sir You just like me. You look but you can not see TDM Fan Mission Lists: Released and Upcoming Thread https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Fan_Missions_for_The_Dark_Mod
  14. Hi Ansome. Congrats on the release. It's a nice little mission. Hey all, if you like this fan mission, please consider logging in to ThiefGuild.com and leave a 1-10 rating. This will help to grab attention of others on the main page of the site. The Terrible Old Man page: https://www.thiefguild.com/fanmissions/64085/the-terrible-old-man Thanks! Konrad
  15. I couldn't help thinking of another realism related suggestion, don't know if it was discussed before but it seemed like an interesting idea. If this were to be changed on existing lights by default, it would have minor gameplay implications, but the sort that make missions easier in a fair way. So... electric lights: Like the real ones of the era, they're implied to use incandescent light bulbs... the kind that in reality will explore and shatter upon the smallest impact, and which like real lamps are encased in glass or paper. In any realistic scenario, shooting a broadhead arrow at a lamp or even throwing a rock at it would cause it to go through the glass and break the light bulb inside. Is it wrong to imagine TDM emulating this behavior as a gameplay mechanic? Just as you can shoot water arrows at flame based lights to put them out, you'd shoot broadhead arrows at electric lights to disable them... you must however hit the glass precisely, there's no room for error and it must be a perfect shot. As a way to compensate for the benefit, AI can treat this as suspicious and become alert if seeing or hearing a lamp break, or finding a broken lamp at any time if that's deemed to provide better balance. A technical look at implementing this: Just as broadhead arrows can go and stick through small soft objects such as books, they should do the same if you hit the glass material on a lamp, while of course still bouncing off if you hit metal: Lamp glass would need a special material flag that sends a signal to the entity upon collisions but allows arrows to go through, unlike glass in other parts of the world which is meant to act as solid and changing that everywhere would break a lot of things. When pierced by an arrow, the lamp should immediately turn itself off while playing a broken glass sound and spawning a few glass particles. The glass material should be hidden if the model is a transparent surface, or replaced with a broken glass texture in case the glass is painted on a lamp model without an interior... obviously this would be done by defining a broken skin for the entity to switch to. This does imply a few complexities which should be manageable: Existing lamps supporting this behavior will need new skins and in a few cases new textures, the def must include a new skin variable similar to the lit / unlit skins in this case a broken skin. Any electric light may be connected to a light switch, we don't want toggling the switch to bring the light bulb back to life... as such a flag to permanently disable triggering the light from that point on would be required. For special purposes such as scripted events to reset the world, we should allow an event to unbreak lamps, setting their state back to being lit / unlit while re-enabling trigger toggling. What do you think about this idea and who else wants it? Would it be worth the trouble to try and implement? If so should it only be done for new lights or as a separate entity definition of existing ones, or would the change be welcome retroactively for existing missions without players and FM authors alike feeling it makes them too easy?
  16. When I open the entitylist DR freezes a while while loading the entitylist. On very large missions this can be very long. At that moment at first it seemed the whole system freezes, but I found that I can still use the rest of the system with the keyboard, but not with the mouse. System: Manjaro Linux xfce Version DR: 3.8 Flatpack install
  17. the firts thing i think of ! in the wiki the " available TDM-Missions " list shows contest relations , but i think it´s not mentioned for every Mission that has partaken on a contest ( ?!?) if trudnicki has found another resource with full listing : please report ! P.S. !!! there´s the : Fan Mission Contests page on wiki
  18. Congratulations on your mission, hard to believe its your first, well done. Thanks for all your hard work, I hope to see more missions from you.
  19. Seems like the reddit voters are hoping that new missions will be "out there, strange, new". I guess they would've wanted a new "Unusual Contest". Regardless of the winning theme, voters will probably be giving higher marks for "crazy new stuff".
  20. Since I'm bored and haven't posted in a while and yet still finished Thief 4 a few times, I feel compelled to post. In response to a number of observations @Rio_Walker made: Seeing your hands and all the animations newGarrett would do was fun... at first. But given all the looting and environmental interactions the game has it really did slow things down a lot, especially when the game would occasionally realign the player just perfectly before playing an animation to open a drawer. If they had an option to disable these animations or speed them up significantly I'd have been happy. I've played using the Custom difficulty with the option to disable focus and the experience is kinda mixed. While it does make things a bit more traditional without the superpower ability to find loot more easily, it does seem like the game is designed very much for focus and disabling it can hide things you never even knew were present. If it weren't for the focus for example, I would never have noticed the "special" candles hidden around the city that talk when you light them. This game reminds me of a movie that has been reshot several times with footage from separate reshoots blended together with bad editing. It's painfully clear the story has been chopped and changed over the many years of its development and there's assets in the game that clearly had greater importance in a previous iteration but for which their plot points were cut. The most obvious example is the automatons. There's a dude who provides missions on obtaining pieces for one he's building, but apart from that there's also signs in other areas they had more importance (e.g. you see rooms full of them when going up an elevator, the Baron has disassembled ones on tables in his cutscene, etc.) Some plot elements just feel not fleshed out because they had to cobble together something to create this Frankenstein's monster of a game from so many elements. The ending sucks and is incredibly abrupt. Do we even know what the deal is with that half-built ship? Probably another abandoned plot point. With all of its problems, I still kinda like it in so far as its general gameplay. But it doesn't have the longevity of something like TDM or the classic Thief games especially with all the user missions available for them. Oh well, maybe I'm just pining for what it could have been in the hands of a better developer.
  21. Alright, I've tried this about two days ago and I had quite the fun in it. I think saying anything will be a spoiler, so my whole review will be a spoiler itself, here you go: Overall, it's a great short fan mission, it captures the Lovecraftian atmosphere very well, I always loved Lovecraft horror and I hope to see more from you!
  22. On wikipage https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Tdm_mapsequence.txt it states: and in the example code: It seems it's possible to define something like this: Mission 1: tunnel street prison Mission 2: lake warehouse1 Mission 3: warehouse2 ending where tunnel, street and prison are different map files and part of the first mission in a campaign of 3 missions. So since it's not fully supported, I wonder what is actually supported by tdm.
  23. I have updated the thread with poll options. Please vote I even though I have given-up on the connections part of this, it might be nice if authors used Corbin as the protagonist to at least pay homage to the included missions.
  24. Finished this up yesterday and for the most part, found it enjoyable. The puzzles weren't too hard as your clues were good for them. Thank you for all your hard work and I look forward to more missions from you.
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